How do you deal with DDD and EF4 - domain-driven-design

I'm facing several problems trying to apply DDD with EF4 (in ASP MVC2 context). Your advaice would be greatly appreciated.
First of all, I started to use POCO because the dependacy on ObjectContext was not very comfortable in many situations.
Going to POCO solved some problems but the experience is not what I was used to with NHibernate.
I would like to know if it's possible to use designer and to generate not only entities but also a Value Objects (ComplexType?). If I mean Value Object is a class with one ctor without any set properties (T4 modification needed ?).
The only way I found to add behavior to anemic entities is to create partial classes that extends those generated by edmx. I'm not satisfied with this approach.
I don't know how to create several repositories with one edmx. For now I'm using a partial classes to group methods for each aggregate. Each group is a repository in fact.
The last question is about IQueryable. Should it be exposed outside the repository ? If I refer to the ble book, the repository should be a unit of execution and shouldn't expose something like IQueryable. What do you think ?
Thanks for your help.

It's fine to use POCOs, but note that EntityObject doesn't require an ObjectContext.
Yes, Complex Types are value objects and yes, you can generate them in the designer. Select several properties of an entity, right click, and choose refactor into complex type.
I strongly recommend putting business methods in their own types, not on entities. "Anemic" types can be a problem if you must maintain them, but when they're codegened they're hardly a maintenance problem. Making business logic separate from entity types allows your business rules and your data model to evolve independently. Yes, you must use partial classes if you must mix these concerns, but I don't believe that separating your model and your rules is a bad thing.
I think that repositories should expose IQueryable, but you can make a good case that domain services should not. People often try to build their repositories into domain services, but remember that the repository exists only to abstract away persistence. Concerns like security should be in domain services, and you can make the case that having IQueryable there gives too much power to the consumer.

I think it's OK to expose IQueryable outside of the repository, only because not doing so could be unnecessarily restrictive. If you only expose data via methods like GetPeopleByBirthday and GetPeopleByLastName, what happens when somebody goes to search for a person by last name and birthday? Do you pull in all the people with the last name "Smith" and do a linear search for the birthday you want, or do you create a new method GetPeopleByBirthdayAndLastName? What about the poor hapless fellow who has to implement a QBE form?
Back when the only way to make ad hoc queries against the domain was to generate SQL, the only way to keep yourself safe was to offer just specific methods to retrieve and change data. Now that we have LINQ, though, there's no reason to keep the handcuffs on. Anybody can submit a query and you can execute it safely without concern.
Of course, you could be concerned that a user might be able to view another's data, but that's easy to mitigate because you can restrict what data you give out. For example:
public IQueryable<Content> Content
get { return Content.Where(c => c.UserId == this.UserId); }
This will make sure that the only Content rows that the user can get are those that have his UserId.
If your concern is the load on the database, you could do things like examine query expressions for table scans (accessing tables without Where clauses or with no indexed columns in the Where clause). Granted, that's non-trivial, and I wouldn't recommend it.

It's been some time since I asked that question and had a chance to do it on my own.
I don't think it's a good practice to expose IQueryable at all outside the DAL layer. It brings more problems that it solves. I'm talking about large MVC applications. First of all the refactorings is harder, many developers user IQueryable instances from the views and after struggle with the fact that when resolving IQueryable the connection was already disposed. Performance problems because all the database is often queried for a given set of resultats and so on.
I rather expose Ienumerable from my repositories and believe me, it saves me many troubles.


DDD: where should logic go that tests the existence of an entity?

