Origin of thread join - multithreading

Nearly all programming languages that support threading, have a method called join. I understand what a join does, but would like to know what the origin behind the naming of it is? Wouldn't a name such as finish be more appropriate?

I think it comes from the analogy of execution paths. The program's execution path split into two separate paths when the thread was spawned, and now you want the two paths to join back together into a single path again.

Thread A and Thread B did different things and now they are going to kind of reunite because their results have to get exchanged - they will join each other, go on and eventually split up again.

As I understand/interpret it (although correct me if I'm wrong), threads of execution should all contribute towards a single overall task (if there is no interaction between threads, then they might as well be separate processes, after all one of the main points of threading is to overcome the communication barrier between processes). Therefore it seems logical that subtasks branch off from the overall task and then re-join at a later point, rather than running into a dead end. Also, seeing as when a thread is created it is allocated some of its parents resources, even if the thread does not return a value it should still return what it was given in the first place, thus merging or "joining" with the original thread.


Is it safe to update an object in a thread without locks if other threads will not access it?

I have a vector of entities. At update cycle I iterate through vector and update each entity: read it's position, calculate current speed, write updated position. Also, during updating process I can change some other objects in other part of program, but each that object related only to current entity and other entities will not touch that object.
So, I want to run this code in threads. I separate vector into few chunks and update each chunk in different threads. As I see, threads are fully independent. Each thread on each iteration works with independent memory regions and doesn't affect other threads work.
Do I need any locks here? I assume, that everything should work without any mutexes, etc. Am I right?
Short answer
No, you do not need any lock or synchronization mechanism as your problem appear to be a embarrassingly parallel task.
Longer answer
A race conditions that can only appear if two threads might access the same memory at the same time and at least one of the access is a write operation. If your program exposes this characteristic, then you need to make sure that threads access the memory in an ordered fashion. One way to do it is by using locks (it is not the only one though). Otherwise the result is UB.
It seems that you found a way to split the work among your threads s.t. each thread can work independently from the others. This is the best case scenario for concurrent programming as it does not require any synchronization. The complexity of the code is dramatically decreased and usually speedup will jump up.
Please note that as #acelent pointed out in the comment section, if you need changes made by one thread to be visible in another thread, then you might need some sort of synchronization due to the fact that depending on the memory model and on the HW changes made in one thread might not be immediately visible in the other.
This means that you might write from Thread 1 to a variable and after some time read the same memory from Thread 2 and still not being able to see the write made by Thread 1.
"I separate vector into few chunks and update each chunk in different threads" - in this case you do not need any lock or synchronization mechanism, however, the system performance might degrade considerably due to false sharing depending on how the chunks are allocated to threads. Note that the compiler may eliminate false sharing using thread-private temporal variables.
You can find plenty of information in books and wiki. Here is some info https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/avoiding-and-identifying-false-sharing-among-threads
Also there is a stackoverflow post here does false sharing occur when data is read in openmp?

Semaphores & threads - what is the point?

