How do I use Perl's `Thread::Pool::Simple`? - multithreading

I'm using Thread::Pool::Simple for multi-threading.
I have a couple of questions which are quite general to multi-threading, I guess:
Each of my threads might die if something unexpected hapens. This is totally accepted by me, since it means some of my assertion are wrong and I need to redesign the code. Currently, when any thread dies the main program (calling thread) also dies, yielding something like:
Perl exited with active threads:
0 running and unjoined
0 finished and unjoined
4 running and detached
Are these "running and detached"
zombies? Are they "dangerous" in any
way? Is there a way to kill all of
them if any of the threads dies?
What is the common solution for such
Generally, my jobs are independent.
However, I pass each of them as an
argument a unique hash which is
taken form one big hash oh hashes.
the thread might change this
personal hash (but it can't get to
the large hash - it doesn't even
know about it). Hence, I guess I
don't need any locks etc. Am I
missing anything?

When your main program exits, all threads are terminated.
Perl threads work in one of two ways.
1) You can use join:
my $thr = threads->create(...);
# do something else while thread works
my $return = $thr->join(); # wait for thread to terminate and fetch return value
2) You can use detach:
my $thr = threads->create(...);
$thr->detatch(); # thread will discard return value and auto-cleanup when done
That message lists the threads that hadn't been cleaned up before the program terminated.
"Running and unjoined" is case 1, still running. "Finished and unjoined" is case 1, finished but the return value hasn't been fetched yet. "Running and detached" is case 2, still running.
So it's saying you have 4 threads that had been detached but hadn't finished before the program died. You can't tell from that whether they would have finished if the program had run longer, or they were stuck in an infinite loop, or deadlocked, or what.
You shouldn't need any locks for the situation you describe.


Proper way to end continuous Python process

What is proper practice for stopping a continuously running Python process? Consider the following code:
from multiprocessing import Process
run_process = Process(
def start_running():
def run():
while True:
# Do stuff
def stop_running():
# ???
I would expect that the ideal situation would be to have the run() process end on its own when stop_running() is called. One idea is to signal a semaphore in stop_running(), which is checked in the run() loop, so it knows to break. But I would like to know what common practice is.
There is no "proper" way of doing much of anything in Python. As you are running a process instead of a thread, you have more options, which is good.
If your process does not have a risk of being stuck completely and it does not have the risk of being stuck on IO waiting for input potentially indefinitely (for example from a queue), I would use a semaphore or a variable to signal the process it should exit now.
If there is a risk of the process being stuck in wait, you can get rid of it by run_process.kill() or run_process.terminate(). Kill equals kill -9 in shell and is guaranteed to get the job done.
The drawback in killing/terminating a process is that if the process holds any shared objects (queues, shared variables etc), those become corrupted also in the other processes that share them. It is safe to discard them but if you keep reading from them, you may encounter occasionally obscure exceptions that are hard to debug.
So as always it depends. The variable/semaphore method has its strengths but if there is a risk of the subprocess being stuck in sleep or wait and not checking the condition, you do not achieve anything. If your subprocess does not share any resources with other processes, kill may be simpler and a guaranteed way of getting rid of your process.

Threads in Perl: order of detach()

I am trying to get into Perl's use of threads. Reading the documentation I came across the following code:
use threads;
my $thr = threads->create(\&sub1); # Spawn the thread
$thr->detach(); # Now we officially don't care any more
sleep(15); # Let thread run for awhile
sub sub1 {
my $count = 0;
while (1) {
print("\$count is $count\n");
The goal, it seems, would be to create one thread running sub1 for 15 seconds, and in the mean time print some strings. However, I don't think I understand what's going on at the end of the programme.
First of all, detach() is defined as follows:
Once a thread is detached, it'll run until it's finished; then Perl
will clean up after it automatically.
However, when does the subroutine finish? while(1) never finishes. Nor do I find any information in sleep() that it'd cause to break a loop. On top of that, from the point we detach we are 'waiting for the script to finish and then clean it up' for 15 seconds, so if we are waiting for the subroutine to finish, why do we need sleep() in the main script? The position is awkward to me; it suggests that the main programme sleeps for 15 seconds. But what is the point of that? The main programme (thread?) sleeps while the sub-thread keeps running, but how is the subroutine then terminated?
I guess the idea is that after sleep-ing is done, the subroutine ends, after which we can detach/clean up. But how is this syntactically clear? Where in the definition of sleep is it said that sleep terminates a subroutine (and why), and how does it know which one to terminate in case there are more than one threads?
All threads end when the program ends. The program ends when the main thread ends. The sleep in the main thread is merely keeping the program running a short time, after which the main thread (therefore the program, therefore all created threads) also end.
So what's up with detach? It just says "I'm never going to bother joining to this thread, and I don't care what it returns". If you don't either detach a thread or join to it, you'd get a warning when the program ends.
detach a thread means "I don't care any more", and that does actually mean when your process exits, the thread will error and terminate.
Practically speaking - I don't think you ever want to detach a thread in perl - just add a join at the end of your code, so it can exit cleanly, and signal it via a semaphore or Thread::Queue in order to terminate.
$_ -> join for threads -> list;
Will do the trick.
That code example - in my opinion - is a bad example. It's just plain messy to sleep so a detached thread has a chance to complete, when you could just join and know that it's finished. This is especially true of perl threads, which it's deceptive to assume they're lightweight, and so can be trivially started (and detached). If you're ever spawning enough that the overhead of joining them is too high, then you're using perl threads wrong, and probably should fork instead.
You're quite right - the thread will never terminate, and so you code will always have a 'dirty' exit.
So instead I'd rewrite:
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my $run : shared;
$run = 1;
sub sub1 {
my $count = 0;
while ($run) {
print("\$count is $count\n");
print "Terminating\n";
my $thr = threads->create( \&sub1 ); # Spawn the thread
sleep(15); # Let thread run for awhile
$run = 0;
That way your main signals the thread to say "I'm done" and waits for it to finish it's current loop.

