301 redirect question? - .htaccess

Is this qood example of redirection of page to another domain page:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^dejan.com.au$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.dejan.com.au$
RewriteRule ^seo_news_blog_spam\.html$ "http\:\/\/dejanseo\.com\.au\/blog\-spam\/" [R=301,L]
or good old works too:
301 redirect seo_news_blog_spam.html http://dejanseo.com.au/blog/spam/
and whats the difference?

Presumably, the rules are functionally equivalent (well, assuming that http://dejanseo.com.au/blog/spam/ was supposed to be http://dejanseo.com.au/blog-spam/ like the first one redirects to, and the only host pointing at that location is dejanseo.com.au with or without the www).
The first example uses directives from mod_rewrite, whereas the second one uses some from mod_alias. I imagine that the preferred option is the second one for this particular case, if not only because it's a bit simpler (there's also marginal additional overhead involved in creating the regular expressions being used by mod_rewrite, but that's very minor):
Redirect 301 seo_news_blog_spam.html http://dejanseo.com.au/blog-spam/
However, I suspect the reason that you have the first one is that it was created using CPanel (based on the unnecessary escapes in the replacement that appeared before in another user's question where it was indicated CPanel was the culprit). They've gone with the mod_rewrite option because it provides conditional flexibility that the Redirect directive does not, and I assume this flexibility is reflected somewhat in whatever interface is used to create these rules.
You'll note that there is a condition on whether or not to redirect based upon your host name in the first example, identified by the RewriteCond. This allows for you to perform more powerful redirects that are based on more than just the request path. Note that mod_rewrite also allows for internal redirects invisible to the user, which mod_alias is not intended for, but that's not the capacity it's being used in here.
As a final aside, the host names in your RewriteCond statements should technically have their dots escaped, since the . character has special meaning in regular expressions. You could also combine them, change them to direct string comparisons, or remove them altogether (since I imagine they don't do anything useful here).

Unbeliavable, the problem was that the synthax wasn't correct, so instead of:
redirect 301 seo_news_blog_spam.html http://dejanseo.com.au/blog/spam/
it should look like this:
Redirect 301 seo_news_blog_spam.html http://dejanseo.com.au/blog/spam/
One, first big letter was the source of all troubles, what a waste of time :D
it works now as it supposed to!
Thanks to everyone who participated, issue solved.


htaccess redirect not working for long url

How do I redirect the following long link:
Redirect 301 /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&utm_source=MagnetMail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=asmith#panaceainc.com&utm_content=EVVWP040716&utm_campaign=White%20Paper%3A%20Optimizing%20VBM%20Quality%20Tiering%20for%20Physicians http://www.vbpmonitor.com/optimizing-vbm-quality-tiering-for-physicians
As said above in the comments I suspect that you have a glitch in your logic here and that in reality you want to redirection to work the other way 'round. Redirecting from the long to the search engine friendly URL simply does not make any sense. So:
Using a Redirect rule you could try that instead:
Redirect 301 /optimizing-vbm-quality-tiering-for-physicians /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&utm_source=MagnetMail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=asmith#panaceainc.com&utm_content=EVVWP040716&utm_campaign=White%20Paper%3A%20Optimizing%20VBM%20Quality%20Tiering%20for%20Physicians
This will redirect an incoming request to the short URL to the actually existing long URL. That is the usual scenario.
If however you really want to redirect that short URL to the long version, then you cannot do that with a Redirect rule. This might for example be the case if you accidentally sent out that long URL and have a working redirection setup for the short version. Unfortunately you do not explain anything about that in your question or comments, so I can only guess here.
You'd have to use the more flexible rewriting module and use a combination of RewriteCond and RewriteRule. That allows to "cut out" specific patterns of request URLs and to "redesign" how the request should look like after the rewriting.
This would be a simple example that applies two conditions to rewriting the request for file index.php to the long URL:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} view=article
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=24
RewriteRule ^/?index\.php$ /optimizing-vbm-quality-tiering-for-physicians [L,R=301]
Note: this version should work both in the http servers host configuration and also in those .htaccess style files. Where you always should prefer the first option if you have access.
As said above, I can only guess here with the sparse information you provided. I picked two out of many request arguments, since those appear to be the ones best suited as distinct identifiers. But you may have to tweak things. Note that per default RewriteConds are combined by a logical AND, so they both have to resolve to something truish.
For more precise details about this stuff I would like to point you to the official documentation of those modules again. The documentation is extremely precise, well written and comes with good examples. I would always prefer the information there to snippets you find somewhere in the internet or partial answers to questions...

