Azure: WebRole OnStart() is never called - azure

I have a simple WebRole class in my Azure solution:
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
// For information on handling configuration changes
// see the MSDN topic at
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironmentChanging;
(configName, configSettingPublisher) =>
string connectionString = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(configName);
return base.OnStart();
// ...
For some reason, I can't get breakpoints in OnStart() to be hit when I run the project. Why might this be?

One possibility is that your startup project is your web application instead of the cloud project. Make sure that the cloud project is the startup project, and then verify your app is running in the development fabric.


Azure Cloud Service: RoleEnvironment.StatusCheck event not firing

I am maintaining a legacy Cloud Services application hosted on Azure targeting .net 4.6.1. Inside the Application_Start method of the Global.asax on the Web Role we are registering an event handler for RoleEnvironment.StatusCheck however our logs are demonstrating that this event call back is never being called or triggered.
According to this blog: we were expecting this event to be triggered every 15 seconds and we believe this was happening however has since stopped. We expect that the stopped working around the time we installed some new DLLs into the solution (some of these dlls include: Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.dll, Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Common.dll, Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.dll, Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.dll)
We've tried RDP-ing onto the VM to check the event logs but nothing obvious is there. Any suggestions on where we may be able to search for clues?
It seems your event handler is not registered. Try below code with a different approach:
public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
RoleEnvironment.StatusCheck += RoleEnvironmentStatusCheck;
return base.OnStart();
// Use the busy object to indicate that the status of the role instance must be Busy
private volatile bool busy = true;
private void RoleEnvironmentStatusCheck(object sender, RoleInstanceStatusCheckEventArgs e)
if (this.busy)
// Sets the status of the role instance to Busy for a short interval.
// If you want the role instance to remain busy, add code to
// continue to call the SetBusy method
public override void Run()
Trace.TraceInformation("Worker entry point called", "Information");
while (true)
public override void OnStop()

Application Insights - Logging exceptions

I wrote a custom logger for Application Insights in my app. I don't see any exceptions or ANY events when viewing App Insights in Azure Portal. Here is the logger class code, when I debug the code I do see a key assigned to the InstrumentationKey property, any ideas what I am doing wrong here? Do I need to attach other info to the client or configuration?
public class AppInsightsLogger:ILogger
private TelemetryClient ai;
public AppInsightsLogger()
ai = new TelemetryClient();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.InstrumentationKey))
// attempt to load instrumentation key from app settings
var appSettingsTiKey = AppSettings.InsightsKey;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appSettingsTiKey))
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = appSettingsTiKey;
ai.InstrumentationKey = appSettingsTiKey;
throw new Exception("Could not find instrumentation key for Application Insights");
public void LogException(Exception ex)
I created a new Console Application, installed latest stable ApplicationInsights SDK and pretty much kept your example, with minor but important difference - I either let it wait before shutting down after calling TrackException or added TelemetryClient.Flush()
namespace logtest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AppInsightsLogger logger = new AppInsightsLogger();
logger.LogException(new InvalidOperationException("Is data showing?"));
// either wait for a couple of minutes for the batch to be sent of add ai.Flush() after ai.TrackException() to send the batch immediately
public class AppInsightsLogger
private TelemetryClient ai;
public AppInsightsLogger()
ai = new TelemetryClient();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.InstrumentationKey))
// attempt to load instrumentation key from app settings
var appSettingsTiKey = "<ikey>";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appSettingsTiKey))
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = appSettingsTiKey;
ai.InstrumentationKey = appSettingsTiKey;
throw new Exception("Could not find instrumentation key for Application Insights");
public void LogException(Exception ex)
// ai.Flush();
First I could see telemetry item sent in Visual Studio debug output window:
Then I could see telemetry leaving my machine in Fiddler, I also could see it was successfully accepted by our data collection endpoint.
And finally I could see it in the portal:
Nowadays, the question and the accepted answer are outdated. The contemporary approach is to add Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNet NuGet package, which has logging out-of-the-box.
Please refer to the official docs.
The gist from the docs:
ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider is enabled by default.
Captured log types can be configured in appsettings.json (or programmatically if you really need it)
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"
"ApplicationInsights": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Error"
For a version 3 webjob, I tried instantiating a TelemetryClient and calling TrackException(), as well as calling Flush() and waiting up to 180 seconds, but none of that worked. What does work is using the ILogger logger object and passing the exception into LogError().

Determining application context from OWIN pipeline?

