Thickbox inline problem - thickbox

I am trying to create a modal window with hidden content using thickbox
It opens the window fine , not sure whys its not showing the content inside the id="hiddencontent".
i am following as suggested in the examples for inline
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="thickbox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="thickbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
Show Content
<div id="hiddenContent" style="display: none">inline content comes here</div>

It seems you don't have css file, you can copy thickbox css on to your page (or save as style.css file).
-- edit --
Yeh, sorry, didn't notice that css is already loaded :(
By the way, just found the solution, try to add p tag inside your hiddenContent div:
<div id="hiddenContent" style="display: none"><p>inline content comes here</p></div>
Hope helps ;)

This is a bug in thickbox. Here is how you can fix it:
Inside thickbox.js
on or about line 221 you should see this line of code:
change it to this:
and then, on or about line 223 you will see this line:
disable the line by adding two slashes before it like this:
When thickbox copies the content from the hidden div into the thickbox container, it does so by copying all .children() elements. If you have only text inside your hidden div there ARE NO CHILDREN because text is not itself a child element. This is why wrapping your content in a <p> tag will work because now there is a child (the <p> tag).
So if you want to have text only in your hidden div using .html() instead will grab everything in your hidden div. The second line being disabled prevents thickbox from trying to copy the content back to the hidden div when the thickbox closes, which would cause any content within child tags to be duplicated in the hidden div.

There is no need to edit the .js file, the solution is quite simple.
Maybe a bit later :) but I overcomed the issue only changing the ? char in #TB_inline? by &
The issue is on the internal parseQuery tickbox function, that parses match pairs but it blows when the query have a double ? like in the case.
UPDATE: In some cases the <p> fix is also needed ;)
Hope it helps.

The function tb_position() needs to be updated.
this condition
if ( !(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7))
is the reason for error.
jQuery does not support jQuery.browser anymore. For detecting IE6 in this case change the above condition to this
if ( !(/\bMSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent)))


render html from string without affecting formatting [duplicate]

Is there any way to setup Firefox and Chrome to work with escape=false attribute in h:outputText tag. When there is some html that needs to be shown in the browser, Firefox and Chrome show parsed string correctly, but any other links in application are freezed (??).
The example html from db:
<BASE href="http://"><META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<LINK rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=""><META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16434">
<BODY><FONT color=#000000 size=2 face="Segoe UI">läuft nicht</FONT></BODY>
Parsed HTML on the page:
läuft nicht
What is very weird, is that in IE everything works (usually it is opposite).
I use primefaces components (v2.2), .xhtml, tomcat 7 and JSF 2.0
You end up with syntactically invalid HTML this way:
This is not right. There can be only one <head> and <body>. The browsers will behave unspecified. You need to remove the entire <head> and the wrapping <body> from that HTML so that you end up with only
<FONT color=#000000 size=2 face="Segoe UI">läuft nicht</FONT>
You'd need to either update the DB to remove unnecessary HTML, or to use Jsoup to parse this piece out on a per-request basis something like as follows:
String bodyContent = Jsoup.parse(htmlFromDB).body().html();
// ...
Alternatively, you could also display it inside a HTML <iframe> instead with help of a servlet. E.g.
<iframe src="htmlFromDBServlet?id=123"></iframe>
Unrelated to the concrete problem:
Storing HTML in a DB is a terrible design.
If the HTML originates from user-controlled input, you've a huge XSS attack hole this way.
The <font> tag is deprecated since 1998.
It seems to me that you're trying to do something that JSF was not really meant to do. Rather than try to insert HTML in your web page, you ought to try having the links already on your page and modifying the "rendered" attribute through an AJAX call.

Should Partial Views contain <head> element

I encounter in some web app that some partial view that is used has head element (it loads some Jquery things).
The thing is that with that and the _layout.xml I get this wierd HTML page structure
doesn't feel right..
What's the best practice to load some .css.js to particular page? is it all done by _layout.xml and bundles?
and in general - only _layout.xml should contain head element? no other view in my solution?
You want only one head. Use layout with sections and add MVC sections in normal pages to add CSS or JScript. See here on basic section usage If you want to use partial create a helper to render section from partial see this answer Using sections in Editor/Display templates

Having a SVG file in a img link display on IE10

I have a basic html file. In the file I have an image tag which references a SVG file.
When I view the file in IE10 the page remains blank rather then showing the expected vector image.
The SVG file was made with Inkscape.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<img src="Images/MyLOGO.svg" width="400"/>
What is the best way to troubleshoot this problem?
One reason could be because in IE9+, Chrome and Safari won’t apply stylesheet rules to the SVG if they’re defined in a separate CSS file.
The SVG file must have been invalid. I have replaced it with a different SVG file and all works as expected.

Unable to get position() in JQuery $.each loop

I am trying to make an editable box (kind of a richTextBox) using html5 (contenteditable="true") and jquery. I need to find out position of each element inside the editable div so that I can insert a page break like microsoft word does.
Here is the page
<html xmlns="">
<title>jQuery Context Menu Plugin Demo</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
$.each($("#divEdit").find("*"), function(i,item){
<h1>jQuery Context Menu Plugin and KendoUI Demo</h1>
<div style="width:740px;height:440px" contenteditable="true" id = "divEdit">
<img src="" alt="Editor for ASP.NET MVC logo" style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" />
Kendo UI Editor allows your users to edit HTML in a familiar, user-friendly way.<br />
In this version, the Editor provides the core HTML editing engine, which includes basic text formatting, hyperlinks, lists,
and image handling. The widget <strong>outputs identical HTML</strong> across all major browsers, follows
accessibility standards and provides API for content manipulation.
<p id="para">Features include:</p>
<li>Text formatting & alignment</li>
<li>Bulleted and numbered lists</li>
<li>Hyperlink and image dialogs</li>
<li>Cross-browser support</li>
<li>Identical HTML output across browsers</li>
<li>Gracefully degrades to a <code>textarea</code> when JavaScript is turned off</li>
Read more details or send us your
The problem is that alert(item.position()) is not fetching anything. The error that comes in firefox developer toolbar is 'item.position is not a function'.
My guess is that it has to do something with the type of each element in $("#divEdit").find("*") as all the elements are different.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to get the jQuery object out of item, as position() is a jQuery method, hence the complain about position() is not a function
$(item).position() // instead of item.position()
Or even more concise:
$.each($("#divEdit").find("*"), function(i,item){
change to
$('#divEdit').find('*').each(function() {
Change this line

how do i set the browseraction popup width and height?

here is my problem:
here is my simple page:
URL fixing provided by none
what do I need to do?
I see other extensions with width and height set to just fine, and i only enter some little text and I get linebreak,
this is the only thing I get stucked in developing my extension- this is just an example of what happens
body {min-width:300px;min-height:300px;}
