how to append log details in log file in MFC (VC++)? - visual-c++

i have created one method to write to Log file but each time it overrite the log details , i want to create a new entry everytime for logging details.My log method is as below :
void CNDSConnectDlg::WriteLogData()
CString strUserName = "";
FILE * pFile = NULL;
int iErr = 0;
iErr = fopen_s(&pFile,"NDSLog.txt","w");
if (iErr == 0)
CString strConnectionStatus = "";
CString strServerAddress = "";
CString strDateTime = "";
if(m_bConnectionStaus == true)
strConnectionStatus = "Success";
strConnectionStatus = "Failure";
fputs("UserName = " + strUserName + " connected to "
"ServerAddress = " +strServerAddress + " at "
"Date/Time = " + strDateTime + " "
"ConnectionStatus = " +strConnectionStatus + " ",pFile);
fclose (pFile);
MessageBox("Error in writing to Log","NDS",MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
Any help is highly appreciated .
Thanks in Advance.

Open file with "a" (append) instead of "w".

Open file with a+ instead of a.


How to copy media (videos) from app sandbox storage to DCIM dir

I am downloading videos from my server in the application sandbox storage, at this path:
final String filePath = this.getExternalFilesDir("videos") + "/" + name + ".mp4";
Now, I want to copy some specific files from the path above to another folder in DCIM so users can discover the videos in the gallery.
I am able to create that file, but I don't understand how to copy and move the file.
File dir = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM), "MyFolder");
if (!dir.exists()) {
boolean rv = dir.mkdir();
Log.d(TAG, "Folder creation " + ( rv ? "success" : "failed"));
Can anyone help?
Solved it using standard Java IO stream.
String inputFile = "/" + name + ".mp4";
String inputPath = this.getExternalFilesDir("videos") + "";
String outputPath = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM), "MyFolder") + "";
private void copyFile(String inputFile, String inputPath, String outputPath) {
try {
File dir = new File(outputPath);
if (!dir.exists()) {
if (!dir.mkdirs()) {
try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputPath + inputFile)) {
try (OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputPath + inputFile)) {
File source = new File(inputPath + inputFile);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int read;
long length = source.length();
long total = 0;
while ((read = != -1) {
total += read;
int progress = (int) ((total * 100) / length);
if (progress == 100) {
Toast.makeText(VideoActivity.this, "Completed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
outputStream.write(buffer, 0, read);
} catch (Exception e) {