I have an OWIN pipeline using Nancy:
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
The UseNancy() is actually a call to my own custom extension method defined in this gist:
This code is executed both as an Azure Website or an Azure Cloud Service. Based on the context it is executing within I want to use a particular favicon, loaded as an embedded resource from a separate assembly. I do this by specifying separate NancyBootstrappers (each loading the proper favicon for its context).
Is there a more elegant solution to determining the runtime application that is executing the OWIN pipeline? Currently I check app.Properties["host.AppName"] ; however while the Website's app name matches it's assembly configuration, the CloudService app is the name of the Owin startup assembly.class. (see gist). It's cloogey.
Is there a more elegant/simple solution for specifying a custom favicon within Nancy for each of my web applications than creating separate bootstrappers and doing runtime application context checks?
I solved this problem with the help of others on the and chat boards
Yes. You can contextually check the OWIN host properties:
if (app.Properties.ContainsKey("System.Net.HttpListener"))
// self hosted application context
2.) Yes.
namespace ClassLib
public class Startup()
public Startup(byte[] favIcon) { ... }
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { ... }
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(WebHost.Startup))]
namespace WebHost
public class Startup()
public voic Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
new ClassLib.Startup(webhostFavIcon).Configuration(app);
namespace SelfHost
private class Program()
public void Main(string[] args)
using(WebApp.Start(app => new ClassLib.Startup(selfHostFavIcon).Configuration(app))

How do we integrate elmah logging in servicestack

I am new to servicestack and elman logging.
Can any body suggest how do we integrate elmah in service stack applications.
Thank you...
If you have an existing logging solution then you can use the ServiceStack.Logging.Elmah project. It is available via NuGet.
Exceptions, errors and fatal calls will be logged to Elmah in addition to the originally intended logger. For all other log types, only the original logger is used.
So if you are already using Log4Net then you can just configure Elmah like this
ElmahLogFactory factory = new ElmahLogFactory(new Log4NetFactory());
If you don't want to wrap in over an existing log then you can just research adding Elmah to any ASP.NET website. There is no reason it wouldn't work just because you are using ServiceStack.
using ServiceStack.Logging;
using ServiceStack.Logging.Elmah;
using ServiceStack.Logging.NLogger;
public AppHost()
: base(
LogManager.LogFactory = new ElmahLogFactory(new NLogFactory());
public override void Configure(Container container)
this.ServiceExceptionHandler += (request, exception) =>
// log your exceptions here
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
ErrorLog.GetDefault(context).Log(new Error(exception, context));
// call default exception handler or prepare your own custom response
return DtoUtils.HandleException(this, request, exception);
// rest of your config
Now your ServiceStack error's appear in Elmah (assuming you've setup web.config etc).
Actually kampsj answer is better than Gavin's as Gavins causes double-logging to elmah by calling explicit elmah logger and then the default servicestack error handling...which itself already does the logging.
So really all you need is this (below assuming you want to wrap NLog with Elmah)
public class YourAppHost : AppHostBase
public YourAppHost() //Tell ServiceStack the name and where to find your web services
: base("YourAppName", typeof(YourService).Assembly)
LogManager.LogFactory = new ElmahLogFactory(new NLogFactory());
//...just normal stuff...
You could just have this above:
ElmahLogFactory factory = new ElmahLogFactory();
...but you probably should wrap another type of logger for non-error logging, like Debug and Warn.
This section on configuring Elmah and the Logging.Elmah UseCase for a working example of ServiceStack and Elmah configured together.
The ElmahLogFactory can be configured in your Global.asax before initializing the ServiceStack AppHost, e.g:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
var debugMessagesLog = new ConsoleLogFactory();
LogManager.LogFactory = new ElmahLogFactory(debugMessagesLog, this);
new AppHost().Init();

Azure Web Roles constantly recycling with Autoscaler

I have a wcf service hosted on azure. When I deploy it and start the autoscaler object the web service roles are constantly being recycled and in an unhealthy state. If I do not start the autoscaler I have no issues, however I would like to use WASABi.
Here is my WebRole.cs
ublic class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
private Autoscaler autoscaler;
public override bool OnStart()
// To enable the AzureLocalStorageTraceListner, uncomment relevent section in the web.config
DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration diagnosticConfig = DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration();
diagnosticConfig.Directories.ScheduledTransferPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
// For information on handling configuration changes
// see the MSDN topic at
autoscaler = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Autoscaler>();
return base.OnStart();
public override void OnStop()
Have you tried using IntelliTrace to diagnose the reason for recycling? Here is a good article descirbing how to setup and trouble shoot with IntelliTrace.
What does your Run method look like? It needs to keep the role alive so it should be something like this:
public override void Run()
Trace.TraceInformation("ScalerRole entry point called", "Information");
while (true)
Trace.TraceInformation("Working", "Information");
