NSIS MUI language popup not appearing - nsis

I am using NSIS to create an installer for my application. NSIS Mondern UI, to be specific.
This installer is multi-lingual and I am using
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE
etc to ask the language input to the user. On one of the machines, I am not getting the "Select Language" popup. But if I use the normal NSIS commands (not MUI) like LoadLanguageFile, LicenseLangString etc., it works perfectly fine.
What could be the reason for this behavior? Is it related to any other system/Windows level setting??
Other MUI commands/instructions work perfectly on this machine. Any help greatly appreciated.

There are a couple of things that could be going on here:
If you use the MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_* defines, NSIS will try to remember the language and not ask again (MUI_LANGDLL_ALWAYSSHOW turns this off)
If NSIS decides that this machine is only able to display one language (code page issues etc) it will not show the dialog, you can override this with MUI_LANGDLL_ALLLANGUAGES



Hello to you who is reading this post. About a week ago I discovered NSIS and have just about managed to finish my first installer script. I managed to find answers to pretty much all of my questions through web searches, and have managed to create a pretty elaborate installer. There is one issue I can't figure out, as everything I have tried does not work and I can't find a solution online that I understand or is specific enough to be applied to this issue.
I'm using the modern UI "MUI2". I found some code to increase the size of the rich textbox on the license page which works great, but now the text at the bottom of the window (MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM) overlaps it and causes some visual bugs. Setting it to an empty string does not work and setting it to a single space does not work. I managed to get it to disappear with "FindWindow" and "GetDlgItem", but I'm not exactly a programmer so I don't have the intelligence or knowledge on how to set these up correctly. What I did manage to pull off, it also removed the rich textbox, and after several hours of defeat I finally gave up and turned to the internet.
It's kind of mind blowing to me that NSIS does not provide a simple way to remove controls. I don't want the "text bottom" label there at all, I want it gone or at the very least hidden. I know the handle I'm trying to remove is "1006" because I opened up the installer in Resource Hacker and removed the label from there. What bugs the me most is that actually worked perfectly and removes the label, but it also corrupts the installer and I have to use NCRC on command line to launch it. So scratch that as a workable solution...
TL;DR my question is: how do I hide or get rid of MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM?
MUI2 already has a variable you can use:
!include MUI2.nsh
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
Function HideMui2Text
ShowWindow $mui.LicensePage.Text 0
If you wanted to do it manually it would be
FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT ; Find inner page
GetDlgItem $1 $0 1006 ; Find control
ShowWindow $1 0
When using Resource Hacker you need to copy the base file from NSIS\Contrib\UIs and in your script define MUI_UI to the path of your modified UI file.

Choosing install language programmatically in Inno Setup

I'm using Inno Setup as an installer for my program, but I want to be able to choose the default language for the installer itself. I know it chooses default based on system locale (based on a list of languages I've chosen to support), but I would want to select the language according to my rules.
The rules is that for "Norwegian" and "English" OS, I want to show Norwegian, while all other gets defaulted to their own.
After loads of Googling I have not found an answer to this, and it's very possible it just can't be done. But I am also aware that Inno Setup's documentation is rather lacking, so I'm hoping maybe someone knows something which is not written down.
Disable the standard language dialog by setting the ShowLanguageDialog to no.
Do your "language decision logic" in InitializeSetup event function.
Re-launch the installer with /LANG switch.
Basically you can use the code from below question, except that instead of presenting a custom language selection dialog, you do your "decision logic".
Inno Setup - Language selector with VCL Styles
Though for your trivial case, why don't you just create an "English" .isl (LanguageID directive set to $0409) with Norwegian contents?
Setup will use the first language specified in the [Languages] section as the default language.

Run installer minimized + NotifyIcon

I have my command line options that work for my installer, which involves the plugin NotifyIcon. Because of this plugin, I can not run my installer silently through the command line. It has one custom page MUI page over. Two questions occured to me, so if anyone can help, please do so.
I'm using MUI, so I know I have to use a separate function and then define MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_GUIINIT myGuiInit ! I load the code correctly and icon works for me properly.
Running the installation mínimimizado. I've dealt with "HideWindow" on . MyGuiInit OnInit and also in my own functions, and anywhere else I could think of, but that does not work very well. What I need is that the first boot installation window minimized and the icon appears on the task bar (this already works for me) and when you press the icon on the taskbar window is restored installation to continue with the installation normally.
I don't really understand your question but if you want to start the installer minimized you can do:
Function myGuiInit
System::Call 'USER32::PostMessage(i$hwndparent,i0x0112,i0xF020,i0)'

nsis createting InternetShortcut not displaying icon

When I try to give custom icon while creating InternetShortcut that particulat icon is not there in created InternetShortcut. Default icon is comming.
Here is code:
WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\Launch_APP.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "http://localhost:9080/myapp/index.php"
WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\Launch_APP.url" "InternetShortcut" "IconFile" "$ReadmePath\A.ico"
CreateShortcut uses IShellLink to create shortcuts and is not supposed to be used to create internet shortcuts. The documented interface you are supposed to use to create internet shortcuts is IUniformResourceLocator. NSIS does not have a native instruction for this but it can be called by the system plugin using its COM syntax. To set the icon you would have to QueryInterface for IPropertySetStorage and set PID_IS_ICONFILE. In the end you are just going to end up with the same .ini file which is why a lot of examples (NSIS and other stuff) just write using the .ini API.
You could try adding IconIndex=0 to the .ini but my guess is that the icon path is wrong or icon caching is getting in the way.
Have you tried clearing the icon cache or testing on a different machine?
Thanks for using NSIS.
So - There is function CreateShortCut (nsis.sourceforge.net/Docs/Chapter4.html# it is intended to create any shortcut Windows supports. You should use it. If you find some specific case where it does not work, feel free to mail to Devs in NSIS contact list or create ticket in their bug-tracker.

NSIS scripts-Changing header text. Also using same variable in both installer and uninstaller section

I am writing an installer using NSIS. I wanna know how to change or write a description(text on white header)on custom pages? For eg: I am inserting a customized page after the directory page and the description remains the same i.e Choose Install Location...
But I wanna change it according to my page requirement. How should I change this text?
Also I wanna access a variable in uninstaller section which is set with some string in installer section. Please help me on this...
Okay, you seem to have two questions there.. probably best to post them separately :)
For setting the title of the customized page, simply use the following macro (I've got mine placed just prior to calling nsDialogs::Create)
Where MY_CUSTOM_TITLE and MY_CUSTOM_SUBTITLE are variables set elsewhere.
You will need to save the string value of the variable during installation by writing it out to a file or registry setting, and then later during uninstallation reading that value from the same location.
I think you need to do this:
!define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_DESTINATION "My alternate Choose Install Location text"
You could also edit the language files. This is assuming you are using MUI for your custom pages:
