du -skh * in / returns vastly different size from df on centos 5.5 - linux

I have a vps slice running centos 5.5 I am supposed to have 15 gigs of disk space, but according to df it seems to double my disk space usage.
when I run du -skh * in / as root i get:
[root#yardvps1 /]# du -skh *
0 aquota.group
0 aquota.user
5.2M bin
4.0K boot
4.0K dev
4.9M etc
2.5G home
12M lib
14M lib64
4.0K media
4.0K mnt
299M opt
0 proc
692K root
23M sbin
4.0K selinux
4.0K srv
0 sys
48K tmp
2.0G usr
121M var
this is consistent with what I have uploaded to the machine, and adds up to about 5gigs.
BUT when i run df i get:
[root#yardvps1 /]# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/simfs 15728640 11659048 4069592 75% /
none 262144 4 262140 1% /dev
it is showing me using almost 12 gigs already.
what is causing this discrepancy and is there anything I can do about it, I planned the server out based on 15 gigs but now it is basically only letting me have about 7 gigs of stuff on it.

The most common cause of this effect is open files that have been deleted.
The kernel will only free the disk blocks of a deleted file if it is not in use at the time of its deletion. Otherwise that is deferred until the file is closed, or the system is rebooted.
A common Unix-world trick to ensure that no temporary files are left around is the following:
A process creates and opens a temporary file
While still holding the open file descriptor, the process unlinks (i.e. deletes) the file
The process reads and writes to the file normally using the file descriptor
The process closes the file descriptor when it's done, and the kernel frees the space
If the process (or the system) terminates unexpectedly, the temporary file is already deleted and no clean-up is necessary.
As a bonus, deleting the file reduces the chances of naming collisions when creating temporary files and it also provides an additional layer of obscurity over the running processes - for anyone but the root user, that is.
This behaviour ensures that processes don't have to deal with files that are suddenly pulled from under their feet, and also that processes don't have to consult each other in order to delete a file. It is unexpected behaviour for those coming from Windows systems, though, since there you are not normally allowed to delete a file that is in use.
The lsof command, when run as root, will show all open files and it will specifically indicate deleted files that are deleted:
# lsof 2>/dev/null | grep deleted
bootlogd 2024 root 1w REG 9,3 58 917506 /tmp/init.0W2ARi (deleted)
bootlogd 2024 root 2w REG 9,3 58 917506 /tmp/init.0W2ARi (deleted)
Stopping and restarting the guilty processes, or just rebooting the server should solve this issue.
Deleted files could also be held open by the kernel if, for example, it's a mounted filesystem image. In this case unmounting the filesystem or rebooting the server should do the trick.
In your case, judging by the size of the "missing" space I'd look for any references to the file that you used to set up the VPS e.g. the Centos DVD image that you deleted after installing.

Another case which I've come across although it doesn't appear to be your issue is if you mount a partition "on top" of existing files.
If you do so you effectively hide existing files that exist in the directory on the mounted-to partition (the mount point) from the mounted partition.
To fix: stop any processes with open files on the mounted partition, unmount partition, find and move/remove any files that now appear in mount point directory.

I had the same trouble with FreeBSD server. The reboot helped.


df -h giving fake data?

