Question about zombie processess and threads - linux

i had these questions in my mind since i was reading some new topics on processes and threads. I would be glad if somebody could help me out.
1) What happens if a thread is marked uncancelable, and then the process is killed inside of the critical section?
2) Do we have a main thread for the program that is known to the operating system? i mean does the operating system give the first thread of the program some beneficial rights or something?
3) When we kill a process and the threads are not joind, do they become zombies?

First, don't kill or cancel threads, ask them to kill themselves. If you kill a thread from outside you never know what side effects - variables, state of synchronization primitives, etc.- you leave behind. If you find it necessary for one thread to terminate another then have the problematic thread check a switch, catch a signal, whatever, and clean up its state before exiting itself.
1) If by uncancelable you mean detached, the same as a joined thread. You don't know what mess you are leaving behind if you are blindly killing it.
2) From an application level viewpoint the primary thing is that if the main thread exits() or returns() it is going to take down all other threads with it. If the main thread terminates itself with pthread_exit() the remaining threads continue on.
3) Much like a process the thread will retain some resources until it is reaped (joined) or the program ends, unless it was run as detached.
RE Note: The threads don't share a stack they each have their own. See clone() for some info on thread creation.


Multi-threaded fork()

In a multi-threaded application, if a thread calls fork(), it will copy the state of only that thread. So the child process created would be a single-thread process. If some other thread were to hold a lock required by the thread which called the fork(), that lock would never be released in the child process. This is a problem.
To counter this, we can modify the fork() in two ways. Either we can copy all the threads instead of only that single one. Or we can make sure that any lock held by the (other) non-copied threads will be released. So what will be the modified fork() system call in both these cases. And which of these two would be better, or what would be the advantages and disadvantages of either option?
This is a thorny question.
POSIX has pthread_atfork() to work through the mess of mixing forks and thread creation. The NOTES section of that man page discusses mutexes etc. However, it acknowledges that getting it right is hard.
The function isn't so much an alternative to fork() as it is a way to explain to the pthread library how your program needs to be prepared for the use of fork().
In general not trying to launch a thread from the child of fork but either exiting that child or calling exec asap, will minimize problems.
This post has a good discussion of pthread_atfork().
...Or we can make sure that any lock held by the (other) non-copied threads will be released.
That's going to be harder than you realize because a program can implement "locks" entirely in user-mode code, in which case, the OS would have no knowledge of them.
Even if you were careful only to use locks that were known to the OS you still have a more general problem: Creating a new process with just the one thread would effectively be no different from creating a new process with all of the threads and then immediately killing all but one of them.
Read about why we don't kill threads. In a nutshell: Locks aren't the only state that needs to be cleaned up. Any of the threads that existed in the parent but not in the child could, at the moment of the fork call, been in the middle of making a mess that needs to be cleaned up. If that thread doesn't exist in the child, then you've lost the knowledge of what needs to be cleaned up.
we can copy all the threads instead of only that single one...
That also is a potential problem. The one thread that calls fork() would know when and why fork() was called, and it would be prepared for the fork call. None of the other threads would have any warning. And, if any of those threads is interacting with something outside of the process (e.g., talking to a remote service) then,where you previously had one client talking to the service, you suddenly have two clients, talking to the same service, and they both think that they are the only one. That's not going to end well.
Don't call fork() from multi-threaded programs.
In one project I worked on: We had a big multi-threaded program that needed to spawn other processes. How we did it is, we had it spawn a simple, single-threaded "helper" program before it created any new threads. Then, whenever it needed to spawn another process, it sent a message to the helper, and the helper did it.

processes only terminate, when threads are terminated?

Processes should only terminate themselves, when all their threads are
It's a question in our mock exam, and we aren't sure whether the statement is true or false.
Thanks a lot
First, I need to point out that this exam question contains an incorrect presumption. A running process always has at least one thread. The initial thread, the thread that first calls main or equivalent, isn't special; it's just like every other thread created by pthread_create or equivalent. Once all of the threads within a process have exited, the process can't do anything anymore — there's no way for it to execute even a single additional CPU instruction. In practice, the operating system will terminate the process at that point.
Second, as was pointed out in the comments on the question, the use of "should" makes your exam question ambiguous. It could be read as either "Processes only terminate when all of their threads are terminated" — as a description of how the system works. Or it could be read as "You, the programmer, should write code that ensures that your processes only terminate when all of their threads are terminated" — as a prescription for writing correct code.
If you are specifically talking about POSIX threads ("pthreads"), the answer to the descriptive question is that it depends on how each thread terminates. If all threads terminate by calling pthread_exit or by being cancelled, the process will survive until the last thread terminates, no matter which order they exit in. On the other hand, if any thread calls exit or _exit, or receives a fatal signal, that will immediately terminate the entire process, no matter how many threads are still active. (I am not 100% sure about this, but I think it doesn't matter whether any threads have been detached.)
There's an additional complication, which is that returning from a function passed to pthread_create is equivalent to calling pthread_exit for that thread, but returning from main is equivalent to calling exit. That makes the initial thread a little bit special: unless you specifically end main by calling pthread_exit, the entire process will be terminated when the initial thread exits. But technically this is not a property of the thread itself, but of the code running in that thread.
I do not know the answer to the descriptive question for threads libraries other than POSIX; in particular I don't know the answer for either Windows native threads, or for the threads library added to ISO C in its 2011 revision.
The answer to the prescriptive question is yes with exceptions. You, a programmer, should write programs that, under normal conditions, take care to end their process only when all of their threads have finished their work. (With POSIX threads, this translates to making sure that main does not return until all the other threads have been joined.) However, sometimes you have a few threads that run an infinite loop, without holding any locks or anything, and there's no good way to tell them to exit when everything else is done; as long as exiting the process out from under them won't damage any persistent state, go ahead and exit the process out from under them. (This is the intended use case for detached threads.) Also, it's OK, and often the best choice, to terminate the entire process abruptly if you encounter some kind of unrecoverable error. Those are the only exceptions I can think of off the top of my head.

