Safe way to replace linux libs on embedded flash - linux

I have a linux busybox based system on a chip. I want to provide an update to users in the field and this requires updating some files in /lib /usr/bin and /etc. I don't think that it's safe to simple untar the files directly. Is there a safe way to do this including /lib files that may be in use?

Some things I strongly prefer in embedded systems:
a) Have the root file system be a ramdisk uncompressed from an image in flash. This is great because you can experimentally monkey around with it to your heart's content and if you mess up, all you need is a reboot to get back to the flashed configuration. When you have tested a set of change you like, you generate a new compressed root filesystem image and flash that.
b) Use a bootloader such as u-boot to do your updates - flashing a new complete image - rather than trying to change the linux system while it is running. Though since the flashed copy isn't live, you can actually flash it while running. If you flash a bad version, u-boot is still there to flash a good one.
c) Processors which have mask-rom UART (or even USB) bootloaders, making the system un-brickable - nothing more than a laptop and a serial cable or usb/serial converter is ever needed to do maintenance (ie, get a working u-boot image on the flash, which you then use to get a working linux kernel+compressed root fs image on it)

Ideally your flash device is big enough to partition into two complete filesystems and each update updates the other side (plus copying over config files if necessary) and updates the boot configuration to boot from the updated side.
Less ideal is to update in-place but have some means of detecting boot failure (watchdog that's not touched until after boot, for example) and have a smaller, fallback partition which is capable of accepting another update and fixing the primary partition.
As far as the in-place update of a live filesystem, just use a real installer (which will move the target files out of the way before replacing them to avoid the problem you describe).

You received two excellent answers above and I Strongly encourage you to do what you were advised to.
There is, however, a more simple way. In a matter of fact you can just untar your libraries, provided that the process that does this is statically linked.


Mirroring files from one partition to another on the second disk without RAID1

I am looking for a program that would allow me to mirror one partition to another disk (something like RAID1) for Linux. It doesn't have to be a windowed application, it can be a console application, I just want what is in one place to be mirrored to another.
It would be nice if it were possible to mirror a specific folder that I would care for instead of copying everything from the given partition.
I was looking on the internet, but it's hard to find something that would give such opportunities, hence the idea to ask such a question.
I do not want to make fake RAID on Linux or hardware RAID because I read that if the motherboard fails then it is best to have the same second one to recover data.
I will be grateful for every suggestion :)
You can check my script "CopyDirFile" written in bash, which is located on github.
You can perform a replication (mirroring) task of any source folder to another destination folder (deleting a file in the source folder means deleting it in the destination folder).
The script also allows you to create copy tasks (deleted files in the source folder will not be deleted in the target folder).
The tasks are executed in background at a specified time, not all the time, frequency is set by the user when creating the task.
You can also set the task to start automatically when the user logs on.
All the necessary information can be found in the README file in repository.
If I understood you correctly, I think it meets your requirements.
Linux has standard support for software RAID: mdraid.
It allows you to bundle two disk devices into a RAID 1 device (among other things); you then create a filesystem on top of that device.
LVM offers another way to do software RAID; it doesn't seem to be very popular, but it's certainly supported.
(If your system supports hardware RAID, on the motherboard or with a separate RAID controller, Linux can use that, too, but that doesn't seem to be what you're asking here.)

Is there any reliable way to verify a u-boot.bin file before Flashing it to a board?

I've recently bricked one of my embedded Marvell ARM systems, was upgrading to a new u-boot.bin over TFTP from within u-boot via the bubt tool. bubt fetched the image, burned it to Flash, didn't give any output saying there was anything wrong.
On reboot the system got stuck in an endless loop on the primary bootloader.
Therefore my question is, does the u-boot.bin file have any inbuilt checksums, magic header numbers etc. that could be used to validate the file is good before burning it?
No, there isn't. .bin is a raw image of u-boot.
You could do it yourself encapsulating the raw file into a image file, e.g.: with a file header the hold a CRC32, length of file and so on.
Take notes that the standard u-boot upgrade procedure delete the existant one before to flash the new one. If something happend between cancellation and re-flash the board will be corrupted.
BTW are you sure that your problem belong to a wrong write to memory, and not to a bugged u-boot?

