What's causing the background in a container to be cut off when window is resized smaller? - browser

My website has the typical container that is centered in the middle (very similar to Digg's V4 website actually). The problem I'm having is that when resizing the window smaller than the container's width, anything with a background in the container appears to be cut off according to the window's width. Digg's website actually has the same problem as mine too. To illustrate, I've posted screenshots describing the issue. The first screenshot has the window resized smaller than Digg's container width (notice the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom).
Now the second screenshot shows what happens when we scroll to the right. Notice that anything within the container with a background has been cut off!
To reproduce this, just go to Digg's website and resize the browser window to around 600px and scroll to the right. Is this a fairly common problem with a fairly common solution? I tested this using Firefox 3.

Set min-width on the problem div.

Unless someone points out the W3C spec justifying this behavior, I believe this is a common browser bug.


How to use/get Apple Watch Full Screen mode

I don't want to hide time, but want to use full screen
In the storyboard on the interface controller settings I set the checkbox "Full Screen" and "Fixed to screen edges" to ON.
In the storyboard I can see the full screen mode is working and the WKInterfaceGroup is scaled to the entire display.
But unfortunately on the watch device/simulator it does not work.
The group has alignment center/center OR center/top and width and height are set to "Relative to Container"
How can I really use the full screen mode?.
I just have to add a label equal to Time in top black space. I want to show some text here. I have seen this in some other apps, They are using this space. Even in Apple design guide lines docs, they use this space. I am adding these reference screenshots also.
In above pictures, you can see they used this top space for titles. I also want to add a label to show some text equal to time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a really weird bug. After digging around I've found a way to fill the whole screen. It's not pretty but I'm consistently getting full screen if i'm adding a sprite kit scene into a "main group". Again; it's not an elegant fix but it works and isn't really that resource intensive. Hope this works for you too!

Problem in Spying of web applications in Blue prism

I am unable to highlight the elements correctly it means that the element is in one position and highlight portion is somewhere during spying in Blue prism using HTML or AA mode.
can you please help in resolving these kind of issues?
Sometimes the html overlay isn't interpreted properly. There's a couple of tricks I use to get the web-elements and the 'spy boxes' to align properly again:
Window the browser and maximize the browser (mess a bit with the size of the browser's window;
Zoom in/out (mess a bit with the zoom, go 150%, then 50% and then back to 100%. Not an exact science);
If the above fails (and re-opening the browser doesn't help either), figure out roughly what the offset is. If this is, say ~50px up, then spying the element 50px above the intended element will still allow the RPA solution to correctly interact with the intended element.
Please refrain from accepting this solution. This is just a workaround, maybe there's a proper solution to this.

Section at bottom of screen that doesn't respond to onpress event, what's causing this?

I'm working on an existing React-Native app, and in the iOS version, there's a problem where a portion of the bottom of the screen does not respond. At first it was thought to be on a specific screen, but upon further investigation, it was found to be affecting other screens as well. The control used on the first screen where the problem was noticed is TouchableOpacity, but a rectangular section in the middle at the bottom of the screen does not respond, but in either corner at the bottom of the screen it does respond. Another screen has a ListView, and if you attempt to scroll from that same bottom middle area, it won't, but everywhere else, it will. This is evident in both the simulator and on the physical device. It acts like there's something in the road floating over the top of everything.
I've tried using the Accessibility Inspector to identify the cause, but this hasn't revealed anything.
The highlighted area in the screenshot above is where I'm referring to.
To complicate things further, this problem doesn't exist in the Android version.
Has anyone experienced this before, and if so, what was the cause and how do I fix it?
Edit: I've now determined the cause is an Animated View that's hanging about, it seems not all the child elements within it are having their opacity set to 0. I've attempted to address this using pointerEvents, but this just moves the problem to a different child element.
Anyone have any suggestions?
The issue turned out to be that the parent was having it's height changed during the show and hide events to avoid this same issue in Android, so we need to only change it if the platform is Android.
this.setState({height: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 50: 0});

Weird results when trying to get UI elements to fit a dynamic size in Unity

I have a system where if you walk by a sign it will create a popup dialogue which is fine (just the popup part) but when I try to make it to where it can be adjusted based on how much text is displayed (Content Size Fitter) then I get something that literally does not make any sense to me whatsoever. When using World Space my font on Text components has to be 0 (also makes no sense) so that 1 letter isn't the size of 100 units and the combination of these 2 issues has almost made me go mad but that is the reason why I am here so you all can save me!
My setup for my sign :
Now this is the dialogue that is spawned viewed from the inspector (Not shown in the scene/game view yet) :
Now this is when the player walks near the sign with all the components you see in the screenshots :
As you can see the height of my dialoguePanel for some reason keeps going to 321 and New Years isn't close so this countdown I am not happy with. It should be adjusting to how much text is in it. I mean I just did a tooltip almost 100% identical except that the Canvas isn't World Space but Screen Space - Overlay. On top of all this it seems any text I use in World Space HAS to be font 0. Please help I am about to lose my mind.
World space canvas is a bit tricky. And guess what is even more tricky: content size fitter. One of solutions is that you add your dialog UI element manually in the scene at desired location and tweak its RectTransform values in inspector to get what you want to see in scene view and then save it as prefab.
Read more about How Content Size Fitter works and there is one more thing about UI when working with world space canvas. UI is way too bigger than your other scene elements. To solve this problem you have to scale it down as instructed in section Specify the size of the Canvas in the world.
Hope it helps :)

Drawing a Rectangle that never dissapears

I have to draw a transparent square, that never disappears from the user's interface, by clicking to other windows the rectangle remains, only the windows/application content has to be shown behind.
I have thought of doing it with OpenGl or Flex or Canvas , but the problem is whenever I click on another window the programmed rectangle disappears .The rectangle has to act as a default image but has to be always at the foreground.
Do I have to mess with the operating system(Linux, Mac or Windows), by creating this image as default?
here is one example
You can do that with Java pretty easy. See this link for code examples. If you got your transparent Image, you can use the setAlwaysOnTop(true); Method on the Object, and you are good to go. The only things that could get in front of that are other Applications that are using that method.