I've been reading about semaphores and came across this article:
So, this page states that if there are two threads accessing the same data, things can get ugly. The solution is to allow only one thread to access the data at the same time.
This is clear and I understand the solution, only why would anyone need threads to do this? What is the point? If the threads are blocked so that only one can execute, why use them at all? There is no advantage. (or maybe this is a just a dumb example; in such a case please point me to a sensible one)
Thanks in advance.
Consider this:
void update_shared_variable() {
sem_wait( &g_shared_variable_mutex );
sem_post( &g_shared_variable_mutex );
void thread1() {
update_shared_variable(); // may block
void thread2() {
update_shared_variable(); // may block
Note that all of the do_thing_xx functions still happen simultaneously. The semaphore only comes into play when the threads need to modify some shared (global) state or use some shared resource. So a thread will only block if another thread is trying to access the shared thing at the same time.
Now, if the only thing your threads are doing is working with one single shared variable/resource, then you are correct - there is no point in having threads at all (it would actually be less efficient than just one thread, due to context switching.)
When you are using multithreading not everycode that runs will be blocking. For example, if you had a queue, and two threads are reading from that queue, you would make sure that no thread reads at the same time from the queue, so that part would be blocking, but that's the part that will probably take the less time. Once you have retrieved the item to process from the queue, all the rest of the code can be run asynchronously.
The idea behind the threads is to allow simultaneous processing. A shared resource must be governed to avoid things like deadlocks or starvation. If something can take a while to process, then why not create multiple instances of those processes to allow them to finish faster? The bottleneck is just what you mentioned, when a process has to wait for I/O.
Being blocked while waiting for the shared resource is small when compared to the processing time, this is when you want to use multiple threads.
This is of course a SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Correct Example)
Let's say you have 2 worker threads that do a lot of work and write the result to a file.
you only need to lock the file (shared resource) access.
The problem with trivial examples....
If the problem you're trying to solve can be broken down into pieces that can be executed in parallel then threads are a good thing.
A slightly less trivial example - imagine a for loop where the data being processed in each iteration is different every time. In that circumstance you could execute each iteration of the for loop simultaneously in separate threads. And indeed some compilers like Intel's will convert suitable for loops to threads automatically for you. In that particular circumstances no semaphores are needed because of the iterations' data independence.
But say you were wanting to process a stream of data, and that processing had two distinct steps, A and B. The threadless approach would involve reading in some data then doing A then B and then output the data before reading more input. Or you could have a thread reading and doing A, another thread doing B and output. So how do you get the interim result from the first thread to the second?
One way would be to have a memory buffer to contain the interim result. The first thread could write the interim result to a memory buffer and the second could read from it. But with two threads operating independently there's no way for the first thread to know if it's safe to overwrite that buffer, and there's no way for the second to know when to read from it.
That's where you can use semaphores to synchronise the action of the two threads. The first thread takes a semaphore that I'll call empty, fills the buffer, and then posts a semaphore called filled. Meanwhile the second thread will take the filled semaphore, read the buffer, and then post empty. So long as filled is initialised to 0 and empty is initialised to 1 it will work. The second thread will process the data only after the first has written it, and the first won't write it until the second has finished with it.
It's only worth it of course if the amount of time each thread spends processing data outweighs the amount of time spent waiting for semaphores. This limits the extent to which splitting code up into threads yields a benefit. Going beyond that tends to mean that the overall execution is effectively serial.
You can do multithreaded programming without semaphores at all. There's the Actor model or Communicating Sequential Processes (the one I favour). It's well worth looking up JCSP on Wikipedia.
In these programming styles data is shared between threads by sending it down communication channels. So instead of using semaphores to grant another thread access to data it would be sent a copy of that data down something a bit like a network socket, or a pipe. The advantage of CSP (which limits that communication channel to send-finishes-only-if-receiver-has-read) is that it stops you falling into the many many pitfalls that plague multithreaded do programs. It sounds inefficient (copying data is inefficient), but actually it's not so bad with Intel's QPI architecture, AMD's Hypertransport. And it means hat the 'channel' really could be a network connection; scalability built in by design.

What are the main purposes for joining pthreads in Linux/UNIX?

I'm a student and I'm going over threads right now, and despite reading TLPI very carefully, I still don't have a good understanding as to why one might join two pthreads.
From what I've gleaned, it can be used either as a way for one thread to pass a return value to another OR it can be used as a waiting mechanism between threads. That said, it's entirely possible that I've misunderstood the entire point. Would someone mind explaining it a bit for me?
Threads are mainly used for parallel processing. Joining/Exiting threads means the work/purpose of the thread is fulfilled. When the purpose is fulfilled then the resources should be freed and made available to other threads/processes. Resources could be any of following:
Stack (as Basile Starynkevitch said)
Processor time
Opened files/Shared Memory/Any other resource locked/booked by the thread.
Joining threads can be done for just shifting the control also Or it might be done for transferring values as return values (as Michael Burr said).

Concurrent execution/Re-entrant /ThreadSafe/?