when i'm writing df -h in my instance i'm getting this data:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 7.7G 0 7.7G 0% /dev
tmpfs 7.7G 0 7.7G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 7.7G 408K 7.7G 1% /run
tmpfs 7.7G 0 7.7G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p1 32G 24G 8.5G 74% /
tmpfs 1.6G 0 1.6G 0% /run/user/1000
but when i'm clicking sudo du -sh / i'm getting:
11G /
So in df -h, / size is 24G but in du -sh same directory the size is 11G.
I'm trying to get some free space on my instance and can't find the files that cause that.
What i'm missing?
did df -h is really giving fake data?
This question comes up quite often. The file system allocates disk blocks in the file system to record its data. This data is referred to as metadata which is not visible to most user-level programs (such as du). Examples of metadata are inodes, disk maps, indirect blocks, and superblocks.
The du command is a user-level program that isn't aware of filesystem metadata, while df looks at the filesystem disk allocation maps and is aware of file system metadata. df obtains true filesystem statistics, whereas du sees only a partial picture.
There are many causes on why the disk space used or available when running the du or df commands differs.
Perhaps the most common is deleted files. Files that have been deleted may still be open by at least one process. The entry for such files is removed from the associated directory, which makes the file inaccessible. Therefore the command du which only counts files does not take these files into account and comes up with a smaller value. As long as a process still has the deleted file in use, however, the associated blocks are not yet released in the file system, so df which works at the kernel level correctly displays these as occupied. You can find out if this is the case by running the following:
lsof | grep '(deleted)'
The fix for this issue would be to restart the services that still have those deleted files open.
The second most common cause is if you have a partition or drive mounted on top of a directory with the same name. For example, if you have a directory under / called backup which contains data and then you mount a new drive on top of that directory and label it /backup but it contains no data then the space used will show up with the df command even though the du command shows no files.
To determine if there are any files or directories hidden under an active mount point, you can try using a bind-mount to mount your / filesystem which will enable me to inspect underneath other mount points. Note, this is recommended only for experienced system administrators.
mkdir /tmp/tmpmnt
mount -o bind //tmp/tmpmnt
du /tmp/tmpmnt
After you have confirmed that this is the issue, the bind mount can be removed by running:
umount /tmp/tmpmnt/
rmdir /tmp/tmpmnt
Another possible cause might be filesystem corruption. If this is suspected, please make sure you have good backups, and at your convenience, please unmount the filesystem and run fsck.
Again, this should be done by experienced system administrators.
You can also check the calculation by running:
strace -e statfs df /
This will give you output similar to:
statfs("/", {f_type=XFS_SB_MAGIC, f_bsize=4096, f_blocks=20968699, f_bfree=17420469,
f_bavail=17420469, f_files=41942464, f_ffree=41509188, f_fsid={val=[64769, 0]},
f_namelen=255, f_frsize=4096, f_flags=ST_VALID|ST_RELATIME}) = 0
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 83874796 14192920 69681876 17% /
+++ exited with 0 +++
Notice the difference between f_bfree and f_bavail? These are the free blocks in the filesystem vs free blocks available to an unprivileged user. The used column is merely a calculation between the two.
Hope this will make your idea clear. Let me know if you still have any doubts.

How do I change the filesystem of my 64GB USB, from FAT32 to anything which allows me to put a 35GB file from my x86_64 Linux machine onto the USB?

