Firewatir: Firewatir scripts to select a item from the drop down - watir

I am new to Watir automation testing and would like to get some help for the drop down.On our website we have a state drop down where you enter the first letter of the state (in my example C for California) and it narrows it down to the all states starting with C. Once you have the list you need to click on the correct state. But I am having difficulties selecting the correct state.
(Below is the html from our website:
<div class="x-form-field-wrap x-trigger-wrap-focus" id="ext-gen202" style="width: 166px;">
<input type="hidden" id="entityStateCode" name="entityStateCode" value="">
<input type="text" id="ext-comp-1005" autocomplete="off" size="24" class=" x-form-text x-form-field x-form-focus">
I used the following to automate the scenario but none of these are giving me what i am looking for:
#browser.text_field(:id=> "ext-comp-1055",:index => 5).set "CA"
I really appreciate that if you can point me to the right direction.

I ran into a similar situation before. In my situation there was a TABLE inside the DIV which had a separate row for each item in the dynamic drop down. So, if that's the case for you then you would need to use something like this to access the items:
#browser.text_field(:id,"ext-comp-1055").set "C"
table = #browser.div(:id, "ext-gen336").table(:index, 1)
puts "First entry value: #{table[1][1].text}"
table[2][1].click # second entry
Try printing out the HTML for the DIV at runtime to see the specifics of what you need to interact with if that doesn't work.

You did not tell what the problem is, this is not enough:
none of these are giving me what i am
looking for
This should enter CA into text field:
browser.text_field(:id => "ext-comp-1005").set("CA")
If it is entering text into wrong text field, change :id => "ext-comp-1005".
If it is entering text into the correct text field, but list of states does not appear, you probably have to fire some javascript event. Take a look at How to find out which JavaScript events fired? question.


Trouble handling hidden element with selenium

Every time I run this code, I get an issue reaching to the targeted page. The site requires post request parameter to be filled in to reach the page where I am after. However, using get request it was good to go until it hits "Var4" parameter within my code. Inspecting element I could see that it indicates as hidden. If i left the hidden parameter blank then it redirects to another location. So, satisfying this thing to get to the targeted page is beyond my capability. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"C:\Users\ar\Desktop\Chromedriver\chromedriver.exe")
Var1='Professional Services Providers'
Element for the hidden stuffs which should be applicable for "Var4":
<form name="searchform" id="searchform" action="memberdirectory.htm" method="post" onsubmit="return Checkform();">
<input type="hidden" id="DoMemberSearch" name="DoMemberSearch" value="1">
<div class="login block-type-a block">
As workaround, you can try execute javascript with selenium.
For example, to unhide element
driver.execute_script("document.getElementById('DoMemberSearch').type = 'text';")
or set value directly
driver.execute_script("document.getElementById('DoMemberSearch').value = '%s';" % Var4)
you could not sendkeys to a hidden element, what you can do is to use javascript to send the value
probably something like this

Cucumber/Capybara Selecting Button from Specific Class?

So i've ran into an issue, im trying to click a button...which unfortunately has the same text (IE there are 2 buttons on the page which the same text, basically a save button)
Lets pretend the button text is just "Save".
I did notice that they had different classes.
<button data-action="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-save">Save</button>
whereas the other button is:
<button name="button" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary set-right">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></i> Save
I know glypicon is just an icon set....but they both seem to belong to the same class? but have different class names? (Sorry im not familiar with Rails)
It doesn't honestly matter which one I select as they both have the same function. I've seen where you can use xpath? but aren't we supposed to use css selectors or something now? (As in thats the newest way?) I may be wrong....
Could I use something like:
find(:xpath, '//button[#class="btn-save"]').click
Im trying to avoid "rails" only solutions, as not all the websites I test on are rails based.
You have various possibilities:
1) Find the button by its class
2) Find the button by its css selector or xpath (you can copy them using Google Chrome: right click -> Inspect -> right click on your element -> copy css or xpath)
find(:css, "your button css selector").click
find(:xpath, "your button xpath").click
If both buttons really do the same thing then you could always just do
first(:button, 'Save', minimum: 1).click
which will be less prone to breakage as your page structure changes than using an xpath selector. The minimum:1 option will just make #first wait a bit until at least one button is on the page (like find would) - it may not be necessary depending on your test structure

