Prevent tcl thread from being blocked by main event loop - multithreading

I am trying to run a thread continuously and not have it become blocked by the tcl main event loop.
Here is a simple example of what I'm trying to do:
exec tclsh "$0" "$#"
package require Thread
set ::a_thread [thread::create {thread::wait}]
proc start_a {} {
thread::send $::a_thread {
puts "Running a thread"
after 1000 a_start
proc infinite_loop {} {
while {1} {
puts "Loop"
after 500
vwait forever
In this code, the infinite_loop proc is called and the main event loop runs infinitely. I would like it if the a_thread could still run in the background though. How can I achieve this?

The main event loop is not blocking your thread. Instead you are using the main event loop to shedule scripts to be executed in the thread. Instead, run the scheduler in the thread itself:
Code tested and works as expected:
thread::send $::a_thread {
proc loop {} {
puts "running a thread"
after 1000 loop
while 1 {
puts "loop"
after 500

The answer is, of course, the one given by slebetman. However, one way to debug this sort of thing (especially in more complex cases) is to prefix the messages printed by each thread by the result of thread::id, and to make sure you print a message at the start of each time round the loop. For example:
package require Thread
set ::a_thread [thread::create {thread::wait}]
proc start_a {} {
puts "[thread::id]: Dispatch to $::a_thread"
thread::send $::a_thread {
puts "[thread::id]: Running a thread"
after 1000 a_start
proc infinite_loop {} {
while {1} {
puts "[thread::id]: Loop"
after 500
puts "[thread::id]: Start main event loop"
vwait forever
That would have told you that the dispatch was happening once, that the running in the other thread is happening synchronously (thread::send waits for the script to finish executing by default), and that the infinite loop is preventing the startup of the main event loop (and hence the rescheduling of the dispatch). Since you didn't know who was doing what, of course there was confusion!


Return a value from a Signal handler inside a perl daemon

How do I return a value to a process which initiated a daemon from a signal handler inside a daemon?
sub _fork
my $pid = fork;
sub daemonize_monitor_sigio
_fork and return;
SIG{IO} = sub{
print "caught sigio";
$ret = {}
...#do some processing
#wants to return $ret here;
The thing about signal handlers, is they're pretty simple. They're basically an interrupt from the kernel, that's passed to the process.
The handler can alter state within the process. But because you've fork()ed beforehand, you have a parent process and a child process - the two don't have any shared state. So 'signaling' from one to the other, is an completely seperate IPC - at the simplest level - you can send another kill signal to the parent process - and get this pid via getpgrp.
For more complicated IPCs though, you're looking at... well, reading the perlipc doc, and figuring out what's most appropriate.

How to implement semaphore thread communication in Perl?

