Run a vbscript under an IIS application - iis

I have a vbs file that runs fine and I want to run it under an IIS7 application name. Can this be done? If so, how?

You could look under "Handler Mappings" in IIS and add one similar to ASP which is how I used to run VBScript on the server side years ago. This does imply that the file is on a web server and you are OK with HTML output of the result.

Just for fun, I was wondering how to do this. I found an article on the Microsoft support site which told me this was possible at one time. As of IIS 7.5 this is even easier than the article suggests. You simply need to create the mapping in IIS:
Go to the IIS configuration and select the site you'd like to use
VBS files with.
Go to the Handler Mappings configuration for that site.
Click Add Script Map... on the right hand side.
Set the Request Path to *.vbs
Set the Executable to "C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe" //NOLOGO %s %s
Set the Name to something you'll remember if you need to.
Restart IIS (possibly optional but I did this)
Then, test it with a script such as the following:
WScript.Echo "Content-Type: text/html"
WScript.Echo "If you see this, it worked."
Save it as test.vbs in your site and go to the URL to see the results. Every script used this way must begin output with the first two lines of this script or IIS will not use it.
Note: I also have the CGI (from the Windows installation disk) and Fast-CGI (from the Windows download center) modules installed. I'm not sure whether either of these are actually needed though.


IIS is serving but not executing classic asp script

I wrote a classic ASP script (.asp) for a customer a while back. it was running on IIS v6.1 Windows 2003. The customer contacted me and said they had a catastrophic server failure and restored from backup but my script isn't running now. I logged onto their server to check it out and IIS is serving the file (I am prompted to save when I browse to the script) but not executing the script.
Several people's hands were in the server before they called me, I think this is probably a simple config setting someone tried before they figured out how to enable the "ASP" web server roll feature. But for the life of me I can't figure out how they did it. this is obviously not the default behavior. If I was trying to get this behavior I would add the .asp extension to the MIME types, but I checked and it isn't there.
What could cause IIS to serve the source of the ASP script without executing it?
Based on your question I am assuming your restored server is also windows server 2003 ... in that case you will go to the file\folder and the permissions and select execute permission to enable a server side script processor to handle that request. Been almost a decade that I have touched a 2003 server so I can’t give you the exact steps ... but, you want to enable script permissions on that folder(I think, don’t remember if it’s granular enough to drill down to a file). Also, why on earth are they still running server 2003? Is that version even supported yet?
If it’s IIS 7, you want to make sure your app pool is in Classic ASP mode first off. Then go to site and then the handler mapping section, click edit and configure it that way.

How to setup IIS Express from a script the way Visual Studio does it?

When we configure a web application to run in IIS Express there are certain things VS does, like:
Creating the application host configuration file in the IISExpress subfolder of the user documents folder.
Creating a dedicated site section for each web application in the solution, including ours.
Maybe more things are done, which I am unaware of.
I would like to replicate the same process from a script, so that running the web application from the script would be equivalent to running it from VS. Including for the very first time.
Right now I start IISExpress with the /port and /path flags, because this is how I used to run Cassini. However, Cassini supported an additional flag - /vpath. They removed it from IISExpress, meaning I have to use another set of flags - /config, /site, /siteid. But I suspect it must be done in conjunction with the Appcmd.exe utility.
This second approach is still something I haven't managed to master. So, my question is this - suppose I am given the port, path and vpath of a web application (i.e. no need to read them from the web application's csproj file, like VS does). What command sets up the right application host configuration file and how do I run IISExpress to take advantage of it?

Wix Webapplication: How do I add an extension without replacing all existing mappings?

I'm trying to add a .plan extension to our IIS 6.0 website through WiX. I'm using
<iis:WebApplicationExtension CheckPath="no" Script="yes" Executable="[FRAMEWORKROOT]v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll" Verbs="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG" Extension="plan"/>
Although this is replacing all of the existing application extensions, which is not the behaviour that we want. Is there a way to simply add .plan? We would like to avoid using the Wildcard if possible as we're not sure how it will affect the rest of the site. I don't think that APPCMD is available on our 2003 server either.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
Unfortunately we didn't find a way to do this cleanly using the iis:WebApplicationExtension in WiX.
We found this post that provides a VBScript for adding ScriptMaps. We edited the script to only execute the HandleListOps function (with the relevant params) so that we didn't get any issues with WScript. We then call this from a CustomAction in WiX, with the vbs file added as a Binary file.
We're aware that running vbscript custom actions from within an installer isn't ideal, but luckily we're not distributing the application externally and is only going to be used on an internal website, so the target server environment is reasonably well known.