How to redirect only when there is something after .html?

I have found that there are some people with bad syntax links to our articles.
For example, we have an article with URL
The issue is that lot of people have linked back to this article with bad syntax such as
Now, I added the following ReWrite Rule in the .htaccess file to take care of such links.
RewriteRule article-179\.html(.*)$ "http\:\/\/www\.oursite\.com\/demo\/article-179\.html [301,L]
But this has resulted in a Redirect Loop message. How can we fix this issue via htaccess rewrite rule. Basically, we need something in our rewrite rule that works only when there is one or more characters after the .html. If not, then it should not redirect.
Any help would be highly appreciated!
With best regards!
Use + instead of *. * matches zero or more, which causes the pattern to match for the redirected path too, + instead matches one or more.
Also you should make the pattern as precise as possible, ie don't just check whether it ends with article-179.html, better check for the full path. And if this all happens on the same domain, then there's no need to use the absolute URL for the redirect.
There's also no need for escaping the substitution parameter like you did, it's treated as a simple string except for:
back-references ($N) to the RewriteRule pattern
back-references (%N) to the last matched RewriteCond pattern
server-variables as in rule condition test-strings (%{VARNAME})
mapping-function calls (${mapname:key|default})
Long story short, theoretically this should do it:
RewriteRule ^demo/article-179\.html(.+)$ /demo/article-179.html [R=301,L]
or this if you really need the absolute URL:
RewriteRule ^demo/article-179\.html(.+)$ http://www.oursite.com/demo/article-179.html [R=301,L]

Why does this cause an infinite request loop?