I read many answers given here for questions related to thread safety, re-entrancy, but when i think about them, some more questions came to mind, hence this question/s.
1.) I have one executable program say some *.exe. If i run this program on command prompt, and while it is executing, i run the same program on another command prompt, then in what conditions the results could be corrupted, i.e. should the code of this program be re-entrant or it should be thread safe alone?
2.) While defining re-entrancy, we say that the routine can be re-entered while it is already running, in what situations the function can be re-entered (apart from being recursive routine, i am not talking recursive execution here). There has to be some thread to execute the same code again, or how can that function be entered again?
3.) In a practical case, will two threads execute same code, i.e. perform same functionality. I thought the idea of multi-threading is to execute different functionality, concurrently(on different cores/processors).
Sorry if these queries seem different, but they all occured to me, same time when i read about the threadsafe Vs reentrant post on SO, hence i put them together.
Any pointers, reading material will be appreciated.
I'll try to explain these, in order:
Each program runs in its own process, and gets its own isolated memory space. You don't have to worry about thread safety in this situation. (However, if the processes are both accessing some other shared resource, such as a file, you may have different issues. For example, process 1 may "lock" the data file, preventing process 2 from being able to open it).
The idea here is that two threads may try to run the same routine at the same time. This is not always valid - it takes special care to define a class or a process in a way that multiple threads can use the same instance of the same class, or the same static function, without errors occurring. This typically requires synchronization in the class.
Two threads often execute the same code. There are two different conceptual ways to parition your work when threading. You can either think in terms of tasks - ie: one thread does task A while another does task B. Alternatively, you can think in terms of decomposing the the problem based on data. In this case, you work with a large collection, and each element is processed using the same routine, but the processing happens in parallel. For more info, you can read this blog post I wrote on Decomposition for Parallelism.
Two processes cannot share memory. So thread-safety is moot here.
Re-entrancy means that a method can be safely executed by two threads at the same time. This doesn't require recursion - threads are separate units of execution, and there is nothing keeping them both from attempting to run the same method simultaneously.
The benefits to threading can happen in two ways. One is when you perform different types of operations concurrently (like running cpu-intensive code and I/O-intensive code at the ame time). The other is when you can divide up a long-running operation among multiple processors. In this latter case, two threads may be executing the same function at the same time on different input data sets.
First of all, I strongly suggest you to look at some basic stuffs of computer system, especially how a process/thread is executing on CPU and scheduled by operating system. For example, virtual address, context switching, process/thread concepts(e.g., each thread has its own stack and register vectors while heap is shared by threads. A thread is an execution and scheduling unit, so it maintains control flow of code..) and so on. All of the questions are related to understanding how your program is actually working on CPU
1) and 2) are already answered.
3) Multithreading is just concurrent execution of any arbitrary thread. The same code can be executed by multiple threads. These threads can share some data, and even can make data races which are very hard to find. Of course, many times threads are executing separate code(we say it as thread-level parallelism).
In this context, I have used concurrent as two meaning: (a) in a single processor, multiple threads are sharing a single physical processor, but operating system gives a sort of illusion that threads are running concurrently. (b) In a multicore, yes, physically two or more threads can be executed concurrently.
Having concrete understanding of concurrent/parallel execution takes quite long time. But, you already have a solid understanding!

Why was the method java.lang.Thread.join() named like that?

Does anybody know why the method join() member of a java.lang.Thread was named like that? Its javadoc is:
Waits for this thread to die.
When join is called on some thread calling thread is waiting for the other to die and continue execution. Supposedly calling thread will die as well, but still it's not clear why the author used this name.
It's a common name in threading - it's not like Java was the first to use it. (For example, that's what pthreads uses too.)
I guess you could imagine it like two people taking a walk - you join the other one and walk with them until you've finished, before going back to what you were doing. That sort of analogy may have been the original reason, although I agree it's not exactly intuitive.
It's named this way because you're basically stating that the calling thread of execution is going to wait to join the given state of execution. It's also named join in posix and many other threading packages.
After that call to join returns (unless it was interrupted), the two threads of execution are basically running together from that point (with that thread getting the return value of the now-terminated thread).
This stems from concurrent software modeling when the flow of control splits into to concurrent threads. Later, the two threads of execution will join again.
Also waitToDie() was probably a) too long and b) too morbid.
well... this isnt really correct but I thought of an "waiting room" (it actually isnt a queue with a certain scheduling as FIFO, HRRN or such).
when a thread cannot go on and needs to wait on some other thread to finish it just joins the guys (aka threads) in the waiting room to get active next...
Because you are waiting for another thread of execution (i.e. the one you're calling join on) to join (i.e. die) to the current (i.e. the calling) thread.
The calling thread does not die: it simply waits for the other thread to do so.
This is a terminology that is widely used(outside Java as well). I take it as sort of Associating a Thread with another one in some way. I think Thread.Associate() could have been a better option but Join() isn't bad either.
