RSpec, webrat and escaped characters - webrat

I'm using RSpec 2 with webrat in Rails 3 to test my views. I want to make sure the views don't show special characters (like “). Here is my spec:
it 'does not show special HTML characters' do
get '/'
response.should_not contain('“')
Problem is webrat parses the “ quotes while the browser - tested in Chrome and Firefox - does not. Is there any way I can tell RSpec or webrat to parse the string a browser would do it?

The way I would solve this problem is to use a text editor that can input these characters directly. So the spec will be defined thus:
it 'does not show special HTML characters' do
get '/'
response.should_not contain('“')
Checkout the ldquo site for some more information and references to other special characters.


Issue with escape characters in Watir/Cucumber

Was hoping someone could help me with an issue I am having with escape characters in Cucumber/Watir.
I have automated tests setup. When I perform a search, 1 of the assertions I use to verify that the search has returned the correct result is to check the page for text. So my code looks like this:
Then /^I should see the following text: "([^"]*)"$/ do |str|
assert #browser.text.include?(str)
Here I pass in the text to search for in the string variable. e.g nike, reebok etc
So in my feature file the step is like this:
Then I should see the following text "search results for nike"
This works fine apart from 1 issue. 1 of the sites I am testing has decided to put the search term in double quotes i.e - search results for "nike"
As a result this screws up my test as I need to include the quotes as part of the search term. Therefore I need to put the word nike in escape quotes or else cucumber will recognise the first quotation around the word nike as a closing quotation. (as there is already a double quotes before it)
I have tried various different escape characters but nothing seems to work. For example I have tried the following:
\" – double quote
\\ – single backslash
Has anyone experienced similar problems and if so, how did you overcome the problem?
You need to change the regex rather than the string.
Problem: Your current regex says "([^"]*)", which says to match all characters between the quotations that are not quotations. This is not good given that you want to include quotations.
Solution: Change the step to the following:
Then /^I should see the following text: "(.*?)"$/ do |str|
assert #browser.text.include?(str)
The .* says to match all characters between the quotations. The ? makes the search lazy (instead of greedy). The ? is optional in this case, but would be important if there were additional parameters being captured. A good explanation of the greedy vs lazy can be seen at

Mocha fails with no string diff, utf-8?

I have a failing mocha test that outputs my string with the "Actual" and "Expected" highlighting... except that nothing's highlighted.
After some head-bashing, I think I've determined that my actual string contains some whacky UTF-8 characters that are completely hidden from me, and Mocha doesn't seem to know to highlight them.
I figured this out by writing out my expected and actual values to raw text files and loading them up in Kaleidoscope, which shows that they differ by highlighting what appears to be empty spaces between words.
I tried loading the utf8 library (on npm) and encoding one of the strings with utf8.encode str, and that still failed, but now the characters appear as something more than blank spaces, and Mocha does highlighting:
But either way, my tests are failing. How can I encode/decode/whatever these strings so that they match and my tests pass?
Btw, the comparison string I'm using in my test looks like this:
Make sure that either your text editor is saving your source code as proper UTF-8, or convert those copy/pasted chars to escaped literals as #loganfsmyth correctly comments.

Vim UTF-8 encoding error on Windows

I have a text file with Polish characters. As long as I do not set :set encoding=utf-8 the characters are not displayed correctly. As soon as I set it to Unicode the characters are displayed but umlauts in error messages in Vim on the other hand are not displayed anymore.
E37: Kein Schreibvorgang seit der letzten <c4>nderung (erzwinge mit !)
Instead of the <c4> there should be the character Ä displayed. Can anybody explain me why this happens?
I'm experiencing similar issues (you can view some of the questions in my account info, or search for "central european characters" or "croatian characters").
Changing the encoding value changes the way Vim displays the characters - so, the way some of the characters are displayed is changed - that's why you're getting characters. You could probably solve your problem of Polish characters by choosing some other encoding value (one of the cpXXXX for example instead of utf8), but then you would lose the ability to display utf8 characters which can make Vim rather pretty. At least this works for my case (Croatian).
So, either use while writing polish texts one of the cpXXXX encoding values, or stick to utf8 completely. I recommend the first one. But do not change them.
Still working on that here.

Embedding text in AS2, like HEREDOC or CDATA

I'm loading a text file into a string variable using LoadVars(). For the final version of the code I want to be able to put that text as part of the actionscript code and assign it to the string, instead of loading it from an external file.
Something along the lines of HEREDOC syntax in PHP, or CDATA in AS3 ( )
Quick and dirty solutions I've found is to put the text into a text object in a movieclip and then get the value, but I dont like it
Btw: the text is multiline, and can include single quotes and double quotes.
I think in AS2 the only way seems to do it dirty. In AS3 you can embed resources with the Embed tag, but as far as I know not in AS2.
If it's a final version and it means you don't want to edit the text anymore, you could escape the characters and use \n as a line break.
var str = "\'one\' \"two\"\nthree";
'one' "two"
Now just copy the text into your favourite text editor and change every ' and " to \' and \", also the line breaks to \n.
Cristian, anemgyenge's solution works when you realize it's a single line. It can be selected and replaced in a simple operation.
Don't edit the doc in the code editor. Edit the doc in a doc editor and create a process that converts it to a long string (say running it through a quick PHP script). Take the converted string and paste it in over the old string. Repeat as necessary.
It's way less than ideal from a long-term management perspective, especially if code maintenance gets handed off without you handing off the parser, but it gets around some of your maintenance issues.
Use a new pair of quotes on each line and add a space as the word delimiter:
var foo = "Example of string " +
"spanning multiple lines " +
"using heredoc syntax."
There is a project which may help that adds partial E4X support to ActionScript 2:
As well as a project which adds E4X support to Haxe, which can compile to a JavaScript target:
E4X Macro for Haxe

Is there a possibility to display an ä as an ä in Vim?

Is there a possibility to display characters in a Vim window (that is: on the screen) that are different from the underlying characters in the buffer?
For example, if filetype is set to html, I'd (sometimes) like to see html-entities replaced by their humanly readable character (for example an ä instead of ä). Of course, this would entail that the rest of the line after the entity would have to be "shifted" to the left. If this is possible somehow, I'd appreciate any hint into the right direction.
If you're using 7.3 or newer, then you can make use of the conceal feature to do that. For example:
syntax match Entity "ä" conceal cchar=ä
try a plugin:
html_umlaute : replaces german Umlaute with their HTML Encoding on saving
html_french : view html entities as accented characters for French
