How to Correctly Specify ATP 2.0 XIRR Function Call in Access-to-Excel Automation - excel

If someone can help, I need some in properly defining some call parameters in an Access 2003 to Excel 2003 VBA problem. I'm trying to use the XIRR function in the ATP 2.0 Type Library from Access. I have referenced the ATP 2.0 Type Library in my Access project. Here is the relevant VBA code (with a little pseudocode) I'm using behind a form:
Dim aCF as Variant 'this variant will hold the cash flows
Dim aDates as Variant 'this variant will hold the dates
Set oATP2 = New ATP2.OCATP 'used in the Form_Open event to instantiate the object
In this model I always have five cash flows to work with: prior quarter value as an outflow, three months of net collections and the current quarter terminal value. (If there were more elements involved, I would certainly use a loop structure.) In a user-defined sub I redim the variants, load the arrays and call XIRR:
REDIM aDates(4) 'base 0
aDates(0) = DateSerial(Year(wDBBaseDate), Month(wDBBaseDate) - 2, 1) - 1 'e.g. 3-31- 2010
aDates(1) = DateSerial(Year(wDBBaseDate), Month(wDBBaseDate) - 1, 1) - 1 'e.g. 4-30-2010
aDates(2) = DateSerial(Year(wDBBaseDate), Month(wDBBaseDate), 1) - 1 'e.g. 5-31-2010
aDates(3) = wDBBaseDate 'e.g. 6-30-2010
aDates(4) = wDBBaseDate 'e.g. 6-30-2010
REDIM aCF(4) 'base 0
'from a recordset...
aCF(0) = -rs.Fields(2) 'pprd cash flow
aCF(1) = rs.Fields(3) 'net collection cprd - 2
aCF(2) = rs.Fields(4) 'net collection cprd - 1
aCF(3) = rs.Fields(5) 'net collection cprd
aCF(4) = rs.Fields(6) 'cprd cash flow
GetAssetReturn_X = oATP2.XIRR(aCF, aDates)
End Sub
The autosense feature works; when I type "oATP2." and I get a list of available functions ater the dot. So I assume the object is, in fact, correctly instantiated. Maybe not. However, whenever I run the code, I get the infamous runtime error "91: Object variable or With block variable not set." For the life of me, I'm missing the structural problem here. So I am presently assuming that the calling parameters have not been correctly described. I read somewhere these have to be variants. Maybe these need to be arrays or maybe range objects. Thanks.

I added to your code Set oATP2 = New ATP2.OCATP but I get the 429 error. Did you finally could use ATP2 library? as an alternative solution this code run in MS access but It is too slow:
Function tasa1(A, B)
Set AnalysisApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set AnalysisWkb = AnalysisApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\Macros\Análisis\atpvbaen.xla")
AnalysisWkb.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen
tasa1 = AnalysisApp.Application.Run(AnalysisWkb.Name & "!XIRR", A, B, 0.1) * 100
End Function


