How to reuse Cucumber step definition with a table for the last parameter? - cucumber

This code:
Then %{I should see the following data in the "Feeds" data grid:
| Name |
| #{name} |}
And this one:
Then "I should see the following data in the \"Feeds\" data grid:
| Name |
| #{name} |"
And this:
Then "I should see the following data in the \"Feeds\" data grid:\n| Name |\n| #{name} |"
And even this:
Then <<EOS
I should see the following data in the "Feeds" data grid:
| Name |
| #{name} |
Gives me:
Your block takes 2 arguments, but the Regexp matched 1 argument.
tests/endtoend/step_definitions/instruments_editor_steps.rb:29:in `/^the editor shows "([^"]*)" in the feeds list$/'
melomel-0.6.0/lib/melomel/cucumber/data_grid_steps.rb:59:in `/^I should see the following data in the "([^"]*)" data grid:$/'
tests/endtoend/instruments_editor.feature:11:in `And the editor shows "myFeed" in the feeds list
This one:
Then "I should see the following data in the \"Feeds\" data grid: | Name || #{name} |"
And this one:
Then "I should see the following data in the \"Feeds\" data grid:| Name || #{name} |"
Undefined step: "I should see the following data in the "Feeds" data grid:| Name || myFeed |" (Cucumber::Undefined)
./tests/endtoend/step_definitions/instruments_editor_steps.rb:31:in `/^the editor shows "([^"]*)" in the feeds list$/'
tests/endtoend/instruments_editor.feature:11:in `And the editor shows "myFeed" in the feeds list'

I've found the answer myself:
steps %Q{
Then I should see the following data in the "Feeds" data grid:
| Name |
| #{name} |

NOTE ON THE ABOVE: might seem obvious, but the new line after the first '{' is soooooo important
Another way:
Given /^My basic step:$/ do |table|
#do table operation
Given /^My referring step:$/ do |table|
table.hashes.each do |row|
row_as_table = %{
Given %{My basic step:}, Cucumber::Ast::Table.parse(row_as_table, "", 0)

You can also write it this way, using #table
Then /^some other step$/ do
Then %{I should see the following data in the "Feeds" data grid:}, table(%{
| Name |
| #{name} |

Consider using
Given /^events with:-$/ do |table|
Given %{I am on the event admin page}
table.hashes.each do |row|
Given %{an event with:-},[row]).transpose
I find that much more elegant that building up the table by hand.
events with:- gets a table like this
| Form | Element | Label |
| foo | bar | baz |
and an event with:- gets a table like
| Form | foo |
| Element | bar |
| Label | baz |


Bash: For Loop & save each output as a new column in a csv

I have a folder with a mixture of files types (.bam, .bam.bai, and .log). I created a for loop to perform two commands on each of the .bam files. My current code direct the output of each command into a separate csv files, because I could not figure out how to direct the outputs to separate columns.
Question 1
I want to export the output from the commands into the same csv. How can I alter my code so that the output from my first command is saved as the first column of a csv, and the output from my second command is saved as the second column of the same csv.
Question 2
What is the name of the syntax used to select files in a for loop? For instance, the * in *.bam represents a wildcard. Is this regex? I had a tough time trying to alter this so that only *.bam files were selected for the for loop (and .bam.bai were excluded). I ended up with *[.bam] by guessing and empirically testing my outputs. Are there any websites that do a good job of explaining this syntax and provide lots of examples (coder level: newbie)
Current Code
> ~/Desktop/Sample_Names.csv
> ~/Desktop/Read_Counts.csv
echo "Sample" | cat - > ~/Desktop/Sample_Names.csv
echo "Total_Reads" | cat - > ~/Desktop/Read_Counts.csv
for file in *[.bam]
samtools view -c $file >> ~/Desktop/Read_Counts.csv
gawk -v RS="^$" '{print FILENAME}' $file >> ~/Desktop/Sample_Names.csv
Current Outputs (truncated)
| Sample |
| B40-JV01.bam |
| B40-JV02.bam |
| B40-JV03.bam |
| Total_Reads |
| 3835555 |
| 4110463 |
| 144558 |
Desired Output
| Sample | Total_Reads |
| B40-JV01.bam | 3835555 |
| B40-JV02.bam | 4110463 |
| B40-JV03.bam | 144558 |
Something like
echo "Sample,Total_Reads" > Combined_Outputs.csv
for file in *.bam; do
printf "%s,%s\n" "$file" "$(samtools view -c "$file")"
done >> Combined_Outputs.csv
Print one line for each file, and move the output redirection outside of the loop for efficiency.

