A mutli-threaded, event based, asynchronous "framework" - multithreading

I have been pondering about such a "framework" lately, and wanted to know if something like this already exists, or if it is a completely terrible idea. And I knew that the fine people at Stack Overflow would obviously know the answer.
I was envisioning a "framework" or language to build GUI applications or servers, where one would create a Master, and build the entire application off of this master.
This Master would be completely event driven, it would by default contain a onSetup event to get everything loaded and in order, then t would simply sit passively waiting for any kind of event (ie a button click, an event over a socket, etc).
This Master would be a collection of rules saying what Slave to run(and how to interpret it's return data) depending on the event it catches. All these slaves (basically functions) would be forked to run on separate threads and would be completely asynchronous, and only if explicitly stated would a Slave call put the rest of the Master on hold.
In my opinion this could be an easy way to develop very performance driven GUIs or servers, and would be quite modular. Also all these different Slaves could be easily distributed and shared online, to greatly enhance coder efficiency.
Does a language or framework like this already exist, or does this kind of concept simply make no sense, please let me know what you think about it.

It's often easier to just write the software that you need. Frameworks can be useful but hard to do well. Your suggestion sounds like it would just force you to solve problems in a particular way whether that would be suitable or not. You haven't really gone into enough detail though. How would you wait for stuff to finish for example? How do you tell slaves to stop becuase you've changed your mind (error condition) etc.
I don't know - depends if your domain has a ton of problems that can be solved like this.

What you are describing, in my mind, sounds a lot like a messaging system such JMS in Java. You could pass your events to your master queue and develop a set of rules for how to subscribe to this queue/topic and take action depending on the event itself. The "framework" you're describing definitely exists - take a look at http://jboss.org/hornetq from JBoss. It will give you all the communication and asynchronous processing you need.


Extend Dbus Service

The bigger goal:
Writing a batch user manager targeted at classroom school environments.
The problem
I want to write a user manager that uses a GUI to add, manage and delete users for classroom environments. The program I'm working on is ltsp-manager.
Up until now all the user management is done by executing bash commands. From a python script. Meaning all the GUI has to run as root and everything is handcrafted.
The goal
Create a Dbus service that handles all the account management and let the GUI run as a regular user requiring a password from time to time.
I looked around and found that in org.freedesktop.Accounts there is already a service doing a lot of the functionality I want to do. However, it also lacks some. Something that is totally missing is the management of Groups.
What is a good way to use the org.freedesktop.Accounts functionality and add some additional functions/methods?
Thoughts so far
Things that came to my mind include:
just redo everything - meaning a lot of duplicated work.
copy the interfaces and write functions that call the original ones
write a service that only implements the additional functions without touching the original ones. The client will then use the original service and the newly written one.
All my testing experiments are done with python3 and pydbus which seems to be the best choice among many.
I have never written a real world dbus service - though the experiments do show some results in d-feet. This question is not really a what do I need to type kind of question but rather a best practise question.
The best long-term answer would be to fix accountsservice upstream to implement groups support. There’s already work towards that; it just needs someone to pick it up and finish it off. accountsservice is the project which provides the canonical implementation of org.freedesktop.Accounts.
The other approaches are bad because:
just redo everything - meaning a lot of duplicated work.
As you say, this is a lot of duplicated work, and then you have to maintain it all.
copy the interfaces and write functions that call the original ones
That means you have to forever keep up with changes and additions to accountsservice.
write a service that only implements the additional functions without touching the original ones. The client will then use the original service and the newly written one.
That doesn’t come with any additional maintenance problems, but means your service won’t integrate well with accountsservice. There might be race conditions between updates on your D-Bus objects and updates on the accountsservice objects, for example. You won’t be able to share the maintenance burden of the groups code with the (many) other users of accountsservice.

Can two or more requests be processed exactly at the same time in express?

I'm quite new to this kind of cases. See, I'm building a restful app, based in an express backend and mobile frontend. There are two particular type of users, let's say clients and workers. A client can send a notification to all workers saying that he's looking for a worker, so, all workers get that notification, they must accept or reject it, BUT, only one can be accepted, let's say the fastest pressing the "Accept" button. so, here is my doubt, what happens if two workers press the "Accept" button exactly at the same time and they are received (at the same time too) by express?, are they processed at the same time? or the fact that node is single threaded makes this impossible to happen? I just want to be sure that it is impossible that due to aforesaid two (or more) workers could be assigned to the same client.
I have searched for this in internet but I haven't found anything that could clear my mind with this situation. And I honestly have no idea where to start, so, any suggestions are accepted. I have seen things like queue managers for node (like Bull), but I think they are not the solution for this case, but I'm not sure of this neither, I need at least someone to point me to the right direction to the solution.
Use zookeeper or async lock https://www.npmjs.com/package/async-lock . Last thing you want is a race condition.
A simple but maybe not as good as lock solution is database transaction. Once the first worker accepts the job, it will add a flag in database. The second worker could have started a database transaction but eventually not able to complete the process since the flag set by previous worker. Then rollback the whole transaction.
If you're not using locks, you can't rule out the possibility.
Node might be single-threaded now (it isn't), and it might serve one user before moving onto the next (which iirc it doesn't), but if you can't find it written in documentation then it's no assurance at all. There's always the possibility that an upgrade might change the way that it works.
There is, however, a solution. If there's a language feature that guarantees that a resource will be locked and unusable by other instances whilst it's locked, that will give you the assurance you need.

