Kohana 3 ORM: Saving relationships - kohana-3

class Model_Cliente extends ORM {
protected $_table_name = 'clientes';
protected $_primary_key = 'id';
protected $_has_one = array('loja' => array());
class Model_Loja extends ORM {
protected $_table_name = 'lojas';
protected $_primary_key = 'id';
// code here ...
public function action_index()
$loja = ORM::Factory('loja');
$loja->nome = 'Foo Bar Store';
$loja->endereco = 'foobar';
$loja->senha = '123456';
$cliente = ORM::Factory('cliente');
$cliente->empresa = 'Foo Bar Ltda.';
$cliente->responsavel = 'João da Silva Foo Bar';
$cliente->email = 'foobar#foobar.com';
$cliente->telefone = '123456789';
$cliente->novidades = true;
$cliente->loja = $loja;
// code here ...
I get the error: "Kohana_Exception [ 0 ]: The loja property does not exist in the Model_Cliente class".
Why cannot I add loja to cliente ($cliente->loja = $loja) and save then?

ORM model can set only belongs_to relations. So, you should reorder your code:
$cliente = ORM::Factory('cliente');
$cliente->empresa = 'Foo Bar Ltda.';
$cliente->responsavel = 'João da Silva Foo Bar';
$cliente->email = 'foobar#foobar.com';
$cliente->telefone = '123456789';
$cliente->novidades = true;
$cliente->save(); // save parent model before linking
$loja = ORM::Factory('loja');
$loja->nome = 'Foo Bar Store';
$loja->endereco = 'foobar';
$loja->senha = '123456';
$loja->cliente = $cliente; // the same as $loja->cliente_id = $client->id;
And dont forget to define $_belongs_to property in Model_Loja!