My Perl script needs to run multiple threads simultaneously...
use threads ('yield', 'exit' => 'threads_only');
use threads::shared;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'threads';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Async;
use ...
...and such threads need to obtain some information from web, so HTTP::Async is used.
my $request = HTTP::Request->new;
$request->header('User-Agent' => '...');
my $async = HTTP::Async->new( slots => 100,
max_request_time => REQUEST_TIMEOUT );
But some threads need to access web only when other thread(s) says so.
my $start = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()];
my #threads = ();
foreach ... {
$thread = threads->create(
sub {
local $SIG{KILL} = sub { threads->exit };
my $url = shift;
if ($url ... ) {
# wait for "go" signal from other threads
my ($response, $data);
$data = '';
while ($response = $async->wait_for_next_response) {
$data .= $response->as_string;
if ($data ... ) {
# send "go" signal to waiting threads
}, $_);
if (defined $thread) {
push (#threads, $thread);
There might be one or more threads waiting for "go" signal and there might be one or more threads that such "go" signal can send. At the beginning the status of semaphore is "wait" and once it turns to "go", it will stay so.
Finally, app checks max running time. If threads are running too long, self-termination signal is sent.
my $running;
do {
$running = 0;
foreach my $thread (#threads) {
$running++ if $thread->is_running();
} until (($running == 0) ||
(Time::HiRes::tv_interval($start) > MAX_RUN_TIME));
$running = 0;
foreach my $thread (#threads) {
if ($thread->is_running()) {
Now to the point. My questions are:
How can I most effectively code waiting "semaphore" in the script (see comments in script above). Should I simply use just shared variable with some dummy sleep loop?
Do I need to add some sleep loop at the end of app to give time to threads for self-destruction?
You might look at Thread::Queue to perform this work. You could setup a queue that would handle the signaling between the threads waiting for the 'go' signal and the threads sending the 'go' signal. Here's a quick mock-up that I haven't tested:
use Thread::Queue;
# In main body
my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
$thread = threads->create(
sub {
local $SIG{KILL} = sub { threads->exit };
my $url = shift;
if ($url ... ) {
# wait for "go" signal from other threads
my $mesg = $q->dequeue();
# you could put in some termination code if the $mesg isn't 'go'
if ($mesg ne 'go') { ... }
if ($data ... ) {
# send "go" signal to waiting threads
}, $_);
The threads that need to wait for a 'go' signal will wait on the dequeue method until something enters the queue. Once a message enters the queue one thread and only one thread will grab the message and process it.
If you wish to stop the threads so that they won't run, you can insert a stop message to the head of the queue.
$q->insert(0, 'stop') foreach (#threads);
There are examples in Thread::Queue and threads CPAN distributions that show this in more detail.
In response to your second question, the answer is, unfortunately, it depends. When you proceed to terminate your threads, what kind of clean up is required for a clean shutdown? What's the worst case scenario that could occur if the rug was yanked out from beneath the thread? You would want to plan in any time for the clean up to occur. The other option you could do is wait on each thread to actually complete.
The reason for my comment asking if you could remove the detach call is because this method allows the main thread to exit and not care what was happening to any child threads. Instead, if you remove this call, and add:
$_->join() foreach threads->list();
to the end of your main block, this will require the main application to wait for each thread to actually complete.
If you leave the detach method in place, then you will need to sleep at the end of your code if you require your threads to perform any sort of clean-up. When you call detach on a thread, what you are telling Perl is that you don't care what the thread is doing when your main thread exits. If the main thread exits and there are threads that still running that have been detached, then the program will finish with no warnings. However, if you don't require any clean-up, and you still call detach, feel free to exit whenever you like.
Try out something like this....
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my ($global):shared;
my (#threads);
push(#threads, threads->new(\&mySub,1));
push(#threads, threads->new(\&mySub,2));
push(#threads, threads->new(\&mySub,3));
$i = 0;
foreach my $myThread(#threads)
my #ReturnData = $myTread->join ;
print "Thread $i returned: #ReturnData\n";
sub mySub
my ($threadID) = #_;
print "Thread ID: $threadID >> $_ >> GLB: $global\n";
return( $id );

Thread-safe logger for Tcl

I need a logging library for my multi-threaded Tcl aplication. Can I use standard logger package? If I can, what restrictions are applied in multi-threading environment?
I'd like to share logging services among the threads, if possible.
Tcl threads do not share data (unless you explicitly use certain facilities from the Thread package) and instead are communicating via message passing. So it seems like the way to go would be to setup a dedicated "logger" thread and just queue logging messages into it from the worker threads.
Otherwise the point of contention will probably be somewhere in the OS resource used by the logger to actually write data.
Update Okay, here's a working sketch of what I actually proposed to implement:
package require Tcl 8.5
package require Thread
proc make_worker_thread {logger_id body} {
set newbody [list set ::logger $logger_id]
append newbody \n {
proc ::log {severity msg} {
global logger
thread::send $logger [list ::log $severity $msg]
} \n $body
thread::create $newbody
set logger [thread::create {
package require logger
proc log {severity msg} {
puts "hey, that's it: ($severity) $msg"
puts "logger thread created: [thread::id]"
for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
make_worker_thread $logger {
proc post_msg {} {
log notice "A message from [thread::id]"
after 1000 ::post_msg
puts "worker thread created: [thread::id]"
after 1000 ::post_msg
vwait forever
This code creates one logger thread and four worker threads each of which posts a message to the logger thread once per second. The code runs until manually interrupted. The logger thread just simple-mindedly outputs the message it was passed to the console, but as someone else in this thread already mentioned, you could probably use the "logger" package from Tcllib, if you need fancy stuff like facilities.
To reiterate my points:
The logger package itself does not presumably know anything about threading.
Tcl threads are well-separated and usually communicate via message passing.
Hence create a thread for the logger and teach worker threads send messages to it; therefore working threads are not concerned with how logger is implemented.
P.S. In the worker threads, you can use [thread::send -async ...] to make sending log messages fully asynchronous.
A Logging API for Tcl
This implementation is thread safe. Because of the general
purpose the C-functions do not require a tcl-interpreter.
It depends a bit on what you want to achieve with a multithreaded use of logger.
If you just have the use case to not block your worker threads while writing log messages to disk, the simplest way is to use logger normally and configure a simple logproc that does a thread::send -async to some logging thread (which might itself use logger with appenders to write the actual log files) with your log message (basically what has been sketched in the accepted answer).
If you want to use loggers option to disable/enable logging for the whole program, across various threads, you need to do a little more work to propagate loglevel changes to all threads via custom lvlchangeproc's.
Here is my "multithreading" wrapper for logger package:
# replacement for logger::init procedure from logger package
proc ::mylogger::init { service } {
set log [logger::init $service]
foreach lvl [logger::levels] {
interp alias {} log_to_file_$lvl {} ::mylogger::log $lvl $service
${log}::logproc $lvl log_to_file_$lvl
return $log
proc mylogger::server { } {
set t [thread::create {
proc log { level txt } {
set msg "\[[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"]\]\t$level\t$txt"
puts stderr $msg
# enter to event loop
tsv::set measure-logger loggerThread $t
proc ::mylogger::log { level service txt } {
set t [tsv::get measure-logger loggerThread]
thread::send -async $t [list log $level "$service\t$txt"]
# start logging thread
# should be called once from main application thread
# create logger
# may be called from any thread
set log [mylogger::init myservice]
# log a message
# may be called from the thread the "mylogger::init myservice" was called in
${log}::debug myservice "Hello, World!"
# wait a second
after 1000

