Linux: list all available window managers - linux

How do I get a list of all available windows managers on a linux system (Of course this would mostly not be needed but - I don't have root permissions).
Very difficult to search on Google as all results returned are for "list of window managers for linux".
Clarification: I am looking for a command that lists "All window managers that are installed" on the system that I am working on.
Interested to know it's distro dependent. My distro is RedHat.
cat /proc/version
(Linux version 2.4.21-40.ELsmp ( (gcc version 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-53)) #1 SMP Wed Mar 15 13:46:01 EST 2006)

It really depend on your particular distribution or OS.
Say, on debian and ubuntu one uses:
$ update-alternatives --list x-window-manager

A couple more places I found on Debian:
grep "^Exec" /usr/share/xsessions/*
grep -l "section=.Window Managers." /usr/share/menu/*
(In the second, we may want to check the command= part of each file.)
And on an old Gentoo I noticed:
find /etc/X11/Sessions/* -printf '%f\n'

Depends on your distribution/package manager. Most package managers will probably not even have a category "window managers".
Anyway, in gentoo you'd do:
$ eix -I -C x11-wm --only-names

On Slackware there is nice xwmconfig, but I'm not sure if it exists on other distributions.


Portable UUID on Linux

On Windows and MacOSX it is trivial to retrieve some kind of UUID per machine:
On Windows (regedit):
$ ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | grep IOPlatformUUID
However on Linux this is much more complex. So far I have found the following:
On dbus based system:
$ cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
On x86 based system (requires root power):
$ sudo cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid
On PowerPC based system:
$ cat /proc/device-tree/serial-number
What's really odd, is that UUID for the main board on x86-based arch is restricted to root user, but can be accessed using regular user via hal ($ lshal | grep 'system\.hardware\.serial'). While at the same time, all disk UUIDs can be accessed ($ ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/) and serial number can be accessed from any user on PowerPC-based arch.
So is there any portable UUID I can use on Linux ? dbus may or may not be installed, I need to read this value from a non-root user, and it needs to remains the same across reboot (/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id is therefore not an option).
Looks like systemd is now installed on most Linux distributions these days, therefore i can rely on /etc/machine-id being present and readable from a regular user.

How do I tell whether my cygwin installation is 32 or 64 bit?

How do I tell whether my cygwin installation is 32 or 64 bit?
I don't remember which setup.exe to download. And I would hate to mess up my cygwin installation.
uname -m
And it should say x86_64 in the output if it's 64-bit, or i686 if 32-bit.
Run uname -m. If your cygwin install is 64-bit, the output will be x86_64. If it's 32-bit, you will instead see i386, i486, i586, or i686.
The other answers address the OP's question, but if you're like me and use both flavors of Cygwin, it's useful to know which one you're using for more than just running setup.exe. If I know my script is running on Cygwin, I prefer
uname -m
because it gives me only "x86_64" or "i686" as output. I can use that in an "if" block like this:
if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ]; then do something; fi
Of course, you can also use "uname -a" with "grep" in an if statement. It's a matter of personal preference.
NateT gives the correct command to "print the machine hardware name" according to "uname --help":
uname -m
I get "x86_64" or "i686", but who knows whether those strings will change? Here's the entire output of "uname -a". The WOW64 tells you it's 32-bit Cygwin on 64-bit Windows. On 32-bit you've got no choice, right? ; - )
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 Pegasus 1.7.32(0.274/5/3) 2014-08-13 23:03 i686 Cygwin
Update: (Thanks to theDrake.) Ironically, since around Feb 2015 the WOW64 in the string has changed to WOW, so although checking for WOW is probably safe now it seems the "machine hardware name" might indeed be safer than the "kernel name".
Cygwin does seem to be take backwards compatibility seriously according to that thread, but also note that under MSYS2 you'd need to rely on the "machine hardware name" anyway and not the "kernel name":
$ uname -a
MSYS_NT-6.1 Pegasus 2.5.0(0.295/5/3) 2016-03-15 11:29 x86_64 Msys

How to get the PID of awesome-wm

I'm trying to get the Process ID of my Awesome Windows Manager and failing miserably at it. Of the examples below I also tried using "awesome-wm" as my search string. I'm pretty sure there is an obvious solution to this.
So far I've tried:
$ pgrep awesome
$ pidof awesome
I also tried:
$ ps ax | grep awesome
$ xprop _NET_WM_PID
With no luck, no output, no PID (xprop desktop click outputs "_NET_WM_PID: not found."). I'm certain its running, because its where I'm performing these tests in. Any ideas?
PS: Im running AWM under Crunchbang, a fork off Debian, if I run:
$ awesome -v && uname -a
I get:
awesome debian/3.4.13-1 (Octopus)
• Build: Jul 16 2012 13:57:50 for x86_64 by gcc version 4.7.1 (#keller)
• D-Bus support: ✔
Linux tzl 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.46-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
As it turns out the answer was that SLiM, which #! uses to control its Window Managers is using x-session-manager.
The name of the process I was looking for was not 'awesome', it was 'x-session-manager'.
So a quick:
$ wmctrl -m
Name: awesome
Class: N/A
PID: 3091
Window manager's "showing the desktop" mode: N/A
Solving my PID troubles.
How about trying:
ps -e | grep awesome
This should list all of the processes in your computer and then you can search for awesome using grep.

