Weird problem with lists and resource file in Sharepoint 2007 - sharepoint

i'm encountering a weird problem. On the project i'm working on we have some lists, the titles and descriptions of each field of each list are stored in a resource file which is deployed in the hive by feature, like the lists ...
First all labels were in French, then we integrated the translation made by the client within the resource file ... nothing really complicated, just copy/paste ... but when i checked if anything was wrong, i noticed that some labels were still in French !!
So i checked again in the resource file if those labels were still in French or not ... they were in English. I even purged the resource file ... all labels were like "$Resources:myresource, mylabel" except ... those who were still in French !!!
i reset iis but still i can't figure out where the problem comes from ...
Has anyone encountered the same problem ?
Thank you very very much !!

It could be caching problem. I had the same problem when deployed custom webpart page with alluserswebpart on it using feature. After a while, I changed resource value of one webpart property. And nothing happened. I tried reset IIS, redeploy feature, restart SharePoint services. With no luck!
Problem was solved for me only after I reboot the server.
You can also try clear the SharePoint Configuration Cache, it may help. Please, follow this link for details:
Be careful, delete only the XML files, as it is described in the article!


Customised Screen missing when package is exported

There's something fishy with the way the projects are being exported. Say I have two companies, a production and test. I move customisation projects between them. From testing, I wrote a new screen MA.20.20.20. And under custom files, the ASP files are listed as follows.
Once working I exported this project, got the ZIP file and then imported into production. For some reason, my customised screen MA.20.20.20 is missing from the list in the production. It's just blank ! The ASP files are still listed though and I checked ZIP project. The physical files are still in there.
So what's am I doing wrong here?
It sounds like you are referring to two different entries in the project. Your files are the pages in the pages directory while it seems like you also have screen modifications to your custom page files which I assume under customized screens would require a site map entry.
Are you including your sitemap entries in your customization project?
It seems like a little glitch in Acumatica. Publishing anyway ignoring this would solve the problem.
This is just a permissions issue. Make sure your role has access to that particular screen. It's a bit strange as I would expect the screen to show within the Customization Project for the administrator but apparently it doesn't. I had faced a similar problem where in my local instance access permissions was Not Set for any roles and thus I could see the screen. But in production one of the roles had the access Revoked for the screen and thus even the admin couldn't see the screen even within the Customization Project.

sharepoint list missing / features deactivated

I am facing a huge problem with Sharepoint Online. We have two sites and both of them have the same solution deployed. Both solution are subsites and have their features at web scope.
The solution has a main list that we put some data in it depending on some rules but as it is not part of the main issues this is not important.
The problem is that recently something really annoying is happening in these environments. This main list, usually during the week and during the morning is being deleted, and also the features of the solution are being deactivated.
The team came up with some ideias about what is happening:
Some code in the solution that delete the main list.
Someone is deleting the main list (someone really bad).
List is being deleted by a sharepoint job.
To configure the main site is affecting the subsites and causes the deletion of the list.
I think that options 1,2 it are not happening.
Everything would be resolved if we have access to central administration or even to some log, but for security reasons we don't have access to them, what is really bad for us, as developers because we have to guess what is going on.
Can someone give some tips about how to identify this problem?
Please let me know about any more important additional information that I havent written so far.
Thanks in advance!
Indeed not being able to read logs is very inconvenient.
Also, in CSOM, property AllowDeletion for List isn't exposed; as it is for SSOM instead.
The only way I'm thinking you have to intercept when this happens, is to create a custom Remote Event Receivers, which hooks ListDeleting / ListDeleted events
This should be a rather up-to-date and good start if you're new to RERs

Sharepoint Designer 2010 won't display lists of libraries

Not quite sure what I've done to screw up SPD2010 (was working), but it displayed
Sharepoint Designer cannot display the item
What you can try:
Click refresh ... blah
Most likely causes
The file has been deleted from the site
The site is encountering problems
I can't see anything related in event viewer. I think is web service related as I think the queries are made via a WS?
In my case it wasn’t a solution. So, I made a backup of the site collection before to try anything. After a lot of time and different problems I figured out that some lists were causing the missreading. I tried one more time to get the lists in SharePoint Designer 2010 just to cause some entries in the log. After that I opened the log file and looked for something like: “Failed to determine the setup path of the list schema for feature {GUID}, list template XXX.”. With the GUID I looked for a match here.
With the feature name I used this blog:
With the feature re-installed I went to SPD and it worked like a charm.
I hope it helps someone else.
It appears this was caused by a "phantom" list definition. I experienced a number of other problems (some in SP some in SPD), all generating variations of this error;
The problem list definition was deployed and undeployed from VS2010, so I have no idea why it was still around! The Sharepoint UI wont allow you to remove it (errors as above), so the trick is to use the stsadm powershell command with forcedeletelist as detailed here
Hope this helps someone else !

