Web Applications Security - security

Hi does anybody know of any other programs similar to Webgoat for the demonstration of web application security flaws?

There are plenty of them. Some hosted, some for local installation. Some targeted more to teaching about web security, others for testing. Fortunately some folks already made some lists:
I personally would start with Google Gruyere (http://google-gruyere.appspot.com/).

There is a really good list in here:

The big ones I would think of would be Fortify and HP WebInspect.
Fortify will scan the source code and find potential vulnerabilities
HP WebInspect will scan/brute force a website in production and find/report actual vulnerabilities.
Both require a fairly expensive license.

Also take a look at Codebashing - They are a SaaS based elearning platform that provide interactive application security wargames.

Also I Like dawa And murillidae That is Realy Intresting.

Take a look at:
OWASP Testing Project
Acunetix Web Security Scanner
Acunetix WVS automatically checks your
web applications for SQL Injection,
XSS & other web vulnerabilities.


How wrire secure web application

I need of an information. I'm new in develop web application. I should use php and javascritp but it 's possible, in the future, I could use other languase like Java. During these days I'm following a course on the best practice to write secure code.
Is there any guide/book or any other valid resource, where I can find an explanation about the differrent kind of attaks on a web application and the ways to solve them?
If you're looking for resources to secure your applications on the internet, the first thing to try is OWASP, or Open Web Application Security Project. Here are some useful articles about what you're looking for:
OWASP: Web Security Testing Guide
OWASP: Cheatsheets
OWASP: General Information
All of the resources above will show you the recommended ways to secure your web application against threats. I think it's more than enough for the first step in the security world.

webapp penetration testing on dummy application

does someone know where I can find webapplications, on which i can legaly try my pentesting skills like a dummy application or sth? I heard there were some on the OWASP page, but I cant find any. I'll write my thesis about pentesting web applications, and would like to do some tests.
There is website pprovided by OWASP themselves, which is intended exactly for that. It is called WebGoat
WebGoat is a deliberately insecure web application maintained by OWASP
designed to teach web application security lessons. You can install
and practice with WebGoat in either J2EE (this page) or WebGoat for
.Net in ASP.NET. In each lesson, users must demonstrate their
understanding of a security issue by exploiting a real vulnerability
in the WebGoat applications. For example, in one of the lessons the
user must use SQL injection to steal fake credit card numbers. The
application is a realistic teaching environment, providing users with
hints and code to further explain the lesson.

How to secure a Java EE web application code when deployed at customer's servers?

the company has created a cloud solution , but some of the customers require the app to be hosted on their infrastructure which might lead to some serious security threats such as decompiling the code.
the web application uses dynamic frameworks such as spring,JPA,struts,DWR which makes the obfuscation realy difficult (i tried using Proguard).
is obfuscation the only solution ? is it even worthwhile ? any opinnion would be helpful.
The easiest (and pretty standard) thing would be to make it part of the license agreement that they may not reverse engineer or otherwise mess with your software. This assumes that you trust your business partners to keep a contract (which one could argue is a prerequisite to doing business with them in the first place).
is obfuscation the only solution ? is it even worthwhile ?
You could refuse to deploy the code to customers if you cannot trust them.
If treating your clients that way is necessary is up to you to decide. I would assume that they have better things to do than try to rip you off. But if you are so worried about it, a pure ASP model (code never leaves your servers) seems the only solution for you.
As an alternative you could deploy your service in the form of a closed virtual appliance as suggested in What are the problems of deploying an application in a virtual machine file?

Which tools or service to use for testing the site?

I have site and would like to test how it can resist hacker's attack like some kinds of injections, DDOS etc?
Check out BackTrack, it's a security oriented linux distribution that comes with a miriad of differnt tools to attempt to penetrate your site's security.
It's also an excellent tool to check general security on home/office networks.
Good luck!
EDIT: You might also want to check out: http://www.metasploit.com/
It's an excellent exploit fraimwork that will allow you to test and retest your server with everything you can possibly think of!

SQL Injection Compromised site?

This may sound like a weird question but is there any where I can download a website that is vulnerable to sql injection the url kind not login bypass?
I'm making a vulnerability scanner and I want to learn some SQLi so i can include it in my project.
Thanks, it doesn't need to be fancy. Just enough to practice on.
OWASP WebGoat is the usual example. Includes SQL injection vulnerabilities.
No, you cannot download their site to test for injection vulnerabilities. You need to download their whole DB and configs to do what you are saying. If you want to benevolently go checking the security of various sites, you have to ask them about their system and model it on your own. OWASP works on systems not recently updated with patches, like the comment of tackline-its a first port.
OWAPS's WebGoat is an application that is built to be vulnerable to attack, it is a simulation of real world vulnerabilities. The Whitebox is a collection of real world vulnerabilities, it has 2 web applications that where abandoned because the applications where so insecure. It also has a set of challenges there are vulnerable code snips taken from real world applications. This project has real world sql injection as well more serious vulnerabilities.
Try scanning the vulnerable apps with Wapiti (open source) or Acunetix ($) or NTOSpider($$$). Then try using the applications, create blog posts ect, and then scan it again.
Also check out Damn Vulnerable Linux and Google Jarlsburg.
