Help with the theory behind a pixelate algorithm? - colors

So say I have an image that I want to "pixelate". I want this sharp image represented by a grid of, say, 100 x 100 squares. So if the original photo is 500 px X 500 px, each square is 5 px X 5 px. So each square would have a color corresponding to the 5 px X 5 px group of pixels it swaps in for...
How do I figure out what this one color, which is best representative of the stuff it covers, is? Do I just take the R G and B numbers for each of the 25 pixels and average them? Or is there some obscure other way I should know about? What is conventionally used in "pixelation" functions, say like in photoshop?

If you want to know about the 'theory' of pixelation, read up on resampling (and downsampling in particular). Pixelation algorithms are simply downsampling an image (using some downsampling method) and then upsampling it using nearest-neighbour interpolation. Note that in code these two steps may be fused into one.
For downsampling in general, to downsample by a factor of n the image is first filtered by an appropriate low-pass filter, and then one sample out of every n is taken. An "ideal" filter to use is the sinc filter, but because of issues with implementing it, the Lanczos filter is often used as a close alternative.
However, for almost all purposes when doing pixelization, using a simple box blur should work fine, and is very simple to implement. This is just an average of nearby pixels.
If you don't need to change the output size of the image, then this means you divide the image into blocks (the big resulting pixels) which are k×k pixels, and then replace all the pixels in each block with the average value of the pixels in that block.

when the source and target grids are so evenly divisible and aligned, most algorigthms give similar results. if the grids are fixed, go for simple averages.
in other cases, especially when resizing by a small percentage, the quality difference is quite evident. the simplest enhancement over simple average is weighting each pixel value considering how much of it's contained in the target pixel's area.
for more algorithms, check multivariate interpolation


Segmenting License Plate Characters #ImageProcessing

For a university project I have to segment characters from a license plate using Python. This sounds reasonably simple. However, the thing is that we are not allowed to use any sophisticated library functions such as cv2.findContours(). The basics such as cv2.imread() cv2.resize() cv2.rectangle() are allowed.
I have written a function that localizes a license plate in an image and outputs a result as can be seen in the images Output 1 and Output 2 . These are binary images.
As one can see. Sometimes, the output of this function is relatively clean (Output 2). However, often it is also noisy (Output 1)
For a clean image (Output 2) I have tried finding the columns that contain less than x black pixels in order to segment the characters. However, this only works when the image is clean. This is often not the case. Changing the x parameter here does not make significant improvement.
Does anybody have suggestions on how I can approach this problem?
For an elementary solution, you can form a profile by counting the black pixels on all vertical lines. Then look for maximas and minimas of the average count in a sliding interval on this profile. The interval length should be a fraction of the expected width of a character. Only the extrema with sufficient contrast should be considered.
To avoid the effect of surrounding features in rotated plates, you can restrict the counting to just a slice of the image.
Once you have approximate vertical limits between the characters, you can repeat a similar processing to get the bottom and top limits of the characters (the sliding interval is no more necessary).
Finally, you can refine the boxing by finding the horizontal limits in the rectangles so formed.

How to compare images and determine which has more content?

