Kohana Development Cycle [closed] - kohana

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was wondering if users that are using Kohana primarily to explain how they go from planing to deployment in Kohana. Why do you use Kohana instead of the other frameworks that you tried.

I have a base setup that I continually refine that includes all the basic stuff that I need for my projects. The cascading file system that Kohana uses makes this very simple. You can see something similar at http://github.com/synapsestudios/kohana-projecttemplate.
I converted from CI and stayed because everything felt simpler using PHP5 OOP concepts the way they should be. Plus the ORM helped me get models set up very quickly.


Create own Datasources [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there any information on how to create your own datasources for xpages? I'm busy developing a java API for a system of ours and I would like to be able to use the data as a datasource within xpages.
There was a Lotusphere 2011 session SHOW107 that walked you through the steps. Read about it on Jim's blog, the BleedYellow community, an excellent slideck from Paul (and related) as well as SHOW107 itself.
One caveat: The data sources don't show their fields in the Domino Designer. If you want that functionality then, instead of looking at com.ibm.xsp.extlib.model.ObjectDataSource you would subclass the DominoDocument and more or less overwrite all functions.
You could look in the source code of the extension library. There you will find the class com.ibm.xsp.extlib.model.ObjectDataSource as an easy example.

javascript high level charting api based on d3.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I love the flexibility of d3.js, but in some cases its low level api is hard to use. What are some higher level charting libraries based on d3.js? I know on rickshaw so far.
Like you I have been very impressed by D3, but found it tricky.
The best D3 charting library I've seen is NVD3.js. I've been testing it out, but not yet used it in anger.
Currently I'm working on the theory that to get the best out of D3 you need a strong understanding of JavaScript, so I'm brushing up on my JavaScript Patterns, which I'm finding very helpful.

With ExpressionEngine, do you ever edit code with an editor or is it all within EE? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Just a quick question, I'm getting the idea that you don't. Why is this, and is there a way to? And why would you?
I never code within the browser. The only reason to code in the EE CP would be if you're editing a snippet or global variable, and even then there are addons that will move those to flat files.
Take a look at this user guide on how to save templates as flat files: http://expressionengine.com/user_guide/templates/templates_as_files.html Saving templates as files will also allow you to better version your template code with your VCS of choice.
When moving to a production environment you may want to consider syncing your template files to the database - as that may speed things up a tiny bit.

What sort of projects should I use Go for? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
The Go language is a new programming language from Google. It is still in an experimental phase and I am having trouble figuring out how stable it is. What sort of projects would you risk using Go for?
As you said, it is still an experimental programming language so I would only use it for experimental projects, for now. The implementation is still young but more importantly the ecosystem around it is also not very mature. In other words you'll probably have a hard time finding frameworks and libraries to help speed up your development and may end up needing to code a lot more than if you had chosen a more mature language.

Where do you need scripting in browsers? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Browsers, like Elinks, support scripting. Where do you need it?
[Clarification] I meant where users need to do their own scripts. It must do something with data manipulation and extraction. Can scripts help me to become faster?
Scripting allows a pages to contain executable content. This may be used for custom rendering, interactivity (without round-trip to the server), or ... use your imagination.