Embedded Linux Boot Optimization

I am doing project on Pandaboard using Embedded Linux (UBUNTU 12.10 Server Prebuild image) to optimize boot time. I need techniques or tools through which I can find boot time and techniques to optimize the boot time. If anyone can help.
Just remove application which is not required from /etc/init.d/rc file also put echo after every process initialization and check which process is taking much time for starting,
if you find application which is taking more time then debug that application and so on.
There is program that can be helpful to know the approximate boot-up time. Check this link
Time Stamp.
First of all the best you have to do is to compile yourself your own made kernel, get the source on the internet and do a make xconfig and then unselected everythin you don't need.
In a second time create your own root filesystem using Buildroot and make xconfig to select/unselect everything you need or not.
Hope this help.
I had the same problem and do that way, now it's clearly not the same ;)
EDIT: Everything you need will be here
to analyze the boot process, you can use Bootchart2, its available on github:
or Bootchart, from the Ubuntu packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bootchart pybootchartgui
There are broadly 3 areas where you can reduce boot time
Modify the linker script to initialize only the required h/w. Also, if you are using an SD card to boot, merge kernel and bootloader image to save time.
Remove unwanted modules from kernel config. Also try using compressed and uncompressed image. If your CPU is good enough to handle it go compressed image and check uncompression time required for different compression types.
FS size can be significantly reduced by removing the unwanted bins and libs. Check for dependencies and use only the one's that are required.
For more techniques and information on tools that help in measuring the boot time please refer to the following link.
Refer to Training Material
The basic rule is: the fastest code is code that never gets loaded and
run, so remove everything you don't need:
in U-Boot: don't load and run the full U-Boot at all; use FALCON
mode and have the SPL load the Linux kernel and DTB directly
in Linux: remove all drivers and other stuff you don't really need;
load all drivers that are not essential for your core application as
modules - and load them after your application was started. If you
take this serious, you may even want to start only one CPU core
initially (and start the remaining ones after your application is
in user space: minimize the size of the root file system. throuw
out anything you don't need; configure tools (like busybox) to
contain only the really needed functionality; use efficient code
(for example, link against musl libc instead of glibc) etc.
What can be acchieved by combining all these measures can be seen in
this video - and yes, the complete code for this optimization is
available here.
Optimizing embedded Linux Boot process , needs modifications in three level of embedded Linux design.
Note: you will need the source codes of bootloader and kernel
Boot : the first step in optimizing and reducing boot time of board is optimizing boot loader. first you should know what is your bootloader is. If your bootloader is an opensource bootloader like u-boot than you have the opportunity to modify and optimize it. In u-boot we have a procedure that we can skip unnecessary system check and just upload kernel image to ram and start. the documentation and instruction for this is available in u-boot website. by doing this you will save about 4 ~ 5 second in boot.
Kernel : for having a quicker kernel , you should optimize kernel in many sections. for editing you can use on of Linux config menu. I always use a low graphic menu. it need some dependency you can use it by this command:
$ make menuconfig
our goal for Linux kernel is to have smaller kernel image and less module to load in boot. first change the algorithm of compression from gzip to LZO. the point of this action is gzip algorithm will take much time to extract kernel. by using LZO we have a quicker kernel decompression process. the second , disable any unnecessary driver or module that you don’t have it on your board or you don’t use it any more. by doing this , you will lose some device access and cannot use them in Linux but you will have two positive points: less Ram usage , quicker boot time.
but please remind that some driver are necessary for Linux and by disabling them you will lose some of main features (for example if you disable I2C driver in Linux you will no longer have a HDMI interface) that you need or in worst case you will have a boot problem (such as boot-loop). The third is to disable some of unusable filesystem to reduce kernel size and boot time. The Fourth is to remove some of compression algorithm to have smaller kernel image.
the last thing , If you are using a u-boot bootloader create a uImage instead of zImage. the following steps , are general and main actions , for having quicker boot as 1 second after power attach you should change more option.
after two base layer modifications, now we should optimize boot process in user-space (root file system). depend on witch system are you using , we have different changes to do. in abstract root file system of Linux that have necessary package and system to boot Linux we should use systemd instead of Unix systemv , because systemd have a multi-task init. system and it is faster , after that is udev that you should modify some of loading modules. if you have a graphical user-interface , we can use an easy trick to have a big boot time reduction by initing GUI first and load other module after loading GUI.
if you do all of following tasks , you can have quick boot time and fast system to work with.

how to copy nk.bin to partition on wince 6.0

i want to copy nk.bin to partition on wince 6.0.
i want that when i restart device then using redboot cammand it should be able to load nk.bin from partion. how to do this?
This is a broad and pretty platform-specific question. Forst, you've not told us much about your platform, so we have to make assumptions. I'll assume, based on you using redboot and talking about "partitions" that you'r running on ARM and that your OS image is stored in persistent storage (i.e. Flash).
The next question is "How and where is the OS stored?" This is platform specific, so only you (or your OEM) can say. It might be inside a FAT 32 volume or it might be written raw to a specific location in flash outside of any file system. If it's the former (it's probably not, or you likely wouldn't be asking the question), you could copy it. If it's just at some location raw, you're going to need APIs to directly access the flash. See if the OEM provided them (apps can't map direct to hardware in 6.0, so if there's no OEM-provided API, you'll have to write a driver).
You also need to know if you're XIP. If so, I don't think you're going to be able to copy the OS while it's running - at least I'd consider it a high-risk operation. In that case you likely need to set some sort of bit somewhere outside the existing file system (an EEPROM, scratch-pad regiter, raw flash, etc) and reboot, then modify the bootloader to make the copy.
THis all assumes you mean you want to copy it from on the device itself. You could mean you want to copy it using a JTAG tool as well, in which case everything I've said is irrelevant (except the location of the OS - and even that's not relevant if you're thinking you want to copy it from an outside source).