Remove duplicates in VBA Combobox

I have the below code to populate a listbox, therefore I want to remove duplicates from my combobox. I Don't know how to do it:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws_suivi As Worksheet
Set ws_suivi = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("suivi")
Fin_Liste_suivi = ws_suivi.Range("A65530").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To Fin_Liste_suivi
UserForm_SDE.ComboBox_Type_Rapp.AddItem ws_suivi.Range("AD" & i)
End Sub
It is often worth searching to see if a Library for VBA exists that will save you reinventing the wheel.
It is a particular annoyance of VBA that whilst we have such useful structures as Collections and Scripting.Dictionaries there is no easy way to get information into such objects or to do much processing of the data once those objects are populated.
I had a project which had a lot of processing of arrays/scripting.dictionariews and to make my life a little easier I created a VBA library in C# called Kvp (for Key Value Pairs) which is a bit like a Scripting.Dictionary on steriods.
You can download the library, source code, documentation for the Kvp object from here
Once you have added a reference to the Kvp library you can declare a Kvp object in the standard way.
Dim myKvp as Kvp
Set myKvp=New Kvp
You can then add a 1D range from an excel spreadsheet in a single statement
myKvp.AddByIndexFromArray <excel range>.Value
which gives a Kvp of long integers vs cell values
The OP wishes a list of unique values. To do this with a Kvp we can use the Mirror method to create a Kvp of the unique values.
Dim myMirroredKvp as Kvp
set myMirroredKvp=myKvp.Mirror
The Mirror method returns a Two item Kvp where item 0 is a Kvp of unique items vs the first Key at which the item was found and item 1 is a Kvp of original Keys vs value where the values are a duplicate.
You can then get an array of the keys using the GetKeys method
Dim myUniqueValues as Variant
myUniqueValues = myMirroredKvp.GetItem(0).GetKeys
Or should you want the items sorted in reverse order
myUniqueValues - myMirroredKvp.GetItem(0).GetKeysDescending
The above can be shortened to
myUniqueValues = myKvp.Mirror.GetItem(0).GetKeysDescending
I've found the Kvp library quite useful. I hope you do to!!
While you could load the list to a Dictionary, you might find it simpler to try using WorksheetFunction.CountIf to check if the item is further up your list (and has, thus, already been included):
If (i=2) OR (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws_suivi.Range(ws_suivi.Cells(2,30),ws_suivi.Cells(i-1,30)), ws_suivi.cells(i,30).Value)<1) Then
UserForm_SDE.ComboBox_Type_Rapp.AddItem ws_suivi.Range("AD" & i)
End If
As a side-note: Since Excel 2007 increased the Row Limit from 65536 (216) to 1048576 (220), you may want to change Fin_Liste_suivi = ws_suivi.Range("A65530").End(xlUp).Row to Fin_Liste_suivi = ws_suivi.Cells(ws_suivi.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
I found :
Dim Valeur As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'For each element in the list
For i = 0 To lst_ref.ListCount - 1
Valeur = Combobox.List(i)
For j = i + 1 To Combobox.ListCount - 1
'If the element exist, delete it
If Valeur = Combobox.List(j) Then
Call Combobox.RemoveItem(j)
End If
Next j
Next i
It take the beggining of the combobox and check if the value is red again in to the end of the combobox.

Utilizing a while loop to create combo boxes within Excel Spreadsheet

I need combo boxes to be placed in specific positions in relation to the cells on this Worksheet. I was attempting to utilize a while loop to change a variables value and utilize that variable to dynamic change a cell. However, my code doesn't seem to be working. The loop will run through once, but will give me a "object does not support this property or method" error on the successive loop.
Dim t As Integer
Dim wotype as object
t = 1
Do While t < 43
wotype = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Left:=Cells(4, t).Left, Top:=Cells(3, t).Top, Width:=25.29, Height:=Rows(3).RowHeight)
t = t + 3
When assigning an object to a variable, you need to use the Set keyword...
set wotype = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddFormControl(xlDropDown, Left:=Cells(4, t).Left, Top:=Cells(3, t).Top, Width:=25.29, Height:=Rows(3).RowHeight)
Although, in this case, since you're not subsequently referring to your variable, your code can be re-written as follows...
Dim t As Integer
t = 1
Do While t < 43
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddFormControl xlDropDown, Left:=Cells(4, t).Left, Top:=Cells(3, t).Top, Width:=25.29, Height:=Rows(3).RowHeight
t = t + 3

MS Project 2016 - VBA Cycle Time Issues (Extraction to Excel)

