New to Haskell, don't understand why I'm getting an infinite type error - haskell

module Main where
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev (x:[]) = x
rev (x:xs) = (rev xs):x
lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
main = do
print (rev lst)
I'm working my way through 99 Haskell Problems and trying to write a function to reverse a list (yes, I am aware there's one already in the prelude).
My problem is that when I try to compile the code above (or just type the function definition into GHCi), I get:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a = [a]
In the expression: rev :: [a] -> [a]
In the definition of `it': it = rev :: [a] -> [a]
I'm not quite sure where I'm going wrong with my types to get this error. I'm guessing it has something to do with how I'm pattern matching, but I don't know why.

Travis is correct regarding the specific error, but for the sake of anyone who finds this question later when searching for "infinite type errors", here's what that (seemingly cryptic) message means:
A function having type variables in its signature means that it doesn't care what type it receives there--it doesn't inspect the values of that type, they're just black boxes. However, when actually using such a function, the type variables will be nailed down to something more concrete on a per-use basis. Specific types aren't required, though--the type variables can also be filled in with other type variables. This unification process is part of type inference and lets the compiler combine unknown type variables in different parts of the program.
Errors that occur when binding type variables can often seem cryptic at first, particularly when GHC attempts to combine variables in the same type signature. For instance:
If the compiler tries to unify two distinct variables, it will complain about "rigid type variables bound by a type signature", which means that it can't unify the two types because you explicitly told it they were distinct.
If the compiler tries to unify a type variable with a subset of itself, such as deciding that the type variable a should be the same as [a], it will complain about an infinite type, which just means that naive unification says that a is actually [a] is actually [[a]] is actually [[[a]]]... and so on.

The problem is that the type of (:) is a -> [a] -> [a], but your third line (rev (x:xs) = (rev xs):x) would need it to be [a] -> a -> [a].
The function you want is commonly called snoc (i.e. the opposite of cons, which is the name for (:) in the Lisp world). It's not provided for lists in the Haskell standard libraries, but you can easily do the same thing with (++):
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev (x:[]) = [x]
rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x]
EDIT: There was also a problem in the second line, as Landei points out in the comments: you were returning the element, not a list containing the element.


(Haskell) Can't understand error : No instance for (Ord a) arising from a use of ‘’

I'm trying to code a function that takes a list of string (containing actions to do on the lists inside the tuple) and a tuple of 2 lists of Int as parameters (testReturn).
The function is supposed to execute an action on the Int lists, checks if the first list in the tuple is in ascending order, and then returns a boolean depending on the result.
This code doesn't compile, and I'm not sure about a few things.
My code :
testReturn :: [[Char]] -> ([a], [b]) -> Bool
testReturn [] b = orderedCheck $ fst b
testReturn (a:as) b
| a == "sa" = testReturn as (saFunc $ fst b, snd b)
orderedCheck :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
orderedCheck [] = True
orderedCheck [x] = True
orderedCheck (x:y:xs) = x <= y && orderedCheck (y:xs)
saFunc :: [a] -> [a]
saFunc x
| length x <= 1 = x
saFunc (x:y:xs) = (y:x:xs)
I know that the orderedCheck and saFunc functions work
I'm concerned about :
[[Char]] : Not sure if writing this is right or not, and not sure if it really means a list of strings.
orderedCheck $ fst b : this is the part where I have a GHC error : "No instance for (Ord a) arising from a use of ‘orderedCheck’ ",I looked around and I can't understand what does it mean.
I heard somewhere else that the use of fst and snd may be a bit edgy (is it?), but I don't know how to do without it.
Could you guys please help me understand my errors in order to fix my code?
[[Char]] : Not sure if writing this is right or not, and not sure if it really means a list of strings.
Yes, it does mean a list of strings - that is, the type [String]. This is the same as [[Char]] because in Haskell String and [Char] are type synonyms, literally different ways of referring to the exact same thing. So putting a pair of square brackets round each (to denote a list of that type) also leads to two equivalent types.
String is usually considered more idiomatic than [Char] when writing Haskell code, but it's not a big deal. (Even if you use String everywhere, the compiler might still use [Char] when reporting errors, so it's important to know about this equivalence.)
orderedCheck $ fst b : this is the part where I have a GHC error : "No instance for (Ord a) arising from a use of ‘orderedCheck’ ",I looked around and I can't understand what does it mean.
It's exactly as #Ismor said in the comments - but as I have a little more space in an answer I'll try to give a slightly longer, clearer explanation.
You are calling orderedCheck with the value fst b. And orderedCheck, by your own (correct) type signature, has type (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool. That means its argument must be a list, whose elements are of a type a which satisfies the constraint Ord a.
But you are using it on fst b in testReturn. b is the second argument to the function, which from its type signature must be of type ([a], [b]). This means fst b must be of type [a] - which is a list, so so far so good. But as just mentioned, that type a must have an instance of Ord. And unfortunately we can't guarantee that, because your type signature - [[Char]] -> ([a], [b]) -> Bool - allows both a and b to be absolutely anything. If this code compiled, that type signature would allow me to call that function as, for example, testReturn ["Example"] ([putStrLn "foo"], []) - but putStrLn "foo" has type IO (), which certainly has no Ord instance. (Unless you provide one in your code, which doesn't sound like a great idea - but even if you did, you could easily find another type with no Ord instance which would lead to the same problem.)
The only way to fix this is to fix the type signature of testReturn - it can't actually accept any type as a, because that type must have an Ord instance. So include that requirement, and you'll be fine:
testReturn :: (Ord a) => [[Char]] -> ([a], [b]) -> Bool
(As #MarkSeemann notes, that's exactly the signature GHC would have inferred for you if you'd left out any type signature. I certainly don't recommend leaving off type signatures for top-level functions, but if you're ever not sure of what the signature should be, this technique of leaving it out and then asking GHCi to infer it for you with :t is almost guaranteed to give you what you want.)
I heard somewhere else that the use of fst and snd may be a bit edgy (is it?), but I don't know how to do without it.
I'm not sure what "edgy" means in this context. It's certainly not "wrong", nor is it dangerous in the same way that head and tail are for lists - those functions will crash (at runtime) when given an empty list, whereas fst and snd will work fine for any 2-tuple (and if given a value that's not a 2-tuple, your code will fail to compile - so there is zero risk of a runtime crash).
However, it's not very elegant compared to pattern-matching, which here is rather like "destructuring" in other languages. I think most Haskellers would write your function like this instead, which is equivalent to your code and hopefully self-explanatory:
testReturn [] (b, _) = orderedCheck b
testReturn (a:as) (b, c)
| a == "sa" = testReturn as (saFunc b, c)
(Note that this function appears incomplete, and will crash if called with a non-empty first argument whose first element is anything other than "sa".)

