Can't get my thread to execute with SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject - windows-ce

I'm trying to create a thread and let it run until my main signals it to start, which I think is done with SetEvent. But the code in the thread is never executed. Below is the bare code I have stripped down of (I think) unrelated functions. Is the algorithm correct ?
Here is what I thought it did :
When in the main, the thread is created, which means it'll run in the background. When the event is set (SetEvent), the thread picks it up at WaitForSingleObject and then execute the code in the thread, right ?
HANDLE hThread;
DWORD Thread()
wait = WaitForSingleObject(Event, INFINITE)
//This is where I want to execute something
int _tmain()
int i;
Event = CreateEvent(NULL,false,false,NULL);
hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,Thread,EventA,0,NULL);
if (condition is correct)
return 0;
Thanks for having read.

Move CloseHandle lines out of the while loop.


c++: How to quit a multi-threading program properly

In my c++11 project, I need to generate two threads which run infinitely. Here is an example:
static vector<int> vec;
static std::mutex mtx;
static std::condition_variable cond;
static bool done = false;
void f1()
// do something with vec and mtx
void f2()
// do something with vec and mtx
thread t1(f1);
thread t2(f2);
void finish(int s)
done = true;
// what should I do???
int main()
signal(SIGINT, finish);
return 0;
Normally, I won't stop or kill this program. But in case of exception, I think I need to do something for ctrl-c, which is used to kill the program. But I don't know how to quit this program properly.
If I'm right, t1 and t2 might continue executing even if the main has returned 0. So I think I need to make them detach like this:
void finish()
done = true;
However, when I execute the program and do ctrl-c, I get an error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
I've found this link, so I think the problem is the same: mtx and/or cond has been destroyed while t1 or t2 hasn't finished yet.
So how could I kill the program properly? Or I don't need to deal with the signal ctrl-c and the program itself knows what to do to quit properly?
done should be std::atomic<bool>, or unsequenced reads/writes are not legal.
Accessing atomic variables is only safe in a signal handler if std::atomic<bool>::is_lock_free is true. Check that. If it isn't true, your program should probably abort with an error in main.
When you .join(), you wait for the thread to finish executing. And you don't want to exit main unless the threads have finished.
In short, do this:
static std::atomic<bool> done = false;
(rest of code goes here)
int main()
if (!done.is_lock_free()) return 10; // error
signal(SIGINT, finish);

Does poll/epoll handling is in interrupt context?

This is probably trivial question for some people, but somehow I'm not sure about it.
When waiting with poll for event from kernel, is it that the handling of new event is done in interrupt context ?
If not, does it mean we can sleep/wait (using other commands in handler) in the handler ?
int main (void)
struct pollfd fds[2];
int ret;
fds[0].fd = FILENO;
fds[0].events = POLLIN;
fds[1].fd = FILENO;
fds[1].events = POLLOUT;
ret = poll(fds, 2, TIMEOUT * 1000);
if (ret == -1) {
perror ("poll");
return 1;
if (!ret) {
return 0;
if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN)
/********** HANDLING EVENTS HERE ***************/
printf ("FILENO is POLLIN\n");
if (fds[1].revents & POLLOUT)
/********** HANDLING EVENTS HERE ***************/
printf ("FILENO is POLLOUT\n");
return 0;
Thank you,
No (in general).
When you call poll(), the processor context switches to a kernel context, and other processes (and kernel threads) run. Your process will be context switched back in at some point after at least one of your FDs is ready. In general (consider for instance a pipe), interrupt context is not required for this, though note some I/O requires interrupt context to happen (not directly connected to poll()).

Terminating a Worker thread from a Parent thread - MFC

I've just started with learning MFC and I'm writing one dialog based application for better understanding of Multi-Threading.
The main dialog has a progress bar, a Start button and a Cancel button.
On click of the start button, i'm creating a worker thread to do some processing(through API call) and the main thread takes care of Progress bar.
I've defined a couple of Windows Messages to update and stop Progress bar status
Below is the code that i've created so far
HWND* phObjectHandle;
CWinThread* thread;
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedStart() {
phObjectHandle = new HWND; // Set object handle for Worker thread
*phObjectHandle = GetSafeHwnd();
// create worker thread
if(NULL == (thread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunc, phObjectHandle))) {
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread started");
// Set Progress bar to marquee
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedCancel() {
// kill the Worker thread
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam) {
HWND *pObjectHandle = static_cast<HWND *>(pParam);
CprogCtrlImpDlg* threadDlg = (CprogCtrlImpDlg*) pParam;
return threadDlg->ThreadFuncRun(pObjectHandle);
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun(HWND* pObjectHandle) {
::PostMessage(*pObjectHandle, WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// repetitive API CALL in a loop
::PostMessage(*pObjectHandle, WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread completed");
return 0;
I want to terminate the Worker thread from a Parent thread, if a Cancel button is clicked.
I tried using TerminateThread()(though it wasn't a suggested one) but I couldn't kill the thread.
Please comment and share your thoughts on terminating a worker thread from a parent thread.
I'm using visual studio 2010 on Windows 7
I would amend your code something like this.
Have some member variables in your dialog class to hold the thread handle and an event handle (initialise to NULL in the constructor):
CWinThread* m_hThread;
HANDLE m_hKillEvent;
Use a static function as your thread entry point, pass the dialog this as the parameter, then delegate the call back to the class instance so you have access to all of the dialog's variables:
UINT ThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam)
// static thread func - delegate to instance
CprogCtrlDlg* pDlg = static_cast<CprogCtrlDlg*>(pParam);
return pDlg->ThreadFuncRun();
When you start the thread, create an event too:
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedStart()
// create worker thread
m_hKillEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
m_hThread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunc, this);
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread started");
To kill the thread, just set the event and wait on the thread handle, which will get signaled on death:
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedCancel()
// kill the Worker thread
// wait for it to die
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread->m_hThread, 5000);
if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// thread failed to die after 5 seconds
// error handling (maybe TerminateThread here)
In the thread function (now in the dialog class) you can post messages to yourself to indicate progress and use a wait on the event to catch a kill request:
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun()
// instance thread func
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// main loop
while (true)
// check kill
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hKillEvent, 0);
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
// do a little work here and update progress
// ... so this is part of your working loop ...
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 1 /*2,3,4,...*/);
// normal thread exit
PostMessage(WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
return 0;
I've left out initialisation, cleanup of pointers, handles etc. but you get the general idea I hope.
There are several ways you can code the thread loop, you can do it like above where you periodically check to see if the event is signaled, or you can wait on the event to get signaled to do the work. Both are common patterns and often used together with two events - one for triggering work and the other for killing. See this answer for some important points to note if waiting on multiple events.
For a simple progress bar update, you can put the event check inside the work loop, something like this:
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun()
// instance thread func
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// main loop
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
// check kill
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hKillEvent, 0);
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
// do a little work here and update progress
// normal thread exit
PostMessage(WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
return 0;

boost::thread execution

I have a class ChunkManager that has a few (supposed to be) asynchronous methods. These methods handle tasks in my game engine such as loading the map blocks (similar to Minecraft) on a different thread so as not to completely halt the main thread (they are lengthy operations)
Here is one of those methods:
void ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks(){
boost::thread loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunks,this);
Where renderChunks looks like:
void ChunkManager::renderChunks(){
for(int z=0; z < CHUNK_MAX; z=z+1)
for(int y=0; y < CHUNK_MAX; y=y+1)
for(int x=0; x < CHUNK_MAX; x=x+1)
This should work, right? However it crashes when this runs. I have a feeling it has to do with what I do with the thread after it's created, because if I put
in the aforementioned method, it works fine, but the main thread is halted because obviously its just waiting for the new thread to finish, effectively bringing me back to square one.
Any advice?
Sorry if this is a retarded question, I am new to the concept of threads.
Update (4/9/2013):
I found this gem:
..and solved my problem!
If you can join the thread, it must be joinable.
As it says in the documentation:
When the boost::thread object that represents a thread of execution is destroyed the program terminates if the thread is joinable.
You created a local thread object and immediately let it go out of scope: it is destroyed when ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks returns.
make it a detached (non-joinable) thread
void ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks() {
boost::thread loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunks,this);
or create the thread object elsewhere and keep it alive
class ChunkManager {
boost::thread renderingThread;
bool renderChunkWork; // work to do flag
Chunk activeChunks[CHUNK_MAX][CHUNK_MAX][CHUNK_MAX];
boost::mutex activeChunksMutex;
boost::condition_variable activeChunksCV;
bool shutdown; // shutdown flag
void renderChunks() {
for(int z=0; z < CHUNK_MAX; ++z)
for(int y=0; y < CHUNK_MAX; ++y)
for(int x=0; x < CHUNK_MAX; ++x)
void renderChunkThread() {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> guard(activeChunksMutex);
while (true) {
while (!(renderChunkWork || shutdown))
if (shutdown)
doRenderChunks = false;
: loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunkThread, this),
renderChunkWork(false), shutdown(false)
~ChunkManager() {
{ // tell the rendering thread to quit
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> guard(activeChunksMutex);
renderChunkShutdown = true;
void asyncRenderChunks() {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> guard(activeChunksMutex);
if (!renderChunkWork) {
renderChunkWork = true;
NB. In general, creating threads on-the-fly is less good than creating your threads up-front, and just waking them when there's something to do. It avoids figuring out how to handle a second call to asyncRenderChunks before the last one is complete (start a second thread? block?), and moves the latency associated with thread creation.
Note on object lifetime
It's important to realise that in this code:
void ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks() {
SomeType myObject;
the instance myObject will be created and then immediately destroyed.
It crashes, because in the current version of Boost.Thread, you have to either join() a thread or detach() it - otherwise ~thread would terminate the program. (In earlier versions ~thread used to call detach() automatically.)
So if you don't want to join the thread - just detach it:
boost::thread loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunks,this);

In pthread, how to reliably pass signal to another thread?

