Domain name transfer between registrars - dns

We frequently take over the domain names of our clients when we take over the management of their site. Normally the transfer progress goes fine. However sometimes we have issues with DNS settings during the transfer progress as the transfer involves moving the DNS records to our registrars nameservers.
It seems to be that the outgoing registrar is deleting the DNS info from their nameservers before we have a chance to manage the domain through our registrar and setup the DNS info on our registrar's nameservers. This obviously leads to a few hours (potentially a couple of days) of downtime for users.
I am wondering if anyone else ever has this problem and if there is a way to avoid it. Is there some kind of a guideline for how long the outgoing registrars needs to keep the DNS info on their nameservers? Or how should we manage this process to never have this downtime occur. As I said this only happens sometimes - and it alawys seems to be with with .com/.net/.org domains but not with .uk domains (we are a UK based company).

We are having the same problem with a .com domain. It only seems to happen when you have domain and hosting in the old provider together in the same pack and when trasferring the domain the hosting is also turned down along with all DNS records. Not all providers behave that way.
I would get a new hosting and change DNS in the whois before ordering the domain transfer, being sure that the new hosting is working.
In our case the old registrar didn't allow us change the whois, so we took the chance and it failed. Once the mess is done, I suppose we can only wait.


add dns records for unfamilliar registrar

I am trying to add a DNS TXT record to my domain that i bought, yet the company I bought it from doesn't have an option to add DNS records in their user interface..
Is there a way I can add records using cmd or an external software?
My domain is found in the WhoIs system and the registrar information is the following:
registrar name: Peligon Ltd
registrar info:
I need it to approve my domain from firebase
Your best bet is to point your domain nameservers to Cloudflare. Create a free account on Cloudflare and add your domain. You will be given two nameservers that will need to be configured by the registrar. Even if there's no UI, they should still be able to configure this on their end or at worst go to the parent registrar and get them to do it. This process can take time but it's worth it in the long run.
Once the whole process completed (can take up to 48hrs for any nameservers or DNS changes, sometimes longer for small registrars whi are not very active), you will have full access to manage all DNS aspect of your domain. All DNS records will be in your total control. You will only need to deal with the registrar for your domain renewal.
When using Cloudflare, you don't need to turn on the orange cloud - it's just good to have but if you only need to manage DNS, you can turn that off and start managing it right away.

Delegate to Azure DNS Zone broke the site

I was attempting to do something else and obviously did not know that the "Delegate to Azure DNS Zone" would break my site. Because after I clicked the button, my site no longer can be displayed. I immediately removed this but it is still unable to be displayed. Can anyone fill me in on what I need to do to make this work again? Happy to provide more information just not sure what else you may need to help. I purchased the domain through Azure about a year ago.
If I understand correctly, you bought the domain one year ago and your domain is hosted by GoDaddy(your domain registrar, where you bought domain through Azure portal). It means requests to your site is resolved by name servers provided by GoDaddy after then.
When you use "Delegate to Azure DNS", those name servers will be replaced by ones provided by Azure. (If you didn't do any similar settings except clicking one button, that means operations are finished through one click.)
So your site is lost for the moment due to the change of name servers. As #juunas said, DNS propagation may take some time(Up to 48h but usually faster).
You may also need to check, whether your DNS record in DNS Zones and your Hostname bindings are changed or removed by the delegation operation.
Hope it helps.
If the problem can't be solved, you can show us:
Where is the button on your site
How do you remove this settings
DNS records and hostname bindings

