Difference between u2-scripts and universe basic code - u2

What is the difference between U2 scripts and UniVerse Basic code in the UniVerse database?

I'm not sure what you mean by U2 scripts. There isn't a scripting engine built in to U2 (Universe or UniData). A U2 server can only run UniBasic programs, which are pre-compiled into object code. You can, however, execute shell scripts from within a UniBasic program (see the PCPERFORM command).
Also, there are client tools available which let you access a U2 database and run native UniBasic code from other languages, such as C# and Java.

Actually, ProVerb and Paragraph are both scripting languages which are included in UniVerse. You can get more information at: u2ug.org or u2data.com.

The scripting languages in U2 are mostly relics from a time before the BASIC language had the EXECUTE command. Essentially, this meant that you could not execute TCL commands from within BASIC programs, with the most important implication being that you could NOT generate SELECT lists with scope limiting criteria from within BASIC.
Consequently, any program that needed to access a criteria limited SELECT list need to be invoked with that SELECT list active. In order to get the creation of such lists under programmatic control, a TCL scripting language was necessary. Early incarnations of this were called PROC or ProVerb, and included some rudimentary flow control. Many baroque nightmares of PROC were produced in the 70s and 80s, and were all were obsolete when the EXECUTE command was included in the BASIC language.
Nowadays, it's possible to work in a U2 system without knowing any PROC at all, and you'll rarely encounter a PROC that's more than a couple of commands long.
The Paragraph (PA) scripting language is something that came in from UniData. It's simple and easy to read, and therefore beneath the dignity of experienced U2 programmers to use it.
Anyone want to talk about "F" correlatives now?


How do I run different esoteric programs?

I was looking online and i found a cool list of esoteric languages. How would I run these?
Obviously, each language have its own program, but how do I run it?
Well, you're taking things a little bit backwards. Your computer executes only machine code.
For you to run programs of any other language other than machine code, you need to have some infrastructure in place to do so. Usually that infrastructure is either a translator (commonly known as a compiler) or an interpreter (or sometimes, a hybrid approach, as in the case of Java or C#).
The aforementioned infrastructure, in language parlance, is called a language implementation.
Now, for the esoteric languages you mentioned, provided you have some implementation of the language at hand (either installed on your computer or somewhere online perhaps, be it a compiler or an interpreter), then you can use it to either translate the programs all the way down to machine code, or use the interpreter (if the language provides one) to interpret the program (as in the case of Python or Ruby).
Well as for any programming language, you need an interpreter or a compiler :)
for example you can run brainfuck there => http://copy.sh/brainfuck/
Then you have to search it for your target "esoteric" language :) and like any program compiler may require specific systems.
It's true you can individually search and download the compiler/interpreter required, and all other associated baggage whenever you want to try a different language. I highly recommend playing around with them online first to get acquainted though, and then committing if you like it.
There's a great site called TIO and, according to their homepage:
TIO hosts 260 practical and 420 recreational programming languages, for a total of 681 languages.
To get a sense of the cornucopia of languages waiting at your fingertips, you need only see this screenshot. Note that this is with only recreational languages selected and showing:
There's still 2/3 of the page full of recreational languages left to scroll through!

Explain how information flows between programming languages, for beginning programmers