I am in the process of refactoring an application and am trying to figure out where certain logic should fit. For example, during the registration process I have to check if a user exists based upon their email address. As this requires testing if the user exists in the database it seems as if this logic should not be tied to the model as its existence is dictated by it being in the database.
However, I will have a method on the repository responsible for fetching the user by email, etc. This handles the part about retrieval of the user if they exist. From a use case perspective, registration seems to be a use case scenario and accordingly it seems there should be a UserService (application service) with a register method that would call the repository method and perform if then logic to determine if the user entity returned was null or not.
Am I on the right track with this approach, in terms of DDD? Am I viewing this scenario the wrong way and if so, how should I revise my thinking about this?
This link was provided as a possible solution, Where to check user email does not already exits?. It does help but it does not seem to close the loop on the issue. The thing I seem to be missing from this article would be who would be responsible for calling the CreateUserService, an application service or a method on the aggregate root where the CreateUserService object would be injected into the method along with any other relevant parameters?
If the answer is the application service that seems like you are loosing some encapsulation by taking the domain service out of the domain layer. On the other hand, going the other way would mean having to inject the repository into the domain service. Which of those two options would be preferable and more in line with DDD?
I think the best fit for that behaviour is a Domain Service. DS could access to persistence so you can check for existence or uniquenes.
Check this blog entry for more info.
public class TransferManager
private readonly IEventStore _store;
private readonly IDomainServices _svc;
private readonly IDomainQueries _query;
private readonly ICommandResultMediator _result;
public TransferManager(IEventStore store, IDomainServices svc,IDomainQueries query,ICommandResultMediator result)
_store = store;
_svc = svc;
_query = query;
_result = result;
public void Execute(TransferMoney cmd)
//interacting with the Infrastructure
var accFrom = _query.GetAccountNumber(cmd.AccountFrom);
//Setup value objects
var debit=new Debit(cmd.Amount,accFrom);
//invoking Domain Services
var balance = _svc.CalculateAccountBalance(accFrom);
if (!_svc.CanAccountBeDebitted(balance, debit))
//return some error message using a mediator
//this approach works well inside monoliths where everything happens in the same process
_result.AddResult(cmd.Id, new CommandResult());
//using the Aggregate and getting the business state change expressed as an event
var evnt = Transfer.Create(/* args */);
//storing the event
//publish event if you want
The problem that you are facing is called Set based validation. There are a lot of articles describing the possible solutions. I will give here an extract from one of them (the context is CQRS but it can be applied to some degree to any DDD architecture):
1. Locking, Transactions and Database Constraints
Locking, transactions and database constraints are tried and tested tools for maintaining data integrity, but they come at a cost. Often the code/system is difficult to scale and can be complex to write and maintain. But they have the advantage of being well understood with plenty of examples to learn from. By implication, this approach is generally done using CRUD based operations. If you want to maintain the use of event sourcing then you can try a hybrid approach.
2. Hybrid Locking Field
You can adopt a locking field approach. Create a registry or lookup table in a standard database with a unique constraint. If you are unable to insert the row then you should abandon the command. Reserve the address before issuing the command. For these sort of operations, it is best to use a data store that isn’t eventually consistent and can guarantee the constraint (uniqueness in this case). Additional complexity is a clear downside of this approach, but less obvious is the problem of knowing when the operation is complete. Read side updates are often carried out in a different thread or process or even machine to the command and there could be many different operations happening.
3. Rely on the Eventually Consistent Read Model
To some this sounds like an oxymoron, however, it is a rather neat idea. Inconsistent things happen in systems all the time. Event sourcing allows you to handle these inconsistencies. Rather than throwing an exception and losing someone’s work all in the name of data consistency. Simply record the event and fix it later.
As an aside, how do you know a consistent database is consistent? It keeps no record of the failed operations users have tried to carry out. If I try to update a row in a table that has been updated since I read from it, then the chances are I’m going to lose that data. This gives the DBA an illusion of data consistency, but try to explain that to the exasperated user!
Accepting these things happen, and allowing the business to recover, can bring real competitive advantage. First, you can make the deliberate assumption these issues won’t occur, allowing you to deliver the system quicker/cheaper. Only if they do occur and only if it is of business value do you add features to compensate for the problem.
4. Re-examine the Domain Model
Let’s take a simplistic example to illustrate how a change in perspective may be all you need to resolve the issue. Essentially we have a problem checking for uniqueness or cardinality across aggregate roots because consistency is only enforced with the aggregate. An example could be a goalkeeper in a football team. A goalkeeper is a player. You can only have 1 goalkeeper per team on the pitch at any one time. A data-driven approach may have an ‘IsGoalKeeper’ flag on the player. If the goalkeeper is sent off and an outfield player goes in the goal, then you would need to remove the goalkeeper flag from the goalkeeper and add it to one of the outfield players. You would need constraints in place to ensure that assistant managers didn’t accidentally assign a different player resulting in 2 goalkeepers. In this scenario, we could model the IsGoalKeeper property on the Team, OutFieldPlayers or Game aggregate. This way, maintaining the cardinality becomes trivial.
You seems to be on the right way, the only stuff I didn't get is what your UserService.register does.
It should take all the values to register a user as input, validate them (using the repository to check the existence of the email) and, if the input is valid store the new User.
Problems can arise when the validation involve complex queries. In that case maybe you need to create a secondary store with special indexes suited for queries that you can't do with your domain model, so you will have to manage two different stores that can be out of sync (a user exists in one but it isn't replicated in the other one, yet).
This kind of problem happens when you store your aggregates in something like a key-value store where you can search just with the id of the aggregate, but if you are using something like a sql database that permits to search using your entities fields, you can do a lot of stuff with simple queries.
The only thing you need to take care is avoid to mix query logic and commands logic, in your example the lookup you need to do is easy, is just one field and the result is a boolean, sometimes it can be harder like time operations, or query spanning multiple tables aggregating results, in these cases it is better to make your (command) service use a (query) service, that offers a simple api to do the calculation like:
interface UserReportingService {
ComplexResult aComplexQuery(AComplexInput input);
That you can implement with a class that use your repositories, or an implementation that executes directly the query on your database (sql, or whatever).
The difference is that if you use the repositories you "think" in terms of your domain object, if you write directly the query you think in terms of your db abstractions (tables/sets in case of sql, documents in case of mongo, etc..). One or the other depends on the query you need to do.
It is fine to inject repository into domain.
Repository should have simple inteface, so that domain objects could use it as simple collection or storage. Repositories' main idea is to hide data access under simple and clear interface.
I don't see any problems in calling domain services from usecase. Usecase is suppossed to be archestrator. And domain services are actions. It is fine (and even unavoidable) to trigger domain actions by usecase.
To decide, you should analyze Where is this restriction come from?
Is it business rule? Or maybe user shouldn't be a part of model at all?
Usualy "User" means authorization and authentification i.e behaviour, that for my mind should placed in usecase. I prefare to create separate entity for domain (e.g. buyer) and relate it with usecase's user. So when new user is registered it possible to trigger creation of new buyer.