Goal: I want to grab the best frame from an animated GIF and use it as a static preview image. I believe the best frame is one that shows the most content - not necessarily the first or last frame.
Take this GIF for example:
This is the first frame:
Here is the 28th frame:
It's clear that frame 28th represents the entire GIF well.
How could I programmatically determine if one frame has more pixel/content over another? Any thoughts, ideas, packages/modules, or articles that you can point me to would be greatly appreciated.
One straightforward way this could be accomplished would be to estimate the entropy of each image and choose the frame with maximal entropy.
In information theory, entropy can be thought of as the "randomness" of the image. An image of a single color is very predictable, the flatter the distribution, the more random. This is highly related to the compression method described by Arthur-R as entropy is the lower bound on how much data can be losslessly compressed.
Estimating Entropy
One way to estimate the entropy is to approximate the probability mass function for pixel intensities using a histogram. To generate the plot below I first convert the image to grayscale, then compute the histogram using a bin spacing of 1 (for pixel values from 0 to 255). Then, normalize the histogram so that the bins sum to 1. This normalized histogram is an approximation of the pixel probability mass function.
Using this probability mass function we can easily estimate the entropy of the grayscale image which is described by the following equation
H = E[-log(p(x))]
Where H is entropy, E is the expected value, and p(x) is the probability that any given pixel takes the value x.
Programmatically H can be estimated by simply computing -p(x)*log(p(x)) for each value p(x) in the histogram and then adding them together.
Plot of entropy vs. frame number for your example.
with frame 21 (the 22nd frame) having the highest entropy.
The entropy computed here is not equal to the true entropy of the
image because it makes the assumption that each pixel is independently sampled from the same distribution. To get the true entropy we would need to know
the joint distribution of the image which we won't be able to know without
understanding the underlying random process that generated the images
(which would include human interaction). However, I don't think the true entropy would be very useful and this measure should
give a reasonable estimate of how much content is in the image.
This method will fail if some not-so-interesting frame
contains much more noise (randomly colored pixels) than the most
interesting frame because noise results in a high entropy. For example, the
following image is pure uniform noise and therefore has maximum entropy (H = 8 bits), i.e. no compression is possible.
Ruby Implementation
I don't know ruby but it looks like one of the answers to this question refers to a package for computing entropy of an image.
From m. simon borg's comment
FWIW, using Ruby's File.size() returns 1904 bytes for the 28th frame
image and 946 bytes for the first frame image – m. simon borg
File.size() should be roughly proportional to entropy.
As an aside, if you check the size of the 200x200 noise image on disk you will see that the file is 40,345 bytes even after compression, but the uncompressed data is only 40,000 bytes. Information theory tells us that no compression scheme can ever losslessly compress such images on average.
There are a couple ways I might go about this. My first thought (this may not be the most practical solution, but it seems theoretically interesting!) would be to try losslessly compressing each frame, and in theory, the frame with the least repeatable content (and thus the most unique content) would have the largest size, so you could then compare the size in bytes/bits of each compressed frame. The accuracy of this solution would probably be highly dependent on the photo passed in.
A more realistic/ practical solution might be to grab the predominant color in the GIF (so in the example, the background color), and then iterate through each pixel and increment a counter each time the color of the current pixel doesn't match the color of the background.
I'm thinking about some more optimized/ sample based solutions, and will edit my response to include them a little later, if performance is a concern for you.
I think that you can choose an API such as Restful Web Service for do that because without it that's so hard.
For example,these are some famous API's:

Detecting center and area of shapes in an image

I am working with GD library, and I'm looking for a way to detect the nearest pixel to the middle center of shapes, as well as total area used by each shape in a monochromic black-and-white image.
I'm having difficulty coming up with an efficient algorithm to do this. If you have done something similar to this in the past, I'd be grateful for any solution that would help.
Check out the binary image library
Essentially, Otsu threshold to separate out foreground from background, then label connected components. That particular image looks very clean but you might need morph ops to clean it up a bit and get rid of small holes and other artifacts.
Then you have area trivially (count pixels in component) or almost as trivially (use the weighted area function that penalises edge pixels). Centre is just mean.
#MalcolmMcLean is right but there are remaining difficulties (if you are after maximum accuracy).
If you threshold with Otsu, there are a few pairs of "kissing" dots which will form a single blob using connected component analysis.
In addition, Otsu threshoding will discard some of the partially filled edge pixels so that the weighted averages will be inaccurate. A cure would be to increase the threshold (up to 254 is possible), but that worsens the problem of the kissing dots.
A workaround is to keep a low threshold and dilate the blobs individually to obtain suitable masks that cover all edge pixels. Even so, slight inaccuracies will result in the vicinity of the kissings.
Blob splitting by the watershed transform is also possible but more care is required to handle the common pixels. I doubt that a prefect solution is possible.
An alternative is the use of subpixel edge detection and least-squares circle fitting (after blob detection with a very low threshold to separate the dots). By avoiding the edge pixels common to two circles, you can probably achieve excellent results.