I am an autodidact, teaching myself how to program and script in different languages (novice in: Java, C++, Javascript/Node.js, HTML/CSS), design projects and schematics, adding electronics and peripherals.
What I have seen a lot of while researching is the use of multiple languages to achieve a set of goals (such as building a Web server in Javascript/Node to handle HTTP requests and responses, responding with a Web page written in HTML and customized/stylized with CSS and embedded with Javascript mannerisms; or instead of Node, you write it in PHP or Python).
I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around WHY multiple languages are used instead of just one (some high-level languages are capable of performing a large portion, if not all, of the required tasks) and HOW information is passed in between the different languages. Could one program call another (I know that an HTML file can make "calls" to CSS and Javascript files, so, I understand that instance)?
I think the reason why I am hung up on this is because of my inexperience and lack of knowledge of other common languages. Does that mean that certain languages are meant to handle only specific tasks in a specific manner?
I feel like some languages, such as Java and C++, for example, can be used in various ways and in various instances to handle a myriad of different tasks. Is that not true of some of the others (PHP & Python, for instance)?
I'm digging into the wealth of knowledge and the collective experience of some of the most brilliant minds this world has to offer but remember that I am new to this and I don't have the advantage of doing this in a classroom but I have read and own many books on programming in specific languages and the like. Please answer in a way that I and the others that may follow can understand.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to the responses.
Fantastic answers!
I'm curious though; when working towards a solution for a specific problem, when does the programmer know when to stop in one language and continue a segment in another language?
That's where I am confused. Is it typically up to the software developer and his/her own particular and artistic preference on how something is done or are certain things just not possible without using multiple languages?
I do understand scripting and when it's beneficial to use rather than a program or application and I know runtime execution/compiled code, environments and frameworks and virtual machines but none of that clearly lays out a defined perimeter or a limit in functionality/ability for any particular language. Why call a C++ function in Python? Could Python not accomplish what was needed in the first place and could choosing a more appropriate language have mitigated the need for adding another level of complexity to the solution? I may be overthinking it but knowing this will guide me in my learning and help me map out better solutions as a programmer.
Basically the different technologies (browsers, operating systems etc) and with it programming languages evolved over time so that there are many different languages used in practice. For the same reason that there are multiple real languages. You could design a web browser that supports Python instead of JavaScript for front-end programming, but this would involve designing the APIs the scripts use to access the pages (DOM HTML model), it would need to be supported by all major web browsers, standardized, and web developers would need to use it.
Yes in many cases it is possible for programs written in one language to call programs written in another languages. There needs to be some kind of interface connecting the two parts, depending on the context. For example:
C and C++ are both compiled languages. That is, they get translated into machine code to be executed by the processor. The positions in the machine code where code for one function is located are stored with it. The linker of the operating system is responsible for linking two modules (.c files) such that function calls made in one module towards a function defined in the other result in the right machine code being loaded. For a C++ program to call a C program, one problem (many others) is that functions are named differently (name mangling). In practice the functions from the C program would need to be declared extern "C" in the C++ source code for the linker to set this up correctly.
JavaScript, CSS and HTML are interpreted and executed (for JavaScript) by the browser, but not necessarily translated into machine code. (JavaScript engined may use Just-in-time compilation). So the browser provides possibilities for the JavaScript code to access the CSS definition, for example. .style.color = ....
For scripting languages like Perl, PHP, Python etc to call each other, different libraries exist that handle the necessary intermediate steps ("glue code"). There are many possibilities, for instance the PHP code could invoke the Python interpreter to execute a Python program, or it could pass data to a running Python program through the operating system's mechanisms etc.
Wrappers such as SWIG allow C/C++ code to be called from scripting languages. They add the necessary symbols (functions) to the code that Python would call internally. Than the C++ program is compiled as a Python extension, which is loaded by the Python interpreter, itself a compiled program, and the operating system's linker is used. The Python interpreter then interprets Python code in such a way that calling a given Python function results in the machine code of the extension's wrapper function to be executed.
There are many ways to classify programming languages into categories. For example from low level (machine code) to higher level (more abstraction, translation to machine code handled automatically):
Assembly (for expressing machine code instructions)
Compiled languages for system-level programming. (C, C++, Pascal, ...)
Compiled languages running in a VM (Java, C#, ...)
Scripting languages (Python, Perl, PHP, ...) Less focused on efficiency, but more flexible.
Higher domain-speficic level languages (MATLAB, AppleScript)
Shell scripting (bash, sh)
Programming is all about creating solutions to problems. People think differently. People see the world from different perspectives. People like to tweak solutions and play with tools. Languages are created by people in order to solve different problems and in some cases just for play. My response is more along the lines of 'Why would there only be one language?'.

