What would be a good language/framework pair for learning Web development? - programming-languages

What would be a good language/framework pair for learning Web development? I know other people have asked this very same question (for example, Learning Web Development-Choosing a Language and Framework), however, my case is a little different, since I have some additional constraints:
The language the framework is written in must not be "opinionated" about the way I should do things. On the other hand, the framework being opinionated is not much of a problem, as I can always at some point ditch replace it for with another framework or even my own mini-framework.
The framework must let me see how it works, aka, I must have access to the source code. (Which is not the same as the framework being open source. I just want to be able to read the source.)
Also, since my Web server is a Windows 7 Professional x64 machine with Apache 2.2 installed:
The framework must provide convenient access to at least one database engine that can be installed on Windows 7 Professional x64.
Deployment of my Web applications must be as easy as installing an Apache module, editing the httpd.conf file properly and restarting Apache.
Optionally, in decreasing order of priority:
It is desirable that the language the framework is written in be dynamic.
It is desirable that the framework provide convenient access to any SQL database that can be installed on Windows 7 Professional x64.
It is desirable that the framework or a module/plugin compatible with the framework provide convenient access to a non-relational database that can be installed on Windows 7 Professional x64.
EDIT: Since my question has been labelled "subjective and argumentative" not only once but twice, I want to clarify some things:
If the word "ditch" was too crude, my apologies. I already ditched replaced it.
By specifying that the language not be "opinionated", my intention is to avoid having to ask "What is the recommendable/standard/approved/blessed/inherently-good way to do something?" in the future. I want to design my applications, desktop or Web, entirely on my own. If only to find out why some designs are not recommendable/standard/approved/blessed/inherently-good.
By specifying that the framework let me study how it works, my intention is to avoid having to ask "Why subsystem X throws error Y when I try to do Z?". I want to find it out on my own. If only for education purposes.
There is nothing else I can find that I think can potentially be interpreted as "subjective and argumentative". In particular, specifying an operating system and a Web server just means "I don't want to have to install other things than I already have installed on my PC". (Besides, Apache is pretty much the standard Web server.)
Yeah, the question is open ended. This is because I am asking for suggestions. And, since I am a complete newbie to Web development, there would be no point (at least for me) in arguing your suggestions. Also notice, the question is community wiki.

You'll probably need to learn both a server-side and a client-side language.
For client-side development, I recommend:
JavaScript with the JQuery framework library http://www.jquery.com
For Server-side development, I recommend:
C# with the .NET framework library http://www.microsoft.com/express/windows/

Smalltalk with Seaside would be the most fun. One click image can be downloaded, and the book is online.
1 Smalltalk insists that you organize your code in classes and methods, but is open to suggestions on how to do that. Seaside is an opinionated web framework, with a strong focus on DRY.
2 It is a Smalltalk, so all objects and sources are available and inspectable.
3 You can easily get started without a database. Larger scale persistence is done most easily by deploying on a glass object-oriented database (zero code needed). It runs in a VMWare image or on a linux or os-x machine. If you want to write code, you can use the GLORP ORM with SqueakDBX to connect to all databases supported by openDBX, or directly to PostgreSQL.
4 Does it have to be that difficult?
5 If it provides an ODBC adapter.
6 There are interfaces to various NoSQL databases.

PHP and CakePHP are pretty good for LEARNING, there are lots of examples, tutorials and help out there and CakePHP follows the MVC pattern.