Add an additional line on the grid

I am looking for help, I hope I can solve this problem.
I've created a new screen and I'm filtering all the Revalue Accounts information.
With this screen, what I want to do is insert and at the same time add an additional new line within the grid.
Here is my new created screen and the button that inserts GLTran
I am attaching an image where I want the line to be added at insert time
Here I share code that I have and it does not work for the additional line.
private void CreateDNGL(Batch batch)
var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<JournalEntry>();
if (graph.BatchModule.Current == null)
Batch cmbatch = new Batch();
cmbatch.BranchID = batch.BranchID;
cmbatch.Module = batch.Module;
cmbatch.Status = "U";
cmbatch.AutoReverse = true;
cmbatch.Released = true;
cmbatch.Hold = false;
cmbatch.CuryDebitTotal = batch.CuryDebitTotal;
cmbatch.CuryCreditTotal = batch.CuryCreditTotal;
cmbatch.FinPeriodID = batch.FinPeriodID;
cmbatch.CuryID = batch.CuryID;
cmbatch.CuryInfoID = batch.CuryInfoID;
cmbatch.DebitTotal = batch.DebitTotal;
cmbatch.CreditTotal = batch.CreditTotal;
cmbatch.Description = "Head new insert";
cmbatch = graph.BatchModule.Insert(cmbatch);
foreach (GLTran item in PXSelect<GLTran,
Where<GLTran.module, Equal<Required<GLTran.module>>,
And<GLTran.batchNbr, Equal<Required<GLTran.batchNbr>>>>>.Select(this, batch.Module, batch.BatchNbr))
GLTran tran = new GLTran();
tran.SummPost = item.SummPost;
tran.ZeroPost = false;
tran.DebitAmt = item.DebitAmt;
tran.CreditAmt = item.CreditAmt;
tran.CuryDebitAmt = item.CuryDebitAmt;
tran.CuryCreditAmt = item.CuryCreditAmt;
tran.AccountID = item.AccountID;
tran.SubID = item.SubID;
tran.LineNbr = item.LineNbr;
tran.LedgerID = item.LedgerID;
tran.TranType = item.TranType;
tran.TranClass = item.TranClass;
tran.RefNbr = string.Empty;
tran.FinPeriodID = item.FinPeriodID;
tran.TranDesc = "Test detail";
tran.Released = true;
tran.ReferenceID = item.ReferenceID;
tran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Insert(tran);
Account account = PXSelect<Account, Where<Account.accountID,
Equal<Required<Account.accountID>>>>.Select(graph, item.AccountID);
xLocEquivalAcct equivalAcct = PXSelect<xLocEquivalAcct, Where<xLocEquivalAcct.acctCD,
Equal<Required<xLocEquivalAcct.acctCD>>>>.Select(graph, account.AccountCD);
if (equivalAcct != null)
/*here is added for an additional line*/
var glTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Insert();
graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.SetValueExt<GLTran.accountID>(glTran, 343567);
graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.SetValueExt<GLTran.subID>(glTran, 281);
glTran.TranDesc = "add extra line";
if (item.DebitAmt != 0m && item.CreditAmt == 0m)
if (batch.Module == BatchModule.CM)
graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.SetValueExt<GLTran.curyDebitAmt>(glTran, item.CuryDebitAmt);
graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.SetValueExt<GLTran.debitAmt>(glTran, item.DebitAmt);
if (item.CreditAmt != 0m && item.DebitAmt == 0m)
if (batch.Module == BatchModule.CM)
graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.SetValueExt<GLTran.curyCreditAmt>(glTran, item.CuryCreditAmt);
graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.SetValueExt<GLTran.creditAmt>(glTran, item.CreditAmt);
glTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Update(glTran);
I hope I was clear with my question.
This code will create a copy of the originating batch and insert additional lines.
#Warning Your original code was attempting to create a batch that was already released but unposted. I can update my answer to match your requirement but this will break Acumatica work-flow.
Please find code example below :
public class JournalEntryExtension : PXGraphExtension<JournalEntry>
public PXAction<Batch> CopyCreate;
//CommitChanges being set to false allows the graph to not be considered dirty when there are errors that we manually show on screen. Case #207998
[PXButton(CommitChanges = false)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Copy Create", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Update, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Update, Enabled = true)]
protected virtual IEnumerable copyCreate(PXAdapter pxAdapter)
if (Base.BatchModule.Current != null)
if (Base.IsDirty)
Base.BatchModule.Ask("You must discard your unsaved changes to be able to press this button.", MessageButtons.OK);
Batch batch = Base.BatchModule.Current;
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, () => CreateDNGL(batch));
return pxAdapter.Get();
private static void CreateDNGL(Batch batch)
JournalEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<JournalEntry>();
Batch newBatch = PXCache<Batch>.CreateCopy(batch);
newBatch.NoteID = null;
newBatch.Description = "Test header";
newBatch = graph.BatchModule.Insert(newBatch);
GLTran newTran;
foreach (GLTran tran in PXSelectReadonly<GLTran,
Where<GLTran.module, Equal<Required<GLTran.module>>,
And<GLTran.batchNbr, Equal<Required<GLTran.batchNbr>>>>>.Select(graph, batch.Module, batch.BatchNbr))
newTran = PXCache<GLTran>.CreateCopy(tran);
newTran.Module = null;
newTran.BatchNbr = null;
newTran.NoteID = null;
newTran.TranDesc = "Test detail";
newTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Insert(newTran);
if (true)
newTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Insert();
newTran.AccountID = 1190;
newTran.SubID = 467;
newTran.CuryDebitAmt = 1000;
newTran.TranDesc = "Additional Line 1";
newTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Update(newTran);
newTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Insert();
newTran.AccountID = 1190;
newTran.SubID = 467;
newTran.CuryCreditAmt = 1000;
newTran.TranDesc = "Additional Line 2";
newTran = graph.GLTranModuleBatNbr.Update(newTran);
Original Batch :
New Batch :