'uname -a' on my machine gives:
Linux ct-lt-966 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.144-3.1 (2019-02-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Currently the filesystem of my USB is MS-DOS 'FAT32' which has a ~4.5 GB maximum size for individual files. I want to change this filesystem to something else, which does not have a limit. (I am trying to put a 35GB file onto a 64GB USB but I believe most USB filesystems do not limit the size of individual files).
I have not found it clear what choices of USB filesystem that I have. I tried to change the filesystem to 'NTFS', but I could not install or locate 'mkfs.ntfs' or even 'ntfsprogs'. (I also tried installing with 'pacman' and 'yum' but apparently 'pacman' requires an aarch architecture and I could not get access to 'yum-config-manager' in order to enable any repos).
So to conclude, with my minimal prowess I am just looking for any way to change the filesystem of my 64GB USB to anything which will accept a 35GB file from my machine.
Edit 1: Just planning to use the USB on this Linux machine, not Windows.
If there's nothing on the stick you want, or it's safe to delete it then basically:
delete the current FAT32 partition from the stick
add a new partition, utilising the full size of the device
create an ext4 filesystem on the new partition
PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THIS PROCESS: selecting the wrong device can obliterate a disk you needed such as a $HOME or your root OS
All the following is from memory and untested: I don't have a USB stick available right now to test fully.
Start by plugging in the stick while tailing the syslog in a console and see where it gets mounted (hopefully it automounts which it should if it's a desktop based Linux you're running. Possibly not if it's a server)..
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
(it might be /var/log/messages depending on distro)
then plug the stick. syslog should show it being allocated a device and a mount point. A file manager window may open depending on your config if you are in a GUI. For example, you might see it being loaded on /dev/sdc1 and mounted at /media/<yourusername>/USBKEY or something.
Confirm by running lsblk and note the device for the key, i.e.
$ lsblk
sda 8:0 0 167.7G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 69.9G 0 part /
└─sda2 8:2 0 97.9G 0 part /home
sdb 8:16 0 149.1G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 0 149.1G 0 part /mnt/snapshots
sdc 8:32 0 931.5G 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 0 931.5G 0 part /storage
sdd 8:48 0 465.8G 0 disk
└─sdd1 8:49 0 465.8G 0 part /mnt/backup
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
Unmount the stick (if it mounted) but leave it plugged in. Assuming again your device is at /dev/sdc1...
umount /dev/sdc1
Now run cfdisk in a terminal if you have it (friendlier) or fdisk if not, passing it the device related to your USB stick, without the partition number.
man cfdisk
sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc
This should show the current FAT32 partition. Delete it, then create a new partition of type 'Linux', following the defaults for start and end blocks which will be suggested in such a way as to fill the available space.
When done, select the option to Write the changes. Again, DOUBLE AND TRIPLE CHECK you have the right device or you will blow away your main disk probably.
Once the changes are written, you can create the ext4 file system;
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
And after it completes, you should be able to re-plug your stick and find that it remounts, this time with a file system that can take your large files.
This isn't the only way to achieve this, but it's probably the least fiddly. For the sake of repetition, don't make a mistake with the device identifiers. If you're unsure, ask.

Make a backup of the whole server that can be restored later

I have a server with the following disk structure:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 219G 192G 17G 93% /
tmpfs 16G 0 16G 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 16G 124K 16G 1% /dev
tmpfs 16G 0 16G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda2 508M 38M 446M 8% /boot
/dev/sdb1 2.7T 130G 2.3T 5% /media/3TB1
I am interested in making backup of the whole server on my local machine. When the time comes I want to be able to restore a new server from my local machine backup. What procedure do you recommend?
I tried rsync, but the indexing took extremely long so I aborted it. Than I used scp, and well, it is currently working. There is lots of symbolic links that weren't transferred to the local machine, and I worry I won't be able to restore it later on.
Since your sda isn't very large and a lot of it is used anyway, I'd create a complete backup of the block device. Your sdb, however, is very large and used only to a small part. Of that I'd create a file system backup.
Boot your server with a Ubuntu live CD and become root (sudo su -).
Attach your backup medium (I assume it's mounted as /mnt/backup/ in the following).
Create a block device backup of sda: cat /dev/sda > /mnt/backup/sda
Mount your sdb (I assume it's mounted as /media/3TB1/ in the following).
Create a file system backup of sdb: rsync -av /media/3TB1/ /mnt/backup/sdb/
For restoring the backup later:
Boot your server with a Ubuntu live CD and become root (sudo su -).
Attach your backup medium (I assume it's mounted as /mnt/backup/ in the following).
Restore the block device backup of sda: cat /mnt/backup/sda > /dev/sda
Mount your sdb (I assume it's mounted as /media/3TB1/ in the following).
Restore the file system backup of sdb: rsync -av /mnt/backup/sdb/ /media/3TB1/
There are more fancy ways of doing it for sure. But this routine worked for me lots of times.
A backup of that size should take a long time to copy over the internet in any case: rsync, cp , dd ..etc, the time taken to copy the file depends on your internet speed.
In my opinion, rsync is the way to go, but if you're not willing to wait that long for the download to complete (I wouldn't either) I highly suggest backing your disk up on another remote server, unless you don't plan on restoring it later since uploading would be a pain too (especially on ADSL).
You have a few options:
Ask your data center for disk redundancy.
A cheap and highly unrecommended solution is to backup your most important data on a file sharing web service, eg. Dropbox (As far as I remember they had a shell API for many tasks including uploading files, which can be used for automatic backups).
Wait for the download to finish.
Go with #Alfe's solution, which is pretty neat in my opinion.

