simple game development on linux - linux

I'd like to develop simple 2d games on linux. Something like one below. The only decent tecnology I've found was PyGame. Is there any other worth taking a look? Is there a possibility to develop flash games on linux?
Thanks in advance.

I will have to agree with previous user , pygame is an amazing powerful and easy to use library.
Now about your flash games, there is a back door.
First forget about flash. Yes I know that this seems a bit out of topic , but no worries you can compensate for this.
Now python has something called Pyjamas, dont laugh its actually a very serious package. What pyjamas does is to convert python code to javascript code, all this happens automatically and you dont need to know a single line of javascript , even though knowing javascript could help as well. Of course the benefits of converting python to javascript means that not only you can run python apps inside any browser and any device supporting a browser including iPad, iphone, and pretty much anything else you can also use javascript libraries. Actually you can use only javascript libraries , so forget about using pygame with pyjamas.
Now HTML5 is the future, its still an ongoing project and far from finished, but YouTube already is using it with alot of success. Html5 together with the new version of javascrip offer features very similar to Flash, with the added advantage unlike Flash which is tied to Adobe , HTML5 is open source and a web standard. That means that borwser support Html5 out of the box with no need to install anything. So you could use HTML5 and Javascript to build your browser games. I think that HTML5 will replace the Flash in the near future. Remember because you will be using pyjama you will writing your code in python only, but of course you could mix it with some javascript code if you wish so.
I will advice for the time being epxlore pygame , because its dead easy to use, and when the right time comes and feel confident with python, take a look at pyjamas and fire away your browser games. The important thing to remember is that unlike other easy to lear language Python is a serious language used for almost anything, so you never run out of option. So do your coding and have fun.
Oh in case you need to check out pyjamas its right here.
Pyjamas Website

Here's a list of some open source game engines in general. You'll want to look at the cross-platform, 2D-oriented engines and see which one best meets your needs as far as programming language and features.
However, PyGame is pretty well-developed, and Python is an exceptionally easy and fun language to do anything in, including game development. I recommend you check out PyGame first, I think it would work well for your task.
As for developing flash games on Linux, there's little chance of that. To develop flash games you need Adobe's suite, and it is only compatible with Windows and Mac. So unless your computer can handle the stress of Adobe software (which is pretty high) in an emulated environment (Wine, which adds considerable hardware overhead), you'd need Windows or Mac OS X to do that. You can still play them, however.

There are flash libraries for games that work in linux. It's a but more of a pain in the ass but maybe all the hassle will teach you a thing or two ?
Here are some usefull links (mentions some linux options)


Anjuta/Glade Tutorials or Better IDE?

I am attempting to develop a GUI application for Tails. I'm doing the initial development on Debian 8 since development directly in Tails can be a pain.
I started out using Anjuta, but the documentation is essentially non-existent. The Anjuta website has nothing at all about how Glade is integrated or how to use it. I can't even track down documentation on how to change the main window title. The only tutorial I found has you start a project and build it using the default files that are generated for a GTKmm project.
Is there a good book or online tutorial out there for doing GUI development in Anjuta?
This is maybe not a complete answer, but it's too large to put in as a comment. I use Anjuta fairly regularly, but I share your feeling about the missing documentation (which is, by the way, not unique for Anjuta). I appreciate Anjuta (and Glade) very much, so don't take the following as criticisms on either program.
I would recommend you consider using PyGTK for GUI creation. It is a lot more productive. You can design the GUI in Glade - exactly the same way you would do for C/C++ - and then implement the code in Python, which you can also edit and manage from Anjuta. There are plenty of code examples, for example on the nullege code search engine.
About the work flow in Anjuta (for C/C++). It is based mainly on the Autotools system, so you should really read up a little on make, Makefile, and related tools. Though in principle Anjuta manages this, you will, sooner or later hit a problem, and some knowledge about Autotools will help you a long way (also this tutorial or this one. This slide series is interesting - probably because it is more graphical. There are even some video tutorials, like this one.).
There is no real necessity to use Glade from inside Anjuta. In fact, Glade has passed a long process distancing itself from 'code generation'. It now only contains an XML generator, which can be called separately. I find the screen space left for Glade inside Anjuta insufficient for comfortable work anyway.
So, in conclusion: If you mainly need a GUI, consider Python + Gtk. If you do need C or C++, Anjuta is a great IDE, but look at Gtk Development examples (like this one). Following those, the use of Anjuta should be a lot clearer.
Very useful answer. I have some underlying legacy code that has to be
C++. Is there a way to mix Python and C++ in Anjuta, or do you know of
any guideposts or tutorials for such?
You can open a C++ project in Anjuta - maybe even import you legacy code directly as a Makefile project. You can also add new files to your C/C++ project and create them as Python files. I've never tried to do that though, and I'm not sure how Anjuta would treat them, for example, in the Makefile(s). I don't have large projects mixing languages at the moment, but for small projects, I like 'Geany', because it doesn't get in the way. You do have to maintain the Makefiles manually.

