log4net - Missing logs - log4net

We're using log4net in a number of our services. Most of the time it works flawlessly. However, we'll occasionally see log4net "freezes" for a period of time before continuing to work normally. For example, the logs below shows that log4net was "frozen" for over 4 hours. We know this application is verbose, so we expect to see logs written every second.
2010-11-04 04:02:09,393 DEBUG Some message...
2010-11-04 08:48:07,114 DEBUG Some other message...
Another problem we'll occasionally see is that entire log files get deleted. We have log4net configured to roll over by date. Sometimes we'll see that an entire weeks worth of logs go missing. Is log4net mistakenly deleting these logs files? We do not have log4net configured to keep a number of logs.
Has anyone encountered this before?

I have not seen this, but remember that Log4net is designed to continue even if it can not log its information - See this FAQ Article
If anything locks the log file (eg Backup/AntiVirus) then you will get missing information.
You could trying running DebugView to see if any such warning appears when the logging fails or perhaps configure log4net to keep its own logs (see another FAQ Article )


Azure - cannot collect custom logs using Log Analytics

My goal is to collect some custom logs in Azure Monitor from an external VM running on Linux. In that regard, I've installed the log analytics agent according to the MS official documentation, I ran the wizard in order to setup a custom log - that includes a sample file, a row delimiter and a location from where to collect the logs. However, I'm getting a warning message saying:
Two successive configuration applications from OMS Settings failed – please report issue to github.com/Microsoft/PowerShell-DSC-for-Linux/issues (1)
Tried to follow the link proposed that points to Github where I wasn't able to find any solution (nor on any other link) on this and that's why I said to give it a change and ask the community in here.
Though, it is weird that the heartbeat of the machine or manual syslogs messages are being collected except for the custom logs.
Has anyone encountered this and managed to overpass it? Thanks
Apparently, according to the MS answer, the above warning message is normal to be displayed. However, the reason for not collecting the logs was that in the target file that has to be processed by the oms agent, you need to keep appending new entries because this triggers the oms agent which compare and check if the file has new entries than at the last check.
Hope will help someone!

Stackify NLog intermittent logging

We have an application where we have several Azure WebJobs set up, and we have NLog set up to report on the entry and exit of those webjobs. We have NLog hooked into Stackify so that we can use the Stackify logger to watch things move from WebJob to WebJob. The logging works (so we know the configuration is OK). The problem we are hitting is that the logging is intermittent - we have independent confirmation of messages travelling along several WebJobs, but we will only get partial logging. For example, the first log will record that a message was read off of it, but won't show the exit message. The next log will show the entry and exit. The problem is that they all leverage the exact same code, so the same log message should appear every single time. Has anyone else encountered this issue before? Before you answer, we have taken these diagnostic steps:
(1) We have verified the proper configuration settings in all webjob config files.
(2) We have verified that all of the webjob config files are properly posted in Azure.
(3) We have independently verified (via the webjob consoles in Azure) that the messages are getting to the different webjobs, processing, and then moving on to the next webjob, meaning that they would be invoking the logging code.
(4) We have verified that our Stackify log data is not being throttled (this might have made sense if the logs had simply stopped - but the fact that we just get partial logging in some cases and full logging in others during a single message transmission makes this unlikely).
(5) We have pored over the Stackify documentation, which seems to ensure that configuration is set up properly so that you get logging at all. It covers the all-or-nothing scenario, but not the some scenario.
I will be happy to provide more clarification as needed.
We discovered what is going on, and it is rather strange. The issue ended up being with our use of NLog.Targets.Stackify. We were using version 1.25.4. When I ran a test using the NLog debugger suggested by Julian, this is what showed up:
2017-01-09 10:14:43.5079 Info Loading assembly name: NLog.Targets.Stackify
2017-01-09 10:14:43.5449 Debug ScanAssembly('NLog, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c')
2017-01-09 10:14:43.5929 Debug Start auto loading, location: C:\Dev\AffinityMain\platform\Integrity.WebJob.Rating\bin\Debug
2017-01-09 10:14:43.5929 Info Auto loading assembly file: C:\Dev\AffinityMain\platform\Integrity.WebJob.Rating\bin\Debug\NLog.Targets.Stackify.dll
2017-01-09 10:14:43.6039 Info NLog.Targets.Stackify, Version=1.18.6200.39247, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. File version: 1.18.*. Product version: 1.25.4.
2017-01-09 10:14:43.6039 Debug ScanAssembly('NLog.Targets.Stackify, Version=1.18.6200.39247, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null')
2017-01-09 10:14:43.6249 Warn Type load exception. Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'NLog, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
File name: 'NLog, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c'
This was followed shortly by this error when it was parsing the config:
System.ArgumentException: Target cannot be found: 'StackifyTarget'
The documentation indicates that version 4.4 of NLog is sufficient to run this library. However, the NLog debugger indicates that it is looking for version 5.0, and not finding it (which it wouldn't because we aren't using it). Now, what makes this strange is that it did work at one time, with this version, so somehow a reference to NLog 5.0 is stuck somewhere in the system, but we can't find it because everything in our solution is running NLog 4.4. We've checked the csproj, the packages config, the app config, the actual installed nuget packages - no reference to version 5.0.
The answer to the problem was to downgrade to 1.25.3. As soon as I did that, it worked. I then tried to bump it back to 1.25.4, and had the same problem again. Matt - to your point about Shutdown - we are going to add that to our webjobs, and then I will monitor to see if we are seeing complete logs. Thank you everyone for your suggestions!
You should be able to fix this problem by adding one line of code at the end of your application to StackifyLib to flush.
I hope this fixes it for you, if not, please contact Stackify support.
Could be nice with an example of the NLog-config. If using the async-wrapper, then by default the overflow action is to discard "random" messages.