Sorting a list of colors in one dimension?

I would like to sort a one-dimensional list of colors so that colors that a typical human would perceive as "like" each other are near each other.
Obviously this is a difficult or perhaps impossible problem to get "perfectly", since colors are typically described with three dimensions, but that doesn't mean that there aren't some sorting methods that look obviously more natural than others.
For example, sorting by RGB doesn't work very well, as it will sort in the following order, for example:
(1) R=254 G=0 B=0
(2) R=254 G=255 B=0
(3) R=255 G=0 B=0
(4) R=255 G=255 B=0
That is, it will alternate those colors red, yellow, red, yellow, with the two "reds" being essentially imperceivably different than each other, and the two yellows also being imperceivably different from each other.
But sorting by HLS works much better, generally speaking, and I think HSL even better than that; with either, the reds will be next to each other, and the yellows will be next to each other.
But HLS/HSL has some problems, too; things that people would perceive as "black" could be split far apart from each other, as could things that people would perceive as "white".
Again, I understand that I pretty much have to accept that there will be some splits like this; I'm just wondering if anyone has found a better way than HLS/HSL. And I'm aware that "better" is somewhat arbitrary; I mean "more natural to a typical human".
For example, a vague thought I've had, but have not yet tried, is perhaps "L is the most important thing if it is very high or very low", but otherwise it is the least important. Has anyone tried this? Has it worked well? What specifically did you decide "very low" and "very high" meant? And so on. Or has anyone found anything else that would improve upon HSL?
I should also note that I am aware that I can define a space-filling curve through the cube of colors, and order them one-dimensionally as they would be encountered while travelling along that curve. That would eliminate perceived discontinuities. However, it's not really what I want; I want decent overall large-scale groupings more than I want perfect small-scale groupings.
Thanks in advance for any help.
If you want to sort a list of colors in one dimension you first have to decide by what metrics you are going to sort them. The most sense to me is the perceived brightness (related question).
I have came across 4 algorithms to sort colors by brightness and compared them. Here is the result.
I generated colors in cycle where only about every 400th color was used. Each color is represented by 2x2 pixels, colors are sorted from darkest to lightest (left to right, top to bottom).
1st picture - Luminance (relative)
0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
2nd picture -
0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B
3rd picture - HSP Color Model
sqrt(0.299 * R^2 + 0.587 * G^2 + 0.114 * B^2)
4td picture - WCAG 2.0 SC 1.4.3 relative luminance and contrast ratio formula
Pattern can be sometimes spotted on 1st and 2nd picture depending on the number of colors in one row. I never spotted any pattern on picture from 3rd or 4th algorithm.
If i had to choose i would go with algorithm number 3 since its much easier to implement and its about 33% faster than the 4th
You cannot do this without reducing the 3 color dimensions to a single measurement. There are many (infinite) ways of reducing this information, but it is not mathematically possible to do this in a way that ensures that two data points near each other on the reduced continuum will also be near each other in all three of their component color values. As a result, any formula of this type will potentially end up grouping dissimilar colors.
As you mentioned in your question, one way to sort of do this would be to fit a complex curve through the three-dimensional color space occupied by the data points you're trying to sort, and then reduce each data point to its nearest location on the curve and then to that point's distance along the curve. This would work, but in each case it would be a solution custom-tailored to a particular set of data points (rather than a generally applicable solution). It would also be relatively expensive (maybe), and simply wouldn't work on a data set that was not nicely distributed in a curved-line sort of way.
A simpler alternative (that would not work perfectly) would be to choose two "endpoint" colors, preferably on opposite sides of the color wheel. So, for example, you could choose Red as one endpoint color and Blue as the other. You would then convert each color data point to a value on a scale from 0 to 1, where a color that is highly Reddish would get a score near 0 and a color that is highly Bluish would get a score near 1. A score of .5 would indicate a color that either has no Red or Blue in it (a.k.a. Green) or else has equal amounts of Red and Blue (a.k.a. Purple). This approach isn't perfect, but it's the best you can do with this problem.
There are several standard techniques for reducing multiple dimensions to a single dimension with some notion of "proximity".
I think you should in particular check out the z-order transform.
You can implement a quick version of this by interleaving the bits of your three colour components, and sorting the colours based on this transformed value.
The following Java code should help you get started:
public static int zValue(int r, int g, int b) {
return split(r) + (split(g)<<1) + (split(b)<<2);
public static int split(int a) {
// split out the lowest 10 bits to lowest 30 bits
a=(a|(a<<8)) &00014170017;
a=(a|(a<<4)) &00303030303;
a=(a|(a<<2)) &01111111111;
return a;
There are two approaches you could take. The simple approach is to distil each colour into a single value, and the list of values can then be sorted. The complex approach would depend on all of the colours you have to sort; perhaps it would be an iterative solution that repeatedly shuffles the colours around trying to minimise the "energy" of the entire sequence.
My guess is that you want something simple and fast that looks "nice enough" (rather than trying to figure out the "optimum" aesthetic colour sort), so the simple approach is enough for you.
I'd say HSL is the way to go. Something like
sortValue = L * 5 + S * 2 + H
assuming that H, S and L are each in the range [0, 1].
Here's an idea I came up with after a couple of minutes' thought. It might be crap, or it might not even work at all, but I'll spit it out anyway.
Define a distance function on the space of colours, d(x, y) (where the inputs x and y are colours and the output is perhaps a floating-point number). The distance function you choose may not be terribly important. It might be the sum of the squares of the differences in R, G and B components, say, or it might be a polynomial in the differences in H, L and S components (with the components differently weighted according to how important you feel they are).
Then you calculate the "distance" of each colour in your list from each other, which effectively gives you a graph. Next you calculate the minimum spanning tree of your graph. Then you identify the longest path (with no backtracking) that exists in your MST. The endpoints of this path will be the endpoints of the final list. Next you try to "flatten" the tree into a line by bringing points in the "branches" off your path into the path itself.
Hmm. This might not work all that well if your MST ends up in the shape of a near-loop in colour space. But maybe any approach would have that problem.

