project.compileClasspathElements defaults between Maven 2 and 3 - scope

I inherited a Maven project/module that failed when I switched from Maven 2 to Maven 3. It hinges on the execution of an external program that depends on the contents of project/module/target/classpath.txt. This file is generated by a custom plugin that uses ${project.compileClasspathElements}.
In Maven 2 this contained:
[all my dependencies in my local repository]
But in Maven 3, the classpath.txt file only contains:
In other words, the file is missing all the actual dependencies, save for the build directory. Was there a change between Maven 2 and Maven 3 regarding project.compileClasspathElements? How can I get all the dependencies back so that it will work like Maven 2?
[This question was edited to reflect the source of classpath.txt, which I only just discovered.]

Just encountered this issue when migrating a maven 2 plugin that executes during the package phase. Fixed by adding
#requiresDependencyResolution compile+runtime
to the Mojo, e.g.
* blah blah blah
* #goal validate-security
* #phase package
* #requiresDependencyResolution compile+runtime
public class SecurityValidationMojo extends AbstractMojo { ... }
If this annotation is present but no scope is specified, the scope defaults to runtime. If the annotation is not present at all, the mojo must not make any assumptions about the artifacts associated with a Maven project.


can we import the specified classes jar file from another mincroanut project to an micronaut project

I have 2 micronaut (groovy ) projects , called project A and project B
Project B has controllers and services ( package com.service , com.controller )
but I only created jar from package com.service
the code in com.service package has #Singleton annotation and #Scheduled
and I has enabled annotation processing as link ( to both projects
please see my gradle code below to generate JAR file ( the output file is project-b-libs-0.x.jar)
task createLibraryJar(type: Jar) {
baseName( getArchivesBaseName() + "-libs")
from sourceSets.main.output
includeEmptyDirs = false
include '**/service/**/*.class'
Then I added proejct-b-libs-0.x.jar to Project A
The gradle's dependencies are below
dependencies {
annotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-inject-java"
compileOnly files('libs/project-b-libs-0.4.jar')
compile "io.micronaut:micronaut-inject"
Finally after I tried call #Inject Object from the class in JAR file, it showed error on run time
Caused by: io.micronaut.context.exceptions.BeanContextException: Error
loading bean [com.service.TestService]:
Project A has com.service.TestService to call com.service.StripePaymentService which is in JAR file
Sorry for my English and Thank you to trying to understand me
compile files('libs/project-b-libs-0.4.jar')
I just use compile , not compileOnly , and can not use jar file from gralde script above when I extract jar file , some mincronaut's stuff is missing
so I try another gradle task's script as below ( change from include to exclude )
task createLibraryJar(type: Jar) {
baseName( getArchivesBaseName() + "-libs")
from sourceSets.main.output
includeEmptyDirs = false
exclude '**/controller/**/*.class'
and it works because the micronaut's stuff still in JAR file, I only exclude unnecessary classes from my jar file

Android studio, gradle tries to download non existed sha1 from maven url

I am trying to add library to my project (this one)
I added proper url to build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
Then I am trying to use it in project
implementation ('com.ramimartin.multibluetooth:AndroidMultiBluetoothLibrary:2.0.4-SNAPSHOT') {
exclude group: ''
exclude module: 'appcompat-v7'
exclude module: 'support-v4'
However, every time I sync project with gradle files, it tries to download metadata for all files under this maven url:
Metadata of 186 ms
Download 80 ms
Download 71 ms
And the result is tons of errors, during downloading sha1 (but I still can run my app which uses described library and it works):
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "<html"
When I run building from command line (./gradlew build) there is no errors.
My questions are:
1) What is this magic sha1 file? Why it can't be downloaded and why gradle tries to do it everytime?
2) How to get rid off this errors?
this sha1 file most likely is a HTTP 404 page. just exclude from that dependency and substitute it with the default one, from repository mavenCentral():
implementation ""
implementation ("com.ramimartin.multibluetooth:AndroidMultiBluetoothLibrary:2.0.4-SNAPSHOT") {
exclude group: "", module: "espresso-core"
exclude group: "", module: "appcompat-v7"
exclude group: "", module: "support-v4"

Specify ivy configuration in gradle dependency

I want to resolve dependencies from ivy repository but I don't know how to specify ivy configuration for it. I found that I should do it in this way:
myconf group: '', module:'MyModule', version:'1.0.0', configuration: 'ivyconf'
but it doesn't work. When I run gradle dependencies command gradle returns this error:
Could not create a dependency using notation: {, module=MyModule, version=1.0.0, configuration=ivyconf}
My build doesn't use plugins. I want to download dependencies in simple build which should create product from downloaded dependencies.
Build looks like this:
group = ''
version = '0.9a'
configurations {
repositories {
ivy {
url 'http://ivyrepo.local/ivyrep/shared'
layout "pattern", {
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]"
dependencies {
myconf group: '', module:'MyModule', version:'1.0.0', configuration: 'ivyconf'
Instead of module, it has to be name. (see "49.4. How to declare your dependencies" in the Gradle User Guide). The declared configuration (myConf) must match the configuration used in the dependencies block (installer).

cucumber jvm CucumberException: No features found at []