JavaScript Batch-Renaming in a Folder

I have pairs of strings that need to be replaced in the file names of a given folder, e.g. BUL to Bg-bg, ENG to En-us, etc. There are 12 such pairs. I have found a script to take care of a single pair of replacement but whenever I am trying to add more arguments, it somehow only loops through one and renames just one matching string. Cannot figure our a simpler code that would accept all replacement string pairs at once without creating a separate loop for each pair. Any ideas would be appreciated.
var sFolderName, sStringToFind;
var nResult;
sFolderName = "E:\\Users\\Username\\Desktop\\Sample"; // directory name
sStringToFind1 = "BUL";
sStringToReplace1 = "Bg-bg";
sStringToFind2 = "ENG";
sStringToReplace2 = "En-us";
nResult = renameFiles(sFolderName, sStringToFind1, sStringToReplace1, sStringToFind2, sStringToReplace2);
WScript.Echo(nResult + " files renamed");
// Function Name: renameFiles
// sFolder: Folder Name (use double backslashes)
// sString1: String to search for
// sString2: String to replace
// Returns: Number of files renamed
function renameFiles(sFolder, sString1, sString2, sString3, sString4) {
var oFSO, oFile, oFolder;
var re, index;
var sName;
var i = 0, n;
oFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder);
try {
index = new Enumerator(oFolder.Files);
for (; !index.atEnd(); index.moveNext()) {
oFile = index.item();
sName = oFile.Name;
n = sName.indexOf(sString1);
if(n != -1) {
try {
sName = sName.substring(0, n) + sString4 +
sName.substr(n + sString3.length);
oFile.Name = sName;
} catch(e) {
WScript.Echo("Can not rename file " + sName + " because\n" + e.description);
index = new Enumerator(oFolder.Files);
for (; !index.atEnd(); index.moveNext()) {
oFile = index.item();
sName = oFile.Name;
n = sName.indexOf(sString3);
if(n != -1) {
try {
sName = sName.substring(0, n) + sString4 +
sName.substr(n + sString3.length);
oFile.Name = sName;
} catch(e) {
WScript.Echo("Can not rename file " + sName + " because\n" + e.description);
catch(e) {
WScript.Echo("Could not access folder " + sFolder + " because\n" + e.description);
return 0;
} finally {
oFSO = null;
re = null;
return i;
You could use replace() and do all replacements inside the same loop:
function renameFiles(sFolder, sString1, sString2, sString3, sString4) {
var oFSO, oFile, oFolder;
var re, index;
var sName;
var i = 0, n;
oFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder);
try {
index = new Enumerator(oFolder.Files);
for (; !index.atEnd(); index.moveNext()) {
oFile = index.item();
sName = oFile.Name;
sName = sName.replace(sString1, sString2);
sName = sName.replace(sString3, sString4);
if (oFile.Name != sName) {
oFile.Name = sName;
catch(e) {
WScript.Echo("Could not access folder " + sFolder + " because\n" + e.description);
return 0;
} finally {
oFSO = null;
re = null;
return i;
Or you could use an array os pairs, and iterate through these pairs and pass any number of pairs...
renameFiles(sFolder, [
[sStringToFind1, sStringToReplace1],
[sStringToFind2, sStringToReplace2],
// ...,
[sStringToFindN, sStringToReplaceN],
function renameFiles(sFolder, arrayOfPairs) {
var oFSO, oFile, oFolder;
var re, index;
var sName;
var i = 0, n;
oFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder);
try {
index = new Enumerator(oFolder.Files);
for (; !index.atEnd(); index.moveNext()) {
oFile = index.item();
sName = oFile.Name;
for (var j = 0; j < arrayOfPairs.length; j++) {
sName = sName.replace(arrayOfPairs[j][0], arrayOfPairs[j][1]);
if (oFile.Name != sName) {
oFile.Name = sName;
catch(e) {
WScript.Echo("Could not access folder " + sFolder + " because\n" + e.description);
return 0;
} finally {
oFSO = null;
re = null;
return i;