What is difference between scripting languages and other languages [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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When is a language considered a scripting language?
I am really confused between different types of languages.
Can any one guide what are diff types of languages or diff categories.
Like some saying python is scripting langauge. Now what does that mean. Are other langueages like php , asp , java not scripting langauges
The name "Scripting language" applies to a very specific role: the language which you write commands to send to an existing software application. (like a traditional tv or movie "script")
For example, once upon a time, HTML web pages were boring. They were always static. Then one day, Netscape thought, "Hey, what if we let the browser read and act on little commands in the page?" And like that, Javascript was formed.
A simple javascript command is the alert() command, which instructs/commands the browser (a software app) that is reading the webpage to display an alert.
Now, does alert() related, in any way, to the C++ or whatever code language that the browser actually uses to display the alert? Of course not. Someone who writes "alert()" on an .html page has no understanding of how the browser actually displays the alert. He's just writing a command that the browser will interpret.
Let's see the simple javascript code
var x = 4
These are instructs that are sent to the browser, for the browser to interpret in itself. The programming language that the browser goes through to actually set a variable to 4, and put that in an alert...it is completely unrelated to javascript.
We call that last series of commands a "script" (which is why it is enclosed in <script> tags). Just by the definition of "script", in the traditional sense: A series of instructions and commands sent to the actors. Everyone knows that a screenplay (a movie script), for example, is a script.
The screenplay (script) is not the actors, or the camera, or the special effects. The screenplay just tells them what to do.
Now, what is a scripting language, exactly?
There are a lot of programming languages that are like different tools in a toolbox; some languages were designed specifically to be used as scripts.
Javasript is an obvious example; there are very few applications of Javascript that do not fall within the realm of scripting.
ActionScript (the language for Flash animations) and its derivatives are scripting languages, in that they simply issue commands to the Flash player/interpreter. Sure, there are abstractions such as Object-Oriented programming, but all that is simply a means to the end: send commands to the flash player.
Python and Ruby are commonly also used as scripting languages. For example, I once worked for a company that used Ruby to script commands to send to a browser that were along the lines of, "go to this site, click this link..." to do some basic automated testing. I was not a "Software Developer" by any means, at that job. I just wrote scripts that sent commands to the computer to send commands to the browser.
Because of their nature, scripting languages are rarely 'compiled' -- that is, translated into machine code, and read directly by the computer.
Even GUI applications created from Python and Ruby are scripts sent to an API written in C++ or C. It tells the C app what to do.
There is a line of vagueness, of course. Why can't you say that Machine Language/C are scripting languages, because they are scripts that the computer uses to interface with the basic motherboard/graphics cards/chips?
There are some lines we can draw to clarify:
When you can write a scripting language and run it without "compiling", it's more of a direct-script sort of thing. For example, you don't need to do anything with a screenplay in order to tell the actors what to do with it. It's already there, used, as-is. For this reason, we will exclude compiled languages from being called scripting languages, even though they can be used for scripting purposes in some occasions.
Scripting language implies commands sent to a complex software application; that's the whole reason we write scripts in the first place -- so you don't need to know the complexities of how the software works to send commands to it. So, scripting languages tend to be languages that send (relatively) simple commands to complex software applications...in this case, machine language and assembly code don't cut it.
A scripting language is typically interpreted instead of compiled.
See scripting-and-programming,
and many similar discussions.
There are many taxonomies for classifying programming languages.
In regard to scripting, a scripting language (python, ruby, php) is a language that runs on an interpretor directly from source code.
Other languages are either compiled languages (run from binary form: c, c++, pascal) either intermediate, compiled to an intermediary form and run inside a virtual machine (java, c#).
A scripting language is a language that focuses on making it easy to chain together or manipulate other programs
Wikipedia says:
"When a language is used to give commands to a software application (such as a shell) it is called a scripting language"
"A scripting language, script language or extension language is a programming language that allows control of one or more software applications."
This is orthogonal from whether it is interpreted or otherwise - Java was originally interpreted, for example, but nobody called it a scripting language. It just happens that, if you're implementing a scripting language, interpreting it is a straightforward approach to take.
Many scripting languages are compiled, either to bytecode or to machine code, often with JIT.
The distinction between script languages and other languages is mostly between interpreted, dynamically typed languages (for example PHP, VBScript, JScript and Javascript), and compiled, statically typed languages (for example C#, VB.NET, Java, C++ and Delphi).
ASP is not a language, but a platform for scripting languages (VBScript / JScript), while ASP.NET is a platform for compiled languages (mainly C# / VB.NET).