DDD Custom properties by dynamic composition of a document/entity

We're refactoring our solution to a Domain Driven Design structure. Our consultants which implement the software, should be able to customize some behavior of the application (for specific customers needs). For example they want to add custom defined properties to the presentation (user input forms) and save the custom data together with the entities defined in our DDD projects.
However, the domain objects should preferably not contain a customData property. I don't want to mix those and let the domain object know that there's something like custom data. I'm saving en fetching the entities by Repositories.
How do I make this scenario possible? One possible solution would be:
Query the entity by using his Repository
And query separately the CustomPropertiesRepository by entity ID.
Combine the two queries objects.
When saving the forms. It will be splitted again using two repositories
The disadvantage of this, is that I have to query twice though it should be one document.
Any advice on this problem?
in general dynamic properties are better suited for data-centric design and in my opinion this practice is not suitable for DDD.
in DDD the code must reflect the knowledge of the domain, it must be simple and explicit.
before thinking of the best way to persist a dynamic property, you must solve the problem at the design level:
1-There are three possible artifacts for a property: aggregate root, entity or object value.
2-usually a dynamic property brings with it a functional need (calculation, validation ... etc), where you will implement this functionality? whether in the aggregate root or in a domain service you will be compelled to compile your code and here the dynamic propriety loses its meaning, unless you think use a Business rules engine, and there you introduce another new paradigm with its whole complication, and some of your business logic would be outside aggregates and domain services.

Extending JHipster User

In my system, I have some entities that conceptually inherit from User. For instance, I can have suppliers and regular consumers. I wish to extend the User entity, so that I can inherit all of user benefits like register, login, lost password and so forth.
I though about a few options:
1. Extending the User entity using one of the Hibernate inheritance strategies (, but it looks like a lot of changes in the code is needed. I'd also have to make sure the tables generation would be also correct and working fine with liquibase;
2. Adding all necessary attributes to the User entity and then adding suppliers and consumers as roles. I just don't feel comfortable by doing this since the User table wouldn't be normalized;
3. Creating a relationship from each of these entities to the User entity, but in this case, I don't clearly see how to inherit the user management benefits.
Has anyone ever done something similar so that could shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance.
I would rather use composition over inheritance. So basically, you would have Supplier holding a one-to-one relationship with User. This way, you let JHipster User related code unchanged.
User management feature has not yet been released so let's focus on user registration then how would a user qualify as a supplier or customer? Are they supposed to choose by themselves? Can a user be both a consumer and a supplier?
For me the simple JHipster CRUD screens will not be enough, you must be prepared for building your own screens for better UX. So, I would rather focus on having a strong data model and REST API.
I found a way following the second approach.
I added all the attributes for each subclass (in my example, Suppliers and Customers) to the table User (JHI_USER) and a type attribute as well so that I can know which type of user I'm handling. I added also their respective attributes to the User class and updating the related classes, like UserService, UserRepository, test classes and so forth. I used the concept of roles too, but just to provide permissions to each section of the site.
After that, I created an AngularJS state for each user type, passing its type (kinda like a discriminator). For instance, I created a state called /registerSupply passing its type = 'S'. I then edited the original register page to add all the additional suppliers and customer attributes, filtering them out based on the user type and that is it.
As I stated, I don't feel comfortable by using this approach, but in the end, it's basically one of the strategies suggested by Hibernate (, which makes me feel a bit better.
The preferred way explained in this issue is to use Git. Just add your code manually, and use git merge when you regenerate your code from JDL.
Using composition would create a JOIN that has performance impact on a massively used entity. Entity inheritance works but is hard with JPA and would even harder with generated code.
If I had to choose between composition and inheritance, I would prefer here composition with caching when the application grows.