Writing a Linux Terminal emulator

I'd like to write a x11 terminal emulator, but I don't know how I should spawn and communicate with the shell, is there any basic (pseudo- or C) code for that? like what sort of PTY to create, how to bind the shell to it, what signals I have to catch or send, etc. don't really feel like sorting through the whole xterm sources.
EDIT: oh and I want to implement a way of communicating with any applications in it, how shall I do the feature discovery? some hidden ansi sequence in the "clients", hoping it's not colliding with other terminal emulators? some environment variable, hoping it's not colliding with the "clients" or removed by the shell?
YAT (yet another terminal) is suitable for embedding in Qt Quick programs. Contributions for improvement are welcome. (Disclaimer: a friend started that project, and I work on it sometimes.) It takes a mostly correct approach (e.g. it uses a Linux pseudo-terminal properly, something I didn't know about before my friend was explaining that), and has a lot of features; however the parser is written from scratch and is not feature-complete or bug-free yet.
Unfortunately most terminal implementations so far have been starting from scratch, or with a one-off monolithic fork (from rxvt for example), which is a lot of work and results in all of them being incomplete. So I think a better alternative would be to use a reusable logic-only library called libvterm: or to base your terminal on one which already uses that. That way if you find bugs and fix them, you'll improve the whole ecosystem. is interesting, and works (at least somewhat) but is a prime candidate to be rewritten with libvterm, IMO. If you are into immediate-mode rendering in OpenGL, it might be a good choice anyway. does use libvterm, and adds a few features which libvterm doesn't have, for inline graphics rendering (ReGIS and PNG). But the code is not elegant enough or portable enough, IMO, and the graphics rendering "floats" over the text rather than being truly inline. It still might be an adequate starting point for some use cases. In my fork I got it to build with mostly modern system libraries, however it still depends on an outdated version of SDL, which is included.
OK, if anyone also need this, and is using lua, I found the library works fine. still testing ansi escapes and stuff, but should work.

What language/ software does Rosetta stone use?

Rosetta stone allows you to speak and check you pronunciation with the native speaker, what programming language would such a feature be built in or what server/clientside software would be necessary?
I suppose I'll take a crack at this question, even though it's pretty vague and I've never used Rosetta Stone.
First, if your program was running within a web browser (I assume that's your goal since you said create a web program,) you'll need to be able to capture audio locally. Obviously, you wouldn't want to require the user to upload audio files they've created. This would typically be done with Adobe Flash, but I'm sure you could also use Silverlight, Java, or an unmanaged browser extension specific to each browser you want to support.
Getting the audio is probably the easy part. Processing the actual wave form for pronunciation would be fairly tricky. You'd have to match each phoneme, making sure it was valid, and making sure the right parts of the word were accentuated. I doubt it would make much sense to have this sort of linguistic data down on the client, and I doubt something like Flash would be very good at doing this sort of wave form analysis anyway. Most likely, these samples are uploaded to a server where they are analyzed for correctness. This could be done in pretty much any programming language, so one could only guess how Rosetta did it. Perhaps Java code, pure C++, or .NET.