I have numerous macros that seem to be slowing down when interfacing with MS Project (e.g., reading data and processing it) in MS Office 2016. It could be my underlying code, mechanisms for obtaining/storing the data, but I'm not sure and would appreciate input.
I was just writing a new macro for extracting MSP data into an array (held in memory I thought this would be fastest, but it seemed to struggle to even do this). The idea being that the array memory access 'should' be faster than bridging from MS Excel to the Project referenced when needing to extract/place data? Perhaps this is incorrect.
Aim: Hold 3 parts of each MS Project Resource in Array, eventually iterate over array and place into Excel for additional use/processing.
The initial 'read' never quite completed (at 926 of my 1300 resources) before I broke the code to review.
Ideas on the below, or for interfacing with the MSP 2016 Reference library? It seems to have become very slow compared to just working within MS Excel.
Private Sub cb_IMSResourceImport_Click()
Dim Prj As Project
Set Prj = GetObject(Me.cboMaintainToProject.Value)
Dim ResourceMatrix() As String
Prj.Application.WindowActivate Prj.Name
ReDim ResourceMatrix(Prj.Resources.Count, 2)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Resource Table").Range("A2:C" & C`Str(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count)).ClearContents
For i = 1 To UBound(ResourceMatrix)
ResourceMatrix(i - 1, 0) = Prj.Resources(i).ID
ResourceMatrix(i - 1, 1) = Prj.Resources(i).Name
ResourceMatrix(i - 1, 2) = Prj.Resources(i).Code
Next i
For i = 0 To UBound(ResourceMatrix)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Resource Table").Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = ResourceMatrix(i, 0)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Resource Table").Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = ResourceMatrix(i, 1)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Resource Table").Cells(i + 1, 3).Value = ResourceMatrix(i, 2)
Next i
End Sub
Using Project 2013 and a mocked-up schedule with 2000 resources, your code took less than 2 minutes to run. That said, if you have many schedules open, calculation left on, etc. it could take longer.
However, there is another way to copy data such as this from Project to Excel that is very fast—use the clipboard.
Private Sub ExtractResources()
Dim prj As MSProject.Project
Set prj = GetObject(Me.cboMaintainToProject.Value)
Dim msp As MSProject.Application
Set msp = prj.Application
msp.WindowActivate prj.Name
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Resource Table").Range("A2:C" & CStr(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count)).ClearContents
msp.ViewApply "Resource Sheet"
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Resource Table").Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub
Note: Modify the Resource View (or create your own) to define which columns to export out of Project. If you want the ID column to be exported, check the definition of the table used with the resource view to make sure the first column is not locked, otherwise it won't be included in the SelectSheet method.