Can't help but see Domain entities as wasteful. Why?

I've got a question on my mind that has been stirring for months as I've read about DDD, patterns and many other topics of application architecture. I'm going to frame this in terms of an MVC web application but the question is, I'm sure, much broader. and it is this:  Does the adherence to domain entities  create rigidity and inefficiency in an application? 
The DDD approach makes complete sense for managing the business logic of an application and as a way of working with stakeholders. But to me it falls apart in the context of a multi-tiered application. Namely there are very few scenarios when a view needs all the data of an entity or when even two repositories have it all. In and of itself that's not bad but it means I make multiple queries returning a bunch of properties I don't need to get a few that I do. And once that is done the extraneous information either gets passed to the view or there is the overhead of discarding, merging and mapping data to a DTO or view model. I have need to generate a lot of reports and the problem seems magnified there. Each requires a unique slicing or aggregating of information that SQL can do well but repositories can't as they're expected to return full entities. It seems wasteful, honestly, and I don't want to pound a database and generate unneeded network traffic on a matter of principle. From questions like this Should the repository layer return data-transfer-objects (DTO)? it seems I'm not the only one to struggle with this question. So what's the answer to the limitations it seems to impose? 
Thanks from a new and confounded DDD-er.  
What's the real problem here? Processing business rules and querying for data are 2 very different concerns. That realization leads us to CQRS - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation. What's that? You just don't use the same model for both tasks: Domain Model is about behavior, performing business processes, handling command. And there is a separate Reporting Model used for display. In general, it can contain a table per view. These tables contains only relevant information so you can get rid of DTO, AutoMapper, etc.
How these two models synchronize? It can be done in many ways:
Reporting model can be built just on top of database views
Database replication
Domain model can issue events containing information about each change and they can be handled by denormalizers updating proper tables in Reporting Model
as I've read about DDD, patterns and many other topics of application architecture
Domain driven design is not about patterns and architecture but about designing your code according to business domain. Instead of thinking about repositories and layers, think about problem you are trying to solve. Simplest way to "start rehabilitation" would be to rename ProductRepository to just Products.
Does the adherence to domain entities create rigidity and inefficiency in an application?
Inefficiency comes from bad modeling. [citation needed]
The DDD approach makes complete sense for managing the business logic of an application and as a way of working with stakeholders. But to me it falls apart in the context of a multi-tiered application.
Tiers aren't layers
Namely there are very few scenarios when a view needs all the data of an entity or when even two repositories have it all. In and of itself that's not bad but it means I make multiple queries returning a bunch of properties I don't need to get a few that I do.
Query that data as you wish. Do not try to box your problems into some "ready-made solutions". Instead - learn from them and apply only what's necessary to solve them.
Each requires a unique slicing or aggregating of information that SQL can do well but repositories can't as they're expected to return full entities.
So what's the answer to the limitations it seems to impose?
Btw, internet is full of things like this (I mean that sample app).
To understand what DDD is, read blue book slowly and carefully. Twice.
If you think that fully fledged DDD is too much effort for your scenario then maybe you need to take a step down and look at something closer to Active Record.
I use DDD but in my scenario I have to support multiple front-ends; a couple web sites and a WinForms app, as well as a set of services that allow interaction with other automated processes. In this case, the extra complexity is worth it. I use DTO's to transfer a representation of my data to the various presentation layers. The CPU overhead in mapping domain entities to DTO's is small - a rounding error when compared to net work calls and database calls. There is also the overhead in managing this complexity. I have mitigated this to some extent by using AutoMapper. My Repositories return fully populated domain objects. My service layer will map to/from DTO's. Here we can flatten out the domain objects, combine domain objects, etc. to produce a more tabulated representation of the data.
Dino Esposito wrote an MSDN Magazine article on this subject here - you may find this interesting.
So, I guess to answer your "Why" question - as usual, it depends on your context. DDD maybe too much effort. In which case do something simpler.
Each requires a unique slicing or aggregating of information that SQL can do well but repositories can't as they're expected to return full entities.
Add methods to your repository to return ONLY what you want e.g. IOrderRepository.GetByCustomer
It's completely OK in DDD.
You may also use Query object pattern or Specification to make your repositories more generic; only remember not to use anything which is ORM-specific in interfaces of the repositories(e.g. ICriteria of NHibernate)

data access in DDD?

