shell scripts on windows xp - linux

I am college going student,
I have unix labs as part of my course.
I want to practise shell, perl and some unix commands at home.
Is there any way to it on my xp laptop.
i dont want to intall whole linux OS on my laptop.
is there any way where i can practicse shell scripts, perl scripts and some unix commands frm my windos xp laptop
thanks in advance

You can use cygwin to install a Bash shell for you
I think it has Perl that you can choose to install, but if not, you can use:
Another way is that you can try Virtual Machine and install Ubuntu on it. It can be a lot of fun to see a Linux box running like a real machine on your Windows. A free Virtual Machine program that's good to run Ubuntu is VirtualBox.


How to open a VS Code IDE from Linux subsystem on Windows?

I'm running a Linux subsystem with an Ubuntu terminal inside Windows 10 - I wanted to make use of the functionalities of both operating systems without partitions or virtual machines.
In an Ubuntu terminal on Linux, I use the command 'code .' to open up the VS Code IDE but it doesn't seem to work when the terminal is part of a subsystem on Windows.
I can open up the IDE from Windows 10 and set my path into the Linux system but I remember reading some guidance that it's okay to save files from the Linux onto the Windows side but not vice versa.
Any solutions are much appreciated, thanks in advance!
If you wish to invoke windows binaries from WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) like for the example you want to run visual-studio-code, you can do so by setting your visual-code's installation directory into your %PATH% system variable and invoking it using this way
$ [application-name].exe notice the .exe is important.
And this interoperability is added in the Fall Creator Update of windows.
You can follow this documentation from Microsoft for more help.

Git bash and x-win32 will work together for running linux applications remotely?

usually, school recommends using PuTTY with X-win32 to access and run linux software remotely on a window machine.
PuTTY is basically a tool to SSH into the linux machine from my understanding. Since I need to use github on my windows as well, git packages its own bash shell as a whole of git, so can it work with x-win32? I dont want to have two bash shell running just for convenience.
If it does, how to set it up? Anything different from setting up Putty?

Start TinyOS programming and simulation in Windows

I want to start programming nesC for wireless sensor network on TinyOS in Windows environment. So far, I installed Cygwin terminal, and don't know how to install those packages.
To install the package, the command is like " rpm ***" but not sun command in Cygwin, it's Linux based. Is there any one can help?
So if you want to install TinyOS in windows, the simplest way is to run the virtual machine for windows, the steps could be found here:
You can try
but I would recommend to use TinyOS in Linux.

Manual for RedHat Linux (RHEL) Terminal Commands

I've just got my first dev-box at work. We install linux ubuntu and then run RHEL via virtual box on these systems. I know a bit of linux commands, but I've totally lost touch. Is there any guide to the terminal commands in RHEL - when it comes to installing packages and port forwarding and so forth?
Something like a book for dummies....Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should be able to fill all of your RedHat documentation needs here:
Maybe this one is the most relevant to your needs:

Python Lib to excute remote windows commands from a linux Box without using ssh

This a very basic requirement of our project.
I need to run Windows command from a linux box, without using ssh, as not all the windows boxes have ssh installed by default.
I was searching for some python libs that can do this work?
Links, tutorial, are highly appreciated.
Some alternatives: (under wine or a Windows bridge VM)
