how to distinguish a jsf action or direct url link invoked the page - jsf

I have a situation, I have a session bean with list, this list I show in html data table. When the user hits the url from browser or normal href, I have to show all records. There is provision to search for the data also, where I have to show the filtered list. Now after a user has made the search, the list contains filtered records and after doing this he leaves the page to some other, and now if the user hits the url or uses the menu to come back to this page, since I have this list in session bean, I still have the filtered list.
Since there is no default action in JSF 1.1 or 2.0 preRenderView concept, its difficult to clear the list and get non filtered data(all results) again. Even tricks in getList() method fail to accomplish the task.
I have planned to use phase listener, as when a user reaches a page via href or url hit in browser, invoke application phase does not happen. I can toggle boolean variable in my session bean and in getList() I can perform some trick to check it was url,href hit or by command button.
Hope I have made myself clear. In short I have to identify in my bean whether the request came directly from href,browser or an action. If search action filter records for data table if not keep list cache and keep showing it as long as search is not made.
Just guide me whether I am doing things in right way or thinking too much or can it be done in much more efficient way.
Thanks in advance.
Well platform is jsf 1.1 in weblogic portal 10.3 .....

JSF 1.x actions use by default POST method. Direct links/bookmarks/etc are by nature GET method. Since there's no ResponseStateManager#isPostback() or FacesContext#isPostback() in JSF 1.1, you have to determine the request method yourself:
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest();
boolean postback = "POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod());
Or check for a certain parameter in the request parameter map, but I can't tell from top of head which one you'd like to check. You've to determine it yourself.
boolean postback = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().containsKey(SOME_KEY);
If postback is true, then a JSF action is been invoked.


Debugging JSF Life Cycle - what exactly happens in each phase

I have decided to dig completely into JSF 2.0 as my project demands deep knowledge of it. I am reading JSF Lifecyle Debug, a well written and awesome article on JSF Life cycle. While reading this article, I have following confusions.
If it's an initial request, in Restore View Phase an empty View is created and straight Render Response Phase happens. There is no state to save at this point. What actually happens in render response phase then? I am confused a little while I am running the example.
The article states that, retrieved input value is set in inputComponent.setSubmittedValue() in Apply Request Values phase. If validation and conversion passes, then the value gets set in inputComponent.setValue(value) and inputComponent.setSubmittedValue(null) runs. On same point article states that, now if in the next post back request, value is changed, it is compared with the submitted value which would always be null on every post back, value change listener will be invoked. It means if, we don't change the value even, as submittedValue would be null, valueChangeListener will always be invoked? I am confused on this statement. Can someone elaborate on this?
Article states the usage of immediate attribute. If immediate attribute is set on an input component, than ideally Process Validation Phase is skipped, but all of the conversion and validation happens in Apply Request Values. My point is, still when the conversion and validation is happening, what's the advantage of skipping the third phase?
What does the term retrieved value means?
I would like to know, if lets say there are five fields on the view. Does JSF makes a list of some collection of these values and Apply Request Values and Process Validations phase iterate over them one by one?
At the last point of this article where it states, when to use immediate attribute. As per my understanding, if immediate attribute is set in both input component and command component, It will skip the phases from Apply Request Values to Invoke Application for any attribute not having immediate. Then what does the last statement mean "Password forgotten" button in a login form with a required and immediate username field and a required but non-immediate password field.
I know these are very basic confusions but clarity on these topics will definitely help sharpen the JSF knowledge.
1: What actually happens in render response phase then?
Generating HTML output for the client, starting with UIViewRoot#encodeAll(). You can see the result by rightclick, View Source in webbrowser (and thus NOT via rightclick, Inspect Element in webbrowser, as that will only show the HTML DOM tree which the webbrowser has built based on the raw HTML source code and all JavaScript events thereafter).
2: it is compared with the submitted value which would always be null on every post back
Nope, it's being hold as an instance variable. JSF doesn't call getSubmittedValue() to compare it.
3: My point is, still when the conversion and validation is happening, what's the advantage of skipping the third phase?
This is answered in the bottom of the article, under Okay, when should I use the immediate attribute?. In a nutshell: prioritizing validation. If components with immediate="true" fail on conversion/validation, then components without immediate="true" won't be converted/validated.
4: What does the term retrieved value means?
The "raw" value which the enduser has submitted (the exact input value which the enduser entered in the input form). This is usually a String. If you're familiar with servlets, then it's easy to understand that it's exactly the value as you obtain by request.getParameter().
5: Does JSF makes a list of some collection of these values and Apply Request Values and Process Validations phase iterate over them one by one?
Almost. The collection is already there in flavor of the JSF component tree. JSF thus basically iterates over a tree structure, starting with FacesContext#getUIViewRoot().
6: Then what does the last statement mean "Password forgotten" button in a login form with a required and immediate username field and a required but non-immediate password field.
This way you can reuse the login form for the "password forgotten" case. If you submit the "login" button, then obviously both the username and password fields must be validated. However if you submit the "password forgotten" button, then the password field shouldn't be validated.
That said, you may find the below JSF phases/lifecycle cheatsheet useful as well for a quick reference:
fc = FacesContext
vh = ViewHandler
in = UIInput
rq = HttpServletRequest
id = in.getClientId(fc);
String viewId = rq.getServletPath();
fc.setViewRoot(vh.createView(fc, viewId));
Object value = in.getSubmittedValue();
try {
value = in.getConvertedValue(fc, value);
for (Validator v : in.getValidators())
v.validate(fc, in, value);
} catch (ConverterException | ValidatorException e) {
fc.addMessage(id, e.getFacesMessage());
fc.validationFailed(); // Skips phases 4+5.
vh.renderView(fc, fc.getViewRoot());
See also:
Difference between Apply Request Values and Update Model Values
JSF - Another question on Lifecycle
What's the view build time?