Some doubts about Dim and Set Worksheet

Normally, Dim should be done first and then Set should be done in vba code, like the below code.
Dim xWs1 As Worksheet
Dim xWs2 As Worksheet
Dim xWsN As Worksheet
Set xWs1 = Worksheets("A")
Set xWs2 = Worksheets("B")
Set xWsN = Worksheets("NNN")
If I need to Dim and Set 5 worksheets, 10 lines of code will be needed. It seems that the code will be too long when I need to Dim and Set more than 5 worksheets.
I found that if I just use Set, the vba code can also run properly. I would like to ask this will cause any problems if I didn't use Dim?
Set xWs1 = Worksheets("A")
Set xWs2 = Worksheets("B")
Set xWsN = Worksheets("NNN")
If you don't use dim statement , variable is automatically created as a Variant type.
The Variant type can be an integer, a string, a workbook, or any of the other type of variable and it can change as the variable changes, one moment it can be a string, then it can be changed to a workbook.
Using Dim
Without using Dim
There are mainly two problems with not using Dim,
Variant types uses more computer memory as a result it will make your code slow especially when you use loops.
Difficult to find errors ( in your case you can assign anything to variable XWs1 such as numbers , names etc. which can be avoided if you use dim)
How to Declare and Set 92 Objects using 92 Characters:
If "taking up space" is your concern, and you hypothetically want to explicitly set 5 procedure-level variables (w1..w5) to Set to 5 worksheets (Sht1..Sht5), you could use:
Example #1:
DefObj W
Sub wSet1()
Dim w1, w2, w3, w4, w5
Set w1=[Sht1]:Set w2=[Sht2]:Set w3=[Sht3]:Set w4=[Sht4]:Set w5=[Sht5]
End Sub
...or, even more space-efficient, if for example, you had 92 worksheets to Set in 92 declared variables? Then:
Example #2:
DefObj W
Sub wSet2():Dim wks(1To 92),x:For x=1To 92:Set wks(x)=Sheets("Sht"&x):Next x:End Sub
(That's 92 characters... not counting the line feed!)
Between these two ways of shortening declaration, we're using six shortcuts. Below is a summary of each, and see the links under "More Information" for full documentation on each.
Disclaimer: There are a number of reasons we shouldn't use shortcuts in programming. The obvious one is that, the more you compress code, the harder it is to read and understand (especially by others), and therefore can be harder to troubleshoot or expand upon.
If you don't know what the "standard methods" are, do not learn the shortcuts first! Learn how to do things "THE RIGHT WAY" before learning the shortcuts, no matter how appealing it may seem. There was a time that I argued that neatness like indentation and commenting, and full, proper techniques, didn't matter. I was wrong; had to learn that the hard way. If you're reading this, you'll probably have to learn the hard way too, but at least:
Don't use shortcuts when posting example code in your Stack Overflow questions. (This is not a method of [MCVE]!) You will probably get yelled at! ...and possibly have you questions down-voted or ignored... You were warned!
✓ DefObj (Default Data Types)
[Deftype statements][1] are a forgotten method of declaring default data types. Normally, the default data type is [`Variant`][2], so this:
Dim myVariable as Variant identical to:
Dim myVariable
...however the DefObj W statement (used at module-level) says:
All variables declared in this module, that start with the letter 'W' default to type Object (unless otherwise specified). Note that Deftypes statements must be used at module-level (before your first Sub).
The entire list: (More Info)
DefBool DefByte DefCur DefDate DefDbl DefDec DefInt DefLng DefSng DefStr DefObj DefVar
✓ , (Commas in 'Dim' Statements)
When declaring variables with Dim, multiple variables can be listed on the same line, separated with a comma. Therefore this:
Sub mySub()
Dim myVariable1 as Currency
Dim myVariable2 as Currency
… identical to this: (combining examples with Deftypes)
DefCur m
Sub mySub()
Dim myVariable1, myVariable1
✓ Sheets ('Sheets' collection)
The WorkSheets Object refers to the collection of all the Worksheet objects in the specified or active workbook.
The Charts Object` refers to the collection of **all the Chart objects in the specified or active workbook.
But the **Sheets Objectrefers to ***both*** theWorksheets*and*Charts` collections.
So, if a workbook has 3 worksheets and 2 chart sheet, in VBA:
Sheets.Count will return 5
Worksheets.Count will return 3
Warning: Using Sheets could cause a conflict if you have a Chart and a Worksheet with the same name (and should also be avoided when referring to worksheets in other files). But for a simple single-file, worksheet-only workbook, save yourself some Work and stick with just Sheets.
✓ [ ] (Square-Bracket Reference Shortcuts)
[Square brackets] can be used as a shortcut when referring to Worksheets, Cell Ranges and individual Cells. You can use either the A1 Reference Style or a named range within brackets as a shortcut for the Range property. You do not have to type the word "Range" or use quotation marks.
[MyRange].Value = 30
This is barely documented, and even less documented is the fact that, if used in the logical order, square brackets can be used to refer to worksheets.
Combining examples, all of these statements will have identical result:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") = Now()
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") = Now()
Worksheets("Sheet1").[A1] = Now()
Sheets("Sheet1").[A1] = Now()
[Sheet1].[A1] = Now()
✓ wks() (Variable Arrays)
If you have a large number of similar objects to declare, it's often easier (and more organized) to group them together in an array. An array can be declared as any type including, for example, Object, Worksheet. (...or even the rarely-used and bizarre types like LongLong and IConverterApplicationPreferences. (Apparently whoever thought up that one doesn't care for shortcuts.)
✓ For..Set..Next (Loop to Set Variable Arrays)
When using an array of objects (any any variable sets), the next logical step is to reduce code with any tasks that need to be performed on the entire group of objects.
Other Notes:
Example #1 could have been compressed to one line but I wanted it to be easy to read in the answer. If our sheet names were S1..S5 instead of the oh-so-lengthy Sht1..Sht5, and we use the :, we could accomplish the same thing in 105 characters:
Example #1b:
DefObj W
Sub wSet():Dim w1,w2,w3,w4,w5:Set w1=[S1]:Set w2=[S2]:Set w3=[S3]:Set w4=[S4]:Set w5=[S5]:End Sub
Data Type Shortcut Symbols
Another rarely used set of dates back to 1974: data type shortcuts chosen by Gary Kildall for the CP/M Operating System
Symbol  Data Type  Constant                                                            
% Integer vbInteger = 2
$ String vbString = 8
& Long vbLong = 3
# Decimal vbDecimal = 6
! Single vbSingle = 4
# Double vbDouble = 5
Still supported today in many coding languages, you could for example use these interchangeably:
Dim myVariable as String
Dim myVariable$
More Information: : How to Break and Combine Statements in Code (VB/VBA)
MSDN : Refer to Cells by Using Shortcut Notation
Excel Hero : Excel VBA Shortcut Range References
MSDN : Using Data Types Efficiently
MSDN : Dim Statement (VBA)
ExcelHowTo : Worksheets vs. Sheets
Stack Overflow : Difference between Worksheets & Worksheet objects
MSDN : Set Statement
MSDN : Declaring Arrays
Take the following example of why using implicit variable declaration is usually a bad idea:
Sub Test()
myVariable = 10
myOutcome = myVaraible + 5
End Test
myOutcome = 5. Can you see why?
I misspelled myVariable in the second line, so I just essentially created a brand new variable myVaraible (which had a default value of 0).
This is why you should always use Option Explicit at the beginning of every module; and why you should always explicitly declare all variables.
While it still works, you are just setting yourself up for needless debugging headaches.
If your issue is that you want to condense your code to use less lines, you can do something like this:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim myVariable As Long: myVariable = 10
Dim myOutput As Long
myOutput = myVariable + 5
End Sub
You can also declare multiple variables on the same line:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim myVariable As Long, myOutput As Long
myVariable = 10
myOutput = myVariable + 5
End Sub
Not necessarily recommending this (as it can degrade readability), but it's yet another method of declaring variables. This does require the same data type, but you can add your worksheets in an array (from your example):
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim xWs(1 To 5) As Worksheet
Set xWs(1) = Worksheets("A")
Set xWs(2) = Worksheets("B")
Set xWs(3) = Worksheets("C")
Set xWs(4) = Worksheets("D")
Set xWs(5) = Worksheets("E")
End Sub

