How to i set jqplot bar chart colours per bar? - colors

I'm trying to set the colours of my jqplot bar chart bars. There will always be six bars present, grouped into sets of 2 bars. Here is an example of the data being plotted:
line1 = [6000, 5000, 5500];
line2 = [16000, 10000, 14000];
I've used the following so far:
seriesColors: ["#F3CBBF", "#BFDDE5", "#CF3501", "#027997", "#CF3501", "#027997"],
But jqplot alternates between the first 2 bars each time instead of using all of the declared colours. This is probably as it only determines 2 series being present, one per set of data.
Is there a way to set the bar colours explicitly?

I do this using the varyBarColor method so you can list the different colours for the bars in a simple array like you have done already but if there is only one series it will use these colors for each bar instead. Here is an example of my code:
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1], {
title: 'Example Income Graph',
rendererOptions:{ varyBarColor : true },
pointLabels: { show : true }
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
label:'Net Growth (%)',
ticks: ticks
label:'Income (£)',
tickOptions:{ formatString:'%d'},
seriesColors: [ "#eee", "#ccc", "#999"],
highlighter: { show: false }
In this graph I had one series with 3 bars and they are each a different colour grey.

This is pretty old, but still doesn't have the right answer, and it took me a while to figure it out, so here it goes.
You need two things:
Set the varyBarColor and a series array that contains the series colors for each series, passed at the same level as seriesDefaults, such as:
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1, s2], {
title: 'Example',
rendererOptions:{ varyBarColor : true },
pointLabels: { show : true }
series: [{seriesColors: ["#F3CBBF", "#BFDDE5", "#CF3501"]},
{seriesColors: ["#027997", "#CF3501", "#027997"]}]

try like this
series:[{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer , seriesColors: ["#F3CBBF", "#BFDDE5", #CF3501","#eee", "#ccc", "#999"] }]


Show flot timeline ticks on both top and bottom

I have been using flot for a couple days and its great, but I can't seem to find an answer to this:
Is it possible to display the xaxis/timeline ticks on both the top and bottom of my chart?
My chart has a large height and it's hard for the user to know which date the points are on when scrolling away from the top where the time ticks are currently displayed.
I searched around and all I found was this one issue on github which appears to have never been implemented:
Thanks in advance!
You can't do that with the default options, but it is possible with a workaround:
Duplicate your data series, use the normal options plus xaxis: 1 for the first one while making the second one invisble with this options:
points: {
show: false
lines: {
show: false
xaxis: 2
Use this options for the x axes:
xaxes: [{
position: "top"
}, {
position: "bottom",
alignTicksWithAxis: 1
See this fiddle for a full example.

How to show all x-axis tick values in Plotly?

I am using this library
to plot graphs in node.js. I have this code:
var data = [
x: xs,
y: ys,
type: "scatter"
var graphOptions = {filename: "date-axes", fileopt: "overwrite"};
plotly.plot(data, graphOptions, function (err, msg) {
to plot a graph with 5000 x-axis points. The problem is that in the rendered image, it x-axis values are not continuously increment by for each value I put. There is a rather large step, for example, if the x-axis labels are
['item1', 'item2', ..., 'item5000']
then it outputs with labels
['item1', 'item10', ..., 'item5000']
All the yaxis points are there, but I just want to see all x-axis labels.
Does anyone know what setting enables this? I assume that they did this by default so the text labels don't overlap each other, but in my case I want to see them all.
I am using Python, though I have encountered the same problem. When you are specifying the layout of your chart, you need to set tickmode='linear', at least it worked for me!
import plotly
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
layout = go.Layout(
title='some title',
title='Xaxis Name',
Use layout.xaxis.dtick
Example here:
I run into the same problem and I managed to solve it: the trick is to define your values on xaxis as "categorical".
This is what my code looked like:
var layout = {
xaxis: {
tickangle: 35,
showticklabels: true,
type: 'category',
Plotly.newPlot(divname, data, layout);

Flot Chart - Custom coloring of the graphic content for defining different ranges

I have 2 ranges on the graph, so called ; green and red zones.
You can see it in the fiddle.
What I am out after is to have a graph where the green range should be between 2-4 (y-axis) specifically for the 11-13 values of x axis. Basically I would like to have 2 different ranges .
Anyone knows how to do it ?
Edit :
To make it more clear with Michel's solution; I basically would like to add another green zone that is located in up-right of the previously located green zone (let it be in x(13,16) and y(4,6) ).
Please check the newer version ;
I've created a simple plugin for Flot to use in order to get shamaleyte his desired result.
Either create a new file and copy-paste the contents in it or download the plugin
Refer to it just as every other javascript file
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/file.js"></script>
And add areaMarkings to the grid object in the options.
You were on the right track!
The way Flot draws the markings of the chart is simply to overlap everything! Layer upon layer upon layer.
What I've done to accomplish it is the following:
#1: First of I drew the xaxis between x=11 and x=13 for the green area. It's a giant area that spans from the y=0 all the way to y=12 on the yaxis.
#2: Then I filled in the entire yaxis between y=0 and y=2, this overlapped the green area on the yaxis to create a red area spanning from left(x=10) to right(x=15)
#3: With the bottom yaxis row being red now, I then did the exact same for the top yaxis. Once again from left(x=10) to right(x=15) I filled in the entire y=4 to y=12 with a red area.
#4: I was now left with 2 white areas on the left and right side of the green area and between the red areas. All I had to do was fill those with red aswell. I did the same as I did with the green area, draw the red areas from the bottom to top. From x=0 to x=2 and from x=13 to x=15.
markings: [{
xaxis: {
from: 11,
to: 13
color: "#D7EEE1" // Green
}, {
yaxis: {
from: 0,
to: 2
color: "#F2CDEA" // Red - Bottom Row
}, {
yaxis: {
from: 4,
to: 12
color: "#F2CDEA" // Red - Top Row
}, {
xaxis: {
from: 10,
to: 11
color: "#F2CDEA" // Red - Left Column
xaxis: {
from: 13,
to: 15
color: "#F2CDEA" // Red - Right Column
Here's an updated fiddle that I think comes close to your expectations.

How to set custom colors on jqplot mekko chart?

Is there any way to set specific background colors for the mekko chart in jqplot?
Examples on the jqplot website always show the same set of colors.
I haven't used that particular chart in jqPlot, but this usually works for assigning colours:
series: [
{ color: "#aaff11" }, // series 1 color
{ color: "#991166" }, // series 2 color
{ color: "#33ff66" } // series 3 color (and so on)
where series above is a key in the options object passed to $.jqplot(id, data, options).
See the docs for more info.

How can i fill color for dataseries below or above the threshold using Flot?

How to fill color below or above the threshold. currently threshold plugin changes the line of the color but i need to fill the color on the dataseries (eg: below : 5 or above :5 ) when the line is drawing on the canvas using flot line chart. can anyone suggest me. thanks
Are you saying your fill color doesn't change above/below a certain threshold, or that you only want to show fill if it is above/below a certain threshold? If its the former, this works for me just by setting fill to true in the series options:
$.plot("#placeholder", [{
data: d1,
threshold: {
below: 5,
color: "rgb(200, 20, 30)"
}}], {
series: {
lines: {
show: true,
fill: true
See this fiddle for working example.
