Adding columns to a sybase table with unique auto_identity index option - sap-ase

I've inherited a Sybase database that has the 'unique auto_identity index' option enabled on it. As part of an upgrade process I need to add a few extra columns to the tables in this database i.e.
alter table mytable add <newcol> float default -1 not null
When I try to do this I get the follow error:
Column names in each table must be unique, column name SYB_IDENTITY_COL in table #syb__altab....... is specifed more than once
Is it possible to add columns to a table with this property enabled?
Update 1:
I created the following test that replicates the problem:
use master
sp_dboption 'esmdb', 'unique auto_identity indexoption',true
use esmdb
create table test_unique_ids (test_col char)
alter table test_unique_ids add new_col float default -1 not null
The alter table command here produces the error. (Have tried this on ASE 15/Solaris and 15.5/Windows)
Update 2:
This is a bug in the Sybase dbisql interface, which the client tools Sybase Central and Interactive SQL use to access the database and it only appears to affect tables with the 'unique auto_identity index' option enabled.
To work around the problem use a different SQL client (via JDBC for example) to connect to the database or use isql on the command line.

Should be no problem to ALTER TABLE with such columns; the err msg indicates the problem regards something else. I need to see the CREATE TABLE DDL.
Even if we can't ALTER TABLE, which we will try first, there are several work-arounds.
Hah! Internal Sybase error. Open a TechSupport case.
Make sure you get jthe the exact DDL. sp_help . Note the IDENTITY columns and indices.
Create a staging table, exactly the same. Use the DDL from (1). Exclude the Indices.
INSERT new_table SELECT old_table. If the table is large, break it into batches of 1000 rows per batch.
Now create the Indices.
If the table is very large, AND time is an issue, then use bcp. You need to research that first, I am happy to answer questions afterwards.

When I ran your sample code I first get the error:
The 'select into' database option is not enabled for database 'mydb'. ALTER TABLE with data copy cannot be done. Set the 'select into' database option and re-run
This is no doubt because the data within your table needs copying out because the new column is not null. This will use tempdb I think, and the error message you've posted refers to a temp table. Is it possible that this dboption has been accidentally enabled for the tempdb?
It's a bit of a shot in the dark, as I only have 12.5 to test on here, and it works for me. Or it could be a bug.


How to delete all rows in Cassandra Keyspace

I need to delete all rows in Cassandra but with Amazon Keyspace isn't possible to execute TRUNCATE tbl_name because the TRUNCATE api isn't supported yet.
Now the few ideas that come in my mind are a little bit tricky:
Solution A
select all the rows
cycle all the rows and delete it (one by one or in a batch)
Solution B
CREATE TABLE with the structure of the old table
Do you have any idea to keep the process simplest?
Tnx in advance
If the data is not required. Option B - drop the table and recreate. You can pass in the capacity on create table statment using custom table properties.
CREATE TABLE my_keyspace.my_table (
id text,
division text,
project text,
role text,
manager_id text,
PRIMARY KEY (id,division))
{'throughput_mode' : 'PROVISIONED',
'read_capacity_units' : 10,
'write_capacity_units' : 20},
'point_in_time_recovery': {'status': 'enabled'}}
AND TAGS={'pii' :'true',
Option C. If you require the data you can also leverage on-demand capacity mode which is pay-per request mode. With no request you only have to pay for storage. You can change modes once a day.
ALTER TABLE my_keyspace.my_table
{'capacity_mode': {'throughput_mode': 'PAY_PER_REQUEST'}}
Solution B should be fine in absence of TRUNCATE. In older versions (version prior to 2.1) of Cassandra recreating table with the same name was a problem. Refer article Datastax FAQ Blog. But since then issue has been resolved via CASSANDRA-5202.
If data in table is not required anymore it is better to drop the table and recreate it. Moreover it will be very tedious task if table contains big amount of data.

Saving an existing item in table from dataFrame

I have a dataframes which have few rows among them some already exists in db. I want to update few columns of existing rows. How can we do that?
I see we have SaveModes:
append and override which might serve the purpose but there is a limitation in both the cases.
With append, I am getting primary key error, as this option tries to create a new row in db
With ovverride, I will loose values for the unchanged attributes in the tuple.
Can someone please suggest how can I update few attributes(Columns values) of a row(tuple).?
This can be handled in MySql level, The concept is known as upsert.
case when : primary key is new
The SQL will insert into MySQL DB as new row
Case when : primary key is existing
You can use
Which will update the key with the new entries/changes.
Read More here and here.
The ideal way to such use case is, insert your data into a temporary table first in your MySQL DB and post that use a trigger in order to load that data into original table. Call that trigger from spark itself.
In spark, dataframes are immutable. So you cannot change a value in place. One way would be to read the complete table, make the modification and write back the complete table in overwrite mode. This will take time.
If your modifications are always for a particular group, say user id based or date based, then you can write the data based on that column using partitionBy(). Then you can read that partition using .filter() do the modifications and overwrite only that partition using insertInto() - from pyspark 2.3.0
Refer this answer for other versions for pyspark :Overwrite specific partitions in spark dataframe write method

Azure SQL External Table alternatives

Azure external tables between two azure sql databases on the same server don't perform well. This is known. I've been able to improve performance by defining a view from which the external table is defined. This works if the view can limit the data set returned. But this partial solution isn't enough. I'd love a way to at least nightly, move all the data that has been inserted or updated from the full set of tables from the one database (dbo schema) to the second database (pushing into the altdbo schema). I think Azure data factory will let me do this, but I haven't figured out how. Any thoughts / guidance? The copy option doesn't copy over table schemas or updates
Data Factory Mapping Data Flow can help you achieve that.
Using the AlterRow active and select an uptade method in Sink:
This can help you copy the new inserted or updated data to the another Azure SQL database based on the Key Column.
Alter Row: Use the Alter Row transformation to set insert, delete, update, and
upsert policies on rows.
Update method: Determines what operations are allowed on your
database destination. The default is to only allow inserts. To
update, upsert, or delete rows, an alter-row transformation is
required to tag rows for those actions. For updates, upserts and
deletes, a key column or columns must be set to determine which row
to alter.
Hope this helps.

Access TransferSpreadsheet Excel - Prevent Duplicates?

I am working on an application where there is a desire to automate data entry as much as possible. The wish is to add a button to such entry forms for choosing an excel file to import. I have done this for one interface, and now I'm working on others. I'm looking for the best way to prevent duplicates are imported into a table. For the one I am working on now, it is a simple 2 column import. One method I have used before is to import the spreadsheet into a temp table. Then I can utilize a query to insert where <> . I just wonder if this is the best method to use.
Any thoughts?
Something like this should work. I can tailor it more if you list some more details of your projects.
From "External Data" on the ribbon, link to the excel file.
Then write the following query:
FROM tableExcel AS a
LEFT JOIN table1 AS b ON a.field1 = b.field1
WHERE (((a.field1) Is Null));
Then just attach a macro to the button running the query above.
I ended up finding the solution that will work best. I can put an index on the 2 fields that are getting imported from the spreadsheet, into the table. Then before I issue the transferspreadsheet command, I will set warnings false, and set them true once it is done. This way, the user won't get errors for the indexes doing their job of rejecting duplicates.
Anyone see any problem with that solution? The only bummer is that if I imported to a temp table, I could get a count of items first and verify the count after insert, so I could report some info to the user in the process. Other than that, this means I don't need a temp table, and I can go directly into the goal table without worry about importing dupes.

Sybase Dropping Temporary Table

Does anybody face an issue when you drop a temporary table at the Sybase ASE 12 it still persists at a current session. So you encounter "Table already exists" when trying to select data into it again
Well, you need to read the manuals, at least the syntax for the commands you expect to use, before you write code. Otherwise you will face issues at every turn. It depends on what you are trying to do.
SELECT ... INTO #MyTable creates a table and succeeds because it does not exist. So a second SELECT ... INTO #MyTable will try to create #MyTable, find that it exists, and fail.
If you want to perform a second SELECT into the same table, TRUNCATE the table, then use SELECT ... INTO EXISTING TABLE #MyTable.
Or DROP TABLE and skip the EXISTING TABLE modifier.
If you want the table to contain the sum of several SELECTS, obviously, skip the TRUNCATE.
I normally do this:
1) CREATE TABLE #temptable (
INSERT INTO #temptable
SELECT .....
This will never give error.
This solves another possible error . If the WHERE clause accompanying the "select INTO " yields no rows, the temporary table will not have zero rows but the temporary table won't be created at all. This could make the stored proc blow up later.