LibreOffice Basic Ignoring “some” of my Type...End Type Definition

I'm using LibreOffice Version: Build ID: 40m0(Build:2) Locale: en_AU
I have a Basic Module
At the top of this module before any sub or functions I have
Type InitHeadings
MySort_By As Integer
MyCharacter As Integer
MyInitiative As Integer
MyRolled As Integer
MyTotal As Integer
End Type
Global InitiativeColumn As New InitHeadings
But when I run a sub, set a breakpoint and 'watch' the InitiativeColumn Object only the first two fields are shown.
The rest of my code relevant to this struct as the documentation calls them is below. I don't reference it anywhere else. Can anyone tell me why the first two would work but not the rest? I have two other structs in this code and both also ignore the last three fields. Is this a Bug?
Sub Main
'Initialise Doc and Sheet Objects
Dim Doc As Object
Doc = ThisComponent
StatsSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Stats")
InitiativeSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Initiative")
CombatSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Combat")
'Initiative Sheet
For Column = 0 to 25 'Columns A to Z
MyHeadingName = InitiativeSheet.getCellByPosition(Column,0).String
Select Case MyHeadingName
Case "Sort By"
InitiativeColumn.MySort_By = Column
Case "Character"
InitiativeColumn.MyCharacter = Column
Case "Initiative"
InitiativeColumn.MyInitiative = Column
Case "Rolled"
InitiativeColumn.MyRolled = Column
Case "Total"
InitiativeColumn.MyTotal = Column
End Select
Next Column
End Sub
Sub MyInitiativeButton
'Iterate over a range of cells:
For Row = 1 To 25 'Rows 2 to 26
'Column 3 is column D the "Rolled" column
InitiativeSheet.getCellByPosition(InitiativeColumn.MyRolled,Row).VALUE = Roledice(1,20,0)
Next Row
End Sub
It looks like a bug, and seems to have been reported here. The problem did not occur when I tested it in a newer version (LO
This is only an issue for the debugger window. The values are still there:
Sub TestStructs
InitiativeColumn.MySort_By = 5
InitiativeColumn.MyCharacter = 5
InitiativeColumn.MyTotal = 5
InitiativeColumn.DoesntExist = 5
End Sub
This code works fine until the line InitiativeColumn.DoesntExist = 5, whereupon it crashes.
Now the Global problem that you mentioned in the comments is really a problem. Considering the standard programming advice that global variables are bad, I think it's wise to consider alternatives.
Instead of a subroutine, could you perhaps use a Function that returns InitiativeColumn? If not, then assigning the variable as you suggested seems a viable workaround. Personally for LO macros I prefer Python or Java since they have classes.
