Useful projects in Haskell - haskell

I am very sorry if I ask a wrong question but I really need a professional help. I have to make a rather complex project for a begginer, using Visual Haskell, for a course of functional programming. The problem is that because I am at the beginning I don't know what kind of theme to pick. I want to make a project that evidentiates the real utility of functional programming. If you could just give me some ideas I will be very grateful.

You could design a simple programming language and write an interpreter for it:
Check the tools Alex ( for lexical analysis, and happy ( for parsing your code.
You can make the language as complex as you want. I think that defining While loops and functions could make it sufficiently complex and satisfying for a beginner.

want to make a project that
evidentiates the real utility of
functional programming. If you could
just give me some ideas I will be very
Alright, then let me tell you something. Programming is about expression. Functional languages let you express things differently. What are the benefits of the expressions made possible with functional programming?
Infinite lists and recursion can be expressed very simple.
Recursion is functional programming done right.
Try to implement algorithms and datastructures that use it. Balanced trees, fibonacci, euclidian algorithm, all that will benefit from it. Really, anything that features a tree can be expressed very elegantly in functional languages.
Give mathetmical problems a try, try to solve the Euler Problems with Haskell.


Is Haskell suitable as a first language?

I have had previous exposure to imperative languages (C, some Java) however I would say I had no experience in programming. Therefore: treating me as a non-programmer, would Haskell be suitable as a first language?
My interests in Pure Mathematics and CS seem to align to the intention of most Haskell tutorials, and although i can inherently recognise the current and future industry value of imperative programming, I find the potential of functional programming (in as much as it seems such a paradigm shift) fascinating.
I guess my question can be distilled as follows - would a non-programmer have to understand imperative programming to appreciate and fully utilise functional programming?
Some references:
Are there any studies on whether functional/declarative or imperative programming is easier to learn as a first language?
Which programming languages have helped you to understand programming better?
Well, the existence of SICP suggests that functional languages can be used as introductory material. Scheme is perhaps more approachable than Haskell, however.
Haskell seems to have a reputation for being "difficult" to learn, but people tend to forget that classic imperative programming is difficult to learn as well. Many people struggle at first with the concept of assigning a value to a variable, and a surprising number of programmers never actually do become comfortable with pointers and indirect references.
The connections between Haskell and abstract mathematics don't really matter as much as people sometimes assume, but for someone interested in the math anyway, looking at the analogies might provide an interesting bonus.
There has been at least one study on the effects of teaching Haskell to beginner programmers:
The Risks and Benefits of Teaching Purely Functional Programming in First Year. Manuel M. T. Chakravarty and Gabriele Keller. Journal of Functional Programming 14(1), pp 113-123, 2004.
With the following abstract:
We argue that teaching purely
functional programming as such in
freshman courses is detrimental to
both the curriculum as well as to
promoting the paradigm. Instead, we
need to focus on the more general aims
of teaching elementary techniques of
programming and essential concepts of
computing. We support this viewpoint
with experience gained during several
semesters of teaching large first-year
classes (up to 600 students) in
Haskell. These classes consisted of
computer science students as well as
students from other disciplines. We
have systematically gathered student
feedback by conducting surveys after
each semester. This article
contributes an approach to the use of
modern functional languages in first
year courses and, based on this,
advocates the use of functional
languages in this setting.
So, yes, you can use Haskell, but you should focus on elementary, general techniques and essential concepts, rather than functional programming per se.
There are a number of popular books for beginner programmers that also make it an attractive target for teaching these elementary concepts, including:
"Programming in Haskell"
"The Craft of Functional Programming"
Additionally, Haskell is already widely taught as a first language. -- but remember, the key is to focus on the core concepts as illustrated in Haskell, not to teach the large, rich language that is Haskell itself.
I'll go against the popular opinion and say that Haskell is NOT a good first programming language for the typical first-time programmer. I don't think it is as approachable for a raw beginner as imperative languages like Ruby.