Better way to check linux version?

What I currently have. Is this the best way? Have a script with lots of functions and need a way to know what OS is running before running each function.
architecture=`uname -m`
if [ "$architecture" != "x86_64" ] && [ "$architecture" != "ia64" ]; then
if [ `uname -r | egrep '(6.2-RELEASE|6.1-RELEASE|5.5-RELEASE|6.1-STABLE|5.4-RELEASE|6.0-RELEASE|5.3-RELEASE|4.10-RELEASE|4.11-RELEASE)'` ]; then
$BIN_ECHO " System is running FreeBSD"
elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
$BIN_ECHO " System is running Debian Linux"
elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then
$BIN_ECHO " System is running SuSE Linux"
elif [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then
$BIN_ECHO " System is running Fedora Linux"
elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
$BIN_ECHO " System is running Red Hat Linux"
$BIN_ECHO -e " no supported distribution found running "
exit 1
From the Linux Standard Base article at wikipedia:
The Linux Standard Base (LSB) is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of the Linux Foundation to standardize the software system structure, including the filesystem hierarchy, used with Linux operating system. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas.
According to the LSB:
The goal of the LSB is to develop and promote a set of open standards that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions and enable software applications to run on any compliant system even in binary form. In addition, the LSB will help coordinate efforts to recruit software vendors to port and write products for Linux Operating System.
If you are using some LSB compliant distribution (and you should), just man lsb_release:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS
Release: 8.04
Codename: hardy
$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.1-amd64:graphics-3.1-ia32:graphics-3.1-noarch
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description: CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
Release: 5.5
Codename: Final
You are looking for the config.guess utility. It will reliably determine the architecture and OS, and give you a standardized moniker which many other tools use. It will not tell you precisely which Linux distribution you have, but you should not need that information -- please explain what you are using it for, and I can give further advice.
There isn't an absolutely reliable way to check the Linux distribution and its version.
$ head -n1 /etc/issue
Actually, it depends on the type of linux OS you are running. To me, best way to get the version of linux you are on is from /etc/redhat-release if you are on Redhat. For other,
Redhat: Test for /etc/redhat-release, check contents
Debian: Test for /etc/debian_version, check contents
Mandriva: Test for /etc/version, check contents
Slackware: Test for /etc/slackware-version, check contents
Generally speaking, check for /etc/*-release and /etc/*-version
Probably most correct and easiest way is to follow Free Standards Group, and use lsb-release:

How to get Linux distribution name and version?

In Windows I read the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName to get the full name and version of the OS.
But in Linux, the code
struct utsname ver;
retVal = ver.sysname;
returns the string linux, not Ubuntu 9.04.
How can I get the Linux distribution name and version?
cat /etc/lsb-release
You can also try
lsb_release -a
cat /proc/version
lsb_release -ds ; uname -mr
on my system yields the following from the bash (terminal) prompt:
Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
2.6.32-41-generic x86_64
trying this way is an interesting one and less restrictive than lsb-release.
$ cat /etc/*-release
What's the purpose of getting that information?
If you're trying to detect some features or properties of the system (e.g. does it support some syscall or does it have some library), instead of relying on output of lsb_release you should either:
try to use given features and fail gracefully (e.g. dlopen for libraries, syscall(2) for syscalls and so on)
make it a part of your ./configure check if applicable (standard FOSS way of automatically recognizing system features/properties)
Note that the first way above applies even if your software is binary-only.
Some code examples:
dl = dlopen(module_path, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!dl) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open module: %s\n", module_path);
funcptr = dlsym(dl, module_function);
if (!funcptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find symbol: %s\n", module_function);
You can even gracefully test for CPU opcodes support, read e.g. ,
Not sure I followed exactly what you're after but I think you just want the "all" flag on uname:
uname -a
/etc/os-release is available on at least both CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04, which makes it more cross-platform than lsb_release (not on CentOS) or /etc/system-release (not on Ubuntu).
$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="17 (Beefy Miracle)"
PRETTY_NAME="Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle)"
cat /etc/issue
cat release file to display Linux distro version
$ cat /etc/*-release
lsb_release will return Linux distribution name and version
$ lsb_release -a
hostnamectl will return Linux distribution name and version
$ hostnamectl
To print certain system information
$ uname -a
-s, --kernel-name print the kernel name
-n, --nodename print the network node hostname
-r, --kernel-release print the kernel release
-v, --kernel-version print the kernel version
-m, --machine print the machine hardware name
-p, --processor print the processor type (non-portable)
-i, --hardware-platform print the hardware platform (non-portable)
-o, --operating-system print the operating system
To find out Static hostname, Chassis, Mchine ID, Virtualization, OS, Kernel, Architecture
$ cat /proc/version