JSF: Bookmarkability with ViewScoped

I am trying to make my app "Bookmarkable", and i am using view parameters to achieve it.
And i think i still do not get the right way to do it right in JSF, even after reading this, and many others.
My problem is that the get parameters get lost after any non-ajax postback, i mean, the parameter value is still set in the bean and the app works correctly, but it gets removed from the URL making the URL invalid.
For instance, having an URL like, as soon as that page executes a non-ajax postback (for uploading data, for instance) the URL becomes just The app continues to work correctly, but the link is not any more "Bookmarkable".
Is there any way to prevent the non-ajax postbacks removing the viewParams from the URL?
My use case is to be able to bookmark a page to EDIT an object, and there i need to be able to upload data (if not i would not use non-ajax postbacks). I know i would not need any postback if i would want to bookmark the page to only VIEW the data of the object, but that is not my case.
I could also do a redirect to the same page with the same params, and let the app to recreate the view scoped bean, but then i really do not see any benefit over request scoped beans...
Any suggestion is very appreciated.
This behaviour is "by design". The <h:form> generates a HTML <form> element with an action URL without any view parameters. The synchronous POST request just submits to exactly that URL which thus get reflected as-is in browser's address bar. If you intend to keep the view parameters in the URL, while using ajax is not an option, then you basically need to create a custom ViewHandler which has the getActionURL() overridden to include the view parameters. This method is used by <h:form> to generate the action URL.
public String getActionURL(FacesContext context, String viewId) {
String originalActionURL = super.getActionURL(context, viewId);
String newActionURL = includeViewParamsIfNecessary(context, originalActionURL);
return newActionURL;
Or, as you're based on the comments already using OmniFaces, you could also use its <o:form> component which basically extends the <h:form> with the includeViewParams attribute which works much like the same as in <h:link> and <h:button>.
<o:form includeViewParams="true">
This way all <f:viewParam> values will end up in the form action URL.
See also:
Handling view parameters in JSF after post

JSF-Calling BackingBean method twice maintaining value of inputFileUpload

I am very new to JSF. I have the following requirement:
On click of a commandButton, call a backing bean method to check if there is some data present satisfying the condition.
If yes, confirm from user for overwrite.
If user says OK, call the same method of backing bean with some parameters set to tell the program to overwrite the data.
What I am doing is:
having action of the commandButton as the method name.
in the backing bean method, check if we have come with certain condition, check if the data is already present.
If yes, go back to page and ask for confirmation.
If confirmed, call the click method of the button.
The problem is, when I come back to the page, the inputFileUpload component on the page loses its value.
What can I do to achieve this? Please help.
This is fully by HTML specification and completely outside control of JSF. It's by HTML specification for security reasons not possible to (re)display the value of a HTML input file field with a value coming from the server side. Otherwise a hazard scenario as shown in this answer would be possible.
You need to redesign the form in such way that the input file field is not been updated during confirmation. You can use among others JavaScript/ajax for this: just submit the form by ajax and make sure that the input file field is not been updated on ajax response.