Async calls in c#

When I execute the code I developed to call an Async method of the linq2Twitter, I am getting a System.Aggregate Exception, the code is below:
static async Task<List<myTwitterStatus>> getRetweets(ulong tweetID, TwitterContext twitterCtx)
List<myTwitterStatus> reTweets = new List<myTwitterStatus>();
var publicTweets =
(from tweet in twitterCtx.Status
where tweet.Type == StatusType.Retweets &&
tweet.ID == tweetID
select tweet)
if (publicTweets != null)
publicTweets.ForEach(tweet =>
if (tweet != null && tweet.User != null)
myTwitterStatus tempStatus = new myTwitterStatus();
tempStatus.Country = tweet.Place.Country;
tempStatus.createdAt = tweet.CreatedAt;
tempStatus.FavoriteCount = long.Parse(tweet.FavoriteCount.ToString());
tempStatus.ID = tweet.ID;
tempStatus.isTruncated = tweet.Truncated;
tempStatus.Lang = tweet.Lang;
tempStatus.MaxID = tweet.MaxID;
tempStatus.PlaceFullname = tweet.Place.FullName;
tempStatus.RetweetCount = tweet.RetweetCount;
tempStatus.ScreenName = tweet.ScreenName;
tempStatus.Text = tweet.Text;
tempStatus.UserFriends = tweet.User.FriendsCount;
tempStatus.UserCreated = tweet.User.CreatedAt;
tempStatus.UserFollowers = tweet.User.FollowersCount;
tempStatus.UserFavorities = tweet.User.FavoritesCount;
tempStatus.UserFriends = tweet.User.FriendsCount;
tempStatus.UserLocation = tweet.User.Location;
tempStatus.UserName = tweet.User.Name;
tempStatus.UserTweetCount = tweet.User.StatusesCount;
return reTweets;
The issue is when I called the method
var authorizer = new SingleUserAuthorizer
CredentialStore = new InMemoryCredentialStore
ConsumerKey = SM.Default.Consumer_key2.ToString(),
ConsumerSecret = SM.Default.Consumer_secret2.ToString(),
OAuthToken = SM.Default.Access_token2.ToString(),
OAuthTokenSecret = SM.Default.Access_secret2.ToString()
TwitterContext twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(authorizer);
Task<List<myTwitterStatus>> task = Task<List<myTwitterStatus>>.Factory.StartNew(() => getRetweets(ulong.Parse(tweet.StringId), twitterCtx).Result);
List<myTwitterStatus> tempList = task.Result.ToList<myTwitterStatus>();
foreach (var ret in tempList)
un = file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.UserName);
sn = file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.ScreenName);
tweets.AppendLine(account + "," + getWE(ret.createdAt) + "," + Text + "," + un + "," + sn + "," + ret.createdAt + "," +
file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.UserLocation) + ",,,1,," + ret.UserTweetCount + "," +
ret.RetweetCount + "," + ret.FavoriteCount + "," + ret.UserFollowers);
I would appreciate any kind of assistance about it, I have no idea how to solve it.
Can you add a try/catch so see what the inner exception is.
//Perform your operation here
catch (AggregateException aex)
//Dive into inner exception
Thanks to all for the help, I activate the breakpoints for the specific exception and an additional validation was added, the issue was not in the async process, it was because it was trying to handle a null as an string, to hendle this error this line was modified sn = file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.ScreenName ?? string.Empty);
The full code is below:
private void getRetweets(TwitterStatus tweet)
Text = file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(tweet.Text);
tweetID = tweet.StringId;
#region Get retweets
RetweetsOptions retOpt = new RetweetsOptions();
if (int.Parse(tweet.RetweetCountString.ToString()) > 1)
retOpt.Count = int.Parse(tweet.RetweetCountString.ToString()) + 1;
retOpt.Count = 1;
String errorText = "";
DateTime fromDate, toDate;
if (radDate.Checked == true)
fromDate = dtpFrom.Value;
toDate = dtpTo.Value;
fromDate = tweet.CreatedDate;
toDate = DateTime.Now;
TwitterResponse<TwitterStatusCollection> retweet = null;
if (int.Parse(tweet.RetweetCountString.ToString()) > 100)
var authorizer = new SingleUserAuthorizer
CredentialStore = new InMemoryCredentialStore
ConsumerKey = SM.Default.Consumer_key2.ToString(),
ConsumerSecret = SM.Default.Consumer_secret2.ToString(),
OAuthToken = SM.Default.Access_token2.ToString(),
OAuthTokenSecret = SM.Default.Access_secret2.ToString()
TwitterContext twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(authorizer);
Task<List<myTwitterStatus>> task = null;
() =>
task = getRetweets(ulong.Parse(tweet.StringId), twitterCtx);
while (!task.IsCompleted)
List<myTwitterStatus> tempList = task.Result.ToList<myTwitterStatus>();
foreach (var ret in tempList)
un = file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.UserName);
sn = file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.ScreenName ?? string.Empty);
tweets.AppendLine(account + "," + getWE(ret.createdAt) + "," + Text + "," + un + "," + sn + "," + ret.createdAt + "," +
file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.UserLocation) + ",,,1,," + ret.UserTweetCount + "," +
ret.RetweetCount + "," + ret.FavoriteCount + "," + ret.UserFollowers);
}catch(Exception ex){
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message+ Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
retweet= TwitterStatus.Retweets(tokensRet, Decimal.Parse(tweet.Id.ToString()), retOpt);
if (retweet.Result.ToString() == "Success" && retweet.ResponseObject.Count > 0 && retweet!=null)
int retPages = int.Parse(tweet.RetweetCountString.ToString()) + 1 / 20;
for (int page = 0; page <= retPages; page++)
//List<TwitterStatus> retList = new List<TwitterStatus>(retweet.ResponseObject.Page = page);
retweet.ResponseObject.Page = page;
List<TwitterStatus> retList = retweet.ResponseObject.ToList<TwitterStatus>();
foreach (var ret in retList)
if (ret.CreatedDate.CompareTo(fromDate) >= 0 && ret.CreatedDate.CompareTo(toDate) <= 0)
#region Get UN Sync
getUN(ret, ref un, ref sn);
tweets.AppendLine(account + "," + getWE(ret.CreatedDate) + "," + Text + "," + un + "," + sn + "," + ret.CreatedDate + "," +
file.RemoveSpecialCharacters(ret.User.Location.ToString()) + ",,,1,," + ret.User.NumberOfStatuses.ToString() + "," +
ret.RetweetCount + "," + ret.User.NumberOfFavorites.ToString() + "," + ret.User.NumberOfFollowers.ToString());
else if (tweet.CreatedDate.CompareTo(toDate) <= 0)//if the tweet's created date is lower than the from's date, exits the loop
catch (NullReferenceException ex)
errorText = ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
catch (Exception ex)
errorText = ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
//MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Rate Limit was reached!" + Environment.NewLine +
// "Wait an hour or try a shorter date range", "Rate Limit Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
else if (error == false && retweet.Result.ToString() != "Success")
errorText = retweet.Result.ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Retweets: Something went wrong!" + Environment.NewLine + errorText, "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
error = true;

