C++ DLL Manifest error - visual-c++

When I try to compile my c++ dll I get this error
mt.exe : command line error c10100a9: Some operation on the input manifests must be specified (even if it is just to pipe the input to the output). Use the /? option for help on usage and samples.
I have disabled Manifest Tool from the properties menu, the only reason I did that was because it was giving me a hard time to compile.
Now I can build my DLL, but only once every three times, because of the above mentioned error.
Any help to get rid of this problem would be appreciated.

I found solution by (project properties ->Configuration properties ->Manifest Tool ->Input and Output) in Output Manifest File type:
and press Ok.

I see this q is languishing. Is the problem you have now better or worse than what you had before disabling Manifest Tool? Perhaps it would be worth re-enabling it and trying to work through those problems.
I have never seen this error, though I know MT.EXE has had a few problems. Make sure you have the latest SP for your VS installation as well.


error FTK1013: could not find unicode byte order marker

What does this error mean:
Error 8 error FTK1013: could not find unicode byte order marker in the file
tracking log file: c:\Users\ASUS\documents\visual studio
The tracking data is invalid. c:\Users\ASUS\documents\visual studio
2010\Projects\project\project\FileTracker project
.tlog files are created as the build goes, writing dependencies, command lines, etc, not anything directly in your control. You're not supposed to see that kind of error unless maybe your disk is full or you manage to launch multiple builds on the same project somehow.
Exit VS, delete the debug folder. Look around in task manager for stray processes or reboot.
Reopen the solution and try build, with some hope the problem just goes away for good.
If someone faced mentioned error you should know that it's VS2010 issue only.
It's already tested and checked. Be careful with following project names:
mt, link, midle, cl, bscmake, rc
In most cases you could just build your project again and buld process will be finished successfully, but if you want to avoid of this error at each RE-build(or first buid, or automatic build by some of control system) you have to rename your project.
Also described and discussed in:
MS Social thread "Error FTK1013: could not find unicode byte order marker in file tracking log file"
Delete the Debug folder in the Visual Studio project folder. Re-build.
I am sharing one workaround for this issue.
Disable /MP for the project(s). Set value "NO" in the "Multi-processor Compilation" setting under Configuration Properties > C/C++->general in the project property window. It worked for me.
Follow these 4 simple steps:
1) go in the Debug folder.
2) Search for the file.
3) Delete the file.
4) Build the project again.

How do you specify include directory path in F#?

I am using F# in Visual Studio 2012 and this may seem like a dumb question but I cannot figure out how to specify include directories, specifically for binaries. I see how to do it for F# interactive using the #I directive and it works there, but the #I option is not available in the non-interactive form. The compiler error message says to use the -I compiler option. I have looked under Project Properties, where the only subsections visible are Application, Build, Build Events, Debug, and Reference Paths none of which provides any obivous way to specify an include directory path. The help system isnt much help as it seems to reference sections that are unavailable.
Well i still have the problem with VS12 but at least i have a workaround, by calling the compiler from the command line. You have to use the -r option to specify the location of the dll:
fsc -r:<complete path to dll> <fname>
However when i try the corresponding step in VS (by trying to set one of the Reference Paths) it says there are no items found in the DLL folder. So perhaps someone familiar with CS can help out

Compiling Libpng in Windows 7 or getting a hold of Libpng12.dll (and understanding how to link .DLL in VS)

I've been using Libpng15 in Windows 7, but I've been getting errors in relation to the
Unresolved External _png_set_longjmp_fn error when I compile my code. I followed the directions in the aforementioned link, and while it DID compile without any errors, I wound up with a message saying that I needed libpng12.dll to continue.
So, I did some Googling for libpng12.dll...nothing came up but generic "find x.dll" websites which appeared to be scams.
I've tried reading the INSTALL docs for the libpng source code on their website, and all that I see is instructions on how to do it via Unix based systems. I tried to do this in Cygwin with no luck, so I'm kind of stuck on how to compile this library.
All in all, I'm willing to do either the compilation or just using the .dll, though the problem is that I can't find a working .dll for version 12.
Another thing I tried was downloading binaries from here, which claimed to be "libpng12 for windows". I then copied the files into my VC compiler directory, which overrode libpng15, I think. Still, when I link against it statically and run my program in VC, it says that I require the .DLL file. The libpng12.dll file was in fact a .dll.a file instead. I honestly am not sure to link these (I tried linking it statically by typing "libpng12.dll.a" in the Linker Input setting through VS).
If I can go the .dll route for libpng12, how do I do this? Where is the file? How do I link it in VS?
Any help would be appreciated, as it seems there really isn't a whole lot of information on this. Either that, or I'm just not looking properly.
Look in the "projects" directory of the libpng distribution, and use one of the visual projects.
As mentioned above Look in the "projects" directory of the libpng distribution
Then make the adjustments outlined here
Which I note here for simplicities sake
(as stated there) adding two lib values to
Config -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies
these values are ucrt.lib;vcruntime.lib
Ensuring the build type is /MD
Allowed me to build these older versions, and fix that error on Windows 10 VS2015.
This link seems to have an installer for 1.2 for you:
it's 32 bit. Not sure if that makes a difference for you.

