Excel: Concatenate/retrieve cells that are across a merged key cell - excel

Assume a simple sheet like so:
| 1 | a | Need formula to return: "a,b,c"
| |-----|
| | b |
| |-----|
| | c |
| 2 | a | Need formula to return: "a,b"
| |-----|
| | b |
The first column is the merged key cells and the second column has an unknown number of rows with text values in each cell.
What I want is a means, such as VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP, to retrieve a list of the cells across the merged key cell.
Even if I want to use Macros, how do I retrieve the a-b-c cell range programmatically as a result of VLOOKUP on the "1"?
If that doesn't work, I'm fine with just a logical check on whether a letter exists in the list.
For example, given a key value, I want to be able to programmatically apply conditionals like:
- "Does 'a' exist at '1'? Yes."
- "Does 'c' exist at '2'? No."
Keep in mind that the above is an example; I do not necessarily know that there is only 'a', 'b', and 'c'; I do not know the number of rows in each set.

This will give you True/False, though you can nest it in an IF statement to get Yes/No.
The variables are "b" which is the letter to look for, the 1 in the first match statement which is the number to key off of, and then the 2 in the second match statement is just the 1 variable +1.
The formula first determines the range of cells in column 2 for the 1 variable, by determining where it starts, and then going to one less than where the next number ends. Of course this will only work if the numbers are consecutive and ordered. It then does a VLOOKUP on the range that was determined, which for your example would be $A$1:$A$3.


How to do multi-column match in Excel

I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:
1 | Yes | No | | | |
2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
12| Yes | No | | Yes | Yes |
13| Yes | Yes | No | No | |
14| Yes | No | | No | Yes |
15| No | Yes | No | No | |
I want to fill the cells in Row 2 with a 1 or 0 depending on several criteria. The value should be 1 if all of the following are met (using cell D2 as a reference):
All previous values in Row 1 should match at least one entry in the table starting at D12. For cell D2, this means A1:C1 should exactly match columns A:C in at least one row of the table.
For any of the matching rows from #1, there should be a non-empty value in the same column as the cell being evaluated. So cell D2 would look for a non-empty value in Column D of any rows that match the criteria in #1.
If either of these conditions fails, the cell value should be 0. In Cell D2 we have a value of 1 because the algorithm finds a match in rows 12 and 14 and a non-empty cell in D12 and D14.
I'll need to be able to apply this dynamically across several columns so I'm trying to avoid writing a column-specific function. I realize I could probably write a UDF to perform this, but I wanted to avoid going that route if possible.
Because this was a challenge I had a go at it and came up with
to be entered in B2 and pulled across. This has to be entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
A2 I think is just
because it will be 1 unless the whole column is empty.
I'm not sure there's a complete answer to your problem as stated without a UDF, but I'd question the method a bit and say "why complicate with 'AND this column isn't blank (but could be any other value)?"
Why not just look for a row match from that field backward? Seems to me it would just shift things by a column, and in fact, this is exactly what you're doing in A2 anyway, since there's nothing before A. So matching on duplicate rows for example, D2 would contain basically the same information as your example has in C2.
To look for duplicates across fields, you could use something like this formula that would go in C2: =IF(SUMPRODUCT((A3:A15=A1)*1,(B3:B15=B1)*1,(C3:C15=C1)*1)>1,1,0)
In D2, you'd copy that formula and add (D3:D15=D1)*1, etc.

Excel function for comparing columns with repeated values

I'm using excel and have two columns (A & B) with values
I want to search for each value in Column A and return the position in Column B.
I'm using this formula:
IFERROR(MATCH("Values in Column A";"Array = Column B";0);0)
The results are:
Column A | Column B | Column C
1 | 4 | 2
2 | 1 | 3
3 | 2 | 4
4 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 2
| 3 |
It works fine if it doesn't encounter repeated values. However, I want it to encounter repeated values, so the formula should ignore the ones it was encountered before and go through the others. So the correct result should look like this:
Column C
Can you help me on this? Is there a VBA routine for this?
From the article Getting the 2nd matching value from a list using VLOOKUP formula, you can create a helper column to affix the instance number of each value, to create unique id's.
For example, in Column C, add the following function:
Note: The relative reference on the count range will cause the applicable range to grow as it is dragged down. The count of the items matching that cell in a range containing only that cell should always be one. As it gets dragged down to include other cells, it will increment accordingly.
Then add the same thing in Column D to get the instances of cells in Column B:
Finally, do the math you want to do in Column E like this:

Increment count in column based on value in column

I've 2 columns A and B. A contains names and B contains the count of those names till that record as shown below.
| A | B |
1 | Fruits | 1 |
2 | Flowers | 1 |
3 | Fruits | 2 |
So, want to have a formula for this. Expecting an array formula. Even if an array formula is not possible, a general formula
Attached a spreadsheet so that it can be explained better.
You do not need an array formula, and I would avoid them when possible. You can accomplish your task with
Where A1 if the first value in the column of values you want to count. The $ allows you to anchor the top of your COUNTIF range while leaving the bottom dynamic.
In a google spreadsheet you may want to try:
Example sheet

Excel VLookup #NV error

I'm trying to make a VLookup in Excel but I get everytime a #NV error.
This is table EVENTS:
This is table TRACK:
the formula on field F2 in table EVENTS is
SVERWEIS is the word for VLOOKUP in the German version. FALSCH means wrong
As has been mentioned, VLOOKUP (SVERWEIS) can only look to its right to find a value to correspond with a value in the left hand columns of a table. The INDEX/MATCH combination is more flexible in this respect so if not to rearrange your columns I would suggest something like:
where TRACK is assumed to be in ColumnsA:B. Converting to German, perhaps:
VLOOKUP compares the values in the first column of your reference target, you have your target values in the second.
Just swap VLOOKUP and the TEXT columns on your TRACKS sheet and it will work just fine.
Try switching the columns in TRACKS around.
VLOOKUP bases it's lookup on the first column, so in your case, it's looking through column A (1, 2, 3, etc.)
If you want your VLOOKUP to be based on the text, it needs to be in A instead.
| A | B |
2 | Text1 | 1 |
3 | Text2 | 2 |
Then your function will be:
Switching out the third argument because you now want the value from the second column

Find two matching rows and display data from the thirt one (Excel)

So i have Two Sheets.
First sheet contains two columns
The second sheet consists of two columns also.
So in case if the BRAND row value in the first Sheet will match the BRAND row value in the second i want to display the matching LEFTOVER (%) row value in the first sheet rows in the column LEFTOVER.
Kind of lost here.
Appreciate any ideas. Thanks.
In Sheet2:
. A | B
2 X | Y
3 |
In Sheet1:
. A | B
2 X | =VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:B,2)
3 |
The VLookup function searches for its first parameter (in this case the value of Sheet1!A2) in the first column of the range denoted by the second parameter (in this case the leftmost column of the range containing columns A and B on Sheet2)
It then returns the value from that same row of the range that is to the right in the columns denoted by the third parameter (1 is the leftmost column where the matched value was). So in this case we use the number 2 because 1 means column A and 2 is column B (which explains why we used a two column wide range for the second parameter - it needed to encompass the column the result was in)
This isn't the only way to do this, but it is the easiest.
As Jerry stated VLOOKUP is the simplest way to do this.
HOWEVER if you have multiple/repeat instances (rows) in BRAND, VLOOKUP will only return the first record (row) that appears in your data.
If this is the case, you will need to add either a unique identifier column; and/or additional criteria to differentiate between the repeat instances.
As an example column A is used as a unique identifier to differentiate between the 2 'Nike' rows.
2 Nike 50
3 Adidas 25
4 Reebok 30
5 Nike 29
I feel that you can use vlookup to accomplish your goals.
Let me explain it in a bit detail.Suppose you have two sheets as:
A | B | A | B
--------------------- | -------------------
2 X | Y | 2 X | =Vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A:B,False)
3 | | 3 |
Sheet2 | Sheet1
After this you can drag this formula for the entire range. This will automatically make the formula correct for the below cells as well.
Also, if you need to populate any other fields from the Sheet2 then you can also use the vlookup as an array formula like: VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:B,{1,2,3,4},FALSE)
Enter this as an array formula using Crtl+Shift+Enter
Here {1,2,3,4} stands for the columns to be fetched.
If you want to know more about vlookup then read this article: http://www.exceltrick.com/formulas_macros/vlookup-in-excel
