How to tune inotify to use less memory? - linux

I'm working on an embedded linux system.
I tried to use inotify to monitor changes. But when I tried to monitor a huge numbers of folders (let's say more than 6000 folders), inotify uses a lot of memory (about 25-30MB). As you all know, 25-30MB in embedded system is considered to be large...
My questions are;
is this normal?
is anyone know how to tune this?
any alternative to monitor a huge numbers of folders without adding watch in each folder?

As far as I know a recursive watch is not possible with an unpatched Linux kernel. See also . Maybe fanotify would work for you, but it needs a kernel patch.

Look into using Auditd.
There is also a user space file system called loggedfs, but I couldn't get that to work.

It's inevitable to monitor directories recursively when using inotify.
In order to improve inotify(7) performance(reduce memory usage, maybe), my suggestion is:
Whenever you start watching a directory, just focus on types of inotify_event that interest you(as less as possible), you can adjust the mask argument of inotify_add_watch(2) function to achieve this. Setting the mask argument value to IN_ALL_EVENTS to monitor all kinds to inotify_event is sometimes unnecessary.
Hope this helps.


Daemon for file watching / reporting in the whole UNIX OS

I have to write a Unix/Linux daemon, which should watch for particular set of files (e.g. *.log) in any of the file directories, across various locations and report it to me. Then I have to read all the newly modified files and then I have to process them and push grepped data into Elasticsearch.
Any suggestion on how this can be achieved?
I tried various Perl modules (e.g. File::ChangeNotify, File::Monitor) but for these I need to specify the directories, which I don't want: I need the list of files to be dynamically generated and I also need the content.
Is there any method that I can call OS system calls for file creation and then read the newly generated/modified file?
Not as easy as it sounds unfortunately. You have hooks to inotify (on some platforms) that let you trigger an event on a particular inode changing.
But for wider scope changing, you're really talking about audit and accounting tracking - this isn't a small topic though - not a lot of people do auditing, and there's a reason for that. It's complicated and very platform specific (even different versions of Linux do it differently). Your favourite search engine should be able to help you find answers relevant to your platform.
It may be simpler to run a scheduled task in cron - but not too frequently, because spinning a filesystem like that is dirty - along with File::Find or similar to just run a search occasionally.

intercepting file system system calls

I am writing an application for which I need to intercept some filesystem system calls eg. unlink. I would like to save some file say abc. If user deletes the file then I need to copy it to some other place. So I need unlink to call my code before deleting abc so that I could save it. I have gone through threads related to intercepting system calls but methods like LD_PRELOAD it wont work in my case because I want this to be secure and implemented in kernel so this method wont be useful. inotify notifies after the event so I could not be able to save it. Could you suggest any such method. I would like to implement this in a kernel module instead of modifying kernel code itself.
Another method as suggested by Graham Lee, I had thought of this method but it has some problems ,I need hardlink mirror of all the files it consumes no space but still could be problematic as I have to repeatedly mirror drive to keep my mirror up to date, also it won't work cross partition and on partition not supporting link so I want a solution through which I could attach hooks to the files/directories and then watch for changes instead of repeated scanning.
I would also like to add support for write of modified file for which I cannot use hard links.
I would like to intercept system calls by replacing system calls but I have not been able to find any method of doing that in linux > 3.0. Please suggest some method of doing that.
As far as hooking into the kernel and intercepting system calls go, this is something I do in a security module I wrote:
Look at hijacks.c and symbols.c for the code; how they're used is in the hijack_syscalls function inside security.c. I haven't tried this on linux > 3.0 yet, but the same basic concept should still work.
It's a bit tricky, and you may have to write a good deal of kernel code to do the file copy before the unlink, but it's possible here.
One suggestion could be Filesystems in Userspace (FUSE.) That is, write a FUSE module (which is, granted, in userspace) which intercepts filesystem-related syscalls, performs whatever tasks you want, and possibly calls the "default" syscall afterwards.
You could then mount certain directories with your FUSE filesystem and, for most of your cases, it seems like the default syscall behavior would not need to be overridden.
You can watch unlink events with inotify, though this might happen too late for your purposes (I don't know because I don't know your purposes, and you should experiment to find out). The in-kernel alternatives based on LSM (by which I mean SMACK, TOMOYO and friends) are really for Mandatory Access Control so may not be suitable for your purposes.
If you want to handle deletions only, you could keep a "shadow" directory of hardlinks (created via link) to the files being watched (via inotify, as suggested by Graham Lee).
If the original is now unlinked, you still have the shadow file to handle as you want to, without using a kernel module.