How to find missing web part?

Does anybody know how to find offending web part which causes this error ?
“A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Web Part Page cannot be displayed or imported because it is not registered on this site as safe.”
I have inherited an old SharePoint 2003 portal site which uses custom web parts.
I know what this error means. I also know that each web part must be installed and registred as safe in web.config. The problem is that I don't know which one is missing.
I get same error when I'm trying to open the page in FrontPage as well.
Use contents=1 in QueryString to disable/remove WebParts from page that causes errors.
stsadm.exe -o enumallwebs -includewebparts
Requires updating to Sp2 I believe, for this command to be available. Problematic web parts will appear as 'Missing' in the resultant list.
Go to Event Viewer of the machine and you shall be able to see Error entries. Out of tons of entries you have to find out the entries related to you and you shall be able to see the names of the webparts that the sharepoint site is trying to load but fails. If you shall read the complete description of the error entry in the Event Viewer, it will give you version and even PublicKey Token of the webpart as well.
I hope this helps!!!
Try reading this:
It should give you some clues to solving the problem. Essentially you have a control that is not marked as safe and it is failing. You can most likely config it to work, but the link above has other possible solutions.
in your url just append content=1. This will give you the all the webparts that are deployed. Now, you can keep deleting each of the webpart to find which one is causing issue ( ensure that you know to add the web parts back).
For example: if Url is http://localhost:9000/default.aspx, try with http://localhost:9000?contents=1
Alternatively, try to create a new webpart page,add web parts that are there on your actual page and check which one is causing issue. This will avoid changes to the actual page.
Hope this helps.
I've just suggested this same answer on MSDN:
This stsadm helped me in finding where the webpart was referenced in any way:
stsadm -o enumallwebs -includewebparts > C:\temp\somelog.txt
Then you can see the web part is listed under some <Web Id=... Url=...> XML node, i.e. you know the "culprit" web site.
At that point, some reasons I've found for those forgotten references:
the webpart is used in some sub-site of the culprit website, and the sub site is hidden from the quick list or top bar
the webpart has been deleted from the culprit website, but it still is in the "site collection recycle bin". You can reach that by going to the normal website recycle bin, then look for its link on the top bar description ("Use this page to restore items that..."). By the way, this site collection recycle bin has two views itself: be sure to check them both.
In both cases, I got some help by browsing the culprit website with SharePoint Manager. With that I could easily spot the existence of a forgotten subsite, as well as the existence of this "second level recycle bin".

Delete a Web that doesn't exist

While setting up a test environment I was attempting to set up many different types of sites for testing various things when I ran into a strange bug in SharePoint.
I was creating a subsite under a blank site template and saw the option for "News Site" so I selected it and got an error saying that the Publishing Feature was not enabled at the site collection level.
Fine. So, I went and activated it and then attempted to create the site again and I got the error:
The Web site address "/mpsite/news" is already in use
Ok, so the site must have been created anyway so I try to visit the URL and get:
The webpage cannot be found
Fine. So, obviously it errored in the middle of the site creation so I'll just delete it via STSADM. Wrong:
There is no top-level Web site named "http://server/mpsite/news/".
So, the site is listed in the sites and workspaces list, but doesn't really exist and can't actually be deleted.
How do I get rid of it from the Sites and Workspaces listing?
You've run into one of the lovely undocumented "features" of SharePoint - site templates get applied after the site gets created in a seperate, descrete step. This means that potentially, a site can "exist" (as far as the content database is concerned) without template, which leaves you with a site you can't browse to, but still sorta "exists" in SharePoint purgatory (I've actually written a couple of hacks that involve relying on this "feature").
It looks to me like you may have run into one such situation - when you went to go create your site, I'm guessing that you got the error before the template was applied to your news site.
The way I've fixed similar problems in the past has been to use SharePoint Designer to delete the sites - since it looks straight into the content database for what does and doesn't exist, it might do the trick for deleting your rouge news site.
Hope this helps!
Have you tried http://server/mpsite/news/_layouts/deleteweb.aspx ?
Or maybe the "Content and structure" (http://server/mpsite/_layouts/sitemanager.aspx) link from site actions?
I know this is old, but it may help somebody. In SP2013 running the Remove-SPWeb Powershell command with the url of the corrupted web worked perfectly for me.
