A linux version of cygwin? [closed] - linux

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I'm looking for a linux program that is simple and text-based, like cygwin, thats actually linux. I feel to much is missed out by cygwin like nano syntax highlighting and general linux programs. Is there any thing that runs with command prompt, like cygwin, that is a full text-based linux OS.

if you want linux without any gui, simply don't install any gui. the easiest way is to use any 'server oriented' distro, like Ubuntu Server, or CentOS. If you want to do it on Windows, use a virtual machine, like VirtualBox, or try coLinux, which runs the linux kernel as a windows app.

I don't know anything about nano syntax highlighting, but cygwin packages aren't very custom, there's a systems API abstraction layer (cygwin1.dll) that gives you Linux specific APIs. There are discrepancies in cygwin, for example vim by default runs with syntax off and nocompat unset... which sounds a lot like your issue. I've written some very low level programs under cygwin, using pthreads and such and never encountered breakage when compiling on Linux Linux. There are a lot of essentials missing in the default install of cygwin, so I'd suggest going through the package list and seeing what you need. Also don't forget the linuxutils package which includes such essentials as more.


Having a hard time tracking down all linux dependencies for Qt based app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have my app working on OSX and Win, but am having a hard time tracking down all of the required dependencies for Linux. Ideally I'd like to be able to run it on Fedora, CentOS and possibly Ubuntu. Ubuntu is lower priority however.
Will someone help me figure this out? I can get my way around Linux decently well but am not a pro. This has me quite stumped.
http://www.genecrucean.com/tmp/KickAssGUI.tar.gz (It's a simple GUI app for a 3D renderer called Arnold. www.solidangle.com)
Currently your tarball contains the binary .so files for Qt 5. This is usually not the way to do it on Linux. You can either provide the source code of your program and let the users build it for themselves, or you can kindly provide a pre-built package (.rpm or .deb) for the Linux distribution in question. This means building packages specifically for a certain release of Fedora, again for CentOS, and again for Ubuntu. These packages would depend on libqt5, a package provided by the Linux distribution itself.
For finding out more dependancies, use ldd:
$ ldd program
Running the same compiled binary across different Linuxes is usually a no-no because of differences in the versions of the underlying shared libraries, although some companies do it, namely for commercial games.
If you use static linking then it can work. Until they change something big in the kernel.
You should also take the target architecture into consideration: ia32, amd64, or maybe something else.
Maybe this question is better answered at ServerFault.

I need to use Linux for a few days. Any free service on internet? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I was wondering if there is such service, either free or very cheap, where I can use a Linux machine for a few days to install and run 2 programs on it. Really all I need is to debug my ANSI C application with Valgrind debugger which only runs on Linux and I don't have access to it right now for various reasons.
So all I need is this:
being able to compile/install valgrind and my prog with gcc
run valgrind and my prog
ftp/sftp, or any other method as long I can send or download the files on machine
I thought of doing it over sourceforge but my software is not anything useful to humanity, it is for a scientific research, doing some math calculations...
Maybe anyone of you know of such service?
Or knows where I can use a Linux machine once in a while?
Please let me know
You can set up an Ubuntu micro instance for free on Amazon's infrastructure: http://aws.amazon.com/free/
But really, I would rather recommend you installing Linux on your own, you can even do it on a USB memory stick (pendrive).
The AWS micro instances are free for I think a year. Question is whether they are sufficient enough to do what you want, though besides that if you only need a few days perhaps the hourly paid instances are also cheap enough.
Another option would be to run a LiveCD in either a VM or physical machine and do it from there.
Assuming you're using Windows, you can download VMware Player for free.
Then download whatever Linux distro ISO image you'd like to use and open it in VMware Player. It will run like you installed Linux on your machine.
If you're using a Mac, I'm out of my element but I think someone told me before Macs run on top of Linux so I think you can open a terminal and run/test/develop your program.

Error when trying to install Ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I been trying to install Ubuntu for my new laptop for ages now. Always getting the same error the very last second of the install.
Here is a screenshot and a the log of the install.
LOG : http://pastebin.com/sHr1x7C7
Screenshot: http://i40.tinypic.com/160vi88.jpg
Used the windows installer. Tried to reboot multiple times. But the OS is not showing up on the list on boot.
First, the distrib is ubuntu, not ubunto.\
Secondly, I recommand you to use a live CD or a USB stick if you want to try the system, and if it works well and/or you like it, install the system using that same medium.
There are plenty of howto on the internet, so I won't explain here, but the principle is to reduce windows partition (or allocating a full hard drive for linux) and manage the partition scheme throw the installer.
Hope this helps, at least a little :-)
First, it's ubuntu, not ubunto. From my google searches your problem is a pretty common one with no apparent solution. Burn the ISO to CD and install that way, it is the most reliable method. If you cannot do that, try the USB or netboot options, but the CD is the best way.

Virtual linux system [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to install a virtual linux system within my Windows7 operating system. I was thinking of using Cygwin. Any suggestions of other good/better softwares to use?
Thanks for the help
For running UNIX-y apps within Windows, Cygwin is pretty much the de-facto standard. The programs that are installable through Cygwin are essentially clones of the Linux ones, but compiled under Windows so that they run natively. Note though that you can't run a Linux program under Cygwin.
On the other hand if you want to run native Linux programs or a Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you'll need something like VirtualBox.
I cannot help but mention the amazing JavaScript PC emulator running Linux .. http://bellard.org/jslinux/ since you do not specify what you are trying to do with Linux, that may well answer your needs.

What is a good IDE for working with shell-scripting in a Windows environment? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have already learned shell-scripting in Linux environment.
However, now I am unable to install Linux on my PC, but I need to practice shell-scripting.
Currently, I have Windows XP installed on my PC. Is there any known IDE which can help me practice shell-scripting programs in windows environment?
I found a cool Online IDE, which will perhaps help me to write simple bash scripts.
Here it is: Ideone.com
Shell scripting in windows is substantially different from linux - the syntax is pretty much completely different, and cmd.exe is simply a totally different environment than bash, csh or ksh. I'd expect your exam to be about unix/linux shell scripting, not cmd.exe.
If you want to get close, cygwin might do the trick; it provides a basic UNIX layer for windows, giving you most of the UNIX command line's functionality. It's still not the real thing though; also, downloading and burning a live CD and booting it is less of a hassle than installing cygwin (and getting it to work properly).
I'm also curious how your partition table can be damaged in a way that prevents you from installing Linux, yet allows you to boot into XP flawlessly.
If you are using eclipse for other programming language like JAVA, C++, PHP, I'd recommend this plugin
There is a fact as to "IDE for scripting languages" that the features that other IDEs for compiled and object oriented languages provide are based on the compiler of the programming language abilities and object oriented paradigms.... Support from IDE for scripting language is not so helpful.
The easiest way would be either linux LiveCD or virtual box, you shouldn't have problem with both alternatives. With Linux Bash/shell you'll get a support you need for learning shell scripting, like shell debug mode with verbose output (run with -x -v parameters) where you can see how the code is being interpreted etc.
If your computer has the juice, you may want to download Oracle Virtualbox (it's free!) and install one of the many Linux distros (Ubuntu is probably the best) as a virtual machine. That way you have a real environment without having to leave your primary OS.
As far as an IDE, if you're simply looking for syntax highlighting I believe gnome's gedit (which should come with Ubuntu) will do syntax highlighting against .sh scripts. I doubt something more robust exists for this purpose (i.e. with code completion and such).
Try CYGWIN. This project is intended to recreate UNIX environment in Windows.