How to produce Photoshop stroke effect?

I'm looking for a way to programmatically recreate the following effect:
Give an input image:
I want to iteratively apply the "stroke" effect.
The first step looks like this:
step 1
The second step like this:
alt text
And so on.
I assume this will involves some kind of edge detection and then tracing the edge somehow.
Is there a known algorithm to do this in an efficient and robust way?
Basically, a custom algorithm would be, according to this thread:
Take the 3x3 neighborhood around a pixel, threshold the alpha channel, and then see if any of the 8 pixels around the pixel has a different alpha value from it. If so paint a
circle of a given radius with center at the pixel. To do inside/outside, modulate by the thresholded alpha channel (negate to do the other side). You'll have to threshold a larger neighborhood if the circle radius is larger than a pixel (which it probably is).
This is implemented using gray-scale morphological operations. This is also the same technique used to expand/contract selections. Basically, to stroke the center of a selection (or an alpha channel), what one would do is to first make two separate copies of the selection. The first selection would be expanded by the radius of the stroke, whereas the second would be contracted. The opacity of the stroke would then be obtained by subtracting the second selection from the first.
In order to do inside and outside strokes you would contract/expand by twice the radius and subtract the parts that intersect with the original selection.
It should be noted that the most general morphological algorithm requires O(m*n) operations, where m is the number of pixels of the image and n is the number of elements in the "structuring element". However, for certain special cases, this can be optimized to O(m) operations (e.g. if the structuring element is a rectangle or a diamond).