Web Designer looking to learn back-end programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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my name is Tabetha and I have a question...
I am a web designer, but I always find that while designing the layout and coding the design I come up with great ideas for websites. I would like to know where I need to start in order to learn back-end programming not only for the knowledge, but also for the challenge of it.
I have searched online but can't seem to find the information I am looking for. If anyone can give me a simple, straight-forward "this is what language you need to learn" answer, or perhaps guide me in the right direction I would appreciate it ten-fold.
I am a complete noob when it comes to this, so even the most basic information is probably a pearl of wisdom for me. :)
With this type of question you will never one simple, straight-forward answer :) Are you a Mac person? If so, you'll probably want to learn PHP or Ruby on Rails for server-side programming, along with MySQL for your database. These technologies are widely used on other operating systems, including Windows. The Apache web server and PHP is included in Mac OS X; Rails is easy to set up. Most hosting providers will offer cheap LAMP hosting packages (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) (Google "LAMP tutorial")
If you're a PC person, you might want to learn about .NET (VB or C#), SQL Server and IIS. There are many similarities in the development practices between the different technologies, with MVC being the recommended design pattern. Understanding MVC is important.
There are many other "back-end" technologies, including JAVA, ColdFusion, etc, but PHP/MySQL is the most common.
You could also learn about server-side content management systems, like Drupal, Wordpress or Joomla to name a few. These systems take care of much of the low level data handling, leaving you to focus more on the content and appearance, while sacrificing some flexibility.
Good luck!
Just to add my two cents. Programming language is in reality not as important as having general knowledge of the principles. Look at it this way: knowing how to program is the same as knowing how to design. Programming language is then only a tool, like photoshop, that you can excel in, but it won't make you a designer by itself.
The concepts that are important for web back-end development and actually a must-know if you're in for a challenge, are object-oriented programming, separation of presentation and computational logic, database abstraction, networking protocols (http specifically).
Understanding these essentials will pay off greatly as compared to learning the quick-and-dirty ways of combining php with html.
PHP is probably the most commonly used backend end language, and will probably give the least problems when setting it up in a server. I would recommend using a Framework (at least to start), both for ease of use and security issues. For this I'd recommend the Zend Framework. There's a great tutorial for getting started here: http://www.survivethedeepend.com/.
I am a heavy advocate of .NET languages for beginners. The .NET framework is nice and easy to wrap your head around because Microsoft is great with documentation, tutorials, and giving a complete package.
As you already have knowledge of HTML I would look into ASP .NET or ASP .NET MVC. This website from Microsoft will take you from start to finish in developing a website in ASP .NET and ASP .NET MVC.
Once you start programming with Visual Studio you will see how easy Microsoft makes it for you.
To get you started with backend development, i would suggest u learn how a database (db) works and the various database management systems (DBMS), particularly relational DBMS (RDBMS) such as MySQL, SQL server, oracle, postGRESQL, Microsoft Access, etc. You will come 2 know that most DBMS allow u to communicate with them and issues commands to them by speaking to them a language called Structured Query Language (SQL). So u will need to invest some time to learn the basics of speaking the SQL language to create a database, store new data or modify existing data, fetch data from the db, or even delete data that is no longer needed from your db. In particular i suggest u learn how MySQL works and issuing commands to MySQL since it is the most widely used DBMS in most web projects. Then, you will need to spend some time to learn about computer programming (issuing instructions to computer) and programming languages (the languages used for writing the instructions). You can zero down to learning how to speak a particular computer language such as PHP. The reason u have to learn how programming languages work is that u will need to speak a computer language (programming language) to write the logic for interacting with your database (e.g verifying that some conditions hold true before certain data can be fetched). I suggest u start by learning the PHP language as your backend programming language, since it is the most widely used in web projects. In the programming langnuage u have chosen to learn (e.g php), find out how to issue SQL commands to a RDBMS from that language. In summary, i recommend you learn the combination of PHP and MySQL since this combination is the most widely used for backend web development. But once u get a grasp of how things really work, you can always switch to whatever combination of technologies works best for your particular project. I hope this helps.

Should I stay focused on desktop development or learn more about web application development?