how to attach an XML file in the "Files" tab of an action

I have a big question, you can attach XML through an action, when you import the XML and also save it in the "Files" tab, the question is. if it can be attached?.
Here is an example image:
what is missing is that I automatically attach in the "Files" tab, when I put upload
Here is my code where, I attached the XML
public PXAction<ARInvoice> CargarXML;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Carga de código hash")]
public virtual void cargarXML()
var Result = NewFilePanel.AskExt(true);
if (Result == WebDialogResult.OK)
PX.SM.FileInfo fileInfo = PX.Common.PXContext.SessionTyped<PXSessionStatePXData>().FileInfo["CargaSessionKey"];
string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileInfo.BinData);
ARInvoice ari = Base.Document.Current;
xtFECodHashEntry graph2 = PXGraph.CreateInstance<xtFECodHashEntry>();
var pchExt = ari.GetExtension<ARRegisterExt>();
string Valor = "";
XmlDocument xm = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList elemList = xm.GetElementsByTagName("ds:DigestValue");
for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count;)
Valor = (elemList[i].InnerXml);
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Base, delegate ()
xtFECodHash dac = new xtFECodHash();
dac.RefNbr = ari.RefNbr;
dac.DocType = ari.DocType;
dac.Nrocomprobante = ari.InvoiceNbr;
dac.Hash = Valor;
dac.Tipo = pchExt.UsrTDocSunat;
If you have the FileInfo object which it seems like you do I have used something like this:
protected virtual void SaveFile(FileInfo fileInfo, PXCache cache, object row)
if (fileInfo == null)
var fileGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<UploadFileMaintenance>();
if (!fileGraph.SaveFile(fileInfo, FileExistsAction.CreateVersion))
if (!fileInfo.UID.HasValue)
PXNoteAttribute.SetFileNotes(cache, row, fileInfo.UID.Value);
So in your example you could call this method as shown above using the following:
SaveFile(fileInfo, Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current);

Creating Customer Location

My requirement is to create a customer location part of downloading order from 3rd party shopping cart.
I have tried this below code and It is not saving any location and also not raising any error.
private static void CreateCustomerLocation(Customer cust, string locationcode, OrderDTO ord, OrderDownloadActivityEntry grp)
LocationMaint graph = CustomerLocationMaint.CreateInstance<CustomerLocationMaint>();
SelectedLocation loc = new SelectedLocation();
loc.BAccountID = cust.BAccountID;
loc.LocationCD = locationcode;
loc.Descr = ord.CustomerLocationName;
loc.IsContactSameAsMain = false;
loc.IsAddressSameAsMain = false;
Contact contact = new Contact();
contact.Attention = ord.OrderCustomerContactName;
contact.Phone1 = ord.OrderCustomerContactPhone;
contact.DisplayName = ord.CustomerLocationName;
contact.LastName = ord.OrderCustomerContactName;
contact = graph.Contact.Update(contact);
Address address = new Address();
address.AddressLine1 = ord.OrderShippingLocationAddress1;
address.AddressLine2 = ord.OrderShippingLocationAddress2;
address.City = ord.OrderShippingLocationCity;
address.State = ord.OrderShippingLocationState;
address.PostalCode = ord.OrderShippingLocationZip;
address.CountryID = "US";
contact = graph.Contact.Update(contact);
address = graph.Address.Update(address);
loc.DefAddressID = address.AddressID;
loc.DefContactID = contact.ContactID;
catch(Exception e)
grp.AddLogData(SessionID, "Create Location", "Create Location falied", null, null, e.StackTrace);
I am not able to figure out where i am making mistake. any suggestion for this issue?
I have tried the following code and I am getting the following error
CARAccountLocationID' cannot be empty.
private static void CreateCustomerLocation(Customer cust, string locationcode, OrderDTO ord, OrderDownloadActivityEntry grp)
LocationMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<CustomerLocationMaint>();
graph.BusinessAccount.Current = PXSelect<BAccount, Where<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<Required<BAccount.bAccountID>>>>.Select(graph, cust.BAccountID);
var newLocation = (Location)graph.Location.Cache.CreateInstance();
var locType = LocTypeList.CustomerLoc;
newLocation.LocType = locType;
var loc = (Location)graph.Location.Cache.CreateCopy(graph.Location.Current);
Contact contact = graph.Contact.Cache.CreateCopy(graph.Contact.Current) as Contact;
contact.Attention = ord.OrderCustomerContactName;
contact.Phone1 = ord.OrderCustomerContactPhone;
contact.DisplayName = ord.CustomerLocationName;
contact.LastName = ord.OrderCustomerContactName;
contact = graph.Contact.Update(contact);
Address address = graph.Address.Cache.CreateCopy(graph.Address.Current) as Address;
address.AddressLine1 = ord.OrderShippingLocationAddress1;
address.AddressLine2 = ord.OrderShippingLocationAddress2;
address.City = ord.OrderShippingLocationCity;
address.State = ord.OrderShippingLocationState;
address.PostalCode = ord.OrderShippingLocationZip;
address.CountryID = "US";
contact = graph.Contact.Update(contact);
address = graph.Address.Update(address);
contact.DefAddressID = address.AddressID;
loc.IsAddressSameAsMain = false;
loc.IsContactSameAsMain = false;
loc.IsAPAccountSameAsMain = true;
loc.IsAPPaymentInfoSameAsMain = true;
loc.IsARAccountSameAsMain = true;
loc.LocationCD = locationcode;
loc.Descr = ord.CustomerLocationName;
loc = graph.Location.Update(loc);
loc.BAccountID = cust.BAccountID;
graph.Location.Cache.RaiseFieldUpdated<Location.isARAccountSameAsMain>(loc, null);
if (loc.CARAccountLocationID == null)
loc.CARAccountLocationID = cust.DefLocationID;
catch(Exception e)
grp.AddLogData(SessionID, "Create Location", "Create Location falied", null, null, e.StackTrace);
CARAccountLocationID is the LocationID of the MAIN location for a given BAccount/Customer. It is used by the business logic when setting GLAccounts.SameAsDefaultLocationS on screen AR303020.
I've seen the "'CARAccountLocationID' cannot be empty." error when creating a location without first setting the Customer.
The resolution was to first set the customer, then set SameAsDefaultLocationS, then set the rest of the fields.
In the screen API order of operations matters.
In your case you might need to directly set loc.CARAccountLocationID to the LocationID of the customer's MAIN location.