Is pthread_join() a critical function?

According to POSIX, a Thread ID can be reused if the original bearer thread finished. Therefore, would one need to use a mutex or semaphore when calling pthread_join()? Because, it could happen that the target thread, which one wants to join, already terminated and another thread with the same thread ID was created, before calling pthread_join() in the original thread. This would make the original thread believe that the target thread has not finished, although this is not the case.
I think you'll find this works much the same way as processes in UNIX. A joinable thread is not considered truly finished until something has actually joined it.
This is similar to the UNIX processes in that, even though they've technically exited, enough status information (including the PID, which cannot be re-used yet) hangs around until another process does a wait on it. Only after that point does the PID become available for re-use. This kind of process is called a zombie, since it's dead but not dead.
This is supported by the pthread_join documentation which states:
Failure to join with a thread that is joinable (i.e., one that is not detached), produces a "zombie thread". Avoid doing this, since each zombie thread consumes some system resources, and when enough zombie threads have accumulated, it will no longer be possible to create new threads (or processes).
and pthread_create, which states:
Only when a terminated joinable thread has been joined are the last of its resources released back to the system.

Threads and Processes

I am trying to revise my Operating System concepts, but I had some confusions. I know that a process is a thread with its own address space.
1) Are deadlocks only caused by threads or processes? (Threads share the process's stack, where as different processes have different stacks).
2) Can a single process cause a deadlock? or does it take more than one process for a deadlock to occur?
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this. If not, please let me know and I will delete the question.
Both threads AND processes can get into deadlocks depending on what they are trying to lock. If the resource that they want to lock is a resource that's shared within a process (e.g. critical section), threads can get into deadlock. On the other hand if it's a resource that's shared globally (e.g. named mutex), processes can get into a deadlock. For 2), there must be more than one process involved since more than one process must try to lock (globally) shared resource in order for a deadlock to occur.
The answer lies in your Question itself. Each Process has a stack and all the threads created by the process share the stack. whenever two threads of the same process request for a resource(data,comm,...) that other threads has a lock to and in-turn waits for a release of other resource then deadlocks occur.
for 1):
threads cause deadlocks within process and process cause deadlocks within parent process (in most situations OS)
for 2):
yes a single process can cause deadlocks.

How independent are threads inside the same process?

Now, this might be a very newbie question, but I don't really have experience with multithreaded programming and I haven't fully understood how threads work compared to processes.
When a process on my machine hangs, say it's waiting for some IO that never comes or something similar, I can kill and restart it because other processes aren't affected and can, for example, still operate my terminal. This is very obvious, of course.
I'm not sure whether it is the same with threads inside a process: If one hangs, are the others unaffected? In other words, can I run a "watchdog" thread which supervises the other threads and, for example kill and recreate hanging threads? For example, if I have a threadpool that I don't want to be drained by occasional hangups.
Threads are independent, but there's a difference between a process and a thread, and that is that in the case of processes, the operating system does more than just "kill" it. It also cleans up after it.
If you start killing threads that seems to be hung, most likely you'll leave resources locked and similar, something that the operating system would close for you if you did the same to a process.
So for instance, if you open a file for writing, and start producing data and write it to the file, and this thread now hangs, for whatever reason, killing the thread will leave the file still open, and most likely locked, up until you close the entire program.
So the real answer to your question is: No, you can not kill threads the hard way.
If you simply ask a thread to close, that's different because then the thread is still in control and can clean up and close resources before terminating, but calling an API function like "KillThread" or similar is bad.
If a thread hangs, the others will continue executing. However, if the hung thread has locked a semaphore, critical section or other kind of synchronization object, and another thread attempts to lock the same synchronization object, you now have a deadlock with two dead threads.
It is possible to monitor other threads from a thread. Depending on your platform, there are appliable API's: I refer you to those as you haven't stated what OS you are writing for.
You didn't mention about the platform, but as far as I'm concerned, NT kernel schedules threads, not processes and threats them independently in that manner. This might not be and is not true on other platforms (some platforms, like Windows 3.1, do not use preemptive multithreading and if one thread goes in infinite loop, everything is affected).
The simple answer is yes.
Typically though code in a thread will handle this likely hood itself. Most commonly many APIs that perform operations that may hang will have timeout features of their own.
Alternatively a thread will wait on not just an the operation that might hang but also a timer. If the timer signals first its assummed the operation has hung.
Since for a watch dog thread to be useful in this scenario would need some co-operation from code in the other threads having the threads themselves set timeouts makes more sense than a watchdog.
Threads get scheduled independent of each other. So you could indeed stop and restart hanging threads. Threads do not run in a separate address-space so a misbehaving thread can still overwrite memory or take locks needed by other threads in the same process.
There's a pretty good overview of some of the pitfalls of killing and suspending threads in the Java documentation explaining why the methods that do it are deprecated. Basically, if you expect to be able to kill a thread, you have to be very, very careful to make it work without some sort of corruption. If a thread is hung it's probably because of a which case killing it will probably result in corruption.
If you need to be able to kill things, use processes.