In my cucumber -jvm, Maven, junit Setup I have my testRunner file as
package com.lebara.testrunner;
import cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
glue = {"com.lebara.stepdefs","com.lebara.framework.main", "com.lebara.testrunner"},
features = "C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources",
format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json-pretty:target/cucumber-report.json"},
tags = {"#UserJourney"}
public class RunCukesTest {
I have my feature file in the above mentioned directory.
If I run it, I get the following exception:
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No features found at [C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources/cucumber]...
If I remove the "features" option in the testrunner, it tries to look for feature files in the same directory as my
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No features found at [com/lebara/testrunner]
And if I put the feature files there, it works.
My question is why is my feature file not being picked up from my previous location, which I thought to be the default file structure for cucumber - maven setup.
How do I make it pick up from there? Help appreciated.
Where exactly are your test runner and feature files? I've got the following setup which works perfectly:
The Maven/Cuke conventions will have the tests executed from the tests/java directory and the feature files found in the test/resources directory. My test runner is basically the same as yours but with less options:
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
#Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty"})
public class TestRunner { }
Hope this helps if you hadn't already found an answer.
I have a setup similar to yours (not using the Maven/Cucumber conventions). In my options, I don't specify the path from root, but from the project's source folder where the features are held. It makes sense, since otherwise the tests would only be runnable from your machine.
In your case, I think it should be:
features = "src/main/resources"
Just add features = { "classpath:features/feature.feature"}, and the feature must under test/resources/features/feature.feature.
format = {"pretty", "html:target/html"},
features = {"classpath:features/feature.feature"},
snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE
Note classpath.
When you compile your code if you are using maven open up target/test-classes/features and you will see feature.feature
//Removing the space between "**classpath**" and "**:com/**" helped.
features = {"classpath:com/tk/feature/"}, //NOTE: NO SPACE
glue = {"classpath:"},
plugin = {
public class RunAPITests {}
If you are providing the complete path of the feature file i.e.
"C:/Users/sarthak.dayanand/Documents/WebRefreshTest/CukeAutomation/LebaraWebAutomationTest1/src/main/resources" as in your query, try again by replacing the '/' character with '\\'(double back slash) as below.
This is a git repo which uses the latest cucumber version : Cucumber- Example
Clone this repo and run it in your local machine. The #Given is defined and it should pass. The #Then and #When should be shown as undefined.
This is how the output for it should look :
Output for the Belly feature
Use the structure mentioned :
src / test / java/ io /cucumber / {Step definitions java and run cucumber test files here}
src /test / resources/ io/ cucumber / {feature files here}
You can run the gradle build using ./gradlew clean build
and the cucumber test using ./gradlew clean test --info
If this works, then use the same format in your project.
Just changing .Feature to .feature the problem got resolved for me.
Also make sure the path for feature is righly mention in CucumberOptions as per your feature folder
Some of the online tutorial have mentioned .Feature which brings this problem
so changing the case will solve this problem
There is another instance in which 'Feature Not Found' error occurs. I am posting the solution under this answer as there is no similar question.
I got this error when trying to run the Runner file first time after setting up Cucumber project in Maven. The solution i found was as follows: Go to the folder in which the 'feature' file is present in Windows Explorer. Check the size of the feature file you are trying to run. If the size is '0' KB, it will show the 'Feature Not Found' error. Make some changes to file until a value greater than zero is displayed. Run again after making changes.
features = {"src/main/resources/cucumber/features"},//your feature path
tags = "not #Wip",
glue = {"classpath:steps"},
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber/html"})
You must set the feature directory correctly
By putting the feature file under src/test/java where the runner and steps file or
by putting it under src/main/java the problem will get resolved.

Create multiple .WAR files with different dependencies in Gradle

I am using the war plugin to generate a simple .WAR file for my project in gradle. I'd like to know how to configure gradle so that I can create 4 different .WAR files with different dependencies.
I've configured the dependency compile configuration with the jars that are needed to go into the distribution. None of the code in the src depends on a couple of these jars but I would like to know how to configure the project to create
a standard.WAR file that contains all of the jars in the dependency graph (Even though they aren't used - that is OK - I am testing something)
another standard-qas-only.WAR file that only contains the qas.jar
another standard-qas-log4j.WAR file that contains qas.jar and log4j
What tasks do i configure to have the artifact generated use a particular dependency configuration?
FYI: The only jar that is required for compilation is qas.jar in this case.
My example below creates a war file that only includes one jar but i'd like to have 5 different .war files generated with different jars.
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'war'
dependencies {
compile files('/lib/qas.jar','/lib/axis1-1.4.jar','/lib/axis2-kernel-1.3.jar','/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar','/lib/log4j-1.2.14.jar')
providedCompile files('/lib/j2ee-1.4.03.jar')
war {
classpath = ['/lib/qas.jar']
task dist(dependsOn: 'war') << {
copy {
from war.archivePath
into "dist/"
I got a bit confused on how many WAR distributions you are actually trying to build. You can easily modify it to create additional WAR files. Here's one approach to make this happen:
task createStandardWar(type: War, dependsOn: classes) {
baseName = 'standard'
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/dist")
task createStandardWarQasOnly(type: War, dependsOn: classes) {
baseName = 'standard-qas-only'
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/dist")
classpath = war.classpath.minus(files('/lib/axis1-1.4.jar','/lib/axis2-kernel-1.3.jar','/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar','/lib/log4j-1.2.14.jar'))
task createStandardWarQasAndLog4J(type: War, dependsOn: classes) {
baseName = 'standard-qas-log4j'
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/dist")
classpath = war.classpath.minus(files('/lib/axis1-1.4.jar','/lib/axis2-kernel-1.3.jar','/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar'))
task createDists(dependsOn: [createStandardWar, createStandardWarQasOnly, createStandardWarQasAndLog4J])
This build script excerpt creates three different WAR files by declaring enhanced tasks of type War. It assumes that you still want to have your compiled source files under WEB-INF/classes within the WAR files so I didn't remove it from the classpath. The distributions end up in the directory build/dist. The task createDists creates all of them.