Add note to custom object

I have tried everything I can find on the net and in the existing code, but I cannot get a note added to the notes table and attached to my custom table row. I am in a real bind trying to get this note attached. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Here is the note id def:
#region NoteID
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.IBqlField { }
protected Guid? _NoteID;
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
Here is the code to insert the row and attach the note:
//Retrieve EDI Document remittance
foreach (LingoSearchResults ediRemit in docRemits)
resRemit = lingo.RetrieveRemit(ediRemit.documentId, docType);
partnerCustomerMap pcmap = lstPartnerCustomer.Find(delegate (partnerCustomerMap pcm)
{ return pcm.partner == resRemit.DataRemit.partner; });
int newRemittanceId = 0;
var remittance = new EDRemittance();
//Set all field values
remittance.Status = "A";
remittance.Type = resRemit.DataRemit.type;
remittance.DocumentId = resRemit.DataRemit.documentId;
remittance.RecordId = resRemit.DataRemit.recordId;
remittance.TagId = resRemit.DataRemit.tagId;
remittance.Account = resRemit.DataRemit.account;
remittance.PartnerId = resRemit.DataRemit.partner;
remittance.DocumentNumber = resRemit.DataRemit.documentNumber;
remittance.SenderType = resRemit.DataRemit.senderType;
remittance.PaymentNumber = resRemit.DataRemit.paymentNumber;
remittance.PaymentFormat = resRemit.DataRemit.paymentFormat;
remittance.PaymentReason = resRemit.DataRemit.paymentReason;
strDate = resRemit.DataRemit.remitDate.ToString();
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(strDate, "yyyyMMdd",
System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out tempDate))
remittance.RemitDate = tempDate;
remittance.RemitDate = DateTime.Today;
remittance.CurrencyEntity = resRemit.DataRemit.currencyEntity;
remittance.DepartmentNumber = resRemit.DataRemit.departmentNumber;
if (DateTime.TryParse(strDate, out tempDate))
remittance.ReceiveDate = tempDate;
remittance.ReceiveDate = DateTime.Today;
remittance.HandlingCode = resRemit.DataRemit.handlingCode;
remittance.RemitTotal = resRemit.DataRemit.remitTotal;
remittance.DetailLineCount = resRemit.DataRemit.detailLineCount;
remittance.BatchNumber = resRemit.DataRemit.batchNumber;
remittance.ReceiverType = resRemit.DataRemit.receiverType;
remittance.BatchStatus = resRemit.DataRemit.batchStatus;
remittance.PaymentMethod = resRemit.DataRemit.paymentMethod;
remittance.CurrencyCode = resRemit.DataRemit.currencyCode;
remittance.PaymentStatus = resRemit.DataRemit.paymentStatus;
remittance.Vendor = resRemit.DataRemit.vendor;
remittance.RemitNumber = resRemit.DataRemit.remitNumber;
//Insert new row, save, and retrieve new Id value
newRemittanceId = (int)remitGraph.Remittance.Current.RemittanceNbr;
//Add notes for remittance
noteText = "Remit level note";
foreach (EdiNote note in resRemit.DataRemit.notes)
noteText += note.type + ": " + note.note + '\n';
if (noteText != "")
PXNoteAttribute.GetNoteID<EDRemittance.noteID>(remitGraph.Remittance.Cache, remittance);
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(remitGraph.Remittance.Cache, remittance, noteText);
I would try the following changes
remittance = remitGraph.Remittance.Insert(remittance);
//this saves the object to the cache and gets things like Noteid generated. On the
//return trip this data is available
//PXNoteAttribute.GetNoteID<EDRemittance.noteID>(remitGraph.Remittance.Cache, remittance);
PXNoteAttribute.SetNote(remitGraph.Remittance.Cache, remittance, noteText);
remittance = remitGraph.Remittance.Update(remittance)
//at the end do an Actions.PressSave();