How can one monitor what part of big file changed

Is there solution for Linux kernel-3.0 (or later) that allows one to get notifications similar to inotify describing particular segment of file that was changed?
There was fschange patch for up to kernel-2.6.21. Is there any up to date solution available? Is recent fanotify able to provide the functionality?
Not that I know of, but there is a way to sort of hack the functionality by using the file change notification as an indicator to read the on disk format of the file system an examine the internal file system block allocation tables to learn whats changed.
It's tricky to do, suffers from race conditions and probably a bad idea, but if you must and coding an fschange on top of 3.0 is not an option for you, it might be the way to go.
IMO... forget using inotify unless "the pretty" is important. Other than that, you can setup a cronjob with a script doing a diff or using FIND with the MTIME option.

How do I measure net used disk space change due to activity by a given process in Linux?

I'd like to monitor disk space requirements of a running process. Ideally, I want to be able to point to a process and find out the net change in used disk space attributable to it. Is there an easy way of doing this in Linux? (I'm pretty sure it would be feasible, though maybe not very easy, to do this in Solaris with DTrace)
Probably you'll have to ptrace it (or get strace to do it for you and parse the output), and then try to work out what disc is being used.
This is nontrivial, as your tracing process will need to understand which file operations use disc space - and be free of race conditions. However, you might be able to do an approximation.
Quite a lot of things can use up disc space, because most Linux filesystems support "holes". I suppose you could count holes as well for accounting purposes.
Another problem is knowing what filesystem operations free up disc space - for example, opening a file for writing may, in some cases, truncate it. This clearly frees up space. Likewise, renaming a file can free up space if it's renamed over an existing file.
Another issue is processes which invoke helper processes to do stuff - for example if myprog does a system("rm -rf somedir").
Also it's somewhat difficult to know when a file has been completely deleted, as it might be deleted from the filesystem but still open by another process.
Happy hacking :)
If you know the PID of the process to monitor, you'll find plenty of information about it in /proc/<PID>.
The file /proc/<PID>/io contains statistics about bytes read and written by the process, it should be what you are seeking for.
Moreover, in /proc/<PID>/fd/ you'll find links to all the files opened by your process, so you could monitor them.
there is Dtrace for linux is available

Using "top" in Linux as semi-permanent instrumentation

I'm trying to find the best way to use 'top' as semi-permanent instrumentation in the development of a box running embedded Linux. (The instrumentation will be removed from the final-test and production releases.)
My first pass is to simply add this to init.d:
top -b -d 15 >/tmp/toploop.out &
This runs top in "batch" mode every 15 seconds. Let's assume that /tmp has plenty of spaceā€¦
Is 15 seconds a good value to choose for general-purpose monitoring?
Other than disk space, how seriously is this perturbing the state of the system?
What other (perhaps better) tools could be used like this?
Look at collectd. It's a very light weight system monitoring framework coded for performance.
We use sysstat to monitor things like this.
You might find that vmstat and iostat with a delay and no repeat counter is a better option.
I suspect 15 seconds would be more than adequate unless you actually want to watch what's happening in real time, but that doesn't appear to be the case here.
As far as load, on an idling PIII 900Mhz w/ 768MB of RAM running Ubuntu (not sure which version, but not more than a year old) I have top updating every 0.5 seconds and it's about 2% CPU utilization. At 15s updates, I'm seeing 0.1% CPU utilization.
depending upon what exactly you want, you could use the output of uptime, free, and ps to get most, if not all, of top's information.
If you are looking for overall load, uptime is probably sufficient. However, if you want specific information about processes, you are adventurous, and have the /proc filessystem enabled, you may want to write your own tools. The primary benefit in this environment is that you can focus on exactly what you want and minimize the load introduced to the system.
The proc file system gives your application read access to the kernel memory that keeps track of many of the interesting variables. Reading from /proc is one of the lightest ways to get this information. Additionally, you may be able to get more information than provided by top. I've done this in the past to get amount of time spent in user and system by this process. Additionally, you can use this to get information about the number of file descriptors open by the process. You might also use this to get detailed information about how the network system is working.
Much of this information is pre-processed by other applications which can be used if you get the information you need. However, it is rather straight-forward to read the raw information. Do a man proc for more information.
Pity you haven't said what you are monitoring for.
You should decide whether 15 seconds is ok or not. Feel free to drop it way lower if you wish (and have a fast HDD)
No worries unless you are running a soft real-time system
Have a look at tools suggested in other answers. I'll add another sugestion: "iotop", for answering a "who is thrashing the HDD" questions.
At work for system monitoring during stress tests we use a tool called nmon.
What I love about nmon is it has the ability to export to XLS and generate beautiful graphs for you.
It generates statistics for:
Memory Usage
CPU Usage
Network Usage
Disk I/O
Good luck :)