Convert a number in scientific notation to numeric format in Excel using a macro or VBA

MS Excel has eaten my head. It is randomly converting numbers into scientific notation format. This causes a problem when I load the file saved in tab delimited format into SQL Server. I know I can provide a format file and do lot of fancy stuff. But let's say I can't.
Is there a macro which loops over all the cells and if the number in a cell is in scientific notation format then it converts it to numeric format?
Input: spaces signify different cells.
1.00E13 egalitarian
Output after macro:
10000000000000 egalitarian
I am trying this in Excel 2007.
I wrote a simple C# program to resolve this issue. Hope it's of use.
Input directory where files reside (assuming files are in .txt format).
Output directory where converted files will be spit out.
Column delimiter.
The code
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConvertToNumber
class Program
private static string ToLongString(double input)
string str = input.ToString().ToUpper();
// If string representation was collapsed from scientific notation, just return it:
if (!str.Contains("E"))
return str;
var positive = true;
if (input < 0)
positive = false;
string sep = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
char decSeparator = sep.ToCharArray()[0];
string[] exponentParts = str.Split('E');
string[] decimalParts = exponentParts[0].Split(decSeparator);
// Fix missing decimal point:
if (decimalParts.Length == 1)
decimalParts = new string[] { exponentParts[0], "0" };
int exponentValue = int.Parse(exponentParts[1]);
string newNumber = decimalParts[0].Replace("-","").
Replace("+","") + decimalParts[1];
string result;
if (exponentValue > 0)
result =
newNumber +
GetZeros(exponentValue - decimalParts[1].Length);
result = "-"+
newNumber +
GetZeros(exponentValue - decimalParts[1].Length);
else // Negative exponent
result =
"0" +
decSeparator +
GetZeros(exponentValue + decimalParts[0].Replace("-", "").
Replace("+", "").Length) + newNumber;
result =
"-0" +
decSeparator +
GetZeros(exponentValue + decimalParts[0].Replace("-", "").
Replace("+", "").Length) + newNumber;
result = result.TrimEnd('0');
float temp = 0.00F;
if (float.TryParse(result, out temp))
return result;
throw new Exception();
private static string GetZeros(int zeroCount)
if (zeroCount < 0)
zeroCount = Math.Abs(zeroCount);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < zeroCount; i++) sb.Append("0");
return sb.ToString();
static void Main(string[] args)
//Get Input Directory.
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the Input Directory");
var readLine = Console.ReadLine();
if (readLine == null)
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the input path properly.");
var pathToInputDirectory = readLine.Trim();
//Get Output Directory.
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the Output Directory");
readLine = Console.ReadLine();
if (readLine == null)
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the output path properly.");
var pathToOutputDirectory = readLine.Trim();
//Get Delimiter.
Console.WriteLine("Enter the delimiter;");
var columnDelimiter = (char) Console.Read();
//Loop over all files in the directory.
foreach (var inputFileName in Directory.GetFiles(pathToInputDirectory))
var outputFileWithouthNumbersInScientificNotation = string.Empty;
Console.WriteLine("Started operation on File : " + inputFileName);
if (File.Exists(inputFileName))
// Read the file
using (var file = new StreamReader(inputFileName))
string line;
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
String[] columns = line.Split(columnDelimiter);
var duplicateLine = string.Empty;
int lengthOfColumns = columns.Length;
int counter = 1;
foreach (var column in columns)
var columnDuplicate = column;
if (Regex.IsMatch(columnDuplicate.Trim(),
Console.WriteLine("Regular expression matched for this :" + column);
columnDuplicate = ToLongString(Double.Parse
Console.WriteLine("Converted this no in scientific notation " +
"" + column + " to this number " +
catch (Exception)
duplicateLine = duplicateLine + columnDuplicate;
if (counter != lengthOfColumns)
duplicateLine = duplicateLine + columnDelimiter.ToString();
duplicateLine = duplicateLine + Environment.NewLine;
outputFileWithouthNumbersInScientificNotation = outputFileWithouthNumbersInScientificNotation + duplicateLine;
var outputFilePathWithoutNumbersInScientificNotation
= Path.Combine(pathToOutputDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFileName));
//Create the directory if it does not exist.
if (!Directory.Exists(pathToOutputDirectory))
using (var outputFile =
new StreamWriter(outputFilePathWithoutNumbersInScientificNotation))
Console.WriteLine("The transformed file is here :" +
This works fairly well in case of huge files which we are unable to open in MS Excel.
Thanks Peter.