After reading Evan's and Nilsson's books I am still not sure how to manage Data access in a domain driven project. Should the CRUD methods be part of the repositories, i.e. OrderRepository.GetOrdersByCustomer(customer) or should they be part of the entities: Customer.GetOrders(). The latter approach seems more OO, but it will distribute Data Access for a single entity type among multiple objects, i.e. Customer.GetOrders(), Invoice.GetOrders(), ShipmentBatch.GetOrders() ,etc. What about Inserting and updating?
CRUD-ish methods should be part of the Repository...ish. But I think you should ask why you have a bunch of CRUD methods. What do they really do? What are they really for? If you actually call out the data access patterns your application uses I think it makes the repository a lot more useful and keeps you from having to do shotgun surgery when certain types of changes happen to your domain.
// or
GetCustomer(new HaventPaidBillSpecification())
// is better than
foreach (var customer in GetCustomer()) {
/* logic leaking all over the floor */
"Save" type methods should also be part of the repository.
If you have aggregate roots, this keeps you from having a Repository explosion, or having logic spread out all over: You don't have 4 x # of entities data access patterns, just the ones you actually use on the aggregate roots.
That's my $.02.
DDD usually prefers the repository pattern over the active record pattern you hint at with Customer.Save.
One downside in the Active Record model is that it pretty much presumes a single persistence model, barring some particularly intrusive code (in most languages).
The repository interface is defined in the domain layer, but doesn't know whether your data is stored in a database or not. With the repository pattern, I can create an InMemoryRepository so that I can test domain logic in isolation, and use dependency injection in the application to have the service layer instantiate a SqlRepository, for example.
To many people, having a special repository just for testing sounds goofy, but if you use the repository model, you may find that you don't really need a database for your particular application; sometimes a simple FileRepository will do the trick. Wedding to yourself to a database before you know you need it is potentially limiting. Even if a database is necessary, it's a lot faster to run tests against an InMemoryRepository.
If you don't have much in the way of domain logic, you probably don't need DDD. ActiveRecord is quite suitable for a lot of problems, especially if you have mostly data and just a little bit of logic.
Let's step back for a second. Evans recommends that repositories return aggregate roots and not just entities. So assuming that your Customer is an aggregate root that includes Orders, then when you fetched the customer from its repository, the orders came along with it. You would access the orders by navigating the relationship from Customer to Orders.
So to answer your question, CRUD operations are present on aggregate root repositories.
I've done it both ways you are talking about, My preferred approach now is the persistent ignorant (or PONO -- Plain Ole' .Net Object) method where your domain classes are only worried about being domain classes. They do not know anything about how they are persisted or even if they are persisted. Of course you have to be pragmatic about this at times and allow for things such as an Id (but even then I just use a layer super type which has the Id so I can have a single point where things like default value live)
The main reason for this is that I strive to follow the principle of Single Responsibility. By following this principle I've found my code much more testable and maintainable. It's also much easier to make changes when they are needed since I only have one thing to think about.
One thing to be watchful of is the method bloat that repositories can suffer from. GetOrderbyCustomer.. GetAllOrders.. GetOrders30DaysOld.. etc etc. One good solution to this problem is to look at the Query Object pattern. And then your repositories can just take in a query object to execute.
I'd also strongly recommend looking into something like NHibernate. It includes a lot of the concepts that make Repositories so useful (Identity Map, Cache, Query objects..)
Even in a DDD, I would keep Data Access classes and routines separate from Entities.
Reasons are,
Testability improves
Separation of concerns and Modular design
More maintainable in the long run, as you add entities, routines
I am no expert, just my opinion.
The annoying thing with Nilsson's Applying DDD&P is that he always starts with "I wouldn't do that in a real-world-application but..." and then his example follows. Back to the topic: I think OrderRepository.GetOrdersByCustomer(customer) is the way to go, but there is also a discussion on the ALT.Net Mailing list ( about DDD.