Development Platform for Small application

I will soon be developing an application to log and priorities worker shifts. It only needs to be small, and simple, but I am wondering what framework to use. All that needs to happen is boxes with names are in 3 lists, and the user can switch these around at will. It must log the times, which I will need access to in real time.
Im new to application development of this sort, and would like any suggestions. I have time to learn new technologies / languages.
Portability / device independence would also be useful. Should I consider a Web Application in Javascript? or something more like Python.
Even if your application is going to be simple that does not mean that whole system will be simple too. I can imagine that your app will serve only as a front end to something much bigger. If that is a case and you really have freedom to choose what language you will develop your app with consider choosing something that you will feel comfortable to work with. But before you will make your decision I would go to whoever gave you that task and try to get as much information about it as you can because expected features can help in choosing technology.
First of all, it seems that it is up to you to decide if it should be web or desktop app. In my opinion it is completely wrong situation. You should get clear requirements on what kind of application customer expects and in what environment it should work. And I would not move a finger towards a code before somebody gave me that information. You write that portability and device independence would be useful but is it actual requirement or you just think it would be nice feature to deliver?
EDITED (to answer a question in comment)
Probably there is as much possible solutions as people that would answer you so in the end you will have to make your own choices.
One way of doing it (considering that you want to learn something new and have a challenge :) would be implement WCF service that would act as a data provider from your database (so every GetUsers(), GetVacationDays() methods would be in it) and it would take care of some business logic (for example CalculateMaxValidWorkingTime() or whatever). That service would be a real power horse of your system. Since you don't have clear requirement whether it should be desktop or web app you could satisfy both possibilities by creating thin clients that would communicate with your service and they would be just a pretty front ends. And if you keep in mind that you can consume webservices practically with everything from C++ to .NET (C#/VB) to Javascript to Python to PHP after you done with service you would not be constrained with one particular technology/language.
Regarding databases I won't advice because personally I hate dealing with them and it always was somebody else's task to provide me with pretty API :)

Real time browser game server

I'm mostly looking for setup advise and pointers on how to go about going about this. I'll explain in as much detail as I can think and also note possible approaches that may be plausible.
The aim of this is to create a real time browser game, the best method that I have found for my needs would to use "long polling" with ajax, which will basically setup a request with the server that will "hang there" til the server has something to send it, then re-establish the connection upon receipt for more data. For my purposes this will handle a chat system aswell as character movement, IE: if a player enters the same area the clients there will recieve a response to inform them and thus update the browser client to show this.
The above is relatively easy to implement and I have already made a test-case for it, however I want to improve on it, on the server side it runs a loop for X amount of time before it'll auto timeout and send back and empty string, so another connection can be made, this is to prevent infinite loops and use up resources in cases where it shouldn't. Instead of looking up the database on each loop cycle (would be expensive I believe) for messages that need sending to the client, I use flatfiles, if a file has a modified timestamp greater than the last message sent to the client, then there is something new to send. However I believe this would also be expensive (not as much as using a mysql database though?) when done a couple of times per second.
My thought process on this was to have a C++ program (for speed) constantly running, and use that for very fast lookups in memory for new messages and so fourth, this would also give me the added bonus of being able to have bots within the game that the server can control for a more real-time feel/approach, however I have no clue if this is even possible and my searches on google have been fruitless.
The approach I would most love to be able to do, is to continue to use PHP to do the rendering and control of the page etc, and have the ajax requests go to the C++ application (that will always be running) that can handle all the real-time aspects.
CGI defeats the purpose of the above approach, as it creates a new instance of the application on each request, which is both slow and exactly what I do not want, I have php for that and don't want to switch one perfectally running language for another that would be better suited, PHP however (to my knowledge) can't store things in memory (ram) and so fourth.
Another approach that I have thought about was to use php sockets to connect into the C++ application, though I have no idea how feasible this may be. The C++ application only basically will need to control bots (AI) and the chat system messages.. I have absolutely no idea how to go about handling bots via PHP.
I hope this fully explains what my intentions and goals are, so if anyone has any pointers or advise then please reply and help me out, it would be very much appreciated. If you need any extra information (for if I didn't cover something or something very well) then I'll be happy to attempt to better explain.
How fast do the reactions need to be? For anything approaching real-time action games, AJAX/Comet is going to be much too slow. The overhead is also really depressing.
The way forward for that kind of thing will probably be WebSocket, with a custom server on the backend. But I don't think that means you need to resort to C[++] for this; the bottleneck is most likely going to be the network and not server processor power.
I'm using a Python SocketServer with a trivial message replication system — all the game logic in my case is on the client-side, with some complicated JavaScript maintaining a consistent game world in the face of lag — but even for a more complex server-side I think a scripting language will probably be just fine.
WebSocket isn't ready yet; there are no mainstream browser implementations. In the meantime I'm using a Flash Socket backup that emulates the WebSocket interface. Flash Sockets have their own problems in that they fail to negotiate proxies, but they are fast and hopefully the need for them will diminish as WebSocket arrives properly.
Reading your post sets alarm bells ringing.
How familiar are you with multi-threaded code? With C++? If the answer is "not very", then I fear you might be biting off a quite a large chunk. Why not take advantage of some existing (tried and tested) COMET server implementations rather than this barebones approach? Whatever application you have in mind, it should be quite separate from the comms implementation.
As someone who has implemented a such a server, I can tell you that it will take many design iterations and a helluva long time to get right. Testing such a product realisticly is also a very tricky process.

