I am new to NetSuite. I don't know anything about the NetSuite. I want to create a new Shoppping cart(Ecommerce site) in the NetSuite. I am not able to find the steps so that I can create a new shopping cart using the NetSuite.
Please anybody provide me the full information of the NetSuite so that I can start the work on the E-commerce site.
with such a generic question I can only give a generic answer, which is to start at the start and learn about the system you are about to work with.
If you have specific questions or issues, folks here can be more helpful.
First, the netsuite account must have the ecommerce module.
Understanding of item types in Netsuite (items are integrated in ecommerce).
Netsuite website template, they are not the best in terms of UI design but you can always do something about it using css.
Of course the help guide and Netsuite usergroup is one of the best resources out there.
Hoping someone could possibly help please.
Quite new to the PnP framework, but I have a template up and running, but I'm drawing a blank on customising the OOTB document library with our own custom content types and site columns. I’ve managed to do it for the initial provisioning process using PnP, but the bit I’m currently struggling with is when a user creates a new document library from either the 'addanapp.aspx' page or through a Modern Page, since that doesn’t use our content types or site columns, that just creates a default SPO Document Library.
I’ve been reading about the ECM Document Library core, List Definitions, Event Receivers and CSOM to achieve what I’m looking to do, but not sure where I should be starting.
Ideally, the outcome I'm looking to achieve is I want any new document library a user creates from a Modern Team Site to use only our custom content types and site columns, not the default OOTB ones.
Any help gratefully received, thanks.
Have you checked the demo ECM.DocumentLibraries?
Here is the general explanation video.
You need familiar with SharePoint add-in(app) first guideline here.
I need to present a form to customers to allow interaction with regard to back orders ... Cancel, wait, fill or Add to, etc. What facility does NetSuite offer for things like online forms or Suitelets and if so, do I need a site external to NetSuite?
thanks in advance for any help
Customer Center is included in Netsuite. It is possible to inject links to Suitelets into this to provide any missing functionality.
The devil is in the details though in terms of achieving any particular level of functionality and design.
External customer forms are meant as marketing tools.
After initial browsing in Google, I couldn't work out the scope of DocuSign API.
I would like to know if it's feasible to implement these features
Multiple templates with custom form fields
Assign workflow to templates - multi-user e-signing by stages?
automate e-signing internally
User management/privileges - to create new document, recall/cancel, etc
Manage List of recipients - type association
Reporting such as; number of documents signed in the last month,
Please briefly explain what is DocuSign capable of and what needs to be developed differently
Thanks in advance
The general answer to your question is "yes." The DocuSign website, Developer Center, and Signature API reference documentation can help you understand the DocuSign Signature product and APIs.
If you have additional questions, you can talk with DocuSign staff, or try it for yourself. The Developer center enables you to create a free developer sandbox.
For API issues, you can also ask questions here on StackOverflow. Note that your questions should be much more specific than the questions you listed above. You also should show what you have already tried and what is not working for you.
I am new to NetSuite and am trying to get an understanding of how it works in the area of business rules. So sorry if these are questions with obvious answers.
I understand a user/consultant can extend/customize it to fit with my business needs.
My questions therefore are:
Presumably a default instance of NetSuite contains various business
rules that will fit some business needs. As a user/consultant can
you view this default business logic?
Can a consultant change the core business logic? Or is it more a case of adding code before and after the default logic fires?
Is the default business logic/rules written in SuiteScript, or is SuiteScript only used by 3rd parties when extending/overriding the default logic?
We cannot view the code that governs the default NetSuite logic and business rules, but the NetSuite Help documentation has a ton of information about how vanilla NetSuite works. All users can view and study the Help files to become more familiar with NetSuite and its default processes.
We cannot change the default code, but we can absolutely add code before and after many different events.
The default business logic is written in SuiteScript, but again, we cannot view that code. Third parties utilize SuiteScript to extend the default NetSuite functionality.
SuiteScript is not the only option for customizing NetSuite. There is also SuiteFlow, which provides users with the capability of graphically building workflows to define business rules based on user actions. No code is required (though under the covers, workflows essentially build hidden SuiteScript). There are several things that can only be accomplished in workflows and not in SuiteScript, and vice versa.
Netsuite's ERP, CRM, eCommerce modules have predefined standard rules which are acccording to industry standard. But customers have sometimes different business needs. For that we can customize Netsuite. There are various customization tools available in Netsuite. It supports to extend standard functionality as well as implement our custom logic. It provides suite scripts,a java script based API which can be used in almost every where in Netsuite for customization. Along with that it provides UI based customization in the form of SuiteBuilder. We can fire script before any standard business logic, after standard business logic run. We can add client side validations, schedule our application to trigger at specific time and many more. The standard business logic is written by Netsuite, we cant alter them, we cant see the code. It is the way it works. If you are new to Netsuite, it is suggested to read netsuite help guide. There is no online help other than Netsuite available. So you must go through them. If you have other query, feel free to ask.
Hi I am looking for a CMS, that would allow me to add/view items based on categories. Just like a shopping cart but much simpler than that. I am working on a project which requires to categorize Movies based on their genre. So, there will be categories like Action, Romance,etc. Under each category, I need to display an image/video and some text regarding the movie. Which CMS would allow me do this?. Thanks in advance
I suggest you to use Joomla for your requirement. Joomla have lot of components and modules for your requirments.
Better you go with Joomla.. :)
This Joomla plugin has all privileges to fulfill your requirement.
Click here
Our company already has a CMS that facilitates this. One of clients is an video/games and entertainment company with an online e-commerce site.
You can contact us via our website www.monadel.com.
However, we are B2B and you may be looking for freeware - which we are not currently offering.
Wishing you success in your endeavours.