How to extract the hover box information in watir and print it to a STDOUT

I have to print the hover box information content on to stdout and i tried it in the below fashion it didn't work for me .
data = $browser.div(:class => "homeSectionLabel textWidget",:text => /Pool A/ ).hover
print "Data #{data} \n"
And the other problem that i have other widget called Pool B with same class name . How to access that hover information
<div class="widgetContainer poolContainer">
<div class="healthBadge healthUnknown" style="top: -5px; left: -5px;"></div>
<div class="homeSectionLabel textWidget">Pool‌·A</div>
<div class="perfDisplay homePoolPerf">
<div class="homePoolVolText textWidget">9‌·Volumes,‌·0‌·Snapshots</div>
<div class="spaceMeterContainer poolMeter" style="width: 265px; height: 20px;">
<table class="tableWidget homeTiers" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
Anyhelp is really appreciated .
This is not much of an answer at the moment, but what I have to say won't fit in a comment
The 'content' as in the text within a div is normally accessed with the .text method
'tooltip' text can be done in a number of ways, it could be via alt attributes, it could be via javascript triggered via an 'onmouseover' event, or it could be CSS driven usually via the :hover psuedoclass.
if a div is merely changing it's display property or location so that it becomes visible to the user, then all you need to do is figure out how to locate that div, and get the .text from it
mydata = browser.div(:how => 'what').text
If the content of the div (or some other container) is changing as a result of the mouseover/hover, then you need to simulate the action, wait a brief bit to allow client side code to run, and THEN get the .text from the container that was changed.
Without seeing a page that has the code working on it, it is hard to tell which is the case, although given that I see nothing like 'onmouseover' in the code you supplied, my first bet would be on this being CSS driven.
The code you have above is returning the result of the div object executing the .hover method, and that is going to be nil as far as I know since that method causes something to happen, but does NOT return a value.
Is the 'Pool A' the text you are trying to capture, or is it what you mouse_over to cause the other text to become visible to the user? If it is what you mouseover, then have you searched the HTML to see if you can find the text that appears in some other div?
If you just need to get the text from every div of a given class, then try something like this
browser.divs(:class => "homeSectionLabel textWidget").each do |div|
puts div.text
Based on the most recent comment, this will gather the class names from all of the divs on the page and print it to the console.
$browser.divs.each do |div|
puts div.class
Replace "puts div.class" with a file directive if you want it in a file. Any output here is simple Ruby.

How to capture a string using onkeydown before it received by the text field

I am trying to find a way to get more than one characters pasted on html text field (input type=text), using onkeydown or onkeypress, I am NOT interested in onkeyup(it works), so please do not suggest me this solution. Also I am not interested in Jquery, I do not like to use it. I need solution to work with all browsers.
I am able to do that if you type one character, by taking the character of the event, but till now I am unable to get group of characters come from the paste (ctrl+V) or by mouse.
You can look at Facebook search menu that shows auto complete results, it works on events: onkeydown and onkeypress and you notice that you get the result before you release your finger, try to paste something (more than one character) and you get the result before releasing finger, how? Onkeypress and onkeydown do not show first thing you paste or type because they happen before the text being added to text field.
If you want to understand what I want more, please check my code below:
<input type="text" id="targetTextField" onkeydown="CapturePastedString(" />
function CapturePastedString(id){
var targetTextField=document.getElementById(id);
// below I need to capture the pasted string like:
var pasted_string= function(){.....}
Any help would be so thankful, because since long time I am trying but cannot find solution yet.
Try the onkeydown handler it works.You can get the keyCode from there and then the key.
<input type="text" value="" onkeydown="alert(String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode));"/>
Note that since all characters on the keyboard are capital you would also get capital letter. The above code would display the key pressed

Firewatir: Problems changing selection in select list

I'm new to FireWatir and having some issues changing a selection in a select list. Here's what the HTML looks like:
<div id="softwarelist">
<select name="TDSOFTWARE" style='width:191;'>
<option value="QFX">Quicken 2004 or newer-Windows
<option value="QIF">Quicken 2003 or older-Windows
<option value="OFX">Microsoft Money 98 or newer
<option value="QIF">Microsoft Money 97 or older
<option value="CSV">Microsoft Excel
I need to change the selection to CSV.
Here's the line in my script where I am stuck:
browser.div(:id, "softwarelist")
I've sort of randomly tried various methods, but (obviously) none have worked. Using the method 'show_all_objects', like so:
puts browser.div(:id, "softwarelist").show_all_objects
I get a list of all the various formats... that leads me to believe I am in the right ballpark at least, but really I have no idea as I am new to working with FireWatir.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Something like this should work (not tested):
browser.select_list(:name, "TDSOFTWARE").set("Microsoft Excel")
For more information take a look at Selection Boxes page at Watir Wiki.
Your problem is that you are trying to treat the div, which contains the selection list, as if it was the selection list. So you are trying to manipulate the wrong object. you are 'close' because that's the outer container around the list, so show_all_objects will report on the list, which is inside that div.
the code in Zeljko's answer ought to work for you.