Earlier today, I was helping someone with an .htaccess use case, and came up with a solution that works but can't quite figure it out myself!
He wanted to be able to:
Browse to index.php?id=3&cat=5
See the location bar read index/3/5/
Have the content served from index.php?id=3&cat=5
The last two steps are fairly typical (usually from the user entering index/3/5 in the first place), but the first step was required because he still had some old-format links in his site and, for whatever reason, couldn't change them. So he needed to support both URL formats, and have the user always end up seeing the prettified one.
After much to-ing and fro-ing, we came up with the following .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine on
# Prevents browser looping, which does seem
# to occur in some specific scenarios. Can't
# explain the mechanics of this problem in
# detail, but there we go.
RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200
RewriteRule .* - [L]
# Hard-rewrite ("[R]") to "friendly" URL.
# Needs RewriteCond to match original querystring.
# Uses "?" in target to remove original querystring,
# and "%n" backrefs to move its components.
# Target must be a full path as it's a hard-rewrite.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=(\d+)&cat=(\d+)$
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ http://example.com/index/%1/%2/? [L,R]
# Soft-rewrite from "friendly" URL to "real" URL.
# Transparent to browser.
RewriteRule ^index/(\d+)/(\d+)/$ /index.php?id=$1&cat=$2
Whilst it might seem to be a somewhat strange use case ("why not just use the proper links in the first place?", you might ask), just go with it. Regardless of the original requirement, this is the scenario and it's driving me mad.
Without the first rule, the client enters into a request loop, trying to GET /index/X/Y/ repeatedly and getting 302 each time. The check on REDIRECT_STATUS makes everything run smoothly. But I would have thought that after the final rule, no more rules would be served, the client wouldn't make any more requests (note, no [R]), and everything would be gravy.
So... why would this result in a request loop when I take out the first rule?
Without being able to tinker with your setup, I can't say for sure, but I believe this problem is due to the following relatively arcane feature of mod_rewrite:
When you manipulate a URL/filename in per-directory context mod_rewrite first rewrites the filename back to its corresponding URL (which is usually impossible, but see the RewriteBase directive below for the trick to achieve this) and then initiates a new internal sub-request with the new URL. This restarts processing of the API phases.
(source: mod_rewrite technical documentation, I highly recommend reading this)
In other words, when you use a RewriteRule in an .htaccess file, it's possible that the new, rewritten URL maps to an entirely different directory on the filesystem, in which case the .htaccess file in the original directory wouldn't apply anymore. So whenever a RewriteRule in an .htaccess file matches the request, Apache has to restart processing from scratch with the modified URL. This means, among other things, that every RewriteRule gets checked again.
In your case, what happens is that you access /index/X/Y/ from the browser. The last rule in your .htaccess file triggers, rewriting that to /index.php?id=X&cat=Y, so Apache has to create a new internal subrequest with the URL /index.php?id=X&cat=Y. That matches your earlier external redirect rule, so Apache sends a 302 response back to the browser to redirect it to /index/X/Y/. But remember, the browser never saw that internal subrequest; as far as it knows, it was already on /index/X/Y/. So it looks to you as though you're being redirected from /index/X/Y/ to that same URL, triggering an infinite loop.
Besides the performance hit, this is probably one of the better reasons that you should avoid putting rewrite rules in .htaccess files when possible. If you move these rules to the main server configuration, you won't have this problem because matches on the rules won't trigger internal subrequests. If you don't have access to the main server configuration files, one way you can get around it (EDIT: or so I thought, although it doesn't seem to work - see comments) is by adding the [NS] (no subrequest) flag to your external redirect rule,
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ http://example.com/index/%1/%2/? [L,R,NS]
Once you do that, you should no longer need the first rule that checks the REDIRECT_STATUS.
The solution below worked for me.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
#Guard condition: only if the original client request was for index.php
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index\.php [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^id=(\d+)&cat=(\d+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule . /index/%1/%2/? [L,R]
#rule 2
RewriteRule ^index/(\d+)/(\d+)/$ /index.php?id=$1&cat=$2 [L,NC]
Here is what I think is happening
From the steps you quoted above
Browse to index.php?id=3&cat=5
See the location bar read index/3/5/
Have the content served from index.php?id=3&cat=5
At Step 1, Rule 1 matches and redirects to location bar and fulfills Step 2.
At Step 3, Rule 2 now matches and rewrites to index.php.
The rules are rerun, for the reasons David stated, but since THE_REQUEST is immutable once set to the original request, it still contains /index/3/5 so Rule 1 does not match.
Rule 2 does not match either and the result of index.php is served.
Most other variables are mutable e.g. REQUEST_URI. Their modification during rule processing, and the incorrect expectation that the pattern matches are against the original request is a common reason for infinite loops.
Its feels quite esoteric sometimes, but I am sure there is a logical reason for its complexity :-)
Surely there are two distinct requests
There are 2 client requests, the original one from Step1 and the one from the external redirect in step 2.
What I glossed over above is that when Rule 2 matches on the second request, it is rewritten to /index.php and causes an internal redirect. This forces the .htaccess file for / directory to be loaded again (it could easily have been another another directory with different .htaccess rules) and Re-run all the rules again.
So... why would this result in a request loop when I take out the first rule?
When the rules are re-run, the first rule now unexpectedly matches, as a result of Rule2's rewrite, and does a redirect, causing an infinite loop.
David's answer does contain most of this information and is what I meant "for the reasons David stated".
However, the main point here is that you do need the extra condition, either your condition, which stops further rule processing on internal redirects, or mine, which prevents rule 1 from matching, is necessary to prevent the infinite loop.

.htaccess, two consecutive rewrites?

I need to take a url, "/ServiceSearch/r.php?n=blahblah", and have it go to "/search/blahblah/" so that it appears in the browser as "/search/blahblah", but I actually want it to REALLY be going to "r.php?n=ServiceSearch&n=blahblah"..
So I was thinking I'll need to rewrite the first URL to "/ServiceSearch/r.php?n=blahblah" and then the second url, "/search/blahblah/", to the third, "r.php?n=ServiceSearch&n=blahblah".
Well, I know this is wrong, but it's my best guess. I'm really struggling with it.
Well, I know this is wrong
No, that’s actually the right way. Something like the following should work:
RewriteRule /ServiceSearch/r.php?n=(.*)$ /search/$1 [R]
RewriteRule /search/(.*)$ /r.php?n=ServiceSearch&n=$1 [L]
Here, (.*) captures the variable part (“blablabla”) and inserts it into the replacement via $1. The flags at the end mean that the first query should be a HTTP redirect ([R]), i.e. the client’s browser will be instructed to redirect to that address. And that the second redirect is to be the last ([L] – it’s also not an HTTP redirect since we didn’t specify that; instead, the redirect is handled on the server side). Strictly speaking, the [L] flag isn’t necessary but if you later add more rewrite rules it will prevent unwanted interference.