Parse `key1=value1 key2=value2` in Kusto

I'm running Cilium inside an Azure Kubernetes Cluster and want to parse the cilium log messages in the Azure Log Analytics. The log messages have a format like
key1=value1 key2=value2 key3="if the value contains spaces, it's wrapped in quotation marks"
For example:
level=info msg="Identity of endpoint changed" containerID=a4566a3e5f datapathPolicyRevision=0
I couldn't find a matching parse_xxx method in the docs (e.g. ). Is there a possibility to write a custom function to parse this kind of log messages?
Not a fun format to parse... But this should work:
let LogLine = "level=info msg=\"Identity of endpoint changed\" containerID=a4566a3e5f datapathPolicyRevision=0";
print LogLine
| extend KeyValuePairs = array_concat(
extract_all("([a-zA-Z_]+)=([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)", LogLine),
extract_all("([a-zA-Z_]+)=\"([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+)\"", LogLine))
| mv-apply KeyValuePairs on
extend p = pack(tostring(KeyValuePairs[0]), tostring(KeyValuePairs[1]))
| summarize dict=make_bag(p)
The output will be:
| print_0 | dict |
| level=info msg=... | { |
| | "level": "info", |
| | "containerID": "a4566a3e5f", |
| | "datapathPolicyRevision": "0", |
| | "msg": "Identity of endpoint changed" |
| | } |
With the help of Slavik N, I came with a query that works for me:
let containerIds = KubePodInventory
| where Namespace startswith "cilium"
| distinct ContainerID
| summarize make_set(ContainerID);
| where ContainerID in (containerIds)
| extend KeyValuePairs = array_concat(
extract_all("([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)=([^ \"]+)", LogEntry),
extract_all("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=\"([^\"]+)\"", LogEntry))
| mv-apply KeyValuePairs on
extend p = pack(tostring(KeyValuePairs[0]), tostring(KeyValuePairs[1]))
| summarize JSONKeyValuePairs=parse_json(make_bag(p))
| project TimeGenerated, Level=JSONKeyValuePairs.level, Message=JSONKeyValuePairs.msg, PodName=JSONKeyValuePairs.k8sPodName, Reason=JSONKeyValuePairs.reason, Controller=JSONKeyValuePairs.controller, ContainerID=JSONKeyValuePairs.containerID, Labels=JSONKeyValuePairs.labels, Raw=LogEntry

How to programmatically handle objects in Xtext

I have a grammar defined like:
#Override terminal ID:
('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | '-' | '0'..'9')
('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | ' ' | '-' | '0'..'9')+;
And my input is:
When I open window Kitchen Window
Then I (see) Beautiful Garden
The question: How to programmatically handle input and split it to Key references in some internal rules.
4example In first string I want it to be:
[When] [I open window] [Kitchen Window]
And the second to be:
[Then] [I] [(see)] [Beautiful Garden]
I don't know how to split it until it reached scope or linker and should make a decision somewhere in the code. Where should I do it?