Interactive programming language?

Is there a programming language which can be programmed entirely in interactive mode, without needing to write files which are interpreted or compiled. Think maybe something like IRB for Ruby, but a system which is designed to let you write the whole program from the command line.
I assume you are looking for something similar to how BASIC used to work (boot up to a BASIC prompt and start coding).
IPython allows you to do this quite intuitively. Unix shells such as Bash use the same concept, but you cannot re-use and save your work nearly as intuitively as with IPython. Python is also a far better general-purpose language.
Edit: I was going to type up some examples and provide some links, but the IPython interactive tutorial seems to do this a lot better than I could. Good starting points for what you are looking for are the sections on source code handling tips and lightweight version control. Note this tutorial doesn't spell out how to do everything you are looking for precisely, but it does provide a jumping off point to understand the interactive features on the IPython shell.
Also take a look at the IPython "magic" reference, as it provides a lot of utilities that do things specific to what you want to do, and allows you to easily define your own. This is very "meta", but the example that shows how to create an IPython magic function is probably the most concise example of a "complete application" built in IPython.
Smalltalk can be programmed entirely interactively, but I wouldn't call the smalltalk prompt a "command line". Most lisp environments are like this as well. Also postscript (as in printers) if memory serves.
Are you saying that you want to write a program while never seeing more code than what fits in the scrollback buffer of your command window?
There's always lisp, the original alternative to Smalltalk with this characteristic.
The only way to avoid writing any files is to move completely to a running interactive environment. When you program this way (that is, interactively such as in IRB or F# interactive), how do you distribute your programs? When you exit IRB or F# interactive console, you lose all code you interactively wrote.
Smalltalk (see modern implementation such as Squeak) solves this and I'm not aware of any other environment where you could fully avoid files. The solution is that you distribute an image of running environment (which includes your interactively created program). In Smalltalk, these are called images.
Any unix shell conforms to your question. This goes from bash, sh, csh, ksh to tclsh for TCL or wish for TK GUI writing.
As already mentioned, Python has a few good interactive shells, I would recommend bpython for starters instead of ipython, the advantage of bpython here is the support for autocompletion and help dialogs to help you know what arguments the function accepts or what it does (if it has docstrings).
Screenshots: http://bpython-interpreter.org/screenshots/
This is really a question about implementations, not languages, but
Smalltalk (try out the Squeak version) keeps all your work in an "interactive workspace", but it is graphical and not oriented toward the command line.
APL, which was first deployed on IBM 360 and 370 systems, was entirely interactive, using a command line on a modified IBM Selectric typewriter! Your APL functions were kept in a "workspace" which did not at all resemble an ordinary file.
Many, many language implementations come with pure command-line interactive interpreters, like say Standard ML of New Jersey, but because they don't offer any sort of persistent namespace (i.e., when you exit the program, all your work is lost), I don't think they should really count.
Interestingly, the prime movers behind Smalltalk and APL (Kay and Iverson respectively) both won Turing Awards. (Iverson got his Turing award after being denied tenure at Harvard.)
TCL can be programmed entirely interactivly, and you can cetainly define new tcl procs (or redefine existing ones) without saving to a file.
Of course if you are developing and entire application at some point you do want to save to a file, else you lose everything. Using TCLs introspective abilities its relatively easy to dump some or all of the current interpreter state into a tcl file (I've written a proc to make this easier before, however mostly I would just develop in the file in the first place, and have a function in the application to resources itself if its source changes).
Not sure about that, but this system is impressively interactive: http://rigsomelight.com/2014/05/01/interactive-programming-flappy-bird-clojurescript.html
Most variations of Lisp make it easy to save your interactive work product as program files, since code is just data.
Charles Simonyi's Intentional Programming concept might be part way there, too, but it's not like you can go and buy that yet. The Intentional Workbench project may be worth exploring.
Many Forths can be used like this.
Someone already mentioned Forth but I would like to elaborate a bit on the history of Forth. Traditionally, Forth is a programming language which is it's own operating system. The traditional Forth saves the program directly onto disk sectors without using a "real" filesystem. It could afford to do that because it didn't ran directly on the CPU without an operating system so it didn't need to play nice.
Indeed, some implementations have Forth as not only the operating system but also the CPU (a lot of more modern stack based CPUs are in fact designed as Forth machines).
In the original implementation of Forth, code is always compiled each time a line is entered and saved on disk. This is feasible because Forth is very easy to compile. You just start the interpreter, play around with Forth defining functions as necessary then simply quit the interpreter. The next time you start the interpreter again all your previous functions are still there. Of course, not all modern implementations of Forth works this way.
It's a functional Lisp on the JVM. You can connect to a REPL server called nREPL, and from there you can start writing code in a text file and loading it up interactively as you go.
Clojure gives you something akin to interactive unit testing.
I think Clojure is more interactive then other Lisps because of it's strong emphasis of the functional paradigm. It's easier to hot-swap functions when they are pure.
The best way to try it out is here: http://web.clojurerepl.com/
ELM is probably the most interactive you can get that I know of. It's a very pure functional language with syntax close to Haskell. What makes it special is that it's designed around a reactive model that allows hot-swapping(modifying running code(functions or values)) of code. The reactive bit makes it that whenever you change one thing, everything is re-evaluated.
Now ELM is compiled to HTML-CSS-JavaScript. So you won't be able to use it for everything.
ELM gives you something akin to interactive integration testing.
The best way to try it out is here: http://elm-lang.org/try