Ogre3d Error: cannot open file OgreMain_d.lib

Error 2 error LNK1104: cannot open file 'OgreMain_d.lib' C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Code\C++\Test\ogrevcpp\ogrevcpp\LINK ogrevcpp
This is the error I get when trying to build an Ogre3D application (with steps followed from here).
I've followed everything to the T, yet I still get the error. It honestly shouldn't be happening. I've also followed everything from here.
What's happening is there are two different files, one is meant for release, the other is meant for debug. I need the one for debug mode to compile properly (which is OgreMain_d.lib).
I figured out what the problem was - I was using the incorrect binaries; there was a few releases which were meant for Visual C++, and one which was meant for MinGW, along with a few other compilers. My apologies.
You need to check your library paths to make sure that the path where OgreMain_d.lib lives is part of the library path.
I guess the library for Debug mode is not present in the lib folder. Try putting two different libraries folder for each Assembly mode in Visual Studio. Go to ProjectProperties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Additional Library Directories on Right hand. Make sure to check the Configuration Dropdown on the top.

How do I rename an entire project in VC++ 2005

I've got a really large project I made for myself and rece3ntly a client asked for their own version of it with some modifications. The project name was rather silly and my client wants the source so I figured it'd be best if I renamed all my files from
Unfortunatly after I added everything back together I can't see any way to change the project name itself. Plus now I'm getting this error on compilation.
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__InitCommonControls#0
Debug/New_Name_Thats_not_so_silly.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.
There has to be an easier way to change all this, right?
Here is a Step by Step on Steve Andrews' blog (he works on Visual Studio at Microsoft)
I haven't verified this, but I've done this a number of times and if my memory serves me right, you can actually use the search-and-replace functionality in VS2005 to rename all instances of the string "X" to "Y" in any type of file.
Then you need to close the solution and change the project (and any other file with the same name regardless of extension) file name(s).
You will obviously need to do a full rebuild afterwards.
I find it always annoying too, to do this manually.
So I tried some tools available by googling- two didn't work (VS C++ here), dunno, if they are more useful for C#.
The following tool worked good for me: I have used the trial version, but I will pay 39,- bucks for it. For me it is worth it. It has also a VS add-in. VS 2013 was not supported directly, at least not mentioned, yet, when I looked:
In-place rename didn't work (access error), but "rename-while-copying" worked fine.
But I really wonder, if it is so difficult as some programmers claim. For most parts file renaming and a search&replace of all occurences in all text files in the project dir should be a quite easy and working approach. Maybe someone can contibute what shall be so difficult.
The rational part of my brain forbids the dreaming part to program an own tool- I am lucky ! :-)
You can simply rename the .vcproj or .dsp file and then either create a new workspace (sln dsw) and include the renamed project or simply chnage the name inside the sln file (it's just xml) I can't remember the format of the old workspace but it's still text.
You can either manually rename and reinclude all the .cpp of edit the project file and rename them in there.
sorry don't know of refactoring tool that will do all this but there probably is one.
I assume that in addition to the renamed set of files, you also still maintain a complete "parallel" set of the original files in some other directory, am I right?
Assuming you have both versions, what I would do is:
Get a file comparison tool like Beyond Compare or DiffMerge and compare the old SLN file and the new SLN file side-by-side. Also do this for each "proj" file and any other "config" type files.
It is possible to edit these files by hand. Usually looking at what is different between two copies will help illuminate what you should do to get the second one working.
You might as well start tinkering with the renamed project by hand, anyway, given that it already isn't working. You can't make it much worse. And: you might learn some handy tricks about the XML structure of these files.
Even if you do make small mistakes when hand-tweaking this files, I have repeatedly been very impressed by how Visual Studio handles things. Visual Studio will usually tell you exactly where you got it wrong.