Goroutines are cooperatively scheduled. Does that mean that goroutines that don't yield execution will cause goroutines to run one by one?

As the goroutines are scheduled cooperatively, a goroutine that loops continuously can starve other goroutines on the same thread.
Goroutines are cheap and do not cause the thread on which they are multiplexed to block if they are blocked on
network input
channel operations or
blocking on primitives in the sync package.
So given the above, say that you have some code like this that does nothing but loop a random number of times and print the sum:
func sum(x int) {
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < x; i++ {
sum += i
if you use goroutines like
go sum(100)
go sum(200)
go sum(300)
go sum(400)
will the goroutines run one by one if you only have one thread?
A compilation and tidying of all of creker's comments.
Preemptive means that kernel (runtime) allows threads to run for a specific amount of time and then yields execution to other threads without them doing or knowing anything. In OS kernels that's usually implemented using hardware interrupts. Process can't block entire OS. In cooperative multitasking thread have to explicitly yield execution to others. If it doesn't it could block whole process or even whole machine. That's how Go does it. It has some very specific points where goroutine can yield execution. But if goroutine just executes for {} then it will lock entire process.
However, the quote doesn't mention recent changes in the runtime. fmt.Println(sum) could cause other goroutines to be scheduled as newer runtimes will call scheduler on function calls.
If you don't have any function calls, just some math, then yes, goroutine will lock the thread until it exits or hits something that could yield execution to others. That's why for {} doesn't work in Go. Even worse, it will still lead to process hanging even if GOMAXPROCS > 1 because of how GC works, but in any case you shouldn't depend on that. It's good to understand that stuff but don't count on it. There is even a proposal to insert scheduler calls in loops like yours
The main thing that Go's runtime does is it gives its best to allow everyone to execute and don't starve anyone. How it does that is not specified in the language specification and might change in the future. If the proposal about loops will be implemented then even without function calls switching could occur. At the moment the only thing you should remember is that in some circumstances function calls could cause goroutine to yield execution.
To explain the switching in Akavall's answer, when fmt.Printf is called, the first thing it does is checks whether it needs to grow the stack and calls the scheduler. It MIGHT switch to another goroutine. Whether it will switch depends on the state of other goroutines and exact implementation of the scheduler. Like any scheduler, it probably checks whether there're starving goroutines that should be executed instead. With many iterations function call has greater chance to make a switch because others are starving longer. With few iterations goroutine finishes before starvation happens.
For what its worth it. I can produce a simple example where it is clear that the goroutines are not ran one by one:
package main
import (
func sum_up(name string, count_to int, print_every int, done chan bool) {
my_sum := 0
for i := 0; i < count_to; i++ {
if i % print_every == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s working on: %d\n", name, i)
my_sum += 1
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", name, my_sum)
done <- true
func main() {
done := make(chan bool)
const COUNT_TO = 10000000
const PRINT_EVERY = 1000000
go sum_up("Amy", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
go sum_up("Brian", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
<- done
<- done
Amy working on: 7000000
Brian working on: 8000000
Amy working on: 8000000
Amy working on: 9000000
Brian working on: 9000000
Brian: 10000000
Amy: 10000000
Also if I add a function that just does a forever loop, that will block the entire process.
func dumb() {
for {
This blocks at some random point:
go dumb()
go sum_up("Amy", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
go sum_up("Brian", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
Well, let's say runtime.GOMAXPROCS is 1. The goroutines run concurrently one at a time. Go's scheduler just gives the upper hand to one of the spawned goroutines for a certain time, then to another, etc until all are finished.
So, you never know which goroutine is running at a given time, that's why you need to synchronize your variables. From your example, it's unlikely that sum(100) will run fully, then sum(200) will run fully, etc
The most probable is that one goroutine will do some iterations, then another will do some, then another again etc.
So, the overall is that they are not sequential, even if there is only one goroutine active at a time (GOMAXPROCS=1).
So, what's the advantage of using goroutines ? Plenty. It means that you can just do an operation in a goroutine because it is not crucial and continue the main program. Imagine an HTTP webserver. Treating each request in a goroutine is convenient because you do not have to care about queueing them and run them sequentially: you let Go's scheduler do the job.
Plus, sometimes goroutines are inactive, because you called time.Sleep, or they are waiting for an event, like receiving something for a channel. Go can see this and just executes other goroutines while some are in those idle states.
I know there are a handful of advantages I didn't present, but I don't know concurrency that much to tell you about them.
Related to your example code, if you add each iteration at the end of a channel, run that on one processor and print the content of the channel, you'll see that there is no context switching between goroutines: Each one runs sequentially after another one is done.
However, it is not a general rule and is not specified in the language. So, you should not rely on these results for drawing general conclusions.
#Akavall Try adding sleep after creating dumb goroutine, goruntime never executes sum_up goroutines.
From that it looks like go runtime spawns next go routines immediately, it might execute sum_up goroutine until go runtime schedules dumb() goroutine to run. Once dumb() is scheduled to run then go runtime won't schedule sum_up goroutines to run, as dumb runs for{}

