Using Gaelyk URL routing in a non google app engine application - groovy

I have a Groovy Web application which is NOT being deployed on Google app engine. (GAE) I have used Gaelyk before and I like the URL routing functionality described in their doc
How do I port over just the routing functionality from Gaelyk to my basic Groovy WEB application which is not being deployed on GAE?
Note 1: I also do not want to use Grails for this application.
Note 2: I dont mind including the gaelyk jar but I rather not include anything from GAE.

If you want to implement this yourself in your own non GAE framework, the best place to start would be the source...
To start with, you'll need a class that extends javax.servlet.Filter in Gaelyk, this is the RoutesFilter class
As you can see, in the init method of the Filter, this calls loadRoutes which loads your routes.groovy script via a GroovyShell.
This shell makes use of the other classes in that same package so that it ends up populating the List<Route> routes property in the filter with instance of the Route class.
The filter (when configured by web.xml) then intercepts all requests to the server checks the URI against each route in turn (by calling the forUri method for each route), and if a match is found, it redirects or forwards as required.
If no match is found the Filter calls the next filter down the chain in the web server's context.
Hope this answers your question


Extending existing RESTful API using Node.js

I am currently running a web service on an Apache Tomcat servlet container. The web service has a base URL and exposes my applications data using the following structure:
An HTTP GET call to a URL like the one above would return a JSON formatted string.
Though the documentation for my application describes this as a RESTful API, I am confused because I was under the impression that true RESTful APIs do not use query strings. Rather, as I understand it, a true restful API provides a uniform structure, in the form of resource endpoints.
My questions relate to how I can create a custom API to leverage the existing API using Node.js. I do not want to rewrite the application logic or database calls; I just need to know how I can create the API calls using Node.js (possibly using Express or some other framework) and let the existing API handle the request.
For example, I could write Node.js code using the Express module that has several routes, these routes would handle client requests that in turn would call the existing API (i.e. /path/to/root/[table_name]/[pk]... and return the response.
If my Apache Tomcat server is listening on port 8080, how would I deploy my Node.js server to listen on another port and then redirect requests to the existing WS URL on port 8080.
Does the Express framework support explicitly specifying a root path (such as http://localhost:3000/path/to/root/[table_name]/[pk]) as the default root path?
Finally, I know REST APIs support CRUD operations. In the case of a POST method, does Express (or Node.js) have built-in logic to handle duplicate POST requests so that duplicate records don't get created in the database.
I'm reading through different article and tutorials on REST but I think I'm missing something. Any information or advice that can take me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
there's a lot to cover here but I'll try to cover your three questions. Since you have mentioned using Express I will answer assuming that Express is the framework you are using.
If you are using Express, you can choose which port to listen to when you start the server, so you can choose any port that you like at that point (see here).
If you need to redirect a request you can do so easily with res.redirect() (see here). However, you could also call the other web service directly, retrieve the data and return it to the client instead of redirecting them if you prefer. That would require some more code to make the http requests in node.js though.
I am not 100% sure if this is the answer to your question, but there are ways to add a "base path" or namespace to all of your routes. I found this example where various namespaces are used but in your case you only need one which applies to all routes.
I don't think there is a built-in way to do this. The best I can think of is potentially creating some kind of ID for the request so that if it is sent twice you could use this to check but it's far from ideal.
I would like to add that I'm not sure where the idea that query parameters not being RESTful comes from? I think query parameters are fine because that is how you query! Otherwise you couldn't ask for the right data from your RESTful API. Let's say you have a /posts endpoint and you want to get the posts of a particular user (user ID = 1). The RESTful way to do this would be to issue a GET request to /posts?user=1.
Hope this helps!

Customizing Zuul url endpoints for services in JHipster

I have a group of microservices, called "client-Foo", where Foo is the name for some particular third-party client.
Using those names as-is creates some really ugly endpoint urls, so I want to translate them to a much nicer hierarchal form.
I added a custom PatternServiceRouteMapper that take the serviceId client-Foo and turns it into the url client/Foo.
This gives the url I want, but also breaks the service mapping because it also changes the registered serviceId to client/Foo; thus, when Zuul goes to route it fails because there is no client/Foo service, its id is client-Foo!
I cannot hardcode any paths because the application requires an arbitrary number of different "client-*" services.
By looking at ZuulProxyAutoConfiguration, you can see that you can replace some beans to achieve your goal and in particular you should consider providing your own implementation of RouteLocator interface or extend DiscoveryClientRouteLocator class.
Your service instances could also register in Eureka server with additional data in metadataMap that your RouteLocator could use.
I would simply add a configuration defined Zuul route :
client-foo: /foo/**
Also I would advise against having a dash in a service-id as it can confuse the config server api (in /config/foo-profile.yml where profile is the spring profile for which you want to get the config).