fork and waitpid fail on linux. Without hitting the hard or soft limits

I have a process that must create and close threads on demand.
Each thread forks a new process using open2. Sometimes after executing the program for a long time open2 fails to fork the process sometimes and gives a "Can not allocate memory error", sometimes this happens for threads too.I know that the Linux has soft and hard limits but the number of the concurrent threads and processes for my server does not exceed those values.
Is there something like a counter for number of processes and threads that eliminates thread and process creation after sometime?
If it is so how servers like Postgres work for a long period of time?
The project has multiple processes that communicate using TCP, but the part that causes the error that i described in a frond end to mplayer, that is written in Perl. The code is as follows:
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use IPC::Open2;
use 5.010;
use Config;
die "Your perl does not compiled with threading support.";
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use constant
#Remote request packet fields
#our request typs
#Play states
#The following line must be added because of a bad behavior in the perl thread library that causes a SIGPIPE to be generated under heavy usage of the threads.
#This variable holds the server socket object
my $server_socket;
#This array is used to hold objects of our all threads
my #thread_objects;
#create the server socket
$server_socket=IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort=>SERVER_PORT,Listen=>20,Proto=>'tcp',Reuse=>1) or
die "Creating socket error ($#)";
#Now try to accept remote connections
print "Server socket created successfully now try to accept remote connections on port: ".SERVER_PORT."\n";
while(my $client_connection=$server_socket->accept())
push #thread_objects,threads->create(\&player_thread,$client_connection);
#This subroutine is used to play something using tcp-based commands
sub player_thread
my $client_socket=shift;
#create a new select object
my $selector=IO::Select->new($client_socket);
#this variabe is used to pars our request
my #remote_request;
#getting th thread id of the current thread
my $tid=threads->self()->tid;
#This variable is used to hold the pid of mplayer child
my $mp_pid=-1;
#Mplayer stdin and stdout file descriptors
#This variable is used to check if we are playing something now or not
my $is_playing=STATE_STOP;
print "Client thread $tid created.\n";
#check to see if we can read anything from our handler
#print "Before select\n";
#my #ready=$selector->can_read();
#print "After select: #ready\n";
#now the data is ready for reading so we read it here
my $data=<$client_socket>;
#This means if the connection is closed by the remote end
print "Remote connection has been closed in thread $tid mplayer id is: $mp_pid and state is: $is_playing.\n";
#if we have an mplayer child when remote connection is closed we must wait for it
#so that is work is done
if($mp_pid!=-1 and $is_playing ==STATE_PLAY)
waitpid $mp_pid,0;
elsif($is_playing==STATE_PAUS and $mp_pid!=-1)
print "thread $tid is in the paused state, we must kill mplayer.\n";
print $MP_STDIN "quit\n";
waitpid $mp_pid,0;
#FIXME:: Here we must validate our argument
#Now we try to execute the command
#remote_request=split ",",$data;
print "#remote_request\n";
#Trying to reap the death child and change the state of the thread
my $dead_child=-1;
print "Play request\n";
eval{$mp_pid=open2($MP_STDOUT,$MP_STDIN,"mplayer -slave -really-quiet -softvol -volume ".$remote_request[PACKET_VOLMLVL]." -endpos ".$remote_request[PACKET_ENDPOSI]." ./".$remote_request[PACKET_FILENAM]);};
print "Some error occurred in open2 system call: $#\n" if $#;
print "Mplayer pid: $mp_pid.\n";
print "Stop request\n";
if($is_playing != STATE_STOP)
print $MP_STDIN "pausing_keep stop\n";
#FIXME:: Maybe we should use WNOHANG here
my $id=waitpid $mp_pid,0;
print "Mplayer($id) stopped.\n";
print "pause request\n";
if($is_playing !=STATE_STOP)
print $MP_STDIN "pausing_keep pause\n";
print "volume change request\n";
if($is_playing !=STATE_STOP)
print $MP_STDIN "pausing_keep volume ".$remote_request[PACKET_VOLMLVL]." 1\n";
my $id;
if($id > 0)
print "Mplayer($id) stopped.\n";
print $client_socket "Stopped\n";
print $client_socket "Paused\n";
print $client_socket "Playing\n";
when ($_==PLPA_REQUEST)
print "play paused request\n";
eval{$mp_pid=open2($MP_STDOUT,$MP_STDIN,"mplayer -slave -really-quiet -softvol -volume ".$remote_request[PACKET_VOLMLVL]." -endpos ".$remote_request[PACKET_ENDPOSI]." ./".$remote_request[PACKET_FILENAM]);};
print "Some error occurred in open2 system call: $#\n" if $#;
print $MP_STDIN "pausing_keep pause\n";
when ($_==SEEK_REQUEST)
print "Seek request\n";
if($is_playing != STATE_STOP)
my $seek_pos=abs $remote_request[PACKET_SEEKPOS];
print $MP_STDIN "seek $seek_pos 2\n";
warn "Invalid request($_)!!!";
print "Thread $tid is exiting now, the child mplayer pid is: $mp_pid and state is: $is_playing.\n";
#The following subroutine takes a pid and if that pid is grater than 0 it tries to reap it
#if it is successful returns pid of the reaped process else 0
sub reaper
my $pid=shift;
if($pid > 0)
my $id=waitpid($pid,WNOHANG);
if($id > 0)
return $id;
return 0;
"Can not allocate memory error" is what it says, either the user exceeded its memory quota (check with ulimit -m, compare to ps ux) or you're really out of memory (free).
The limits for max user processes are only indirectly connected - if you fork() more processes then the user's memory quota permits, fork() will fail with ENOMEM.
You also might want to see:
What are some conditions that may cause fork() or system() calls to fail on Linux?
I finally found the problem, it is because of a memory leak in the Perl's thread module that causes the memory to grow after a long time. Then open2 can not allocate memory and fails.