Do we need a sleep() while running a forever process in Linux?

I have read that a forever process like daemon should run with a sleep() in their while(1) or for(;;) loop. They say, it is required because otherwise this process will always be in a run queue and the kernel will always run it. This will block the other process. I don't agree that it will block the other process completely. If there is a time slicing, then it will execute other process. But, certainly it will steal a time from others. Making a delay for other process since this process is always in the run state. By default, the Linux runs as a round-robin. The first task is swapd, then other tasks . This is a circular link list with first task as swapd(process-id is 0) and then other tasks. I believe this is still based as time sliced. A particular time for each process. These tasks are nothing but the process-descriptor. I believe this link list is maintained by the init process. Please do correct me here If I am wrong. Other question is if we need to give a sleep() then what should be its value? How can we determine the sleep value to get the best results?
If your program has useful things to do, don't throttle it. A program can move out of the run queue by doing blocking stuff like IO and waiting.
If you are writing a polling loop that can spin an arbitrary number of times you probably want to throttle it a bit with sleep because spinning too often has little value.
That said, polling loops are a means of last resort. Normally, programs perform useful work with every instruction, so they don't sleep at all.
Sleep is almost certainly the wrong solution.
Usually what you do it call a blocking function which wakes you up when there's something for you to do.
For example, if you're a network service you'd want to remain inactive until a request arrives.
In other words, the core of your daemon should not look like this:
if (checkIfSomethingToDo())
but rather a little like this:
int ret = poll(fds, nfds, -1);
if (ret > 0)
Have the kernel put you to sleep until there's actual work to do. It's not hard to implement, you'd be a lot more efficient (not stealing CPU time from others, only to waste it doing no actual work) and your response latency will go down too.
A sleep forces the os to pass execution to another thread and therefore is helpfull, or at least fair. Start with sleep one. Should be ok.

flock locking order?

im using a simple test script from
like this
$fp = fopen("foo.txt", "w");
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
print "Got lock!\n";
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
i opened 5 shell's and executed the script one after the other
the scripts block until the lock is free'ed and then continues after released
im not really interessted in php stuff, but my question is:
anyone knows the order in which flock() is acquired?
t0: process 1 lock's
t1: process 2 try_lock < blocking
t2: process 3 try_lock < blocking
t3: process 1 releases lock
t4: ?? which process get's the lock?
is there a simple deterministic order, like a queue or does the kernel 'just' pick one by "more advanced rules"?
If there are multiple processes waiting for an exclusive lock, it's not specified which one succeeds in acquiring it first. Don't rely on any particular ordering.
Having said that, the current kernel code wakes them in the order they blocked. This comment is in fs/locks.c:
/* Insert waiter into blocker's block list.
* We use a circular list so that processes can be easily woken up in
* the order they blocked. The documentation doesn't require this but
* it seems like the reasonable thing to do.
If you want to have a set of processes run in order, don't use flock(). Use SysV semaphores (semget() / semop()).
Create a semaphore set that contains one semaphore for each process after the first, and initialise them all to -1. For every process after the first, do a semop() on that process's semaphore with a sem_op value of zero - this will block it. After the first process is complete, it should do a semop() on the second process's semaphore with a sem_op value of 1 - this will wake the second process. After the second process is complete, it should do a semop() on the third process's semaphore with a sem_op value of 1, and so on.