JSF page navigation failing with NullPointerException

I wrote two a form where data submitted and second just to confirm the transaction actually carried out some calculation.
I have a managed bean i.e. FormDataBean and a class from which i instantiate for each booking made. Now I have at the end of a form a submit button:
<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="confirmation"/>
in the bean I have setters and getters as usual. in a method i defined I create an instance of Reservation, then set the beans variables to the instance variabels, like
reservation.startDate = startDate;
reservation.endDate = endDate;
The last method, i.e. checkRange() will use the assigned values to instance variables to carry calculation. it should return a string successful or failure.
Now when I enter data in the form, and press submit, it just refreshes the page but nothing is submitted. because it doesn't go to next page :(
Any idea what is happening? I don't need to define a navigation rule, because in other project, I carry out simple calculation and display result in next page and it worsks! Please advice
Your are missing to tell us some of the more important details so the answer is a kind of guesswork.
As you don't use navigation rules I assume you are using JSF 2, aren't you?
With JSF 2 you can directly set the new navigation target, without navigation rules. A forward to "confirmation" should work if your outcome file is named confirmation.xhtml. Check that. With a navigation rule you could forward it do a different file.
This part should work regardless of the rest.
For the bean not getting any values make sure that you are using the correct scope either through annotation or entry in your faces-config.xml. As you have a quite unusal validation mechanism you probably have to use the session scope.
The correct way would be using an actionlistener that does your checks and then sets the navigation depending on your checks. The bean scope could be more restrictive then.
Did you try action="confirmation?faces-redirect=true"?

Whats the best way of sending parameters between pages?

We are using JSF in our project (im pretty new to it) were every page have a back bean Java file.
In order to move (redirect) from one page to another, i need to put all the parameters (search criteria) in the request scope before redirecting and then retrieve it back in the next page constructor. When you have few pages deep and you want to come back to the top, it becomes really annoying to maintain.
For example, if i have page 1 with advanced search filters, which redirects to page 2, depending on the chosen item, and from page 2, you get another list were you can go to page 3 for details. Now each time i need to put all the params in the request scope/read them again, store them in hidden fields and get them back.
Whats exactly wrong with this method and whats a better way to do it in JSF?
EDIT: the environment is IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD), which have its own JSF implementation. Not sure if that makes a difference.
Putting request scoped data in session scope will bite you (very) hard if you're going to open the same page in multiple windows/tabs. Only use the session scope if the data itself is also really session scoped (excellent examples are the "logged-in user" and the "shopping cart", you want it to be exactly the same throughout the entire session). Again, don't put request scoped data in the session scope. It hurts both you and the enduser.
Just design your beans smart (it makes no sense to have different beans containing the same data) and make use of h:inputHidden where needed, if necessary in combination with managed property injection. It's indeed a bit a pain to code and maintain. You can on the other hand also just grab Tomahawk <t:saveState> if the to-be-passed data is actually as big as a "whole" managed bean. It costs only a single line in the JSF page and has always been of great assistance.
*For example, if i have page 1 with advanced search filters, which redirects to page 2, depending on the chosen item, and from page 2, you get another list were you can go to page 3 for details. Now each time i need to put all the params in the request scope/read them again, store them in hidden fields and get them back.
Whats exactly wrong with this method and whats a better way to do it in JSF?*
There's nothing wrong with this method. Maybe you coded it the wrong way which caused that it looks unnecessarily overcomplicated. I can't tell much as long as you don't post details about the code used.
As per your edit:
EDIT: the environment is IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD), which have its own JSF implementation. Not sure if that makes a difference.
This is not true. IBM doesn't have any JSF implementation. It has just a component library (the poorly maintained hx prefixed components, also known as "Faces Client Framework"). WSAD/RAD ships with Sun JSF RI (Mojarra) as standard JSF implementation, although it's usually a heavily outdated version. Ensure that you keep it updated.
I'm only starting out with JSF too to be honest, but I thought you can save managed beans in the session scope, thus being able to access the bean on each request? You can also save the state client-side avoiding nastiness about session stickyness and stuff.
So you could save the data you are currently passing as request parameters in a session-scoped managed bean, and it will be available to any requests in that user's session, destroyed when the session times out or is deliberately invalidated (say on user logout).
I don't think JSF currently supports conversation state which I think might be the exact solution to your problem, maybe a session scoped managed bean would be the pragmatic solution?
Make your managed-bean session scoped.
If you are using MyFaces you can use PageFlowScope. If using Seam then use Conversation scope.
If pageflowscope or conversation scope is not available, then use session scoped beans. In addition you can use PhaseListener to initialize or execute specific methods before the page gets called. In you case if the flow is page1 -> page2 -> page3, then initialize the session scoped bean in PhaseListener if page1 gets called.
I'll update with more info if you need.
