FMDB query is not taking any effect on the DB - ios4

I am using FMDB in my app to do some updates in my DB. Problem is when I update my table with executeUpdate function, it update my table BUT if I copy the same .sqlite file from project to at another place in my drive and try to query using terminal, it shows that database is not updated, why it is so?

Well, you program will never change the database you copied into your xcode-project. When you compile your program the sqlite database is copied into your app binary. If you would like to examine your resulting database you have to reveal your binary used by the iPhone Simulator.


loading AND saving to txt/csv file?

I am trying to set up tabulator with all it's data validation goodness and simple to use UI in order to help a colleague with CRUD operations on a .txt file he has to do on a daily basis.
I found that tabulator can load data using AJAX but my question is, is it possible to load the data from a .csv/.txt file and then save to the same file?
I know you can export to .csv but without overwriting the loaded data, next time all his work would be lost.
If you are referring to a file on a users local computer then im afraid there is no import from file functionality built in to tabulator, but there is nothing to stop you implementing that bit your self.
The link below is a link to an article that explains how to load a CSV file from an input element in JavaScript,. In the example it loads it into an HTML table, but you could easily alter that to dump it into an array of objects to pass into Tabulators setData function
In terms of saving the data back to the users computer, you would need to use the built in download function, there is no way to save it back to the users computer without the file popup due to browser safety constraints.
But i will add that the above approach is a bit unorthodox. The usual way to handle data persistence would be to save the data back to your server into a database, and then load it back to the client with an ajax request, giving the user the option to download the data when they want the final copy

APEX: Read uploaded excel file with as_read_xlsx

As far as I understand, APEX 5.1 does not support Excel files to be loaded into tables.
I found this package that seems to make it possible to SELECT from Excel files, but it does not show how to use it with, for example, files loaded via the "File Browse" Item.
Now, I am very new to this environment, so please explain it from the beginning.
What I did is I upload the package script to the SQL workshop and executed it, without errors. But now?
APEX 5.1 doesn't support it out of the box, but you can use the EXCEL2COLLECTION plugin (available here).
It is very straightforward, just create a file browse page item with an upload button which calls an onsubmit process (e.g. CreateCollection) of type Excel2Collection[Plug In] - specify the file browse item, a collection name and the CSV separator, then you can do as you please with the data (e.g. you may want to run some validations on the data then insert it into a table where you can access it as normal).

SQL Server Management Studio always appends $ to table name when importing from Excel

I've noticed that whenever I try to import data from an Excel file, the Server Management Studio importer will append a $ to the name. I'm not sure why this is, but it is awkward because then you end up with tables like table$ instead of the table you want it imported to.
Does anyone know why this happens and how to avoid it?
Thanks in advance,

How do I create a file from a result set?

I'm using Oracle 11g
I'm trying to create a flat file (CSV or TXT) from a result set but am struggling on where to even start. It seems like I have to create a stored proc and use UTL_FILE. After doing some research, I have two questions:
Where does the file get created? According to this question I need to get access to the Oracle user directory, but where is that on a Windows and Linux environment? I have to test on Windows , and the script will eventually be on a Linux environment.
What would be the basic format of a SQL script to create the aforementioned file, and load data into it from a fairly basic SELECT query? I'm not seeing a UTL_FILE function to write the records to the file; do I have to iterate through the entire result set and use PUT or can I somehow just push the entire result to a file?
I think using "spool" can do the trick.
Check this out
And more information is here
The file will get created in the directory where you launch sqlplus from.
If you're using SQL Developer you can create a view for your query. Right click view in schema browser and choose export and export as csv.
But personally I would go for spool as previous answer said. SQL Plus is most basic client so I don't believe you won't have it.

Update database with visual studio database projects

I'am trying to use Visual Studio 2012 database project to upgrade a database to a newer version but i'am having a weird problem.I select the source database then the target database and hit compare.Visual Studio generates the script with the differences and when i execute it fails because it tries to drop tables without first dropping the FK constraints that are on those tables.(normally it should first script all the constrains from a table,drop them,drop the table,after that create the new table and finally recreating the constraints)
Do you have any ideas why it tries to do directly drop table without dropping constraints first.
Am i missing some settings?
Sounds like a bug to me. Try posting the same question on the SSDT forum.
If you have access to a copy of SQL Compare, it might be worth trying the same comparison to see if this works better. If you're using a database project as a data source, you'll need to select "source control", then "scripts folder", and browse to the folder that contains the .sqlproj file. Here at Red Gate we're working on improving database project support in SQL Compare so we'd welcome any feedback or questions.
If the tables that are being dropped in your database are not in your schema definition and you have got the "DROP objects in target but not in project" option selected in the Deployment Options, then it will try to drop them.
Have you checked this is not the case?
Whenever i work with database generating code from data models, or scrips, i often get that problem, so i have an script just for deleting those keys, sometimes i have to drop my database manually rather than executing the query, because most of the times it does but not completely, so i first dro the database, generate the script and run the script just for erasing the keys