How to find relative path to C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\ADSUTIL.VBS?

IIS 6 and older ships with a utility script called ADSUTIL.VBS:
Adsutil.vbs is an IIS administration
utility that uses Microsoft Visual
Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript)
with Active Directory Service
Interfaces (ADSI) to manipulate the
IIS configuration. This script should
be run using CScript, which is
installed with Windows Script Host.
In other words, this tool lets you change IIS metabase settings programmatically, from the command line.
I would like to call this tool from an InstallShield project in order to make some configuration changes to IIS. I am curious if it either legal to re-distribute the script (there is no legal wording inside the source for it) or to simply launch the command via:
CSCRIPT %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs
and hope that the script exists on disk in that location.
So my question is - will it always exist in that path above, even if some other websites (inetpub roots) on the machine are located on a non-system drive? It seems all MSDN and other Microsoft KB articles that refer to the ADSUTIL tool do so by using the %SYSTEMDRIVE% path above.
I see that at least one other attempt to deal with this by distributing both cscript.exe and adsutil.vbs with their InstallShield projects.
Perhaps there is a registry key or other method to obtain the location of the Inetpub\AdminScripts path?
Maybe I should just write a C# application that changes the value or my own VBScript and distribute with my own little app instead?
I ran into a similar issue recently and decided to just rework a small bit of vbscript to use in a custom action in an msi installer. It can take a bit to figure out the core of how adsutil.vbs does things, but it is deently well writen. For example, i needed to switch an application pool to Classic instead of Integrated mode and explicitly set it to run in 32-bit mode when on 64-bit windows, in distilled form this resulted in this:
Option Explicit
Dim IIsObject
Set IIsObject = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/AppPools/TestPool")
IIsObject.Put "ManagedPipelineMode", 1
IIsObject.Put "Enable32BitAppOnWin64", CBool("True")
I worked in JShumaker's answer to solve the problem. The best route seems to be the following InstallScript function that I call to run a batch script:
prototype SetIISValues();
function SetIISValues()
string szProgram, szCmd;
szProgram = TARGETDIR + "SetIISValues.bat";
szCmd = "";
LaunchAppAndWait (szProgram, szCmd, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT);
The batch script calls this:
#echo off
cscript.exe SetIISValues.vbs
And the VBScript looks like this:
Option Explicit
Dim IIsObject
Set IIsObject = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/1")
IIsObject.Put "Name", "Value"
Doing it this way relieves the need to use ADSUTIL.VBS as part of the installation - the (relative) path to it is irrelevant if you don't need to use it.

How to run classic ASP scripts under IIS 5.1 (WinXP Pro) alongside .NET & CF?

I'm running into a problem setting up my development environment. I've been working on ColdFusion and .NET applications up until recently I haven't needed to touch IIS. Now, I have to set up a classic ASP application for some one-off work.
I added a virtual directory in IIS and pointed it at the actual codebase on my local machine. I then set the security to low (for ISAPI extensions, i.e. ASP) and allowed for script execution. For some reason though, if I hit any .asp page it says the page cannot be found. However, HTML and static files load up just fine.
EDIT: URLScan fix seems to have done it. Fired up the app in another browser (i.e. not IE6), and I'm getting better error reporting. Looks like we're missing some includes, but it is executing the scripts. Thanks!
You need to make sure that the "Active Server Pages" web service extension is set to an allowed status.
Check out:
Also, you should be aware that a virtual directory may affect the include file paths in the asp pages themselves. If the original asp application does not use a virtual directory, then your local copy shouldn't either.
Take a look at your URL scan settings and see if .asp is an allowed file extension
On my XP machine the relevant file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\urlscan.ini