How do I get detailed information on the cause of 500 error deploying aspnet core app to azure

I am trying to deploy an aspnet core app to azure and getting a 500 error.
These are the steps I have taken to try and resolve the issue.
Publish Profile
Web Config
customErrors mode="Off"
Publish Steps
Remove additional files at destination
Portal Settings
Set environment variable to ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Development
Diagnostics Logs - All switched ON
Streamed Logs
Live HTTP traffic
Application Events
FREB logs
Log Files Checked
Detailed Errors
http- raw Logs
Kudu - trace logs
Web Server Logs
Event logs
This is a huge amount of data to trawl through when you dont know what you are looking for. In spite of all the advanced diagnostics tools, there is nothing I can find that helps in any way. There is nothing more than I can find to give the slightest clue as to the cause. Just the same old useless 500 error page.
I have completely deleted and redeployed the app 30+ times from the portal. I have restarted the app many more times from the portal.
I have posted on the Azure forums and there no help to be had there either. Other posts I have read are just guesses without any substantial information as to the cause.
Does anyone have a definitive method to find more detail to the cause?
You could check the detailed error message under D:\home\LogFiles\DetailedErrors folder via Kudu. And you could see most likely causes from the error page, like this.
You could compare your error status code (it could be 500.0, 500.19 etc) with the 500 status codes table form this link to find the possible causes.
Besides, you could try to turn on “Remote debugging” to check if it could step into your controller action code and if any error with your action code.

Logback stops logging on file change

Wrote a small test and found that when logging to a file and opening that file in vi, editing and then saving it - Logback stops writing to that file.
No apparent errors in the process that is writing the logs. It keeps running but no logs are appended to the file.
Is anyone familiar with this? Tried running the same against log4j - and it appears to continue writing the logs. I recall reading in the past the log4j also had such a shortcoming but couldn't reproduce.
Please advise.

RoleManager.WriteToLog in Azure Development Fabric

I'm just taking my first steps with Azure and the first thing I see in the development fabric is a bunch of console style logging windows. So I figure that's going to be handy and decide to figure out how to write stuff there and stumble upon this:
Microsoft.ServiceHosting.ServiceRuntime.RoleManager.WriteToLog("Information", "Message);
Cool, except I don't see anything in the log. Saw a post somewhere that after first install you need to reboot before this will work, so I tried that but still nothing.
I've checked with a break point that the code is executing and I've checked the logging level in the dev fabric.
Is this supposed to work, or am I completely off base?
Just to add some more information about what I'm doing:
Started with VS08's new project wizard for Cloud Service
In the wizard added a single ASP.NET Web Role project
In the Page_Load method in Default.aspx.cs I added the WriteToLog line shown above
Ran the project and in the dev fabric UI, drilled down the tree to web role instance "0"
Nothing in the displayed log except some role instance start up messages followed by a bunch of health status messages.
Tried reloading the page a few times, the breakpoint in Page_Load gets hit but nothing in the log.
Logging Level is set to information, and the other events are level information so I don't think it's a logging level issue.
Logging level is the common gotcha, but there's also a delay before logs start showing up in the dev fabric, so make sure that this message is getting logged at least 10 seconds after the application starts.
After some more googling, seems like this is a known issue:
