Using theorem provers to find attacks - security

I've heard a bit about using automated theorem provers in attempts to show that security vulnerabilities don't exist in a software system. In general this is fiendishly hard to do.
My question is has anyone done work on using similar tools to find vulnerabilities in existing or proposed systems?
Eidt: I'm NOT asking about proving that a software system is secure. I'm asking about finding (ideally previously unknown) vulnerabilities (or even classes of them). I'm thinking like (but an not) a black hat here: describe the formal semantics of the system, describe what I want to attack and then let the computer figure out what chain of actions I need to use to take over your system.

Yes, a lot of work has been done in this area. Satisfiability (SAT and SMT) solvers are regularly used to find security vulnerabilities.
For example, in Microsoft, a tool called SAGE is used to eradicate buffer overruns bugs from windows.
SAGE uses the Z3 theorem prover as its satisfiability checker.
If you search the internet using keywords such as “smart fuzzing” or “white-box fuzzing”, you will find several other projects using satisfiability checkers for finding security vulnerabilities.
The high-level idea is the following: collect execution paths in your program (that you didn't manage to exercise, that is, you didn't find an input that made the program execute it), convert these paths into mathematical formulas, and feed these formulas to a satisfiability solver.
The idea is to create a formula that is satisfiable/feasible only if there is an input that will make the program execute the given path.
If the produced formula is satisfiable (i.e., feasible), then the satisfiability solver will produce an assignment and the desired input values. White-box fuzzers use different strategies for selecting execution paths.
The main goal is to find an input that will make the program execute a path that leads to a crash.

So, at least in some meaningful sense, the opposite of proving something is secure is finding code paths for which it isn't.
Try Byron Cook's TERMINATOR project.
And at least two videos on Channel9. Here's one of them
His research is likely to be a good starting point for you to learn about this extremely interesting area of research.
Projects such as Spec# and Typed-Assembly-Language are related too. In their quest to move the possibility of safety checks from runtime back to compile-time, they allow the compiler to detect many bad code paths as compilation errors. Strictly, they don't help your stated intent, but the theory they exploit might be useful to you.

I'm currently writing a PDF parser in Coq together with someone else. While the goal in this case is to produce a secure piece of code, doing something like this can definitely help with finding fatal logic bugs.
Once you've familiarized yourself with the tool, most proof become easy. The harder proofs yield interesting test cases, that can sometimes trigger bugs in real, existing programs. (And for finding bugs, you can simply assume theorems as axioms once you're sure that there's no bug to find, no serious proving necessary.)
About a moth ago, we hit a problem parsing PDFs with multiple / older XREF tables. We could not prove that the parsing terminates. Thinking about this, I constructed a PDF with looping /Prev Pointers in the Trailer (who'd think of that? :-P), which naturally made some viewers loop forever. (Most notably, pretty much any poppler-based viewer on Ubuntu. Made me laugh and curse Gnome/evince-thumbnailer for eating all my CPU. I think they fixed it now, tho.)
Using Coq to find lower-level bugs will be difficult. In order to prove anything, you need a model of the program's behavior. For stack / heap problems, you'll probably have to model the CPU-level or at least C-level execution. While technically possible, I'd say this is not worth the effort.
Using SPLint for C or writing a custom checker in your language of choice should be more efficient.

STACK and KINT used constraint solvers to find vulnerabilities in many OSS projects, like the linux kernel and ffmpeg. The project pages point to papers and code.

It's not really related to theorem-proving, but fuzz testing is a common technique for finding vulnerabilities in an automated way.

There is the L4 verified kernel which is trying to do just that. However, if you look at the history of exploitation, completely new attack patterns are found and then a lot of software written up to that point is very vulnerable to attacks. For instance, format string vulnerabilities weren't discovered until 1999. About a month ago H.D. Moore released DLL Hijacking and literally everything under windows is vulnerable.
I don't think its possible to prove that a piece of software is secure against an unknown attack. At least not until a theorem is able to discover such an attack, and as far as I know this hasn't happened.

Disclaimer: I have little to no experience with automated theorem provers
A few observations
Things like cryptography are rarely ever "proven", just believed to be secure. If your program uses anything like that, it will only be as strong as the crypto.
Theorem provers can't analyze everything (or they would be able to solve the halting problem)
You would have to define very clearly what insecure means for the prover. This in itself is a huge challenge

Yes. Many theorem proving projects show the quality of their software by demonstrating holes or defects in software. To make it security related, just imagine finding a hole in a security protocol. Carlos Olarte's Ph.D. thesis under Ugo Montanari has one such example.
It is in the application. Not really the theorem prover itself that has anything to do with security or special knowledge thereof.


Using built in functions

I am developing a Windows Form Application in C#.I have heard that one should not use built in methods and functions in code since hackers have deep understanding of such built in methods and know how to fail them Instead one should always use his/her own functions and methods and if not then call built in functions intelligently from those newly made functions.How much is that true?
A supporting example in favour of my argument is that I have seen developer always develope there own made encryption algorithm like AES,DES,RC4 and Hash functions since they believe that built in encryption algorithm have many times backdoor in them.
What?! No, no, no! Whoever told you this is just wrong.
There is a common fallacy that published source code is more vulnerable to "h4ckerz" because it is available for anyone to spot the flaws in. However, I'm glad you mentioned crypto, because this is an area where this line of reasoning really stands out as the fallacy it is.
One of the most popular questions of all time on is about a developer (in the OP he was given the pseudonym "Dave") who shared this fear of published code. Dave, like the developer you saw, was trying to homebrew his own encryption algorithm. Here's one of the most popular comments in that thread:
Dave has a fundamentally false premise, that the security of an algorithm relies on (even partially) its obscurity - that's not the case. The security of a hashing algorithm relies on the limits of our understanding of mathematics, and, to a lesser extent, the hardware ability to brute-force it. Once Dave accepts this reality (and it really is reality, read the Wikipedia article on hashing), it's a question of who is smarter - Dave by himself, or a large group of specialists devoted to this very particular problem. (emphasis added)
As a matter of fact, as it stands now, the top two memes on Security.SE are "Don't roll your own" and "Don't be a Dave".
While this has all been about crypto, this applies in general to most open-source software. The chance that a backdoor will get found and fixed goes up with each new set of eyes laid on the code. This should be a simple and uncontroversial premise: the more people are looking for something, the higher the chance it will be found. Yes, this applies to malicious users looking for exploits. However, it also applies to power users, white hat hackers, security researchers, cryptographers, professional developers, and others working for "good", which generally (hopefully) outnumber those working for "evil". This also implicitly relies on the false premise that hackers need to see the source code to do bad things. This should be obviously false based on the sheer number of proprietary systems whose source code has never been published (various Microsoft and Adobe programs come to mind) which have been inundated with vulnerabilities for years. Maybe having source code to read makes the hacker's job easier, but maybe not -- is it easier to pore over source code looking for an attack vector or to just use scanning tools and scripts against a compiled binary?
tl;dr Don't be a Dave. Rolling your own means you have to be the best at everything to succeed, instead of taking a sampling of the best the community has to offer.
In your comment, you rebut:
Then why was the Heartbleed bug in openSSL not found and corrected [earlier]?
Because no one was looking at it. That's the sad truth. Here's the difference -- what happened once someone did find it? Now tens of thousands of security researchers, crypto experts, and others are looking at it. Suppose the same kind of vulnerability existed in one of the proprietary products I mentioned earlier, which it very well could. Once it's caught (if it's caught), ask yourself:
Could the team of programmers at the company responsible benefit from the help of the entire worldwide community of security experts, cryptographers, and other analysts right now?
If a bug this critical were discovered (and that's a big if!) in your software, would you be prepared to deal with the fallout caused by your custom implementation?
Unless you know of specific failure modes or weaknesses of the built-in methods your application would use and know how to minimize or eliminate them, it is probably better to use the methods provided by the language or library designers, which will often be both more efficient and more secure than what an average programmer would come up with on the fly for a particular project.
Your example absolutely does not support your view: developing your own encryption algorithm without some serious background in the domain and review by cryptanalysts, and then employing it in security-critical code, is a recipe for disaster. Even developing your own custom implementation of an industry standard encryption algorithm can present problems, and almost certainly will if you are inexperienced at it.

How to Protect an Exe File from Decompilation

What are the methods for protecting an Exe file from Reverse Engineering.Many Packers are available to pack an exe file.Such an approach is mentioned in
Is this method efficient?
The only good way to prevent a program from being reverse-engineered ("understood") is to revise its structure to essentially force the opponent into understanding Turing Machines. Essentially what you do is:
take some problem which generally proven to be computationally difficult
synthesize a version of that whose outcome you know; this is generally pretty easy compared to solving a version
make the correct program execution dependent on the correct answer
make the program compute nonsense if the answer is not correct
Now an opponent staring at your code has to figure what the "correct" computation is, by solving algorithmically hard problems. There's tons of NP-hard problems that nobody has solved efficiently in the literature in 40 years; its a pretty good bet if your program depends on one of these, that J. Random Reverse-Engineer won't suddenly be able to solve them.
One generally does this by transforming the original program to obscure its control flow, and/or its dataflow. Some techniques scramble the control flow by converting some control flow into essentially data flow ("jump indirect through this pointer array"), and then implementing data flow algorithms that require precise points-to analysis, which is both provably hard and has proven difficult in practice.
Here's a paper that describes a variety of techniques rather shallowly but its an easy read:
Here's another that focuses on how to ensure that the obfuscating transformations lead to results that are gauranteed to be computationally hard:
Here's one that surveys a wide variety of control flow transformation methods,
including those that provide levels of gaurantees about security:
This paper obfuscates control flows in binary programs with low overhead:
Now, one could go through a lot of trouble to prevent a program from being decompiled. But if the decompiled one was impossible to understand, you simply might not bother; that's the approach I'd take.
If you insist on preventing decompilation, you can attack that by considering what decompilation is intended to accomplish. Decompilation essentially proposes that you can convert each byte of the target program into some piece of code. One way to make that fail, is to ensure that the application can apparently use each byte
as both computer instructions, and as data, even if if does not actually do so, and that the decision to do so is obfuscated by the above kinds of methods. One variation on this is to have lots of conditional branches in the code that are in fact unconditional (using control flow obfuscation methods); the other side of the branch falls into nonsense code that looks valid but branches to crazy places in the existing code. Another variant on this idea is to implement your program as an obfuscated interpreter, and implement the actual functionality as a set of interpreted data.
A fun way to make this fail is to generate code at run time and execute it on the fly; most conventional languages such as C have pretty much no way to represent this.
A program built like this would be difficult to decompile, let alone understand after the fact.
Tools that are claimed to a good job at protecting binary code are listed at:
Packing, compressing and any other methods of binary protection will only every serve to hinder or slow reversal of your code, they have never been and never will be 100% secure solutions (though the marketing of some would have you believe that). You basically need to evaluate what sort of level of hacker you are up against, if they are script kids, then any packer that require real effort and skill (ie:those that lack unpacking scripts/programs/tutorials) will deter them. If your facing people with skills and resources, then you can forget about keeping your code safe (as many of the comments say: if the OS can read it to execute it, so can you, it'll just take a while longer). If your concern is not so much your IP but rather the security of something your program does, then you might be better served in redesigning in a manner where it cannot be attack even with the original source (chrome takes this approach).
Decompilation is always possible. The statement
This threat can be eliminated to extend by packing/compressing the
on your linked site is a plain lie.
Currently many solutions can be used to protect your application from being anti-compiled. Such as compressing, Obfuscation, Code snippet, etc.
You can looking for a company to help you achieve this.
Such as Nelpeiron, the website is:
Which can cover many platforms, Windows, Linux, ARM-Linux, Android.
What is more Virbox is also can be taken into consideration:
The website is:
I recommend is because they have more options to protect your source code, such as import table protection, memory check.

Finding Vulnerabilities in Software

I'm insterested to know the techniques that where used to discover vulnerabilities. I know the theory about buffer overflows, format string exploits, ecc, I also wrote some of them. But I still don't realize how to find a vulnerability in an efficient way.
I don't looking for a magic wand, I'm only looking for the most common techniques about it, I think that looking the whole source is an epic work for some project admitting that you have access to the source. Trying to fuzz on the input manually isn't so comfortable too. So I'm wondering about some tool that helps.
I'm not realizing how the dev team can find vulnerabilities to jailbreak iPhones so fast.
They don't have source code, they can't execute programs and since there is a small number of default
programs, I don't expect a large numbers of security holes. So how to find this kind of vulnerability
so quickly?
Thank you in advance.
On the lower layers, manually examining memory can be very revealing. You can certainly view memory with a tool like Visual Studio, and I would imagine that someone has even written a tool to crudely reconstruct an application based on the instructions it executes and the data structures it places into memory.
On the web, I have found many sequence-related exploits by simply reversing the order in which an operation occurs (for example, an online transaction). Because the server is stateful but the client is stateless, you can rapidly exploit a poorly-designed process by emulating a different sequence.
As to the speed of discovery: I think quantity often trumps brilliance...put a piece of software, even a good one, in the hands of a million bored/curious/motivated people, and vulnerabilities are bound to be discovered. There is a tremendous rush to get products out the door.
There is no efficient way to do this, as firms spend a good deal of money to produce and maintain secure software. Ideally, their work in securing software does not start with a looking for vulnerabilities in the finished product; so many vulns have already been eradicated when the software is out.
Back to your question: it will depend on what you have (working binaries, complete/partial source code, etc). On the other hand, it is not finding ANY vulnerability but those that count (e.g., those that the client of the audit, or the software owner). Right?
This will help you understand the inputs and functions you need to worry about. Once you localized these, you may already have a feeling of the software's quality: if it isn't very good, then probably fuzzing will find you some bugs. Else, you need to start understanding these functions and how the input is used within the code to understand whether the code can be subverted in any way.
Some experience will help you weight how much effort to put at each task and when to push further. For example, if you see some bad practices being used, then delve deeper. If you see crypto being implemented from scratch, delve deeper. Etc
Aside from buffer overflow and format string exploits, you may want to read a bit on code injection. (a lot of what you'll come across will be web/DB related, but dig deeper) AFAIK this was a huge force in jailbreaking the iThingies. Saurik's mobile substrate allow(s) (-ed?) you to load 3rd party .dylibs, and call any code contained in those.

Using Polymorphic Code for Legitimate Purposes?

I recently came across the term Polymorphic Code, and was wondering if anyone could suggest a legitimate (i.e. in legal and business appropriate software) reason to use it in a computer program? Links to real world examples would be appreciated!
Before someone answers, telling us all about the benefits of polymorphism in object oriented programming, please read the following definition for polymorphic code (taken from Wikipedia):
"Polymorphic code is code that uses a polymorphic engine to mutate while keeping the original algorithm intact. That is, the code changes itself each time it runs, but the function of the code in whole will not change at all."
Thanks, MagicAndi.
Summary of answers so far:
Runtime optimization of the original code
Assigning a "DNA fingerprint" to each individual copy of an application
Obfuscate a program to prevent reverse-engineering
I was also introduced to the term 'metamorphic code'.
Runtime optimization of the original code, based on actual performance statistics gathered when running the application in its real environment and real inputs.
Digitally watermarking music is something often done to determine who was responsible for leaking a track, for example. It makes each copy of the music unique so that copies can be traced back to the original owner, but doesn't affect the audible qualities of the track.
Something similar could be done for compiled software by running each individual copy through a polymorphic engine before distributing it. Then if a cracked version of this software is released onto the Internet, the developer might be able to tell who cracked it by looking for specific variations produced the polymorphic engine (a sort of DNA test). As far as I know, this technique has never been used in practice.
It's not exactly what you were looking for I guess, since the polymorphic engine is not distributed with the code, but I think it's the closest to a legitimate business use you will find for this kind of technique.
Polymorphic code is a nice thing, but metamorphic is even nicer. To the legitimate uses: well, I can't think of anything other than anti-cracking and copy protection. Look at if you wan't real world uses (not that legitimate though)
As Sami notes, on-the-fly optimisation is an excellent application of polymorphic code. A great example of this is the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. It has a number of solvers at its disposal, which it combines with self-profiling to adjust the code path and solver parameters on subsequent executions. The result is the program optimises itself for your computing environment, getting faster with subsequent runs!
A related idea that may possibly be of interest is computational steering. This is the practice of altering the execution path of large simulations as the run proceeds, to focus on areas of interest to the researcher. The overall purpose of the simulation is not changed, but the feedback cycle acts to optimise the calculation. In this case the executable code is not being explicitly rewritten, but the effect from a user perspective is similar.
Polymorph code can be used to obfuscate weak or proprietary algorithms - that may use encryption e. g.. There're many "legitimate" uses for that. The term legitimate these days is kind of narrow-minded when it comes to IT. The core-paradigms of IT contain security. Whether you use polymorph shellcode in exploits or detect such code with an AV scanner. You have to know about it.
Obfuscate a program i.e. prevent reverse-engineering: goal being to protect IP (Intellectual Property).

Good APIs for scope analyzers

I'm working on some code generation tools, and a lot of complexity comes from doing scope analysis.
I frequently find myself wanting to know things like
What are the free variables of a function or block?
Where is this symbol declared?
What does this declaration mask?
Does this usage of a symbol potentially occur before initialization?
Does this variable potentially escape?
and I think it's time to rethink my scoping kludge.
I can do all this analysis but am trying to figure out a way to structure APIs so that it's easy to use, and ideally, possible to do enough of this work lazily.
What tools like this are people familiar with, and what did they do right and wrong in their APIs?
I'm a bit surprised at at the question, as I've done tons of code generation and the question of scoping rarely comes up (except occasionally the desire to generate unique names).
To answer your example questions requires serious program analysis well beyond scoping. Escape analysis by itself is nontrivial. Use-before-initialization can be trivial or nontrivial depending on the target language.
In my experience, APIs for program analysis are difficult to design and frequently language-specific. If you're targeting a low-level language you might learn something useful from the Machine SUIF APIs.
In your place I would be tempted to steal someone else's framework for program analysis. George Necula and his students built CIL, which seems to be the current standard for analyzing C code. Laurie Hendren's group have built some nice tools for analyzing Java.
If I had to roll my own I'd worry less about APIs and more about a really good representation for abstract-syntax trees.
In the very limited domain of dataflow analysis (which includes the uninitialized-variable question), João Dias and I have adapted some nice work by Sorin Lerner, David Grove, and Craig Chambers. Only our preliminary results are published.
Finally if you want to generate code in multiple languages this is a complete can of worms. I have done it badly several times. If you create something you like, publish it!
