sharepoint calculated column - sharepoint

I would ike to get just the email address from the column :Email From" in sharepoint 2007. Can anyone please help me wrting the formula to get the email id.
old value : abc, def <>
expected value:
How to write the expression so that i get something like that. Please help me.
I have added something like below in the calculated column, but somehow i cannot rip '>' symbol
=MID([E-Mail From],FIND("<",[E-Mail From])+1,FIND(">",[E-Mail From])-1)
and the o/p is>

It looks like you have it; maybe this tweak?
MID([E-Mail From],((instr("<",[E-Mail From]))+1),((instr(">",[E-Mail From]))-1))


Partial match when look up value is lengthier than corresponding value in a table or a range

I have table as below. In first column name of the company and in next column corresponding country.
The look up value of company name is not exact match in this case
The company name from table is a subset of the look up value.
Reference Table as below:
The output expected is as follows:
I tried using formula=VLOOKUP(LEFT(B14,LEN(B14)-4),$H$2:$I$4,2,FALSE)
but it only help solve first entry and not for others. The output I got with above formula is as below:
Request help in sorting this issue.
Maybe try the following:
However, this might be troublesome when you anticipate a word can be a sub-string inside another, eventually giving wrong results. If that won't be the case, that's great, but if so, then maybe safer would be:
=VLOOKUP(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(" ",1,H$3:H$4,B14)," ","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[preceding::*=.]"),H$2:I$4,2)

Excel: Text mining using IF, ISNUMBER, SEARCH

I'm trying to clean up job title data using the formula below:
It should work by eliminating job titles with any of the texts specified in the quotes above. However, I've encountered an issue where it doesn't. In a case where the job title is Quantity Surveyor, the title contains none of the specified texts but Excel seems to reflect it as such. What am I not doing right here?
Quantity Surveyor Example
To extract the information you are looking for, this is the formula you want to use:
Using countif you don't need to check for errors if they occur:
Select the part of formula of search, and then press F9. You will find the match result of 6, where it has original value of 'IT', it means Quantity, has IT.
I really donot know why there is negative vote as not useful.
Here is the formula to solve your problem
Of course, it is better to define a range instead of hard code {}, like below

How to present different column headers?

I have a spotfire template feeded by a procedure.
And the name of the columns are something like : STATUT , COLUMN2, COLUMN3 ...
Now I need to create a "calculated column" with:
1. expression = [STATUT]
2. Column name = Statut
But when I click "Ok" (in insert Calculated Column menu), I get the following message:
"You cannot use a column name that already exists."
It seems that it's not case sensitive.
Any idea? I need to show the the calculated column header on a table, but don't want to show the names defined in the procedure.
Thank you very much.
iindeed it is case insensitive. curious what version of Spotfire you are on, if you don't mind sharing?
anyway, to solve this, you can go to Edit ยป Column Properties and update the column names here.
another possible solution that I haven't tried is changing your expression to read [STATUT] AS [Statut]. this may or may not solve the issue, but either way it will be helpful to know that you can write any expression here and append AS [My Column Name] to change the title for that visualization.

Vlookup + Match issue

I have an issue with the formula below.
Take a look at the image
This is basically doing one thing. Find the Action No. that is in the sheet "Scenario.New" of the Scenario ID 1017. It is working fine, as it returns 1,so formula is working, but sometimes I have 2 actions.
As you see. my formula will only look at the first Scend ID and will ignore the other one as is already found the first one. What I want to do is add a piece in the code that says Action No. = 1 or 2. Because based on the action No. some other fields will change too. Any ideas to solve it? Thanks!
first, i'm doubt with your question. second, your tabel is horisontal but you use VLOOKUP? or im wrong to undertand this?
but let me help you,i think you should try this,
enter image description here
take number 1 or 2 from table. but, if your table have double value be reference like image, HLOOKUP return first reference.

Cell Match partial Table element Excel

I have a client name and I want to know if the client is already known having a shorter name of the company.
The client list is more detailled than the client short name.
Exemple : "COMPANY INC US" is known as "COMPANY".
I'm searching for something like this but it doesn't work.
Thanks for help
You could try index/match, with match looking for approximates (set third parameter to 1).
Or you could use something like this
=ISNUMBER(SEARCH(short_name, full_name))