Let me introduce myself a bit.
I have 7 years of C++ (most MFC) experience, 1 year C#.NET and 2 years Java experience.
I know little about web application, what I did and am doing is Windows desktop applications.
I start to do some (minor) (freelance) side projects in the past half year and uses C# mostly as it's more "rapid" than MFC. But seems there's more web projects in this market than desktop projects. And I do not feel good as long as I do not know web development.
So, should I touch the new web filed for me or just stay focus in desktop application but learn more e.g Python, or Frameworks/Libraries such as Qt or Boost?
My gut feeling is that more and more people/companies are moving their projects to the web. My company, for example, has added numerous web applications since I have been there. Another prime example of this is Microsoft (yes, even them) providing a web-based version of Office, their flagship product.
There will always be a need for desktop applications, but I see more web-based projects in the future. It's always good to learn something new, anyway.
EDIT: Oh, and you don't lose anything by being aware of "desktop-based" processes. You may be doing more server-side programming, even if it is web-based. So, in other words, it doesn't hurt to continue expanding your knowledge in that arena, as well.
There will most likely still be a market for desktop applications for many years to come. However, web development seems to have taken over a large share of the development market from what I can see. I would recommend definitely getting familiar with web development as it definitely can't hurt to increase the number of skills you have even if you never stop writing desktop apps.
Since you have experience with C# you might want to consider doing some ASP.NET work. Or if you feel the need to learn a new technology then maybe consider a framework like Ruby on Rails.
I'd really suggest looking into web development - like you said, there are many more web application projects - and you already know C#.NET and Java, and both of those languages have really good API's / frameworks for web development. ASP.NET for C# and Java Servlets/JSPs.
I'd first suggest learning some really basic HTML to learn how pages are rendered, then try to make dynamic versions using the language of your choice. Then I'd learn some other web technologies like CSS/Javascript/some Javascript libraries - then I'd start looking at frameworks that build on top of the basics in the language of your choice.
Oh, and some further suggestions - there are web frameworks that are component-based rather than request-based - you may be tempted to learn these as a shortcut to web development since most claim that developing in them is similar to desktop development. I really wouldn't suggest this - as in practice you really do need to know how the web works at a lower level to develop custom components, include things that the framework doesn't do, or to debug them when things go wrong even when using these frameworks. If you jump right in you can get lost/confused pretty quickly.
Microsoft Office 2010 will have an online version. To me this is a watershed moment for Web applications. Office apps are an important litmus test as once you can do Office on the Web (which has been the case with Google Documents for some time but Office has important symbolic meaning) you can do most things that most users care about.
Desktop apps won't die but I definitely think they're going to take more and more of a backseat.
I'd highly suggest you read How Microsoft Lost the API War if you haven't already. One of the things that's particularly amazing about this post is that it was written in 2004.
I honestly believe that with maybe the exception of OSs and browsers, everything will be a web app within the next 10 years. Having said that, let me clarify that by everything I mean everything that a) involves a UI of some kind and b) can be guaranteed secure.
User-interfaced apps will always at some point need a backend, which will at some level require code that is not being interfaced by humans and not being executed via HTTP. I am always reminding myself that things like 'cat' in Unix are actually programs that the OS is calling, not just a function built into the OS. MySQL won't be a web app (as far as I know), but app that powers web apps. We may get to a point where these apps are fully developed via a web interface, written, audited, uploaded and called all via a browser, but at some level its still running behind the scenes.
On that second point, about guaranteed security, I can very easily imagine a large corporation or government office running 95 percent of their daily routines via web apps, but mandating that certain high-security operations be done on a machine directly interfaced with some sort of mainframe, after passing through the cool doors with the retinal scans and what not. Or simply because they can't risk moving certain mission-critical apps over to the web, from fear of it breaking our losing data in the process.
But with those two things aside, I honestly believe everything will be web-based. With the advancement of Web Services and XML in general, it will be possible to not only access and interact with our data, but to plug our custom apps into another app and extend that interaction further and in any environment we want.
It's like that Apple ad "There's an app for that." Except once people get the real picture, it won't be an app written for your iPhone, but a URL. "There's a site for that."
I recommend learning the Lift framework. It's as easy to use as Rails, and it's based on a statically-typed language for the JVM, Scala. From the perspective of your background, Scala should be middling to easy to learn, and you'll be more likely to be comfortable with it than with a dynamic language.
In my opinion, you have a good chance of picking it up quickly, learn a lot about good practices in web development, and even expanding your programming horizons a bit.