Haskell Programming Assignment, "Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘[a0] -> Int’ "and a few more Errors

The assignment I have: A function numOccurences that takes a value and a list, returning the number of times that value appears in the list. I am learning haskell and am getting frustrated, this is my code for this:
numOccurences:: b -> [a] -> Int
numOccurences n [ls]
|([ls] !! n==True) = (numOccurences(n (tail [ls])))+1
|otherwise = 0
The errors I am getting are as follows:
A few pointers:
First, in your type signature, using different type variables (i.e. b and a) creates the possibility that you could look for occurrences of a value of one type, in a list with another type, which in this case is not what you want. So instead of two type variables, you just want to use one.
Second, whatever the concrete type of your list is, whether it's [Char], [Int], etc., it needs to be equatable (i.e. it needs to derive the Eq typeclass), so it makes sense to use the class constraint (Eq a) => in your type signature.
Third, since we're traversing a list, let's use pattern matching to safely break off the first element of the list for comparison, and let's also add a base case (i.e. what we do with an empty list), since we're using recursion, and we only want the recursive pattern to match as long as there are elements in our list.
Lastly, try to avoid using indexing (i.e. !!), where you can avoid it, and use pattern matching instead, as it's safer and easier to reason about.
Here's how your modified function might look, based on the above pointers:
numOccurences :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int
numOccurences _ [] = 0
numOccurences n (x:xs)
| n == x = 1 + numOccurences n xs
| otherwise = numOccurences n xs

Determine if value is an element of a list in Haskell

I'm trying to write a function that will determine if an element exists in a list, both of which being provided by the user. I think a recursive solution is best. This is what I have:
isElement :: a -> [b] -> Bool
isElement a [] = False
isElement a (x:xs) = if a == x then True
else isElement a xs
But it can't compile. The error is "Couldn't match expected type -a' with actual type -b'". I don't know what this means or how to fix the problem.
You code technically works. It's the type signature that's giving you trouble here.
First, here's the working code:
isElement :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
isElement a [] = False
isElement a (x:xs) = if a == x then True
else isElement a xs
I changed two things:
The first thing to keep in mind when working with Haskell's linked lists (the datatype that uses []) is that they can only contain elements of the same type. However in your type signature, a ➞ [b] you specify that you require your first element to be of type a and the ones in your list of type b, different from a.
The second thing is to "enable" equality checks with generic types a and b, and GHC will give you a warning with the steps to follow in order to fix that:
• No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘=='
Possible fix:
add (Eq a) to the context of
the type signature for:
isElement :: a -> [a] -> Bool
So what it tells us is to specify that the a type can be compared!
And this is fantastic because we can totally do this by giving that clue to the compiler with the (Eq a) => part in our code, that roughly translates to "given this property (Eq) of datatype a, [insert type signature here]". (feel free to correct me here, people of StackOverflow!)
Your code works, and reimplementing functions with this kind of explicit recursion is how I learned how it worked in the first place, so don't hesitate to learn by rewriting the stuff you use, then check their sources on Hackage to see how real-world haskellers actually do it.
Have fun learning!

Why does the type of a function change when it comes out of a monad in GHCi [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why does `peek` with a polymorphic Ptr return GHC.Prim.Any when used with a bind?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
Something changes about the type of a function when it comes out of a monad.
> :t map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> a <- return map
> :t a
a :: (GHC.Prim.Any -> GHC.Prim.Any)
-> [GHC.Prim.Any] -> [GHC.Prim.Any]
This change makes it hard to store the function in a higher rank type.
What is happening here and can I make it not happen?
(Also doesn't this violate one of the monad laws?)
First of all, there is no point in doing anything like a <- return map - its the same as let a = map, which works just fine. That said, I don't think that is your question...
Checking out the documentation of GHC.Prim.Any which gives us a big hint as to the role of Any.
It's also used to instantiate un-constrained type variables after type
checking. For example, length has type
length :: forall a. [a] -> Int
and the list datacon for the empty list has type
[] :: forall a. [a]
In order to compose these two terms as length [] a
type application is required, but there is no constraint on the
choice. In this situation GHC uses Any
(In terms of type application syntax, that looks like length #Any ([] #Any *))
The problem is that when GHCi sees x <- return map it tries to desugar it to return map >>= \x -> ... but the ... part is whatever you enter next into GHCi. Normally it would figure out what the type variables of map are going to be instantiated to (or whether they even should be instantiated to anything) based the ..., but since it has nothing there.
Another key point that #sepp2k points out is that x can't be given a polymorphic type because (>>=) expects (on its RHS) a rank-1 function, and that means its argument can't be polymorphic. (Loosening this condition pushes you straight into RankNTypes at which point you lose the ability to infer types reliably.)
Therefore, needing x to be monomorphic and having no information to help it instantiate the type variables that prevent x from being monomorphic, it defaults to using Any. That means that instead of (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] you get (Any -> Any) -> [Any] -> [Any].

Head function throwing type match errors Haskell

So basically i'm taking a list of items and adding to a list of tuples to make it more efficient way to store/view the data. My code is
TList :: [a] -> a -> [(a,Int)] -> [(a,Int)]
TList head [a] [] = [(head [a],1)]
TList head [a] ((a',i):xa)
|a' == take 1 = (head 1,i+1):xa
|otherwise = (a',i) : TList drop 1 [a] xa
so my logic is that I take the first item in the list, checks to see if its already in the tuple list, if it is add one to the int. the call the function again but without the first list item
but it keeps giving the error
Couldn't match expected type '[t1] -> a' with actual type '[a]'
it gives this error 5 times, one for each line.
So, this is not a full answer to your question because I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to achieve. But there's a few things wrong with the code and I suggest you start by fixing them and then seeing how it goes:
Function names need to begin with a lower-case letter. Therefore, TList is not a legal name for a function. (Types and type constructors have upper case names). So maybe you want tList?
You are naming one of the parameters head. But head is also a Prelude function and you actually seem to use the head function (head [a]). But your parameter head will shadow the head function. Also head seems like an odd name for a proper list.
head [a] seems odd as head [a] == a. So the head of a list with just one element is always just that element.
I'm guessing you're trying to use drop 1 [a] (if so, you're missing parenthesis). That's odd too because drop 1 [a] == []. drop 1 of a list with just one element is always the empty list.
You're pattern matching the second parameter (type a) with [a] and that can't work because [a] only works with list types [t].
a' == take 1 doesn't really make sense. take 1 needs a list as the second argument take 1 [1, 2, 3] = [1]. So you're comparing something (a) of type a with another thing of type [a] -> [a] (take 1 :: [a] -> [a]).
When you wrote:
TList head [a] [] = ...
You've shadowed the original head function. Thus in this context:
[(head [a],1)]
It tries to evaluate it. I've no idea why haven'y you just used a here, the code is very unclear and it won't compile with that name (uppercase TList), but this is the source of this type mismatch.