How can I handle scheduling threads with dependencies in Perl?

I have the following scenario:
sub_1 can run immediately
sub_2 can run immediately
sub_3 can run only after sub_1 finishes
sub_4 can run only after sub_1 finishes
sub_5 can run only after sub_2 finishes
sub_6 can run only after sub_2 finishes
sub_7 can run only after both sub_1 and sub_2 finish
sub_8 can run only after both sub_1 and sub_2 finish
I would like each sub to start run as soon as possible, than wait for all of them to finish.
I would really appreciate you help in creating a clean solution for this simple scenario -- I'm new to multi-threading.
I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but those subs are all in an object.
I'd suggest a "Boss/Worker" model, wherein one thread manages the subroutines to be executed in worker threads, who in turn report their status back to the boss upon completion.
In this model the boss is the only thread that needs to know how tasks are to be ordered. It might look something like this:
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use Thread::Pool;
our $done_queue = Thread::Queue->new;
our $work_pool = Thread::Pool->new;
sub sub_1 {
... do the work ...
$done_queue->enqueue('sub_1'); # tell the boss we're all done
sub sub_2 {
... do the work ...
$done_queue->enqueue('sub_2'); # tell boss we're done
# Main loop (boss thread)
while (my $sub_name = $done_queue->dequeue) {
# You, the boss thread, keep track of state and
# transitions however you like. You know what's
# just finished and what's finished in the past
Of course, abstraction can make that neater -- you could hide the Pool and the Queue behind a single object, one which didn't require sub_1() to know about the status queue at all:
$boss->enqueue( 'sub_1' => \&sub_1 ); # Will return 'sub_1' via await_completed()
$boss->enqueue( 'sub_2' => \&sub_2 ); # Will return 'sub_1'
while (my $sub_name = $boss->await_completed) {
Here's a possible solution using threads and thread sharing. Most of the code is just mocking up the test and emulating threads that have to do "work" before they finish. In the example the main thread spawns seven threads that each have a random amount of time that they have to do "work". The threads cannot begin working until the other threads they are dependent on (set in the dependencies array) have finished. You can change the thread dependencies and run the example a few times to illustrate that it works correctly.
Additionally you can have each thread terminate after it runs and have the main thread terminate after all of the subthreads have finished by checking the status hash.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my %status : shared;
my $dependencies = [
{3 => 1}, #three can only run after one has finished...
{4 => 1}, #four can only run after one has finished...
{5 => 2}, #five can only run after two has finished...
{6 => 1}, #etc...
{6 => 2},
{7 => 1},
{7 => 2}
sub main{
foreach my $thread_number (1..7){
print "I am the main thread\n";
sub spawn_thread{
my $thread_number = shift;
$status{$thread_number} = 'wait';
my $thr = threads->new(\&thread_routine, $thread_number);
sub thread_routine{
my $thread_number = shift;
my $working_time_left = int(rand(5)) + 1; #make a random time that this thread needs to "work"
print "I am thread number $thread_number with status $status{$thread_number}\n";
#see if this thread is active; if so, see if it finished running running
if ($status{$thread_number} eq 'active'){
if ($working_time_left <= 0){
$status{$thread_number} = 'ran';
#see if we can activate
if ($status{$thread_number} eq 'wait'){
my $can_activate = 1;
foreach my $index (0..$#$dependencies){
if (exists $dependencies->[$index]->{$thread_number}){
if ($status{$dependencies->[$index]->{$thread_number}} ne 'ran'){
$can_activate = 0;
if ($can_activate){
$status{$thread_number} = "active";
if ($status{$thread_number} eq 'active'){ #do "work"
Fork and create 2 processes:
In process 1:
sub_1; sub_3
In process 2:
sub_2; wait for sub_1 end; sub_4
