SharePoint - Using a Content Query Webpart across site collections - sharepoint

This is quite a simple question to ask, hopefully the answer is as straight forward! Can you use a Content Query Webpart on Site Collection A to read data from Site Collection B?
If it's not supports right out of the box, are there some configuration options which you can use to make it happen?

No configuration option will enable you to have a cross site content query webpart.
You can either create a custom web part that will do it or buy one (several options out there, here is one
If you decide to create your own web part, you will easily find code online that will help you. Here is an example.

No, it must be within the same site collection as it uses the SPSiteData query, which works within the site collection


Use SharePoint Search Query Web Part to find Read Only site collections

We have a special situation at our office where we "close" off a site collection when a project is complete. Our architecture is setup such that each project in play is it's own site collection. When the project is complete we close the project in SP by setting the site collection to read-only.
Part of our business would like to still view the closed site collections, but doesn't want to go through a list of them (I mean excel spreadsheet or some other external form of tracking), but instead wants to do it from a page in SP. Our solution is to modify one of our other solutions (search query web part that finds all site collections they belong to) and only search on closed site collections.
I know how to determine if a site is ReadOnly or not in Powershell (#spSite.IsReadOnly), but that isn't going to work here and going through the properties in search I couldn't find anything that jumped out at me to do this. Does anyone know how to return ReadOnly site collections in a Search Query Web Part?
Thank you.
I know of a managed property called: SiteClosed but I haven't got the slightest idea what it does. Looking at the name this might be the one to start with.
If this doesn't work I'm afraid the only other option is to create a custom Web Part...

Sharepoint 2010 - Questions regarding basic concepts

I am beginning sharepoint development and have some quick questions concerning basic terms.
How do i find out whether a particular site is a site collection, or a site JUST BY THE URL? Is their a powershell command to do this?
I was creating some sites in sharepoint. Some sites were appended with /sites/sitename whereas others were just under the base url of sharepoint. What is the difference between the 2? AND, how do i recreate the ones under the sites node? For some reason, I cant find the option to create under the sites node again. Please explain this concept as all msdn tutorial are very confusion for beginners like me. Those are good once you get the hang of basics.
Please provide an analogy how to understand web app, site collection, site, web site, etc.
Is there a way to use NEWFORM.aspx for a document library instead of UPLOAD.aspx?
The Site collection is at the root level of your Web application.
So => Site collection
Using Powershell, open the Sharepoint Powershell prompt and run Get-SPSite to get all Site-Collections
the /sites/ is called as a managed path
It can be defined in the Central Administration for every web application.
The option to select the /sites will be available only when you create the second site collection under the Web Application (The first one take the / by default.)
Have a look at Technet Article
document library is for uploading file, not for storing user submitted data, for that you need to create a list
1) Document Set is used in cases where multiple documents have the same properties, its like putting all these documents in a folder and then providing attributes to that folder which are in turn applied for each document in that folder.
In your case, if all the files have the same values for the 8 fields then the document set is the correct way to go.
2)If there is additional metadata associated with the files then these can be added either to the content type (eg. document or document set content type) or to the columns in the library itself, you dont need to create a separate list for holding that data. Adding data to the content type ensures consistency across all the document libraries within that site collection, adding columns to the library affects only that library.

Update base template and apply to all sites who reference it - MOSS 2007

More SharePoint questions from me again today! I thank everyone that has helped thus far!
Here is my situation:
I have to create a custom application inside of sharepoint. I am using a document library which hosts web part pages and i am using Web User Controls to do all the manipluating and displaying of data. Once I build the app the way i want, I am going to turn the doc lib into a template that way i can create the same thing on multiple sites (many customers using this app).
The issue that I am running into is that I need to know what happens/how do I update it so that my changes will apply itself to all sites that are referencing the template.
HELP! anyone who knows how to do this OR has a better idea for creating custom apps that multiple sites will be able to take advantage of would be SO helpful!
Short answer is that you cannot accomplish this, even with a custom site/list definition.
Once a site or list is created from a site or list definition, it is basically on its own (layouts and master pages modifications, however, do get applied to all sites referencing them).
Once workaround would be to create a site feature that iterates through sites and performs whatever custom action you wish to do.
For requirement like this, you really should create custom list/site definition. NOT just save customized list into template.
Anything you have updated in list/site definition will be reflect to the sites that are referencing the definitions. Unfortunately this is not the case for Template. You will have to delete the old list you have on other sites, then re-create them again with new template.
how to create list definition -
for site definition please go -

Create a List (url links) and deploy it as a feature

I'm very new to SharePoint, so apologies if this sounds a little basic.
I want to create a List in SharePoint that is just purely URL links, but then make it available to every site collection that we will create.
Once this list is created, I need it to display in a webpart (like that standard 'links' webpart). I guess I will need to create a Feature, so that it can be activated at Site Collection level.
Any ideas how this can be achieved please?
Thank you all kindly in advance, Ash ;-)
I did something similar - but I created it as a Web Part with it's own security trimming. I covered some of the basics here:
What you would need is a view on your list of links (that view will display the content of your list). Have a look here for more details on List View Web Parts. Once you figure out how to create it and what you want in your view, coding it shouldn't be too hard (You can either use SharePoint Designer on your site to create the view you want and then reverse engineer it into code using SPSource or you can create it from the schema.xml of you list).
You should note however, that with WSS you will not be able to view the content of a list on another site collection (i.e. you can only views of your list on the site collection where the list was created). Cross-site list views are a lot more complex to implement (you can buy components that do it though). I'm not sure how MOSS deals with cross-site list views but if you use MOSS, you should make sure that you can do it before you start developing your view.
EDIT : I would definitely go with what IrishChieftain suggested if your list isn't too complicated and has a structure that won't change much. Dealing with cross-site list views is a pain.

SharePoint - Web part to view remote list

Which web part and how to configure it to view a list from a different site collection?
Please note that I do not want to view a page but a list. For example view Announcements from a different team site under a seperate site collection.
Thank you in advance for your help.
The Data Form web part available through SharePoint designer can do this.
The Content Query Web Part (CQWP) which is part of the publishing infrastructure (requires MOSS) does not go across site collections.
The problem with this one is you have to be able to INSTALL it on the server.
If you do not have those permissions, it cannot be used.
Don't bother asking if they can be obtained. They can't.