FSCK shows different results when checked as system and non-system disk

I have a problem with UBUNTU 10.04 filesystem, which reports different results when a drive is mounted and checked with FSCK as the system drive and when it is checked by another system drive:
sudo fsck /dev/sdb1
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
57217 inodes used (24.81%)
42 non-contiguous files (0.1%)
65 non-contiguous directories (0.1%)
# of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
Extent depth histogram: 50910/20
293868 blocks used (31.88%)
0 bad blocks
1 large file
43327 regular files
7242 directories
59 character device files
26 block device files
0 fifos
509 links
6549 symbolic links (6187 fast symbolic links)
5 sockets
57717 files
sudo fsck -n -t ext4 /dev/sda1
fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
Warning! /dev/sda1 is mounted.
Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check.
/dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Free blocks count wrong (628134, counted=628213).
Fix? no
Free inodes count wrong (173391, counted=173379).
Fix? no
/dev/sda1: ********** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors **********
/dev/sda1: 57217/230608 files (0.1% non-contiguous), 293722/921856 blocks
Whenever the drive is mounted as the system / boot drive, running fsck (check don't fix) shows INODE and BLOCK counts are wrong, yet checking the same drive from another system disk reports that it's fine.
Any ideas ?
This should probably be on SuperUser or ServerFault, not StackOverflow, but anyway:
you can only fsck -n a file system that is mounted read-only. While the file system is mounted read-write, it will be inconsistent until cleanly unmounted, or the journal is recovered. The important message is
Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check.

How can I tar a file that is being used by another process?

I'm archiving a directory. This directory has a file that is being written by another process. When I tar this using Linux tar/Perl Tar module, in the archive the entry for the file is there but the contents are null.
Before tarring the files are...
-rw-r--r-- 1 irraju dba 28 Feb 18 02:22 a
-rw-r--r-- 1 irraju dba 25 Feb 18 02:23 b
-rw-r--r-- 1 irraju dba 29 Feb 18 03:38 c
After untarring
-rw-r--r-- irraju/dba 28 2009-02-18 02:22:58 a
-rw-r--r-- irraju/dba 25 2009-02-18 02:23:17 b
-rw-r--r-- irraju/dba 0 2009-02-18 03:33:12 c
How can I fix this problem? I want the file to be in the archive with the contents it has at the instant it is archived. This file can be a log file and assume that we can not close the file handle before tarring.
As you tagged the question with "Linux" there's a chance you're using an LVM partition.
If indeed you're running on an LVM partition, you can use the LVM snapshot feature.
Here's a link to the relevant LVM documentation on how to perform the operation.
Here's a part of the LVM snapshot intro:
A wonderful facility provided by LVM is 'snapshots'. This allows the administrator to create a new block device which presents an exact copy of a logical volume, frozen at some point in time. Typically this would be used when some batch processing, a backup for instance, needs to be performed on the logical volume, but you don't want to halt a live system that is changing the data. When the snapshot device has been finished with the system administrator can just remove the device. This facility does require that the snapshot be made at a time when the data on the logical volume is in a consistent state - the VFS-lock patch for LVM1 makes sure that some filesystems do this automatically when a snapshot is created, and many of the filesystems in the 2.6 kernel do this automatically when a snapshot is created without patching.
Try copying the files first...
cp a a.tmp
cp b b.tmp
cp c c.tmp
...then tarball everything together...
tar *.tmp abc.tar
...and clean up:
rm *.tmp
If that doesn't work then the process holding the file handle doesn't want to share read access...
You may find that this depends on the filesystem used and the application that is accessing the file. The closest to a generic solution is to use a filesystem that supports snapshots and create a snapshot before running tar.
Your second output is made after your first, that can't be right. I'm guessing that tar is right here: when it was doing its job, the file was empty. You may be dealing with a race condition here.
As others have said, it depends on the file system & OS being used. sync first (or whatever the equivalent is on your file system), copy the files to a temp directory and then tar them up. If the file system won't allow you to copy an opened file, then you're SOL; Perl can't get around file system limitations.