The reason for this, is that people do not think about the world in a functional manner. When they see a car driving down the street, they see the same car, with ever-changing mutable state. They don't see a series of slightly different immutable cars.
If you check out other SO questions, you'll see that Haskell is pretty much never mentioned as a good choice for a beginner.
However, if you are a mathematician, or already know enough about programming to understand the value of functional programming, I think Haskell is a fine choice.
So to summarize, I think Haskell is a perfect fit for you, but not a good fit for the typical beginner.
EDIT: Thanks for the insightful comments. Owen's point that people think in a multi-paradigm manner is very true. This strengthens my belief that a multi-paradigm language like Ruby would be easier to pick up, and has the added benefit of exposing the student to both imperative and functional thinking. Haskell is decidedly not multi-paradigm.
Chuck mentioned Haskell's sophisticated type system which is another great point. While I personally prefer statically typed languages, using a dynamic language allows a beginner to ignore that piece of the puzzle until they are curious enough to find out what is going on behind the scenes. Haskell's type system, while elegant, is in your face from day 1.
Eleven reasons to use Haskell as a mathematician
I cannot write it better than that. But to summarize:
Haskell is declarative and mathematics is the ultimate declarative language, which means that code written in Haskell is remarkably similar to what you would write as a mathematical statement.
Haskell is high-level, no need to know details about caches, memory management and all the other hardware stuff. Also that means short programs which is always good.
Haskell is great for symbolic computation, algebra, logic ...
Haskell is pretty :)
To answer your question: you'll have no problem to start with a functional language as a mathematician with no programming experience. Actually it's the better choice, you won't have to repair the brain damage you would get from C/Java/whatever.
You should also check Mathematica. Some people tend to dislike it since it is a commercial closed-source product, but I think it's a pretty good environment for doing mathematics.
If you haven't had any experience at all, it will in fact be easier for you to be productive in functional programming, especially PURE functional programming. I'm an immigrant from imperative to function, I had to deal with having to forget about 80% of what I learned to be productive in Haskell.
In contrast, it's easier to switch from functional to imperative later on.
On one hand, I think Haskell is nice as a first language, but I suppose, for anyone seriously interested in programming, it should be learned in parallel with C or after C (or an assembly). C is necessary to learn what's happening under the hood, what are the costs of doing this and that, and finally appreciate the usefulness of higher level of abstraction and automatic resource management. I think when being exposed to both C (as a low-level imperative language) and Haskell (as a high-level functional language), most students will find Haskell both practical and expressive.
On the other hand, I think that programming is a craft. It is a practical activity, and it is important to learn the joy of creating something new, useful or interesting. So you need to get things done. And the easiest way for this is using a language which has tools for your problems, i.e. libraries for your data formats, algorithms for your kind of problems. And at this point, Python (or Ruby) may be a better choice, because Hackage still lags behind PyPI in many areas (and say, how many days you need to teach a novice to manipulate an image, or to plot charts in Haskell?).
So, my opinion is that some exposure to low-level imperative programming is necessary (to OOP, probably, not). Then you can understand the value of Haskell. But to get things done, and to quickly become productive, Python is a better choice for beginners. Haskell requires a few weeks before it becomes your tool.
I would say that it is suitable as a first language, and that having learned an imperative language first would probably only interfere with the learning process (since it requires lots of unlearning first).
As a caveat, I would add that a functional language principles would probably be best understood by someone with a mathematical background, as the concepts are abstract mathematical ones.
I know that many schools do teach it as a first functional language, but not as a first language.
Yes it is. Real World Haskell is a great way to get into it
I would hesitantly say "yes" except for the fact that in learning, finding someone as a mentor or tutor would be a much less daunting task if you chose a more imperative language to start programming. Might I suggest R or Python (with NumPy and SciPy) instead?
It's very easy for a haskell98 program to be clearly understood. LYAH is a great tutorial for people with no experience but trying to prevent a learner from stumbling on extensions x, y z is gona be tricky. Soon they start to explore and become overwhelmed with advanced programming/mathematical concepts which are much harder to understand but need to be understood to read other's code.
