How to read excel(2007+ xlsx) sheet using actionscript(AIR)? - excel

How to read excel(2007+ xlsx) sheet using actionscript(AIR)?

An Actionscript 3 library for reading and writing Excel files. Currently reading numbers, text, and formulas from Excel version 2.0-2003 and writing numbers, text, and dates to Excel 2.0 is supported. No server-side help is needed.
Documentation and samples are at

I wrote this: I'd love to know if it helps

Do you have any idea how... Inefficient this is?
Excel uses a complex setup for files, and unless you want to write a full-scale parser for its spreadsheets (which, believe me, will be difficult, alone to figure out what the format chars do), you'd be better off finding another solution.
Say, using a "save to XML" option would make your job a few thousand times easier, without exaggeration. AS3 has no native support for Excel, there is no real point for it to have such. But it has great integrated methods for working with XML.
If possible, save the Excel files to XML and parse those.
Better still, use databases, and parse them as XML through PHP.
I did a search and came up with this:
Once you've got it in PHP, passing it on to Flash is no problem at all. I'd recommend turning it into straight arrays of objects and converting it to AMF3 via Zend_Amf, AMFPHP or WebOrb, whichever one you're most comfortable with. You can then create tables, manipulate the data or whatever you like. It'd also be a lot faster and lighter than using XML.

I took a look at the xlsx breakdown and it would take me 1 week to write an xlsx writer that could do basic formatting and formulas. I've only spent 1 hour perusing through the directories in an xlsx file and all you'd have to do is create the same directory structure...mostly cut and paste some strings..and then zip it and call it xlsx.
I tried this theory by manually making an xlsx file using 7zip. I downloaded childoftv's reader and, though I don't need the reader, the package includes a few zip/unzip classes that would prove helpful for anyone who wants to make a xlsx writer.
Long story short, the setup isn't complex, somebody just has to take a week out of their busy schedule to do it. I need this functionality so if nobody's done it yet, then I'll have to. Hopefully my search will find something better than a forum where the general consensus is "it's too hard, give up."


Export Excel file to Google Sheet

Hi guys,
I'm trying to push data from an excel file to a google spreadsheet, using VBA
User Story : When my user close excel, it automatically pushes the data into a back up on google sheet.
I've read some solutions about the Google API, but i do not understand how to use it.
if someone has an explanation it would be nice
Mixing Excel and Google is going to be a tough journey. They have a lot of compatible features and implementations and then a whole bunch of things that are just not compatible.
You won't be able to control what your users do in Excel so the "backup" may end up as a poor representation of the excel version.
If it is purely for backup, you could go the MSFT route and use OneDrive/O365 which keeps versions for you if you store in a local OneDrive. You can use auto save to keep your backup up to date.
You could go the google route by using sheets on the desktop browser.
As Thomas suggested, go with an off the shelf sync tool if the data and format is straight forward. I have had very mixed results for even some simple stuff.
Not wishing to start a tech-religion war by recommending one over the other but how you are trying to achieve this feels fraught with risk and may be hard to future-proof.

How to read/change/write ISO-8859-1 files for non coders

I am not a developer so please bear with me with some basic questions.
There is a website where you can fill in a client data form on the site and then export it as a ISO-8859-1 coded file. You can also import ISO-8859-1 coded files there.
I on the other hand have client data in excel in CSV format.
What I would like to do is convert my CSV file in to the ISO encoded format so I can upload my client data files on the site without having to manually type in the form.
I have basic understanding of CSV files, but as I said im not a developer. First I thought I could open the ISO file in excel, just change the data in right columns, save and upload the file but it seems some of the data is indeed coded and not readable.
Is there some relatively easy way to learn how to do this (meaning for a non-coder putting a few hours of learning behind it)?
If yes, roughly where should I start looking, is there some kind of encoding programs I need to download, does Excel offer some kind of funcionality for this?
If no, meaning I would basically need to learn to program, where should I look to find a person who can do this? I guess it's very easy for someone who knows what they are doing? Any specific skills the person needs to have or is it basic programming question regardless of languages?
Thankful for any help, Vilho

Standard method for creating file read/write 'library'?

I am attempting to create a file read/write 'library' using Excel VBA for an old file format. Just for info, the format is LIS79, an old oil industry format for writing well-site data to tape - largely streams of wellbore measurements like density, resistance, temperature etc. The full spec is here (PDF doc) - it's pretty long and boring.
As I'm using Excel VBA I guess it's not really a library, but a collection of subs and functions etc.
I have been tapping away for a month or so and am making good progress, though it's becoming increasingly complicated - the number of subs and functions I need to write keeps on growing.
I figure I'm probably not the fist person to try and write a file read/write library from it's specification. So I've been searching StackExchange, searched using Google and browsed programming books at the local university library, to see if any sort of standard process or method might exist that would make the whole task a bit simpler. Alas I haven't been able to find anything, though I have no formal programming background so it's possible I don't know precisely what to search for.
Does anyone know of a standard method, procedure or guidelines for creating file read/write libraries that you could refer me to?
Or is it just a matter of persevering - file read/write libraries can be long and complicated things to create?
Many thanks.

Merging PDF files in Haskell

The Preview application on the Mac allows one to merge multiple PDF files, although the functionality is rather obscure. I'm writing a utility in Haskell that needs to perform a similar task, that is, merge an arbitrary number of PDF files into one new file.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to where to start with this? Obviously if there's a library on Hackage that will do most of the work out of the box that would be ideal, but if not, then some pointers about where to start would be very much appreciated.
I'm working on pdf library, that supports parsing and generating. It is low level, higher level tools are in todo list yet (because it is hard to design good high level API).
Here is an example of unpacking and decrypting of PDF file. It is easy to implement PDF merging, but you need to be familiar with PDF internals.
I create a basic example of merging PDF files in Haskell. 150 lines of code total, but it lacks few features (see comments at on the top of the file). They are easy to add, so let me know if you are interested.
The PDF file format isn't that complicated. Adobe has an official specification document for it somewhere. Essentially a PDF file contains a set of numbered "objects". You'd have to get all the objects from each PDF file, renumber them so they're unique, and then you need to fiddle with the page index so all the pages actually show up.
There appear to be a couple of packages on Hackage for writing PDF files, but I don't see much for reading them. You may like to look at the source code for pdfsplit for ideas. Also HPDF.

plot the graph using different Excel files

I have some data stored in different Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) .
Now i want to ploat a graph by using these data (which are in different .xlsx) files. How can i do this ? means which language or platform i should use or any other help related to that.
You can use Java API's to create graph if you are familiar with java. You can use Apache POI or jfreechart or openxmlformats(api provided by apache).
Matlab has the built-in function xlsread which parses data from Excel files. Depending on how the files are organized, writing some code to read them all should be easy, and concatenating the matrices of data and plotting them is also pretty easy.
if you use saveAs to save them as CSV files, you can read them in very easily to Java and split the values with String.split(","). If you want to keep them as .xlsx files, JExcelApi might be able to help, though personally I've never used it. As for graphing, I'd recommend Javaplot/gnuplot, Jzy3D, or JMathPlot depending on what you want to graph. They're free and relatively easy to use.