Redirecting non-www URL to www using .htaccess

I'm using Helicon's ISAPI Rewrite 3, which basically enables .htaccess in IIS. I need to redirect a non-www URL to the www version, i.e. example.com should redirect to www.example.com. I used the following rule from the examples but it affects subdomains:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} (on)?
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^(?!www\.)(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)
RewriteRule .? http(?%1s)://www.%2%3 [R=301,L]
This works for most part, but is also redirect sub.example.com to www.sub.example.com. How can I rewrite the above rule so that subdomains do not get redirected?
Append the following RewriteCond:
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^[^.]+\.[a-z]{2,5}$ [NC]
That way it'll only apply the rule to nondottedsomething.uptofiveletters as you can see, subdomain.domain.com will not match the condition and thus will not be rewritten.
You can change [a-z]{2,5} for a stricter tld matching regex, as well as placing all the constraints for allowed chars in domain names (as [^.]+ is more permissive than strictly necessary).
All in all I think in this case that wouldn't be necessary.
EDIT: sadie spotted a flaw on the regex, changed the first part of it from [^.] to [^.]+
I've gotten more control using urlrewriter.net, something like:
<unless header="Host" match="^www\.">
<if url="^(https?://)[^/]*(.*)$">
<redirect to="$1www.domain.tld$2"/>
<redirect url="^(.*)$" to="http://www.domain.tld$1"/>
Zigdon has the right idea except his regex isn't quite right. Use
instead of his suggestion of:
Otherwise you won't just be matching example.com, you'll be matching things like example.comcast.net, example.com.au, etc.
For your generic approach, I'm not sure why you chose to limit the length of the TLD in your regex? It's not very future-proof, and I'm unsure what benefit it's providing? It's actually not even "now-proof" because there's at least one 6-character TLD out there (.museum) which won't be matched.
It seems unnecessary to me to do this. Couldn't you just do ^[^.]+\.[^.]\+$? (note: the question-mark is part of the sentence, not the regex!)
All that aside, there is a bigger problem with this approach that is: it will fail for domains that aren't directly beneath the TLD. This is domains in Australia, UK, Japan, and many other countries, who have hierarchies: .co.jp, .co.uk, .com.au, and so on.
Whether or not that is of any concern to the OP, I don't know but it's something to be aware of if you're after a "fix all" answer.
The OP hasn't yet made it clear whether he wants a generic solution or a solution for a single (or small group) of known domains. If it's the latter, see my other note about using Zigdon's approach. If it's the former, then proceed with Vinko's approach taking into account the information in this post.
Edit: One thing I've left out until now, which may or may not be an option for you business-wise, is to go the other way. All our sites redirect http://www.domain.com to http://domain.com. The folks at http://no-www.org make a pretty good case (IMHO) for this being the "right" way to do it, but it's still certainly just a matter of preference. One thing is for sure though, it's far easier to write a generic rule for that kind of redirection than this one.
#org 0100h Yes, there are many variables left out of the description of the problem, and all your points are valid ones and should be addressed in the event of an actual implementation. There are both pros and cons to your proposed regex. On the one hand it's easier and future proof, on the other, do you really want to match example.foobar if sent in the Host header? There might be some edge cases when you'll end up redirecting to the wrong domain. A thrid alternative is modifying the regex to use a list of the actual domains, if more than one, like
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} (example.com|example.net|example.org) [NC]
(Note to chris, that one will change %1)
#chrisofspades It's not meant to replace it, your condition number two ensures that it doesn't have www, whereas mine doesn't. It won't change the values of %1, %2, %3 because it doesn't store the matches (iow, it doesn't use parentheses).
Can't you adjust the RewriteCond to only operate on example.com?
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^example\.com(.*) [NC]
Why dont you just have something like this in your vhost (of httpd) file?
ServerName: www.example.com
ServerAlias: example.com
Of course that wont re-direct, that will just carry on as normal