What language is easiest to develop command line/simple GUI for Linux?

I need to develop a large set of tools to be run from the server command line (i.e. not client-server architecture). The systems does not have to be high-performance; I just want something that is easy to develop with.
Which technologies are out there I can use to build simple GUI to be run from the command line? I need only menus where I can select a line/check-box/enter free text in a dialog.
Edit: forgot to add, access to Mysql (i.e. drivers available) is essential.
Shell, with dialog, the old stand-by -
EDIT- If it's MySQL-related, take a look at PERL-Tk and DBI.
python + ncurses would be a good combo here.
i like using perl's from the Devel::REPL library for quickie cli interfaces. read on a bit for my rationale before downvoting!
in this type of app it sounds like you will be doing query-type operations. these naturally lend themselves to a "repl" style interraction. gives you all of the goodies, namely command editing and history. all you need to write are the functions that users will call. the nice thing is that users who know perl will realize they can use any installed module to extend the functionality of your system on their own. i my case, i used to create a mysqlclient-like tool to access and display data that was being compressed in a way that the standard mysqlclient couldn't deal with.
i cite perl because it's DBI is the best database abstraction and it is what i have used....but the rationale can be extended to other tools. python's repl or any other would provide the same benefit.
You could use Mono for Linux and write your program in C# .NET, then make it work for Linux, since Mono allows so.
As far as graphic command line interfaces go, one of the best frameworks is ncurses. It abstracts away most of the ugliness associated with graphic command line applications.
I have to say, use Python, because I like it.
But text-based interfaces are pretty much not worth it, because they seem like a good idea until you look at the details:
There isn't really a standard keyboard navigation model for text-UIs; they all use their own scheme
How is unicode supported? (Hint: this is nontrivial)
What about different keyboard layouts? What key does someone press if their keyboard doesn't have, say, a "home", "end", or "Escape" ?
ncurses does not provide a widget set, only low-level operations. The answers to the above questions aren't easy.
It really shows that nobody has put much thought into keyboard-and-text-driven terminal-based UIs recently, or these would all have been solved.
Web interfaces have them solved, in fact, you can use a text-mode web browser if you like.
Modern devices like i(phone|pad)s and even cheap mobile phones have a web browser which is good enough.
It is easy to write a web application which uses a very simple style (few images, little Javascrfipt) and have it work without much effort on a variety of devices.
So I would say go with dmckee's comment "go with what you know".
By building your own terminal-based interface, you are going to box yourself into a corner in the long term.

How does WebGL (on firefox) work?

I grabbed firefox 3.7a (note go to about:config and enable webgl) and ran the examples on this site
The examples were cool then it hit me. How is it running? Code is being ran is it not? Is this an implementation of LLVM? is something else going on? Would i be able to run my own examples and do something like a command line text based game?
The shader examples on that site are written in a C-like language called GLSL, which is the (Open/Web)GL Shader Language. When they're executed, the JavaScript WebGL code sends the shader source off to your graphics driver's OpenGL functions, which compile it down to a machine code that runs directly on your GPU.
BTW, the shader-only style of coding, while very popular and a great way of writing cool demos, is not an entirely typical use of WebGL. Normally the shaders are used to do a lot of the heavy-duty number crunching, but the design and animation of the various objects that make up your scene is done in JavaScript. (In OpenGL, you would see a similar split between GLSL and some other language, such as C or C++.)
If you want to learn more about coding WebGL, you could do worse than visit the tutorials on my site, I frequently link to other people's demos and tutorials too, so if you don't like my examples you should easily be able to find something better :-)