If every piece of haskell was written in just haskell'98/'10 I would probably say yes though.
Without necessarily addressing the question as such, I would add: if you find haskell's persnicketiness too hard, do not be discouraged.
There are other programming languages, even functional ones, which are late bound.

Creating programming languages and compiler designing. Are they related?

Alright, I guess this question has been asked a lot of times here.
I want to create a programming language, not necessarily starting today, but over a span of 2-3 yrs. I'm not a very good programmer, but I'm improving. What I wanted to ask is how closely creating a language and writing a compiler related?
Since, a compiler translates a language from one form into another, I guess it's all about writing a compiler for a particular piece of text. SO if I learn compiler design, will I be able to write my own programming language?
You can design a programming language without knowing anything about implementing compilers, and vice versa. The language designer can write a specification for the language, and a compiler implementor can then take that and create the compiler.
However, if this is a personal project, then you will probably have to learn how to do both. A programming language for which there is no compiler is purely theoretical, and it is difficult to figure out how good a programming language is without writing and executing real programs with it. Even if you do find someone willing to implement the compiler for you, you might not want to have to wait for that person every time you have a new idea to try, so you will want to know how to do it yourself.
Implementing a compiler is a pretty advanced programming project, so if you are just getting started as a programmer, you have a steep learning curve ahead of you. You might want to start by looking at the tutorials and examples for LLVM, although that might not actually be a suitable compiler infrastructure for your language.
Naruto, it depends on what kind of "Language" you want to create. If it is a simple, just-for-learning language, and you choose the grammar, etc, etc, you won't need to know a lot about programming. BUT, if you are going to deal with a serious one, you will have to study at least one computer programming language deep not only to use it, but to try to reach several of its concepts, for example, like OO, generics, lambda expressions, etc, etc.
Believe me, this is not a task of months, but a serious journey. Anyway, I wish you luck ;)
Intimately related. You really don't have a language unless you have a way to interpret/compile it into an executable form.
It depends on what you mean by "compiler". Compilers/interpreters usually consist of two big parts: a parser part, which reads a text in your language and builds an internal structure (AST) out of it, and a code generation/interpretation part, which reads the AST and translates it to machine or byte codes. While you definitely will need to know how to write a parser for your language, code generation is less important, at least, at the early stages. You can start by simply translating your language to C and see where you go from there.

Why should I want to learn haskell? [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Haskell vs. procedural programming in the real world
Few times I heard people saying things like "Every programmer should know Haskell", "You aren't a programmer if you don't know haskell" and so on.
However, I'm not exactly sure if I should bother trying to get a brief understanding of that language or not. Playing around with interpreter (to get intuitive understanding of basics) will take at least few days (if not weeks), and I"m not exactly sure if the result will be worth it.
A bit of background (to get idea of my knowledge)
I've started programming as a kid (somewhere between 10 or 13 years ago) with programmable calculator, moved to basic, then onto non-x86 assembly (reimlementing multiplication and division, and writing self-modifying mouse driver was fun), pascal, delphi, now I'm using C++ almost exclusively. Know my way around unix shell, can write software in python and probably in anything (if I have a reference book nearby) that remotely resembles C++ or Pascal (i.e. blocks, similar flow control, etc). Specialization is 3D programming and shaders. "Fish in the water" with low-level operations (C-style memory allocation, pointers), less comfortable with extremely OOP approach (i.e. when classes are made for the sake of having classes). Almost completely self-taught. I.e. definitely not a newbie, but there are areas where I could improve.
So... what could I possibly gain from studying Haskell at this point? As far as I know, this language is not really widely used, as a result there probably is less libraries it can interface with (as it was with Delphi programming - you can do DirectX programming in delphi, if you really want, but you can't write 3dsmax/maya plugin with it (well, it is probably theoretically possible, but it certainly won't be easy)). I also don't think that I'll be easily able to plug a piece of Haskell code into game engine.
So, what kind of useful knowledge I can get from it?
P.S. I won't buy "if you learn another language, you'll probably learn something that will be probably useful" argument.
(Surely this is a duplicate question, but I can't find one now.)
You learn it in order to learn pure functional programming, which forces you to do many things in a completely different way. You get a new way of thinking. Programming without state? Programming without effects? Everything is lazy? Crazy type system with type inference? What the hell are monads? Your mind will be repeatedly blown, but in the end you come out with new perspectives/techniques from functional programming that are hard to otherwise pick up without going full-blown Haskell.
The problem with trying to be specific, is that trying to tell a non-Haskeller what they'll learn from Haskell is like trying to explain the color "green" to a blind guy.
A few years ago, many people were surprised to discover one of the introductory courses was being taught using Haskell as a/the programming language! Although I didn't have experience with Haskell, I had some background in Lisp and other Functional Programming languages.
I think the anecdote shows how knowledge can be useful when you least expect it.
In more practical terms: You may have noticed that CPU speeds hit a wall some years ago, and now the most practical way to pull more performance from computers is by installing multiple CPUs. Now it so happens that most if not all of the programming languages you know are essentially single tasking, and subject to the Von Neumann bottleneck. An obvious solution is parallel programming, but that can be very painful if the parallel parts of your program end up sharing state, i.e. memory - and this is most often the case.
It turns out that Functional Programming is a style that allows you to mostly circumvent the problems of parallel programming with shared state. Stated differently, it's fairly easy to write programs in the FP style that are "naturally" thread safe and suitable for parallel processing. Depending on the language, compiler and hardware you may even find (as I recently did) parts of your program running in parallel without ever having done any explicit coding for parallelism.
I'm frequently wrong, but my guess is that Functional Programming will turn out to be one of the hot programming paradigms of the future as parallel programming becomes more important and more difficult. Haskell may not turn out to be the language of choice - my personal favorite is currently Clojure - but it may well be worthwhile to take a look at one or more FP languages.
I also don't think that I'll be easily able to plug a piece of Haskell code into game engine.
If you only want to write 3D game engines then maybe there's not much point in learning Haskell.
If you want to be a well-rounded programmer capable of programming in multiple paradigms and you currently only know C-like languages then it is worth a look.
Every time you learn a new very different language it makes learning the next language easier because you're not just memorizing new syntax, you're also learning different ways of thinking about programming. If you try out a new language and you see some new feature you will more quickly understand it if you can relate it to another feature in a language you already know. The more languages you know the more likely it is that this new feature is similar to something you've seen before.
It's also handy to have many tools available in your toolbox. Some problems are better solved in one language than another. If you have 5 very different types of languages then you can select the best one for each problem. If you know only 2 or 3 very similar languages then some problems will be easy to solve, but others might be more difficult than if you used a language which is better at that specific task.
If 3D programming is your thing, you might be interested in some slides from a talk entitled The Next Mainstream Programming Languages: A Game Developer's Perspective by Tim Sweeney, the founder of Epic and technical director for the Unreal engine. He's spoken on the subject multiple times, and he clearly thinks very highly of Haskell.
There are several things you can get, mainly in the way you think about things. For example, it is interesting to notice what a minimal language is. If you go through SICP (and the same concepts apply to Haskell too), you will notice how you don't need loop syntax at all. You don't need any predefined functions that work on larger structures. You can define pretty much everything you need if you are given a cons constructor/deconstructor, or a way of defining one, and ability to recurse functions. You can define everything else yourself - and it is an interesting exercise to do so. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
On a more practical level, for example, a couple of weeks ago I was doing OCaml homework and moaning "why doesn't this $%$%# language have call/cc!?!" My mind was blown when I noticed what I was thinking - I would never have missed it if I didn't know what it was, and I wouldn't known what it was if I didn't take a look at Scheme, Haskell, Ruby.
You can find many nice examples at ICFP contest; the one that really wowed me was this entry at this contest. They created a new language inside Haskell to solve their problem.
Learning a functional language will be quite a change from what you are used to.
So yes, you'll probably going to learn something useful ;)
I would say, if it's a chore don't do it. Otherwise start to read this and you should see after 10 mn if you are bored or if you are gripped and can't stop reading it.
Functional languages like Haskell are a different way of thinking about a problem. They are useful for learning and teaching data structures and algorithms, as they simplify those kinds of problem.
If you use the STL from C++, that has functional concepts that are similar to Haskell and other languages, so having a grounding in Haskell will help understand how the STL works.
If you use XSL:T to transform XML, that is very functional in its design.

Why purely functional languages instead of "impure" functional languages?

What's the advantage, for someone who is not a theoretical computer scientist, of learning a purely functional language like Haskell or Erlang instead of an "impure" language with a strong functional component, like Python or version 2 of the D programming language? My arguments are as follows:
No paradigm is perfect. Languages that are single-paradigm, regardless of what paradigm that is, are very restrictive.
Python or D will ease you into functional programming while you get real work done. Haskell or Erlang will force you to learn functional style all at once before you can actually do anything of interest in them.
Edit: By "impure" functional languages, what I really mean is strongly multiparadigm languages w/ a functional flavor, not strongly functional languages with some non-functional abilities.
It all depends on what are trying to achieve. If your goal to write production code in a functional language - a 'pure' functional language can make it more difficult.
But if you are trying to learn new concepts, 'pure' language gives you the benefit of guarding where you are sliding off the mark of functional concepts. Once you have clear understanding of differences you can go to a mixed environments - like F#, but before that it is all too easy to slip to the OOP way of doing things and because of this miss the advantages of functional approach.
In some other thread I offered an opinion that a better way of learning F# is to start with let us say Haskell (and was voted down for this), but if you learn F# to do OOP than what's the point - stay with C#
You almost answered your own question:
Haskell or Erlang will force you to learn functional style all at once before you can actually do anything of interest in them.
Actually, depending on what you mean by 'of interest', you can be productive in Haskell in a week.
The main reason for anyone to learn Haskell (language theorists already know it, and other kinds of theorists are too busy proving theorems to be bothered with programming) is that learning Haskell will change the way you think about programming. Especially the type system, list comprehensions (stolen for Python—the highest form of praise), and programming with pattern matching. You will be able to use many of your new thoughts in all the programming you do. And Haskell will force you to think new thoughts in a way that other langauges won't.
Erlang is an honorable language but has nothing comparable to Haskell's type system.
If you like Paul Graham you can read more about this line of reasoning in his essay Beating the Averages, especially the part about the "Blub Paradox". Just substitute Haskell for Lisp :-)
You learn very little if your "new" language is just a slight permutation of what you already know. It's like asking, "Why learn Chinese when I can just get a dialect coach to teach me to speak with a Scottish brogue?" I guess it's fine if you enjoy speaking with a brogue, but you're not really expanding your expertise very much.
Learning a functional language teaches you a new way of looking at things. Impure or mixed-paradigm languages like OCaml are good as well, but it can be tempting to use the impure elements as a crutch to avoid having to look at the problem in a new way. No, functional languages are not a magic bullet, but they do have a lot of interesting benefits, and you're robbing yourself of those benefits if you learn a language that has a "functional components" but doesn't really work like a real functional language.
For example, in a pure functional language like Haskell, state is very carefully isolated from the rest of your program. This makes all sorts of optimizations trivial that are very hard in other languages. For example, state is the enemy of parallel processing. In Haskell, you can just look at a function's type and be 100% confident that it won't create any side effects.
This way of thinking in functions that work with immutable data structures something that a pure functional language can teach you. I'm not saying pure functional languages are "the best," but they have their benefits. It's another tool in your belt. And you won't get that tool by sticking with what's familiar.
Is Erlang purely functional? I honestly thought it wasn't.
I'm not an expert on this, so take my words with a grain of salt.