Spy++ for PowerBuilder applications

I'm trying to write a tool which lets me inspect the state of a PowerBuilder-based application. What I'm thinking of is something like Spy++ (or, even nicer, 'Snoop' as it exists for .NET applications) which lets me inspect the object tree (and properties of objects) of some PowerBuilder-based GUI.
I did the same for ordinary (MFC-based) applications as well as .NET applications already, but unfortunately I never developed an application in PowerBuilder myself, so I'm generally thinking about two problems at this point:
Is there some API (preferably in Java or C/C++) available which lets one traverse the
tree of visual objects of a PowerBuilder application? I read up a bit on the PowerBuilder Native Interface system, but it seems that this is meant to write PowerBuilder extensions in C/C++ which can then be called from the PowerBuilder script language, right?
If there is some API available - maybe PowerBuilder applications even expose some sort of IPC-enabled API which lets me inspect the state of a PowerBuilder object hierarchy without being within the process of the PowerBuilder application? Maybe there's an automation interface available, or something COM-based - or maybe something else?
Right now, my impression is that probably need to inject a DLL into the process of the PowerBuilder application and then gain access to the running PowerBuilder VM so that I can query it for the object tree. Some sort of IPC mechanism will then let me transport this information out of the PowerBuilder application's process.
Does anybody have some experience with this or can shed some light on whether anybody tried to do this already?
Best regards,
First, the easy answer: I think what you're trying to do has been done, sort of. Rex from Enable does what I think you're after, but IIRC from talking with the developers, it depends on code hooks built into the application.
Which leads to the suggestion that I don't think you'll be able to do what I think you're trying to do completely externally from the application. You can grab window handles with WinAPIs and do some basic things with that, but not as much as you want. And getting information about DataWindows with WinAPIs? Forget it.
I believe I've heard of an API like the one you're asking about, but I've never heard of anyone other that automated testing software tool manufacturers getting their hands on it. If this is true (and the quality of this information is along the lines of "heard it in the hallway"), I suspect there might be some application security issues in letting this get out. (I know you'd never want to infect my application, or poke around and find out my secrets. grin)
Even with hooks into the PowerBuilder VM memory space, I'm not aware of being able to get a list of objects in memory without some PowerScript framework hooks (e.g. populating a list on every open and constructor with object handles). Once you've got a window handle, you can easily traverse its control arrays (and its subclasses control arrays) to get a list of objects on the window, but things like handles to NVO instance variables would be problematic.
I admire the idea. I wish I had better news (other than maybe Rex might solve your problem without the headaches of doing it yourself). Now I'm looking forward even more to what eran may release! grin
Good luck,
I've just created such a tool, but I cheated a bit. Was actually about to ask the same question myself on the PB newsgroups. My solution is made of two parts:
Spy-like tool - a stand-alone app that like Spy++, i.e. lets you drag a target onto a control, using Windows API functions (though written in PB).
Internal infrastructure for target applications - located at the ancestor of all of the application's windows. Once given a certain (windows) handle, it goes through the Control[] array and looks for the control whose handle matches the given one. If necessary, it also recurses into control-containers such as tabs.
When the user selects a control, the spy tool first looks for its containing window using Windows API. When found, the tool sends a custom message to that window, which is then handled by the app's infrastructure. The control is then located in the PB app, and its details are finally sent back to the spy tool, which presents them to the user.
I suspect the infrastructure part can be replaced with some external thing, as I've seen tools that seem to be able to do that (Visual Expert, QTP). However, I haven't had the time to further investigate, and this solution was relatively easy to develop.
I've got to say, your question comes on a surprising timing. See this recent question of mine. If you're interested in the tool I've created, drop me a comment.
