How do I programatically fetch the live plaintext contents of an etherpad? - etherpad

This question came up on the etherpad-open-source-discuss mailing list and I thought it would be useful to have it here.

Just construct a URL like so and fetch it:
That will get the live, plaintext contents of
For example, in PHP you can grab it with
Note that that's just the "export to plain text" link that's provided in the Import/Export menu of every pad.

A few other possibilities:
From a browser, you can hit
From within the code of the collaborative editor (ace2_inner.js), use rep.alltext
Within the Etherpad's javascript, use pad.text for the most recent version of pad.getRevisionText(rev.revNum) for a specified previous revision.

It seems that the javascript functions mentioned by Ari in his response are no longer present in the current versions of Etherpad as implemented on sites like
However you can now simply use the following javascript function, within eherpad's javascript to get the text of the latest revision

You can get the plaintext content of etherpad using jQuery as:
var padId = 'examplePadIntense';//Id of the div in which etherpad lite is integrated
var epframeId = 'epframe'+ padId;
var frameUrl = $('#'+ epframeId).attr('src').split('?')[0];
var contentsUrl = frameUrl + "/export/txt";
jQuery.get(contentsUrl, function(data) {
var textContent = data;

You can also use the getText HTTP api to retrieve the contents of a pad.
See my other answer for more details.


Updating a Contentful entry

I've hit a brick wall whilst attempting to update a Contentful entry using a typical http request in Javascript; I receive the error code "VersionMismatch" which, according to the documentation, means:
This error occurs when you're trying to update an existing asset,
entry or content type, and you didn't specify the current version of
the object or specify an outdated version.
However, I have specified the current version of the entry using the 'X-Contentful-Version' header parameter as per the documentation, and have used the dynamic property value from 'entry.sys.revision' as the parameter value (as well as hardcoding the current version, plus a bunch of different numbers, but I always receive the same error). This post reported the exact same issue, but was seemingly resolved by adding this header parameter.
Here's my current code, that is also using the Contentful API to retrieve entries from my Contentful space, but I'm having to use plain Javascript to put the data back due to specific requirements:
var client = contentful.createClient(
space: space_id,
accessToken: client_token
client.getEntry(entry_id).then((entry) => entry).then(function(entry) {
// update values of entry
entry.fields.title = "Testing";
// post data to contentful API
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', '' + space_id + '/entries/' + entry_id);
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer my_access_token');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/');
// setting the 'X-Contentful-Version' header with current/soon to be old version
request.setRequestHeader('X-Contentful-Version', entry.sys.revision);
// convert entry object to JSON before sending
var body = JSON.stringify({fields: entry.fields});
Contentful developer here.
It looks like you get your content with the Contentful Delivery SDK and then try yo use that data to update content. That will not work. Instead I recommend using the Contentful Management SDK which will take care of all the versioning header for you.
I know its too late to answer here, but I am also facing same issue while doing this process.
So I asked this question and got the answer how we can achieve this without using Contentful-management sdk. My intention is not to suppress this sdk but we should be go to perform operation without it. I am trying to do it via postman but facing issue.
So I just post it and got the answer but understand the problem why I am not able to update the content because of two things
URL ( is the correct url if we are trying to update the content)
access_token (if we are using which means we have to generate our personal token (management token) in the contentful, we cannot use preview/delivery tokens)
These are the highlighted point which we need to consider while doing update. I posted the link below may be it help someone in future.
Updating entry of Contentful using postman