Side-effects prevent (or make more complicated) lots of optimizations, including parallelism. So, in theory, going pure functional should mean better optimization for faster code, although I'm not sure this is true in practice. Even if it does not, it might someday be... it will be fun if a purely functional language comes along which makes using up all the cores easy peasy.
Additionally, in a way, programming without side-effects makes for easier to understand programs.
Because only pure is declarative at the operational semantics level. Pure functional programming (i.e. eliminating accidental dependencies) is required for parallelism.
Also, without the immutability restriction, you won't be forced to think about how to do algorithms just as fast as they can be done in imperative, or how to model interaction with the real world without state spaghetti, using functional reactive programming.
Thus you won't be maximizing your skills for writing code that is maximally composable and extensible.

Haskell vs. procedural programming in the real world [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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These days I'm getting seriously into functional programming.
While I'm really excited about Haskell and the possibilities it seems to offer, I can also see now that it is going to take me a while to learn. In an SO question on How to learn Haskell an answer states that it'll take months if not years to actually "master" it.
Now, I know C, PHP, some object oriented stuff, etc. And having been told that Haskell isn't much used out there in "the real world", will I be better off improving my skills in the regular languages I know? Is Haskell worth the struggle?
In this question on Why people think functional programming will catch on the conclusion seems to be that functional programming will "catch on". But surely procedural programming will stay on top, right?
EDIT: keparo nicely clarifies my question to: As opposed to procedural languages, will it be valuable for me to study Haskell and functional programming paradigms?
Haskell isn't as hard as people like to make out to learn. Haskell opens up a new world that you never knew existed for you. It's as valuable to learn as any other language. You might not find a job requiring you to do Haskell programming, but does that really mean a language isn't valuable?
Haskell will teach you a lot of new stuff, and it will show you how to program even better in the languages you /do/ work with. You can do your own personal projects in your spare time with it.
Haskell isn't really used much in the "real world" if you define "real world" as "cash generator". So if that is your objective, then you might have to rethink objectives :p
Also, I don't really like that part of chosen "how to learn haskell" answer. It takes months to years to master any language, not just Haskell. Depending on how you define "master". I can use Haskell to a pretty good degree of efficiency and I've only been learning it for a month, and I've been taking it slow even.
If nothing else, the change in mindset that learning Haskell provides will help you when you have to go back to using those procedural languages that still are used in the workplace.
The functional paradigm is beginning to make it's way into various mainstream applications and languages - Even C++ is going to be adding a (crippled) lambda in C++0x.
You may also want to look at some of the hybrid languages like Scala or OCaml. Scala is being used at Twitter, and OCaml is being used at Jane's Street in a financial trading platform.
I learned Haskell because it was by far the best functional language that I tried out of Scala, Clojure, OCaml and Scheme but I didn't seriously expect to use it for work.
As it turns out, it is perfect for those sorts of odd jobs that are too small for a team and would be just too time consuming in Java. So far, I've used it for ad-hoc data migrations i.e. mangling CSV exports into another format, batch conversions of XML (HXT is more concise and more powerful than XSLT), screen-scraping off the internet and software project estimating including modelling risk using the probability monad and producing optimum gantt charts using backtracking. This is all real work that needed doing, that I wouldn't have even bothered to try and do in Java as it would be a multi-day undertaking.
I now use it instead of Excel for anything vaguely mathematical as it is little more effort to create a list of values in haskell source in a text editor than it is to type them into Excel. Once in haskell, I can then do all sorts of magic like backtracking, probability distributions etc. that Excel can't do. If I need a graph then I spit the values out as CSV (2 lines of code) and load them into Excel.
The only downside is that it does take several months to get proficient, but worth the effort IMHO.
You probably shouldn't expect to use Haskell anywhere nearly as often as a C family language in professional settings. If the question is whether it will be valuable for you to study Haskell and functional programming paradigms, the answer is yes. You can apply your enriched understanding of programming to all of your work.
As opposed to procedural languages, will it be valuable for me to study Haskell and functional programming paradigms?
If having an expanded skill set is valuable, then: yes.