Is it possible to move my domain from to cloudflare

Is it possible to move my domain from to cloudflare?
If so, can I then buy an ssl from them?
Also, any resources on how to do this would be great.
My biggest concern is the downtime when switching over.
Cloudflare is not a webhost and domain registrar services are only available to Enterprise customers. It provides DNS, proxy, CDN and various other tools.
SSL is provided free to all customers on all plans, but your certificate will be shared. If you need/desire a dedicated certificate that can be purchased as an add-on to any account for $5 a month.
If you are worried about downtime when you begin routing your traffic through Cloudflare (assuming that's what you mean by "move" to) just make sure you follow steps 1 and 2 of the Cloudflare 101 tutorials in the Knowledge Base before changing your nameservers in Step 3. It should be seamless.
A little more detail to answer the follow-up:
After adding your domain to Cloudflare, and setting up your DNS records, you will be provided with details for two Cloudflare nameservers. Take them to your registrar (in this case and update your nameserver information. As soon as the changes take effect with your registrar your traffic will begin routing through Cloudflare which is waiting and ready to go. is shared hosting and you can not change DNS settings on it aside from creating new subdomains. Also, your shared host will change its IP pretty frequently, so pointing a managed domain to your one webspace's IP will break faster than you can update it. There is a reason that you can't even see your IP in your account settings.
If you really want to use cloudflare for DDoS protection and its other benefits, and most other shared hosting is not a good choice.
When you search for a new web&domain host, confirm that they allow you to move your DNS to cloudflare before you sign up.

How to configure DNS for a delegated domain?

I am working with a company, developing and managing a web site for them.
I have control over the web servers, but the company is managing DNS for the domain.
Due to their security policy, the web servers are prohibited from issuing outbound email - they won't add the appropriate SPF/DKIM records to DNS to permit this. Instead, I've been told that they will "delegate" the authority of the domain to me by forwarding traffic to nameservers (of my choice), where I am responsible for creating new DNS records to handle that traffic. In these new DNS records, I would add in the appropriate SPF/DKIM records.
It is like I am managing the DNS, but the company still owns it.
The problem is very strange to me, and I am not familiar with the inner workings of nameservers. Is the relationship of a zone file to a domain name one-to-one? Would I need a second zone file registered somewhere to hold these new DNS records? Do I need direct control over the nameservers, or can I work with nameservers provided by a third-party hosting company?
Sorry for the lack of direction - this is new territory for me in a world that I'm already not that well-versed in.
Thanks in advance
The delegation is a DNS server owning a zone (ie. and announcing to everyone that a part of this zone (say is delegated to another DNS server which can define its own records as long as they are in the zone.
In your case, it means that you will maintain a subdomain that will hold your NS and SPF/DKIM records. This subdomain behaves in a similar way as the main domain thus you will need a second DNS zone file (and another DNS server).
This is similar to what root servers do with top level domains (they own the com / net / whatever zones) and subdomains sold to companies / people (ie. handles whatever lies in the zone but does not affect the "com" zone).

Redirect DNS to another DNS

I have about 300 domains using my company DNS and
I want to use CloudFlare with all those 300 domains but when I add a domain to CloudFlare they give me new DNS that I need to change in my domains.
So far I added 70 domains to CloudFlare and they gave me only 3 sets of primary and slave DNS.
So, can I point my to the primary DNS provided by CloudFlare? And do the same with the slave?
After that I will create a and point it to another CloudFlare DNS. Will it work?
CloudFlare works at the DNS level in this way:
You have to signup for CloudFlare and add the domain (make sure all of your DNS records are in your DNS zone file at CloudFlare).
You then change to our nameservers at the registrar.
Only our nameservers can be at the registrar.
"So, can I point my to the primary DNS provided by CloudFlare? And do the same with the slave?
After that I will create a and point it to another CloudFlare DNS. Will it work?"
These records should be in your CloudFlare DNS zone file for the site(s) on those nameservers. They can't be active at the registrar because only CloudFlare's nameservers can be there for our service to properly work.
Note: I'm not sure if you're providing commercial hosting for sites. If yes, you might want to look at becoming a CloudFlare Hosting Partner instead (you don't have to worry about changing nameservers).
Yes, you can. There is a possibility to add domain in the new name server first you need to know the domain secret of each domain(It's a 6 Digit pin maintained with your current DNS)Theft Protection pin also needed. Both are same in the ResellerClub.
If you are using ResellerClub means Its Really easy to change, Because it has a Bulk Domain Booking option. That have a option "add existing Domain" option.
If You have any other Problem. Or this not a exact answer you need, Then please chat with me. I will update the answer. Thank You...