Serve custom javascript to browser via Node.js app

I developed a small node.js app in which I can configure conditions for a custom javascript file, which can be embedded in a webpage, and which modifies the DOM of that page in the browser on load. The configuration values are stored in MongoDB. (For sake of argument: add class "A" to DOM element with ID "B" )
I have difficulties to figure out the best way to serve requests / the JavaScript file.
Option 1 and my current implementation is:
I save a configuration in the node app and a distinct JavaScript
file is created for that configuration.
The page references that file which is hosted and served by the server.
Option 2 and where I think I want and should go is:
I saves a configuration (mongodb) NO JavaScript file is created Pages
a generic JavaScript link (for instance:
Node.js / Express app processes the request, and
returns a custom JavaScript (file?) with the correct values as saved in mongodb for that configuration
Now, while I believe this is the right way to go about it, I am unsure HOW to go about it. Any ideas and advise are very welcome!
Ps: For instance I wonder how best to authenticate or identify the origin, user and requested configuration. Shall I do this like:"userID" - is that good practice?
Why not serve up a generic Javascript file which can take a customized json object (directly from mongodb) and apply the necessary actions? You can include the json data on the page if you really need to have everything embedded, but breaking up configuration and code is the most maintainable approach.

How is the default item controller registered/invoked in Orchard CMS?

I'm trying to get my head around how multi-tenancy and routing works in Orchard CMS.
As I understand when Orchard starts a new shell (tenant) all the active modules for that tenant are loaded and any modules that implement IRouteProvider "publish" their routes. A ShellRoute is then added for each route which will only be matched for requests made to that tenant's hostname/suffix.
The request is then handled in the normal way by MVC (looking in RouteTable.Routes for a match).
What I can't figure out is how the default ItemController is invoked since I couldn't find a default route for this in the source. Also I notice when browsing to the home page, the id route parameter is populated with that of the home page content item so I'm assuming there is some kind of pre-processing going on before the controller is hit?
There is a default IRouteProvider - Orchard.Mvc.Routes.StandardExtensionRouteProvider. It's responsible for registering default routes to controllers in form {module}/{controller}/{action}/{id}.
And yes, you're right - there is some preprocessing going on. A brief explanation:
Each item permalink (we call it an alias) is mapped to a route
that points to an action responsible for displaying it. By default -
Contents/Item/Display/{id}. Those mappings are kept in the database (AliasRecord and ActionRecord).
There is a special Route implementation - AliasRoute. This route is then registered once for each module and handles requests that match existing aliases. It all happens in Orchard.Alias module.
If the incoming request matches any alias, the call to AliasRoute.GetRouteData returns the underlying mapping. This way ASP.NET MVC framework knows which action to call.

Integrating Service Stack into Custom Server

I have a custom HTTP server written in C# that provides specialized application services in my application domain, such as rendering a dashboard with graphing. I am not using IIS; the server is completely written in C# using the HttpListener class to bind directly to the port(s) that it serves.
I would like to use ServiceStack to add in a RESTful API for pulling data to browser-side code to improve the user experience, using the same web server (so it can bind to the same HTTPS port, and share my security module).
All of the example code on the web that I have found assumes either that IIS owns the web port, or that Service Stack owns the web port. In my use case, my custom application owns the web port, and wants to delegate certain HTTP requests to Service Stack.
Is there a simple way to pass off a single HttpListenerContext off to Service Stack to handle? I could not find documentation examples using google, since all of the key words seem to be too common.
In the context of my custom code, I will have already evaluated the URL, determined that the user has permission to access it, and just need to have HttpListenerResponse generated.
Simple sample code or a pointer to a web article would be fantastic.
We've never tested doing this before, but the AppHostHttpListenerBase.ProcessRequest entry point accepts a HttpListenerContext.
You would still need to call new AppHost().Init() but you shouldn't need to start it.