Building a custom Linux Live CD

Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on creating a bootable Linux CD from scratch?
I need help with a fairly specialized problem: my firm sells an expansion card that requires custom firmware. Currently we use an extremely old live CD image of RH7.2 that we update with current firmware. Manufacturing puts the cards in a machine, boots off the CD, the CD writes the firmware, they power off and pull the cards. Because of this cycle, it's essential that the CD boot and shut down as quickly as possible.
The problem is that with the next generation of cards, I have to update the CD to a 2.6 kernel. It's easy enough to acquire a pre-existing live CD - but those all are designed for showing off Linux on the desktop - which means they take forever to boot.
Can anyone fix me up with a current How-To?
So, just as a final update for anyone reading this later - the tool I ended up using was "livecd-creator".
My reason for choosing this tool was that it is available for RedHat-based distributions like CentOs, Fedora and RHEL - which are all distributions that my company supports already. In addition, while the project is very poorly documented it is extremely customizable. I was able to create a minimal LiveCD and edit the boot sequence so that it booted directly into the firmware updater instead of a bash shell.
The whole job would have only taken an hour or two if there had been a README explaining the configuration file!
There are a couple of interesting projects you could look into.
But first: does it have to be a CD-ROM? That's probably the slowest possible storage (well, apart from tape, maybe) you could use. What about a fast USB stick or a an IEE1394 hard-disk or maybe even an eSATA hard-disk?
Okay, there are several Live-CDs that are designed to be very small, in order to e.g. fit on a business card sized CD. Some were also designed to be booted from a USB stick, back when that meant 64-128 MiByte: Damn Small Linux is one of the best known ones, however it uses a 2.4 kernel. There is a sister project called Damn Small Linux - Not, which has a 2.6 kernel (although it seems it hasn't been updated in years).
Another project worth noting is grml, a Live-CD for system administration tasks. It does not boot into a graphic environment, and is therefore quite fast; however, it still contains about 2 GiByte of software compressed onto a CD-ROM. But it also has a smaller flavor, aptly named grml-small, which only contains about 200 MiByte of software compressed into 60 MiByte.
Then there is Morphix, which is a Live-CD builder toolkit based on Knoppix. ("Morphable Knoppix"!) Morphix is basically a tool to build your own special purpose Live-CD.
The last thing I want to mention is MachBoot. MachBoot is a super-fast Live-CD. It uses various techniques to massively speed up the boot process. I believe they even trace the order in which blocks are accessed during booting and then remaster the ISO so that those blocks are laid out contiguously on the medium. Their current record is less than 6 seconds to boot into a full graphical desktop environment. However, this also seems to be stale.
One key piece of advice I can give is that most LiveCDs use a compressed filesystem called squashfs to cram as much data on the CD as possible. Since you don't need compression, you could run the mksquashfs step (present in most tutorials) with -noDataCompression and -noFragmentCompression to save on decompression time. You may even be able to drop the squashfs approach entirely, but this would require some restructuring. This may actually be slower depending on your CD-ROM read speed vs. CPU speed, but it's worth looking into.
This Ubuntu tutorial was effective enough for me to build a LiveCD based on 8.04. It may be useful for getting the feel of how a LiveCD is composed, but I would probably not recommend using an Ubuntu LiveCD.
If at all possible, find a minimal LiveCD and build up with only minimal stripping out, rather than stripping down a huge LiveCD like Ubuntu. There are some situations in which the smaller distros are using smaller/faster alternatives rather than just leaving something out. If you want to get seriously hardcore, you could look at Linux From Scratch, and include only what you want, but that's probably more time than you want to spend.
Creating Your Own Custom Ubuntu 7.10 Or Linux Mint 4.0 Live-CD With Remastersys
Depends on your distro. Here's a good article you can check out from
There is a book I used which covers a lot of distros, though it does not cover creating a flash-bootable image. The book is Live Linux(R) CDs: Building and Customizing Bootables. You can use it with supplemental information from your distro of choice.
So, just as a final update for anyone reading this later - the tool I ended up using was "livecd-creator".
My reason for choosing this tool was that it is available for RedHat-based distributions like CentOs, Fedora and RHEL - which are all distributions that my company supports already. In addition, while the project is very poorly documented it is extremely customizable. I was able to create a minimal LiveCD and edit the boot sequence so that it booted directly into the firmware updater instead of a bash shell.
The whole job would have only taken an hour or two if there had been a README explaining the configuration file!
Debian Live provides the best tools for building a Linux Live CD. Webconverger uses Debian Live for example.
It's very easy to use.
sudo apt-get install live-helper # from Debian unstable, which should work fine from Ubuntu
lh_config # edit config/* to your liking
sudo lh_build