How to code in the unix spirit? (small single task tools)

I have written a little script which retrieves pictures and movies from my camera and renames them based on their date and then copies them on my harddrive, managing conflicts automatically (same name? same size? same md5?)
Works pretty well.
But this is ONE script.
From time to time I need to check if a picture is already hidden somewhere in a volume, so I'd like to apply the "conflict manager" only. I guess if I had properly followed the unix spirit of tiny single-task tools, I could do that.
What are the best resources, best practices and your experience on the subject?
Thank you.
Edit : Although I'd love to read unix books and have a deep understanding of the subject, I am looking for the Great Principles first. Plus I tend to limit myself to online resources.
I would look at the book called The Art of Unix Programming.
I've found that most code doesn't start out being reusable, it evolves to be. Take your existing code and factor out the "conflict manager" portion into its own function or program, then call that program instead of having it be a part of your original application. After that you'll be able to reuse that part of your code that you have a need to reuse. Sometimes it's impossible to design software up front for reusability because you simply don't know which parts you'll want to reuse.
As for resources, it seems like the store shelves are packed with books for Linux desktop users and system administrators, but it's hard to find good Linux programming books. A few good ones:
Beginning Linux Programming
Professional Linux Programming
Linux Programming by Example: The Fundamentals
The Linux Programmer's Toolbox
Lastly, Eric Raymond has made The Art of Unix Programming available online for free.
Check out this book:
The Art of Unix Programming by Eric S. Raymond
Here is his website:
Personally, whenever I see that the script I'm planning to write will be longer than a dozen lines, I use python instead of shell script. One neat trick with python scripting is that it's very easy to program in a style where you create both "unix spirit" command-line tools and libraries. E.g. for your "conflict manager", create a file (python module) and put the functionality in functions and/or classes, and then at the end you can put a python "main" function (the usual if __name__=='__main__': dance) where you parse command line options (use the builtin OptionParser module for this, it's very nice!) and use the functionality in the functions/classes.
This way you can use the utility both as a stand-alone command line program, or you can import the module in another python script and use the functionality defined there via functions/classes rather than parsing input.
Start with wikipedia (Dataflow programming)
The book Software Tools (amazon) by Kernighan and Plauger is a classic on this subject. I think it should be required reading for any serious student of software development.
- the art of UNIX programming - is quite a nice book ok "the unix way", in so far as one exists. OTOH if the way is "do as little work as gets your job done", you may already be there. :)
I think some of the keys for good gnu code, are:
Handling the system signals properly, like deattaching hard drive files if SIGTERM is received.
Proper use of pipes and standard input/output
Follwing common command line flag rules
I would also recommend this book. Pretty old, but I think is quite clear explaining the principles of unix.