multi platform languages on the rise (desktop)? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 13 years ago.
I am currently working in a .Net project but from university I have also a good background in Java. Recently I am asking myself, if multi plattform languages (like Java, or VM based like Scala) aren't on the rise?
Lets have a look at Suns WORA write once, run anywhere principle, which had been rephrased to write once, TEST everywhere because in the past especially desktop applications were/are still a Windows domain. But the last years there were quite some changes like
Linux has improved hugely in driver support and usabilty
Mac OS is getting even more popular
native look & feel thanks to SWT/JFace for Java
Rich Client Frameworks (RCP and Netbeans) that save a lot of time and provide rich experience
So, creating applications targeted on multi plattforms should be a reasonable way to go. For example, why should a small/mid-sized company pay a lot of money for windows/mac when it can use Linux (honestly, when you are not a gamer you dont need windows ;) ). And of couse then those companies would prefer software that runs on their machines (maybe the CEO a has MAC because he can afford it but needs the same apps.) Eclipse RCP can provide for example and then it really is WORA.
I like working on C# right now, but in 1-2 years when I want to have my own little company I will use Linux and the development will probably focus on what I've just written. I just wanted to know what others are thinking (maybe I change my mind).
Please don't start a war on Linux vs. Windows vs Mac (I use the first two). Its only about if multi-plattform is a good way for the future, or if you gain more by the advantages of a single platform (special features).
I work for a Qt consultancy company that's been writing multiplatform applications for a few years and I work on KDE's port to OSX and previously at a company providing a client for Windows/Linux/Mac.
The obvious benefits you get from supporting multiple platforms are:
Goodwill from niche communities (including blogging, word of mouth support)
Your developers can work on whatever platform they like so you can recruit them more easily
Your application will probably be slightly less buggy as you'll be testing on multiple platforms
The downsides:
Packaging/distribution/support becomes a big of a pain
Some platforms can get easily neglected
You don't tend to hook into the backend features of the OS as well
If writing a GUI application then you tend to end up with something that doesn't really meet the HIG of any platform unless you have quite a lot of platform-specific tweaking or have a toolkit that helps with this (e.g. Qt)
I still think it's worthwhile and agree with you that it's the future of applications. Really, there is enough good, high-level technologies that there's no need to limit your market to a single platform's users and Linux is a huge in emerging markets so being able to run your application there will be more and more important as time goes on.
Cross-platform solutions I've seen used to good effect:
Adobe Air
C# (with .NET or Mono)
Web applications (obviously)
Yes, this is happening, but it's a very slow process.
You can trace the trend back to the UCSD Pascal P-system from the early 80's. In the 90's we got the JVM, and in the naughties we got the CLR. These newer VMs each support many languages from third parties. Python, for example, has long had its own VM, but also comes in a version that runs on the JVM, called Jython, and another one that runs on .NET's CLR, called Iron Python.
Other VMs exist that are targeted by multiple languages. The Parrot VM was created initially for Python and Perl 6. The Reia language runs on Erlang's BEAM VM. I'm sure there are other examples.
On top of that, there are many languages that have been cross-platform for a decade or two, like Smalltalk, early versions of Perl, Ruby, etc.
This is all a kind of long-term tectonic shift. It's driven by the fact that computers are getting faster, while many tasks we use computers for don't need to get faster. So, we can use high-level languages to write programs to do these tasks, where it wouldn't have made sense in the past. In the early 80s, the successful new word processors were written in assembly language. In the 90s's, C. Today, Javascript.
Check out mono http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page if you like C#
Use SWT (http://www.eclipse.org/swt/) if you prefer java
If you are going to spend hundreds of thousands (or millions) of dollars developing an application, it makes sense for it to be capable of running on as many machines as possible. Just a few years ago, platforms had many platform-sepcific features, but that distinction is rapidly disappearing with the availability of cross-platform compilers like Mono.
All depends of the activity domain of the software that you develop...
If end users are or plan to use multi-pateform so you must care about it ! If not, you can develop on the plateform used by your customers !
Of course, some peope would say : even if all customers are on Windows, the development is more productive on MacOS... but it's an other question !
In general, your users will generally prefer an app that looks and behaves like a native application. Many of the cross-platform frameworks are really very good at emulating the native look and feel. Just be aware that if your app doesn't feel native (maybe through some quirk in your toolkit of choice), critics will beat you over the head about it forever.
Also, The issue of using cross-platform toolkits really depends on the application domain you're targeting. For example, if you're working with video, creating a cross-platform app with a good user experience is very, very challenging. On the other hand, CRUD (Create-Update-Delete) apps commonly used inside of enterprises are excellent candidates for developing with cross-platform languages/toolkits.
Also, one reason that Java is very popular for applications deployed inside of enterprises is the ease with which you can deploy updates (via Java Web Start - I think C# has a similar update technology too). However, once you step outside of the walls of the business most users will shy away from Java Web Start apps.