Use the same examples in multiple Cucumber scenario outlines

How do I structure tests for the following program:
I'm writing a unit test framework for simulated combinatorial circuits. This framework will support multiple digital logic simulators (JLS, Logisim, TKGate, etc.) Thus, each test should be run once for each supported simulator.
My first idea is to do something like this:
Scenario Outline: Test of valid circuit
when I run DLUnit with "testCircuit1.<type> testFile"
Then I should see "All tests (4) passed." on stdout
| type |
| jls | # extension for JLS files
| circ | # extension for Logisim files
| v | # extension for tkgate files
Scenario Outline: Test of invalid circuit
when I run DLUnit with "brokenCircuit1.<type> testFile"
Then I should see "There were failures" on stdout
| type |
| jls |
| circ |
| v |
# Many more tests to follow
Although this will technically work, it results in feature code that may be difficult to maintain: Each feature is followed by a list of supported simulators. Adding support for an additional simulator would require adding the same line to each test.
I could also create jls.feature, then use sed to automatically create logisim.feature and tkgate.feature; but, I'd like to avoid that type of complexity if Cucumber offers a simpler built-in solution.
Perhaps you could do something like this in RSpec:
describe DLUnit do
'jls', 'testCircuit1', true,
'jls', 'brokenCircuit1', false,
# ...
].each do |simulator, circuit, expected_validity|
it "with the #{simulator} simulator finds the #{circuit} circuit #{expected_validity ? 'valid' : 'invalid' }" do
actual_output = "#{circuit.simulator}" # obviously I'm making this part up
expect(actual_output).to include(expected_validity ? 'passed' : 'failures')
The test code itself is a little involved, but you only have to write it once, and the RSpec output should be clear.
Not much of an upgrade to what you already have but how about merging into one scenario outline.
Addition of new simulator you will need to make two changes in one examples table. Also you can make it more configurable in terms of changes in a different valid test file for two simulators or different result messages. But same can be done for your existing solution all be it you will have to do change the steps and examples.
Scenario Outline: Testing circuit
when I run <kind> DLUnit with "<circuit>.<type> testFile"
Then I should see <result> on stdout
| type | kind | circuit | result |
| jls | valid | testCircuit1 | All tests (4) passed |
| jls | invalid | brokenCircuit1 | There were failures |
| circ | valid | testCircuit1 | All tests (4) passed |
| circ | invalid | brokenCircuit1 | There were failures |
| v | valid | testCircuit1 | All tests (4) passed |
| v | invalid | brokenCircuit1 | There were failures |

Array placeholder in Gherkin syntax

Hi I am trying to write express a set of requirements in gherkin syntax, but it requires a good deal of repetition. I saw here that I can use placeholders which would be perfect for my task, however some of the data in my Given and in my then are collections. How would I go about representing collections in the examples?
Given a collection of spaces <spaces>
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| spaces | request | allocated_spaces |
| ? | ? | ? |
A bit hacky, but you can delimit a string:
Given a collection of spaces <spaces>
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| spaces | request | allocated_spaces |
| a,b,c | ? | ? |
Given(/^a collection of spaces (.*?)$/) do |arg1|
collection = arg1.split(",") #=> ["a","b","c"]
You can use Data Tables. I never try to have param in data table before, but in theory it should work.
Given a collection of spaces:
| space1 |
| space2 |
| <space_param> |
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| space_param | request | allocated_spaces |
| ? | ? | ? |
The given data table would be an instance of Cucumber::Ast::Table, checkout the rubydoc for its API.
Here's an example, again using split, but without the regex:
Scenario Outline: To ensure proper allocation
Given a collection of spaces <spaces>
And a <request> to allocate space
When I allocate the request
Then I should have <allocated_spaces>
| spaces | request | allocated_spaces |
| "s1, s2, s3" | 2 | 2 |
| "s1, s2, s3" | 3 | 3 |
| "s1, s2" | 3 | 2 |
I use cucumber-js so this is what the code may look like:
Given('a collection of spaces {stringInDoubleQuotes}', function (spaces, callback) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
this.availableSpaces = spaces.split(", ");
Given('a {int} to allocate space', function (numToAllocate, callback) {
this.numToAllocate = numToAllocate;
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When('I allocate the request', function (callback) {
console.log("availableSpaces:", this.availableSpaces);
console.log("numToAllocate:", this.numToAllocate);
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then('I should have {int}', function (int, callback) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
callback(null, 'pending');