I updated your original work to:
1) take in an input file or path
2) only write out a processing statement after every 1000 lines read
3) write the transformed lines to the output file as they are processed so a potentially large string is not kept hanging around
4) added a readkey at the end so that console does not exit automatically while debuggging
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConvertScientificToLong
class Program
private static string ToLongString(double input)
string str = input.ToString().ToUpper();
// If string representation was collapsed from scientific notation, just return it:
if (!str.Contains("E"))
return str;
var positive = true;
if (input < 0)
positive = false;
string sep = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;
char decSeparator = sep.ToCharArray()[0];
string[] exponentParts = str.Split('E');
string[] decimalParts = exponentParts[0].Split(decSeparator);
// Fix missing decimal point:
if (decimalParts.Length == 1)
decimalParts = new string[] { exponentParts[0], "0" };
int exponentValue = int.Parse(exponentParts[1]);
string newNumber = decimalParts[0].Replace("-", "").
Replace("+", "") + decimalParts[1];
string result;
if (exponentValue > 0)
if (positive)
result =
newNumber +
GetZeros(exponentValue - decimalParts[1].Length);
result = "-" +
newNumber +
GetZeros(exponentValue - decimalParts[1].Length);
else // Negative exponent
if (positive)
result =
"0" +
decSeparator +
GetZeros(exponentValue + decimalParts[0].Replace("-", "").
Replace("+", "").Length) + newNumber;
result =
"-0" +
decSeparator +
GetZeros(exponentValue + decimalParts[0].Replace("-", "").
Replace("+", "").Length) + newNumber;
result = result.TrimEnd('0');
float temp = 0.00F;
if (float.TryParse(result, out temp))
return result;
throw new Exception();
private static string GetZeros(int zeroCount)
if (zeroCount < 0)
zeroCount = Math.Abs(zeroCount);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < zeroCount; i++) sb.Append("0");
return sb.ToString();
static void Main(string[] args)
//Get Input Directory.
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the Input Directory or File Path");
var readLine = Console.ReadLine();
if (readLine == null)
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the input path properly.");
var pathToInputDirectory = readLine.Trim();
//Get Output Directory.
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the Output Directory");
readLine = Console.ReadLine();
if (readLine == null)
Console.WriteLine(#"Enter the output path properly.");
var pathToOutputDirectory = readLine.Trim();
//Get Delimiter.
Console.WriteLine("Enter the delimiter;");
var columnDelimiter = (char)Console.Read();
string[] inputFiles = null;
if (File.Exists(pathToInputDirectory))
inputFiles = new String[]{pathToInputDirectory};
inputFiles = Directory.GetFiles(pathToInputDirectory);
//Loop over all files in the directory.
foreach (var inputFileName in inputFiles)
var outputFileWithouthNumbersInScientificNotation = string.Empty;
Console.WriteLine("Started operation on File : " + inputFileName);
if (File.Exists(inputFileName))
string outputFilePathWithoutNumbersInScientificNotation
= Path.Combine(pathToOutputDirectory, Path.GetFileName(inputFileName));
//Create the directory if it does not exist.
if (!Directory.Exists(pathToOutputDirectory))
using (var outputFile =
new StreamWriter(outputFilePathWithoutNumbersInScientificNotation))
// Read the file
using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(inputFileName))
string line;
int lineCount = 0;
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
String[] columns = line.Split(columnDelimiter);
var duplicateLine = string.Empty;
int lengthOfColumns = columns.Length;
int counter = 1;
foreach (var column in columns)
var columnDuplicate = column;
if (Regex.IsMatch(columnDuplicate.Trim(),
//Console.WriteLine("Regular expression matched for this :" + column);
columnDuplicate = ToLongString(Double.Parse
//Console.WriteLine("Converted this no in scientific notation " +
// "" + column + " to this number " +
// columnDuplicate);
if (lineCount % 1000 == 0)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("processed {0} lines. still going....", lineCount));
catch (Exception)
duplicateLine = duplicateLine + columnDuplicate;
if (counter != lengthOfColumns)
duplicateLine = duplicateLine + columnDelimiter.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("The transformed file is here :" +
Console.WriteLine(#"Hit any key to exit");
An easier way would be to save it as a .csv file. Then, instead of just opening the file - you go to the Data tab and select "from text" so that you can get the dialogue box. This way you can identify that column with the scientific notation as text to wipe out that format. Import the file and then you can reformat it to number or whatever you want.