One advantage you might pick up: parallel and concurrent programming. Procedural languages of the past tend to have no clear notion of side effects, as a result writing parallel programs in them is difficult to do correctly. Functional languages (in particular, ones that limit side effects like Haskell) have a lot more to say about productive parallel programming.
Having that skill up your sleeve can't hurt.
As opposed to procedural languages, will it be valuable for me to study Haskell and functional programming paradigms?
Not unless you want to be miserable. Luke Plant says, in Why learning Haskell/Python makes you a worse programmer:
So, learning Python and Haskell has demoralised me and encouraged
me to write code that is bizarre and difficult to understand...
(This is not entirely a joke.)
I can see that functional programming can be a plus in a production environment if it's very easy to use by non functional code. MS could see that too when they came up with F# I guess.
Since they both compile to IL, you can handle problems that ask for a functional approach functional and use those solutions very easily in your procedural code.
In that way functional code can easily find its way in a production environment a bit at a time
Therefore, and since the userbase of MS is that big, my guess is that if F# will not catch on in the very near future, that Haskell won't either.
I think it's worth the struggle. It will help you to understand how problems are solved and not only how a computer works.
Maybe one particular problem is Haskell itself - As a purely functional language, it's kinda "hardcore" which may on the other hand even complicate things.
Functional programming instead may be extremely useful in a very pragmatic manner - Many OO/imperative languages have now included functional elements for this reason (Linq, anonymous functions, readonly values, function pointers/delegates, type-inference): You can concentrate on what should be done which allows you to express more in less code (that is even less error-prone).
Non-purely functional languages (standard functional languages) like Scala or F# can be integrated easily into existing Java or .NET-projects, so you can combine the benefits of both paradigms where they are needed. For typical advantages of functional languages, see this thread. Just think of extremely powerful parsing (Monadic parser combinators / Parsec) or concurrent programming that is possible with functional languages and you'll see how useful they are.
Broadening your horizons helps you be a better programmer no matter what language you happen to be using at the moment. You'll never look at programming the same way after you've written Lisp macros, for instance. After you begin to think in Haskell terms, you'll find yourself composing functions and wishing for closures in less advanced languages.
Judging from goodies in C# such as lambdas, type inference, closures, and so on, learning Haskell will give you a leg up on tomorrow's cutting edge in mainstream languages.
Some people enjoy programming in Haskell. If you can choose your environment, and enjoyment is a consideration, then maybe you should hop in.
Many programmers are not in position to choose their tools and enjoyment is not a factor for their choices. Many of them get to use C/Java/etc at their workplace for the "core project source", but then also choose or need to use Python for "scripts" such as build-scripts with SCons, other scripts that generate Java/etc code, testing systems, proofs-of-concepts, etc.. And in other places Python is also used in the "core project".
In 8 years, it will be Haskell, not Python, which will be "coming to you". But you can come to it sooner.
You can combine the use of functional programming and be pragmatic about the language.
All modern scripting languages s.a. JavaScript or Lua allow use of the functional paradigm.
The functional concept is coming on strong. Note the flurry of activity and interest around Ruby. I've also noticed a bit more interest in JavaScript beyond a mere browser scripting language lately. You can get ahead of the game by diving in now, though the time invested might not pay off this year or next.
It depends on your general game plan. Are you into programming as an end in itself or as a means to an end? If it's the former, go nuts with Haskell. If the latter, stick with mainstream, "employable" languages. Wait for Haskell to take off and then pounce.
Why procedural and not Object Oriented, not seen procedural being used for many years apart from C.
Commercially speaking. I would go with Java or C#. Doesn't really matter which they both pay well and the skills are interchangeable with other like minded languages such as python, Ruby and JavaScript.
Haskell is worth the time and effort, although it is very academic, some banks use it, although many in Europe and the UK are moving the code base over to F#.
I don't think FOP will be moving at great speeds commercially speaking. But the techniques are definitely making an appearance in the main stay languages. Especially with Multi-Core chip designs and making code run parallel on them.