I'm trying to write a simple thread pool program in pthread. However, it seems that pthread_cond_signal doesn't block, which creates a problem. For example, let's say I have a "producer-consumer" program:
pthread_cond_t my_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t my_cond_m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void * liberator(void * arg)
// XXX make sure he is ready to be freed
return NULL;
int main()
pthread_t t1;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, liberator, NULL);
// XXX Don't take too long to get ready. Otherwise I'll miss
// the wake up call forever
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
pthread_join(t1, NULL);
return 0;
As described in the two XXX marks, if I take away the sleep calls, then main() may stall because it has missed the wake up call from liberator(). Of course, sleep isn't a very robust way to ensure that either.
In real life situation, this would be a worker thread telling the manager thread that it is ready for work, or the manager thread announcing that new work is available.
How would you do this reliably in pthread?
#Borealid's answer kind of works, but his explanation of the problem could be better. I suggest anyone looking at this question to read the discussion in the comments to understand what's going on.
In particular, I myself would amend his answer and code example like this, to make this clearer. (Since Borealid's original answer, while compiled and worked, confused me a lot)
// In main
// If the flag is not set, it means liberator has not
// been run yet. I'll wait for him through pthread's signaling
// mechanism
// If it _is_ set, it means liberator has been run. I'll simply
// skip waiting since I've already synchronized. I don't need to
// use pthread's signaling mechanism
if(!flag) pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
// In liberator thread
// Signal anyone who's sleeping. If no one is sleeping yet,
// they should check this flag which indicates I have already
// sent the signal. This is needed because pthread's signals
// is not like a message queue -- a sent signal is lost if
// nobody's waiting for a condition when it's sent.
// You can think of this flag as a "persistent" signal
flag = 1;
Use a synchronization variable.
In main:
while (!flag) {
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
In the thread:
flag = 1;
For a producer-consumer problem, this would be the consumer sleeping when the buffer is empty, and the producer sleeping when it is full. Remember to acquire the lock before accessing the global variable.
I found out the solution here. For me, the tricky bit to understand the problem is that:
Producers and consumers must be able to communicate both ways. Either way is not enough.
This two-way communication can be packed into one pthread condition.
To illustrate, the blog post mentioned above demonstrated that this is actually meaningful and desirable behavior:
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &cond_mutex);
The idea is that if both the producers and consumers employ this logic, it will be safe for either of them to be sleeping first, since the each will be able to wake the other role up. Put it in another way, in a typical producer-consumer sceanrio -- if a consumer needs to sleep, it's because a producer needs to wake up, and vice versa. Packing this logic in a single pthread condition makes sense.
Of course, the above code has the unintended behavior that a worker thread will also wake up another sleeping worker thread when it actually just wants to wake the producer. This can be solved by a simple variable check as #Borealid suggested:
while(!work_available) pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &cond_mutex);
Upon a worker broadcast, all worker threads will be awaken, but one-by-one (because of the implicit mutex locking in pthread_cond_wait). Since one of the worker threads will consume the work (setting work_available back to false), when other worker threads awake and actually get to work, the work will be unavailable so the worker will sleep again.
Here's some commented code I tested, for anyone interested:
// gcc -Wall -pthread threads.c -lpthread
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
pthread_cond_t my_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t my_cond_m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int * next_work = NULL;
int all_work_done = 0;
void * worker(void * arg)
int * my_work = NULL;
if(next_work == NULL)
// Signal producer to give work
// Wait for work to arrive
// It is wrapped in a while loop because the condition
// might be triggered by another worker thread intended
// to wake up the producer
while(!next_work && !all_work_done)
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
// Work has arrived, cache it locally so producer can
// put in next work ASAP
my_work = next_work;
next_work = NULL;
printf("Worker %d consuming work: %d\n", (int)(pthread_self() % 100), *my_work);
return NULL;
int * create_work()
int * ret = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*ret = rand() % 100;
return ret;
void * producer(void * arg)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
while(next_work != NULL)
// There's still work, signal a worker to pick it up
// Wait for work to be picked up
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
// No work is available now, let's put work on the queue
next_work = create_work();
printf("Producer: Created work %d\n", *next_work);
// Some workers might still be waiting, release them
all_work_done = 1;
return NULL;
int main()
pthread_t t1, t2, t3, t4;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&t2, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&t3, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&t4, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_join(t1, NULL);
pthread_join(t2, NULL);
pthread_join(t3, NULL);
pthread_join(t4, NULL);
return 0;