how to extract Paragraph text color from ms word using apache poi

i am using apache POI , is it possible to read text background and foreground color from ms word paragraph
I got the solution
HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(fs);
WordExtractor we = new WordExtractor(doc);
Range range = doc.getRange();
String[] paragraphs = we.getParagraphText();
for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Paragraph pr = range.getParagraph(i);
int j=0;
while (true) {
CharacterRun run = pr.getCharacterRun(j++);
System.out.println("Color---"+ run.getColor());
System.out.println("getFontName---"+ run.getFontName());
System.out.println("getFontSize---"+ run.getFontSize());
if( run.getEndOffset()==pr.getEndOffset()){
I found it in :
CharacterRun run = para.getCharacterRun(i)
i should be integer and should be incremented so the code will be as follow :
int c=0;
while (true) {
CharacterRun run = para.getCharacterRun(c++);
int x = run.getPicOffset();
System.out.println("pic offset" + x);
if (run.getEndOffset() == para.getEndOffset()) {
if (paragraph != null)
int numberOfRuns = paragraph.NumCharacterRuns;
for (int runIndex = 0; runIndex < numberOfRuns; runIndex++)
CharacterRun run = paragraph.GetCharacterRun(runIndex);
string color = getColor24(run.GetIco24());
GetColor24 Function to Convert Color in Hex Format for C#
public static String getColor24(int argbValue)
if (argbValue == -1)
return "";
int bgrValue = argbValue & 0x00FFFFFF;
int rgbValue = (bgrValue & 0x0000FF) << 16 | (bgrValue & 0x00FF00)
| (bgrValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("#");
String hex = rgbValue.ToString("X");
for (int i = hex.Length; i < 6; i++)
return result.ToString();
if you are working on docx(OOXML), you may want to take a look on this:
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument
fun test(){
try {
val file = File("file.docx")
val fis = FileInputStream(file.absolutePath)
val document = XWPFDocument(fis)
val paragraphs = document.paragraphs
for (para in paragraphs) {
println("-- ("+para.alignment+") " + para.text)
para.runs.forEach { it ->
"text:" + it.text() + " "
+ "(color:" + it.color
+ ",fontFamily:" + it.fontFamily
+ ")"
} catch (e: Exception) {