How to use `nsIParserUtils.parseFragment()` for Firefox addon

Our Firefox addon issues queries to Google at the backend (main.js), then extracts some content through xpath. For this purpose, we use innerHTML to create a document instance for xpath parsing. But when we submit this addon to Mozilla, we got rejected because:
This add-on is creating DOM nodes from HTML strings containing potentially unsanitized data, by assigning to innerHTML, jQuery.html, or through similar means. Aside from being inefficient, this is a major security risk. For more information, see
Following the link provided, we tried to replace innerHTML with nsIParserUtils.parseFragment(). However, the example code:
let { Cc, Ci } = require("chrome");
function parseHTML(doc, html, allowStyle, baseURI, isXML) {
let PARSER_UTILS = ";1";
The Cc, Ci utilities can only be used on main.js, while the function requires a document (doc) as the argument. But we could not find any examples about creating a document inside main.js, where we could not use document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("");. Because main.js is a background script, which does not have reference to the global built-in document.
I googled a lot, but still could not find any solutions. Could anybody kindly help?
You probably want to use nsIDOMParser instead, which is the same as the standard DOMParser accessible in window globals except that you can use it from privileged contexts without a window object.
Although that gives you a whole document with synthesized <html> and <body> elements if you don't provide your own. If you absolutely need a fragment you can use the html5 template element to extract a fragment via domparser:
let partialHTML = "foo <b>baz</b> bar"
let frag = parser.parseFromString(`<template>${partialHTML}</template>`, 'text/html').querySelector("template").content

How to get meteor-sharejs documents text

I am using meteor-sharejs
I add the package
meteor add mizzao:sharejs-ace
Now in my view, i add the document
{{> sharejsAce docid="javascriptDoc" id="editor"}}
I know that meteor-sharejs creates ops collection and docs.
My Questions is how do i grab the current raw text of of the "javascriptDoc" document on the server so i send it somewhere else. Like listen for changes and grab that content.
You probably want to check the ShareJS API for this.
mizzao:sharejs is currently using ShareJS 0.6.3; here is the server API. You probably want to use the getSnapshot function.
The package makes ShareJS available in ShareJS.model, so try ShareJS.model.getSnapShot(...) on the server.
Note: I wrote this package.
My final solution
getDocumentText: function () {
var result = getSnapshotSync('htmlDocumentId');
return result.snapshot;
//create sync method.
getSnapshotSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(ShareJS.model.getSnapshot)

Real time Prefix matching and auto-complete in Quora

How is real time autocomplete with prefix matching implemented in Quora ?
Since Solr and Sphinx doesn't support real-time updating so what changes were made to support real time updating?
Looks like it's done using javascript and jquery. I grabbed a few key lines from the minified script on the Quora homepage that I think support this theory:
Here's an ajax call to a resource providing JSON data:
$.ajax({type:"GET",url:this.resultsQueryPath,dataType:"json",data:a,success:this.fnbind(ƒ(a){this.ajaxCallback(a)}),error:this.fnbind(ƒ(a,b,c){console.log(b,c),this.requestOutstanding=!1,this.$("##results_shell").html("Could not retrieve results: "+b)})})}
note that the successful result gets put into the "a" variable. Then later here's the autocompletion based on the keydown of the "question_box" element which is completing from the parent of "a"
this.$ ("##item input.question_box").keydown (ƒ (b) {
if (b.keyCode==9&&!b.shiftKey)for (var c=e.getLiveDomId (a.cid),d=a.parent ().orderedVisibleChildren (),f\^M=0;f<d.length-1;++f)if (c==d [f]) {
$ (this).blur (),$ ("#"+d [f+1]+" input.question_box").focus ();return!1}
I think this is pretty incontrovertible, but it would still be nice to have the un-minified script to compare. For instance I can't see where resultsQueryPath comes from (I can't locate it's source, may be intentionally obfuscated).

Is it possible to link a cell In Excel to a local file with a querystring?

I had wanted to put a solution onto a thumb drive or dvd to be distributed as needed. I have a couple html pages with javascript to display photos and some other info. I also have an excel spreadsheet (2003) that I wanted to link to the html page. However when I try to use a querystring I get a warning from excel stating that it "cannot open the specified file."
edit: I use javascript to parse the querystring and load a specific photo and some info.
This does not work:
=HYPERLINK("site_photos.htm?p=1", "photo 1")
This works:
=HYPERLINK("site_photos.htm", "photo 1")
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Okay, I've tried using ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink procedure using the extrainfo and not using the extrainfo parameter. This did not work. I also tried using a shell command. This also did not pass the querystring either. It looks like I will need another solution.
Here's the javascript function used to retrieve the querystring. The querystring is not in the window.location.href so this will not work when called.
function parseUrl(name)
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexStr = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexStr );
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
Whether it is possible to perform the original task or not, I have opted for a different solution. I will use image controls to view the photos and other controls for navigation.