MvvmCross: Cannot add more than one UIPickerView

I'm building an iOS view using Xamarin and MvvmCross and I have come across an interesting little issue. I can't seem to add more than one UIPickerView to a UIView.
Add one view and all works well. Add a second and the simulator just hangs when I try and open the page.
This seems to be related to a UITextField with an InputView as I also have an issue if I try to add a UIDatePicker as well.
Nothing strange in the debug output.
Here is the code:
public class EditJobView : MvxViewController
public new EditJobViewModel ViewModel
get { return (EditJobViewModel)base.ViewModel; }
private const float _leftMargin = 6;
private const float _labelHeight = 20;
private const float _pickerHeight = 28;
private readonly UIFont _labelFont = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(18f);
private readonly UIFont _controlFont = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(18f);
private readonly UIView _paddingInsert = new UIView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 4, 0));
private int _currentTop = 0;
public override void ViewDidLoad()
View = new UIView() { BackgroundColor = UIColor.White };
NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem(new UIBarButtonItem("Save", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered,
(sender, args) => ViewModel.OkCommand.Execute(null)), true);
// ios7 layout
if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout")))
EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;
Title = "Edit Job";
AddLabel("Job Status");
MvxPickerViewModel jobStatusPickerViewModel;
var jobStatusTextView = AddPickerView(out jobStatusPickerViewModel);
AddLabel("Job Priority");
MvxPickerViewModel jobPriorityPickerViewModel;
var jobPriorityTextView = AddPickerView(out jobPriorityPickerViewModel);
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<EditJobView, EditJobViewModel>();
set.Bind(jobStatusPickerViewModel).For(p => p.SelectedItem).To(vm => vm.SelectedJobStatusType);
set.Bind(jobStatusPickerViewModel).For(p => p.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.JobStatusTypes);
set.Bind(jobStatusTextView).To(vm => vm.SelectedJobStatusType);
set.Bind(jobPriorityPickerViewModel).For(p => p.SelectedItem).To(vm => vm.SelectedJobPriority);
set.Bind(jobPriorityPickerViewModel).For(p => p.ItemsSource).To(vm => vm.JobPriorities);
set.Bind(jobPriorityTextView).To(vm => vm.SelectedJobPriority);
private void AddLabel(string caption)
_currentTop += 10;
var frame = new RectangleF(_leftMargin, _currentTop, 300, _labelHeight);
var label = new UILabel(frame);
label.Font = _labelFont;
label.Text = caption;
_currentTop += 2;
private UITextField AddPickerView(out MvxPickerViewModel pickerViewModel)
var textField = AddTextField();
var pickerView = new UIPickerView();
pickerViewModel = new MvxPickerViewModel(pickerView);
pickerView.Model = pickerViewModel;
pickerView.ShowSelectionIndicator = true;
textField.InputView = pickerView;
return textField;
private UITextField AddTextField()
var frame = new RectangleF(_leftMargin, _currentTop, 300, _pickerHeight);
var textField = new UITextField(frame);
textField.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
textField.Layer.BorderWidth = 1f;
textField.Font = _controlFont;
textField.LeftView = _paddingInsert;
textField.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;
return textField;
private void AddView(UIView view)
_currentTop += (int)view.Frame.Height;
Any ideas?
This was caused by creating a shared padding insert across a number of UITextFields.
To fix this I changed
textField.LeftView = _paddingInsert;
textField.LeftView = new UIView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 4, 0));