Web programming language

I want to go learn web programming,but besides names and a little of html I don't know anything.So I ask you what programming languages you recommend,why,what can be done with it,tools to learn ,etc.I don't know if it matters but I program in a Linux enviroment(Ubuntu).
I don't want to do hardcore web programming ,I only want to be able to develop complete websites and understand network concepts.
Well, most cheap/free web hosts support PHP, MySQL, and most browsers support Javascript.
Target those and you'll be on a reasonably good path.
Some support Ruby and Python, and you might choose that path if you want to learn those languages.
Good luck!
Definitely start with HTML, and basic CSS. These are the core of web programming, and you need to understand them well to do anything of consequence.
Once you've got those down, you'll want to move on to a server-side language. The easiest is PHP, but be careful of picking up bad habits, since it's a loose environment; if you stick with PHP, you'll eventually want to use it with an MVC framework such as CodeIgniter, which encourage separating presentation and logic. To get a little more advanced, you can also try Python or Ruby. Get yourself some server space to mess around with; most shared hosting plans are $5-10/month.
For Javascript/AJAX, you'll probably want to start by using Firebug or Firefox's DOM inspector to learn the relationship between the HTML of a page and the DOM object which Javascript uses to interact with it. Once you understand how the DOM works, toy around with jQuery to start doing useful (and fun!) stuff.
You'll also eventually want to learn MySQL (or a similar SQL variant), but that can probably wait, since you can do lots of interesting things without tackling database stuff.
Above all, be patient and persistent, and make use of every resource at your disposal: books, Google, Stack Overflow, and cheat sheets.
Ruby all the way. It's exactly what you need if you're interested in web dev and completely starting from scratch programming-wise. From the basics of Ruby it's pretty easy to get into Rails, which is a very beginner-friendly web framework.
Many great books on Amazon (look for the highest rated of course) on both Ruby and Rails.
Great starting point for links:
As well check out Learn to Program
Now get learnin'.
Google App Engine offers free hosting for applications that do not exceed the specified limits. The server-side language is Python, the client-side language is JavaScript inside Django templates. Everything has worked nicely for me in Ubuntu 8.10.
GREAT Question,
a couple of years ago I was in the same place -
What HONESTLY Helped me was using Dreamweaver, I set it in split mode and started watching the code
I used this and started delving into the PHP Application world and could see what was going on (sort of)
I know you can use dreamweaver with wine on the linux, and it can help you do a TON
granted if you continue it has the potential to limit you to the dreamweaver world... but can help you learn and create at the same time
(I build full php apps from scratch now with a notepad... but I started with DW)
The question I'd have is what kind of scale on web programming are you wanting to do? If it is small stuff then the LAMP stack would be my suggestion while if you want to get more into 3-tier architecture then Java or ASP.Net may be worth getting into for middleware or business logic code.
With the exception of the reference to the LAMP stack above, there has been no Perl recommendations. I like Perl as it is easy enough to build a fairly full featured web application (using CGI, or mod_perl). Of course, you are going to have to learn HTML/CSS if you are going to do anything on the web. I feel Perl is a good choice for web development as it is fairly robust and full featured with all of the modules available on CPAN. Combine with an application framework like CGI::Application or Catalyst and you can build sophisticated web apps in a short amount of time. Also, using a tool like XAMPP can help as you won't have to worry about web server or database cofigurations to get started.

Wasabi like web programming language

Are there any open source or commercial web programming language that function much like Fog Creek's Wasabi? As in you write your web app in this parent language and it then compiles down to php for Linux hosts and ASP.NET for Windows hosts.
Haxe is the closest I've seen, but it only compiles to PHP (and mod_neko), not to ASP.
Genexus is a commercial development tool that does that. It can generate several other languages. Its oriented toward database apps, it generates database schemas and queries from its internal language.
That said, I have worked with it, and I don't like it. It's quite buggy and its programming language is very archaic.
Before you bother, consider whether it's really worth it.
Supporting one platform with multiple configurations is bad enough; do you really need to support both ASP.NET and PHP? If you're writing an in-house application, then you probably want to stick to as few technologies as possible. If you're writing software to sell, then is it really a problem if your product requires a particular platform?
As far as I know, Fog Creek had to develop Wasabi because there wasn't such a tool. There are a few toolkits trying to be portable, but none that compiled to ASP or PHP that I know of (besides Wasabi, that is).
People act like Joel went mad with Wasabi, but I think it makes perfect sense if you put all the pieces together.
FogBugz was originally written in VB.
Joel hates to throw out working code to start over.
Joel was faced with a server market split between MS and Apache w/PHP servers.
Given the circumstances, it's a rational decision to say, "OK, then, we'll just write a VB to PHP translator."
And once you've taken that step, to say, "Well, since we've essentially have a compiler here, why not extend it with the features we want that Microsoft has never added to VB?"
Thanks to Wasabi, code that would have to be written twice (or more, given some duplicated server/JavaScript code) is written only once.
Multitarget development is pretty common. It's the reality when you can't dictate your target environment.
Pick a real mature application server platform like Java. It runs everywhere...
